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What is it with WICKED?

Loge Profile Photo
#0What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 1:08pm

There are so many WICKED threads - you people are obsessed. Why? I enjoy the CD only for "Defying Gravity" and "No Good Deed". Other than that, I think the show is pretty run of the mill and dull. Kristin sounds like she's moonlighting from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. Not a slam on her, but she doesn't bring anything new to any role she does. They all sound the same. Sorry, just don't understand the obsession with Wicked, other than the Wicked Witch - cause she rocks!

"What the hell happened to you? You look like a Make-A-Wish Kid. You know, I just knew you were gonna bring shame on this new family of ours, and it just figures you had to go make yourself over into some heroin-shootin skate board chic on the only day E! could interview you!" - Cherry Cherry, on her daughter Mary Cherry

cvapb Profile Photo
#1re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 1:09pm

You might want to run away now.

scotty Profile Photo
#2re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 1:11pm

OPINIONS people. Thats why we are here, to express OPINIONS!
jeeez Updated On: 11/29/04 at 01:11 PM

#3re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 1:19pm

Oookay. Since you joined recently, you don't know just what that question can lead to. Search for threads about Wicked- there's about 10,672 of them. Especially around Tony time, you can get lots of discussions of the show's merits and lack thereof. But please, please don't start a new one. We've heard it all before. Hundreds of times.

AbsolutKnight Profile Photo
#4re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 1:22pm

I think there are 3 kinds of people.

1. Those who think Wicked is the best thing EVER. (and post on here constantly about it)
2. Those who think Wicked is the worst thing EVER. (and get annoyed by the constant posts by group 1)
3. Those of us who don't think either and are entertained by the subject or ignore the matter all together.

At least that is what it seems like based on the short time I have been with fans here at BWW! :)

#5re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 1:25pm

well said, plum

and absolut, i don't fit into any category... i think wicked (and rent) are the best thing ever, but i don't post constantly about it... i realize that i will be beaten to death with a stick if i do...

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#6re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 1:26pm

i like wicked but i am not obsessed at all with the show.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#7re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 2:29pm

Part of it may be that many people have seen it rather than just listening to the CD. Some of the songs I didn't like until I saw how they were staged and it makes a difference. It's not my favorite or least favorite show, but I enjoyed it.

But the novel is still way better...

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#8re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 2:42pm

Loge you do understand that you just started yet another Wicked thread... haha.
Don't even bother. They won't stop. And I'll admit it, it's my fav show but I don't obsess over it on these boards b/c people are obnoxious and rude about it. It is what it is...

Loge Profile Photo
#9re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 3:04pm

Plum, you get the BIG //HATEVER! People like you always bug! You complain about excessive posts on one topic, yet not only do you read them, but you add to their length by posting to them yourself. If you are sick of Wicked topics and have heard everything "a hundred times" then my suggestion to you is, when you see a thread with "WICKED" in the title - DON'T READ IT! Is it that hard to control yourself!

To the rest of you - thank you for your input. I guess seeing it live would make a big difference. I have a friend, come to think of it, who saw it and said it was the best thing she's ever seen. I love the two songs I noted in my original post, and others as well, but there are many shows I prefer (based on CD recordings) to Wicked. I am just fascinated that this show is the most talked about on here. At least since I've been around.

I do get chills when she says, "So if you care to find me, look to the western sky." Wow - she just rocks my world.

And, Plum, I'm just giving you guff and joking with you. You don't bug! I will say - I refuse to search, it's not worth my time. If I want to post, I will post! Okay?

"What the hell happened to you? You look like a Make-A-Wish Kid. You know, I just knew you were gonna bring shame on this new family of ours, and it just figures you had to go make yourself over into some heroin-shootin skate board chic on the only day E! could interview you!" - Cherry Cherry, on her daughter Mary Cherry
Updated On: 11/29/04 at 03:04 PM

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#10re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 3:33pm

LOGE- The problem isn't with WICKED but with the fandom surrounding it. I LOVE the show but seeing 10,276 (or however many) posts about the same topic can get frustrating. I am not yelling at you but telling you that WICKED isn't is meerly un-tolerated.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

cturtle Profile Photo
#11re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 6:39pm

one nice thing about a message board is you don't HAVE to read about any topic you don't want to read about or are tired of reading about :)

RIP glebby <3

#12re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 6:41pm

It doesnt make sense to me that people complain about the amount of Wicked threads by posting more Wicked threads.

wickedfan Profile Photo
#13re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 6:43pm

Loge, you just posted one yourself. UGH! There are some who must ask constant questions about everything, many of those questions have to do with Wicked. If you noticed the posts on it have cut down very much since last year. Also the whole buzz on who's going to be the next Elphaba is getting a lot of Wicked fans excited. but as soon as Idina leaves and the replacement is named it will, it BETTER, calm down.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

#14re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 6:46pm

Just to defend Kristin Chenoweth:
She sounds like she did in YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN because that is her actual voice. I know, it's hard to believe. But she naturally sounds like a 5 year old. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE Kristin! But you can't deny that she sounds like she's 5. That's part of the reason I like her... she's so adorable!

