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Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!- Page 2

Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#25re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 5:55pm

Heh, ofcourse the one store that's 45 minutes away has it. I guess I'll have to wait until this weekend to get it.

leon1489 Profile Photo
#26re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 6:26pm

The CD is excellent. Even though I realize this will never win Best Musical, I really like this show, and I wish it many years on Broadway. It's a lot of fun...

tmz814 Profile Photo
#27re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 7:27pm

I bought it today and am listening to it right now. The Best Buy by where I work was sold out, but I got the last copy at the Best Buy by my house.

We've all got our junk and my junk is you!

kaycee Profile Photo
#28re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 7:52pm

I live in Nebraska and thought it might be hard to come by so I bought it at Borders for a ridiculous price. Oh well. It was worth it. Everything about this recording is fantastic.

the summer rain just brings us pain, Louison...

elvenprincess971 Profile Photo
#29re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 7:56pm

AHHH I want it so bad!!!!! But alas, I am broke until July. I saw it in Seattle and have been counting down the days! Glad to know it's good!

Love, Miss Britt

courtnyj Profile Photo
#30re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 7:59pm

I like it! I can already tell that this will be getting a lot of play on my ipod! :)

#31re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:16pm

I love casualty of love and come out of the dumpster!

#32re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:17pm

Just downloaded off iTunes. I am really enjoying this!

#33re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:18pm

Oh, we're listing favorites? Haha, in that case:

Not That Kind of Thing
Come Out of the Dumpster
George's Prayer
Today You Are A Man
Saturday Night in the City
Right in Front of Your Eyes

Jeez. I love this CD.

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#34re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:33pm

I really love this CD. PHENOMENAL cast, it's ridiculous. Stephen, Laura, Richard, Amy, Felicia, Kevin ... the list goes on.

The score is so fun, and exactly how I hoped it would be.

#35re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:43pm

mm I heart this cast. they are adorable. the CR is stellar. but of course as per usual doesn't fully capture the live magic. I miss alot of the dialogue in between Pop and Saturday Night in the City.

Casualty of Love and If I Told You are my absolute favs and always amazing to hear live.

Lynch and Benanti rock on this recording. of course Saldivar, Spanger, Cahoon, Blake, Finley et al. kudos to them :)

Updated On: 6/6/06 at 08:43 PM

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#36re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/6/06 at 10:00pm

The CD is amazing... It is one of the best OBCRs I have. Can't stop listeninggggggg

#37re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/7/06 at 11:17am

The CD IS really great!!!
But I don't remember where is "Someday" in the show???
As I remember,Laura's first number was another song,the lyrics with "right on time..." something like this.That's was a great song!!Does it change to "Someday"???
"Someday" is great as well! I got to see Laura sings this song in live!!!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#38re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/7/06 at 11:31am

Yes, "Right On Time" was replaced by "Someday."

I have been listening to "It's Your Wedding Day," "Someday," and "Right in Front of Your Eyes." All three are excellent.

#39re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/7/06 at 12:08pm

Well, Right On Time is SUPPOSE to be a bonus track on itunes, but was not included with the CD release on the site yesterday. Some of us are looking into where the mysterious *recorded* bonus tracks might be, and if my hutch is right, itunes randomly let's little things like this pop up after the initial album upload, it may just take a few weeks.

#40re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/7/06 at 12:18pm

Does anyone know how much Laura's song has been replaced???
I know there was a song called "Wonder"(but I never haerd of this),then replaced by "Right On Time"...and now is "Someday"!!!! Do I missing something else?

Stephen Lynch was really great in this recording...but his live performance is REALLY AMAZING!!! Still can't believe this is his broadway debut!!!

#41re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/7/06 at 12:31pm

From what I gather:

Wonder was Julia's first number in Seattle (previews), then was replaced by Right On Time in NY, then was replaced by Someday. Wonder is one of the bonus tracks that is suppose to be included on itunes.....
Updated On: 6/7/06 at 12:31 PM

Jim Wazzle
#42re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/7/06 at 9:47pm

Maybe the songs will be included with programs (ala Avenue Q)? I ordered my soundtrack from Amazon after not finding it at any stores nearby. It's arriving on Friday. Can't wait. I love all the songs.

#43re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/11/06 at 4:11am

My friend just sent me a domo of "Wonder"...but it doesn't sound like Laura's sounds like sung by Amy.

Really hope someday there is anywhere could get Laura sings "Right On Time" and "Wonder" any possibility Sony would released a new TWS soundtrack with MANY BONUS "Wonder","Right On Time"...even "Awesome"...

RealOne Player couldn't download "Awesome",right???

#44re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/11/06 at 10:57pm

TECHNICALLY, itunes can update the cast recording at anytime...I noticed that itunes has two seperate cast recordings for "Piazza" one that had no bonus tracks and one that was released two weeks later with 2 bonus tracks...I'm hoping something like that will happen with WS... fact i'm surprised itunes let real one's music store beat them out of an "exclusive" wedding singer album. Although, you can't actually purchase "Awesome" off of real one's music site. Apparently its for "listen" only.

Updated On: 6/12/06 at 10:57 PM

#45re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/14/06 at 11:38pm

For anyone having trouble "purchasing" the song "Awesome", there is an offical website for real one where you can actually purchase the tracks (cheap too!) instead of just listening to them. I just bought "Awesome" for $.69. It's short and cute, but anything from the Wedding Singer is good news...I've kind of given up hope, but has anyone heard if they are ever going to release "Right On Time" and/or "Wonder"?

The "Awesome" purchase link is:

#46re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 11:16am

This music store just "available to residents of the U.S. and its territories"...I live in USA. but I don't have credit card here..."Somebody Kill Me Please" not fair!!!

But I'm glad I here,I can go to see TWS everytime I want.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#47re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 11:20am

Just listened to it for the first time, and once was enough for me!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#48re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 7/6/06 at 11:01am

For all those interested, I stumbled across this article today about the recording of The Wedding Singer cast album. Although we've had sources previously tell us, this article confirms that 3 bonus tracks (including Right on Time,Wonder)have been officially recorded. Where are they!?!?! ("Awesome" is avail. through real one's online music store)

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#49re: Wedding Singer CD Rocks!!!!
Posted: 7/6/06 at 11:09am

"Just listened to it for the first time, and once was enough for me!"
I remember one time, I listened to Janet Jackson's "Janet" and i hated it with passion the 1st 5 times i heard it, then it started growing on me, and it ended up being one of my favorite CDs of all time.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