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#15re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 6:56pm

okay now I don't mean to be extremely annoying but I do have to say something,
I'm sorry about my posts on Wicked but really if you don't want to hear it, just don't read it. I'm sure it can get quite annoying for you all but I don't think you should like freak out and get so pissed everytime there is one, just don't read it.
I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, I don't want anyone to get mad at me but I really do beleive in what I said above.

And btw, I just have to put in my personal opinion of Kristin- I think she's an amazing performer! shes my favorite female voice for her mezzo soprano voice and her hilarious voice makes her perfet for her roles and I think she is just so amazing at what she does. You all have your opinions, and here's mine.ok im done

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#16re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 9:14pm

"There are so many WICKED threads - you people are obsessed. Why?"

And there are also numerous threads dealing with "Why are people making so many Wicked posts?". Been there , done that.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#17re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 9:27pm

i agree, jacob! well said!

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#18re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 9:44pm

"I'm sorry about my posts on Wicked but really if you don't want to hear it, just don't read it."

Easier said than done when one cannot avoid reading SUBJECT HEADERS when they decide what to click on.

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#19re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/29/04 at 9:49pm

what do you mean? like the subject titles are messing you up?

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

Lifeoftheparty2 Profile Photo
#20re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/30/04 at 11:21am

the reason i like wicked a lot is because i grew up LOVING the wizard of oz. It has been my favorite movie since I was about 2 years old. When I heard there was a musical about it coming out, I had to see it. Plus it helped a lot that Idina was in it because I loved her from the Rent days. I liked Wicked, I'd keep going to see it.. but I'm not obsessed to the point where it's the only thing I talk about.

*Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of someone else* -Judy Garland

#21re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/30/04 at 11:37am

and now there's one more .....

that'll really help with the over-abundance of Wicked threads...

#22re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/30/04 at 11:56am

My opinion on "what is it with 'Wicked'"? The answer is simple. Some people like it and are enthusiastic about it. It might be better to take your energy and go and find something that you are equally enthusiatic about. This way you will understand the feeling. Each person is entitled to their own tastes-actually if feel it shoud be encouraged-even if I don't agree.

Just my opinion, I may be wrong.

TWOGAAB "A Class Act" will never die!
Updated On: 11/30/04 at 11:56 AM

pab Profile Photo
#23re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/30/04 at 12:19pm

Loge, I've seen "Wicked" twice and I enjoyed the show. I liked it more the second time I saw it. I have no problem that people like it but when people say that it's the "greatest show ever" and that the best Broadway performers ever are Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth I can only come to the conclusion that those people have had limited exposure to Broadway and to Broadway performers.

When I think of some of musicals that I've seen like "A Chorus Line", "The Wiz", "Dreamgirls", "Sweeney Todd", etc. and of some of the people who have performed in those and other shows, I can't come close to saying that "Wicked" is the "best show ever" or that so and so is "the best performer ever." I will not put the show down because I enjoyed it and I've recommended it to friends. I will also not get fanatical about it because in thirty years of going to Broadway, it's by no means the best, or even close to the best, that I've seen.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

jmaclover Profile Photo
#24re: What is it with WICKED?
Posted: 11/30/04 at 12:22pm

Not to keep this point going, but I'm going to...

Wicked is just a good, fun show for the family to see. It's not the greatest but it's good. If you want to go to the theatre to be entertained - Wicked does that.

One thing I cannot believe is that people think Kristin and, mainly, Idina are bad singers. How can anyone say that? Yes, there are better singers, but Idina and KC are not bad at all.

The message board is to post opinions. If someone wants to say, I love Wicked - let them. I do no think that posts should be made anti-Wicked to the extent of saying "Wicked sucks because everyone likes it."

To those people who hate the shows that everyone likes - get over yourselves. What shows do you like? Phantom? La Cage? Chrous Line? etc? - hello, those are all ALSO popular shows!


"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.
