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WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival

WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival

#0WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 1:25am

I am very much anticipating the wiz coming in a world with non traditional casting and some rather great at that...would you want to see a trditional black/african american/ethnic casting or a mixed cast??? I AM NOT ASKING IF YOU THINK THEY WILL OR NOT BUT WHAT U WANT TO SEE...

hehe anyone think orfehs agent is pushing her hehe....

Updated On: 2/28/04 at 01:25 AM

#1re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 1:40am

mixed ethnicities...

though if Dequina Moore doesn't get Dorothy, I will have a FIT

I am pleased that the book will be updated and, one would assume, the orchestrations/arrangements

#2re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 1:47am

i would like to see blacks cast in lead roles. and the rest of the cast can be mixed. i feel that there are not to many musicals that can have black actors as the leads and this show would be perfect to show case thier talents. :)

Kavana Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 1:50am

Thank you MTheatreman cause i was about to post a long reply about other races and broadway and you hit it on the nail.

#4re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 1:53am

thanks Kavana! i would love to read your views on this. privte me or post them here! :)

alterego Profile Photo
#5re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 7:28am

The original Australian production of The Wiz (1976) had black principals with a white chorus. As Australia, at that time had no real black population to speak of, and three imports were brought in for the show. The other principals were actors who had originally come over for Hair years prior and stayed. The Dorothy role was played by a young Andrea Frierson (Once On This Island) and the Timan was Victor Willis (original lead singer from The Village People). In all other respects it was the same as the original Broadway production. This black/whie casting worked well.

#6re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 11:13am

hey great comments all for most talented get casting but i truly want to see black leads, and i agree there isnt too many things written for them.


Thetruth Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 1:20pm

What about a multi-cultured Wizard of OZ?

I think the original intent of the The Wiz was to fill a void. Giving blacks a chance to take part in a story that wasn't traditionally written for them. I'm all for multi-cultural casting as long as the best actors are given the roles (as it should always be) and not just because producers want a multi-cultural cast. Whoever is in the show has got to have soul. Not like those painted up "Nubians" singing in Aida.

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#8re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 1:36pm

I'd like to see an all-black cast in this proudction. Like others have repeatedly said, not many pieces are for that race--just like "Flower Drum Song" had an all Chinese cast, I think "The Wiz" should have an all BLACK cast.

#9re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 3:27pm

Uh oh... here we go again with this topic.

I think that they should hire the best persons for the role. It should not matter what color they are. And that is my opinion.

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#10re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 3:55pm

What you said, Jon, cannot be applied to every show, though. Many shows deal with race, ethnicity, or color(Hairspray, A Raisin in the Sun,etc). It is important to not be color blind when casting for these shows because the roles call for a certain race to play them. You can have a fabulous white actor audition for the role of Walter Lee Younger, but that doesn't mean he can convincingly pull it off- shows like this were written for certain races.

Princess MimiChica Profile Photo
Princess MimiChica
#11re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 4:18pm

"though if Dequina Moore doesn't get Dorothy, I will have a FIT"

hmm, I hate to break it to you, but i'm pretty sure Marcy Harriel is already set to play Dorothy!! but please don't have a fit because Marcy is very good =)
Can I ask who Dequina Moore is?

To answer the question, mixed casting is usually more interesting to me, but, either way I thin kits a good show!!!

magruder Profile Photo
#12re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 4:28pm

Just for the sake of discussion, neither the original nor the revival Flower Drum Song had an all-Chinese cast. The original production had Japanese, Hawaiian, African American, Latin and Caucasian actors playing Chinese. The recent revival, although all Asian, featured a mix of Asian actors, including Filipino, Japanese and Korean actors.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

#13re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 4:55pm

Princess, stuff happens and people announced for roles don't neccessarily play that role when the show opens.. I wish no ill to Marcy whatsoever, but I would like to see Dequina.

Dequina is currently an urchin in Little Shop

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WIZ...traditional casting/non traditional for revival
Posted: 2/28/04 at 6:47pm

A wonderful Urchin at that- my favorite of the three, to be honest with you.

Thank you, magruder---I meant all Asian. Excuse me. But I think you got the jist of what I'm saying- the recent revival offered a cast in which every single one of them looked the part, or had Asian Backround. I have a strong inclination that "The Wiz" wasn't written for white people.

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#15re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: wiz...traditional c
Posted: 2/28/04 at 7:17pm

"[i] have a strong inclination that "[t]he [w]iz" wasn't written for white people."

so by your logic of that statement then i suppose that no african american should ever play another part in a shakespeare production anywhere? what about chekov? strindberg? i mean why should they? i can guarantee yout hat thos eparts were not written for "black people."

how would it sound if i was to say that a show should not cast anyone but irish men even if those parts could clearly be played by actors of any nationality or gender? this is a ridiculously simple minded and racist statement that does a disservice to the cause you are trying to serve.

on top of that, inclination is poorly used in the sentence bordering on misused.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective
Updated On: 2/28/04 at 07:17 PM

ORPHAN Profile Photo
#16re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: wiz...traditional c
Posted: 2/28/04 at 8:18pm

of course every show on bway should cast only with talent and not color in mind... of course they should.... of course. Doesn't every show on bway cast with talent in mind? Of course they do.... of course! Since all those great shows on bway cast with only talent in mind... as we all know they always do... then YES the WIZ should not be any different. Since black actors alway get considered for a part just like white actors on bway.... and we all know they do, of course they do... then when a new show or revival comes along that was intended to give black actors a place to perform...NO they shouldnt be cast in that show just because they're black... NO not just because they're black... no sireee, we all know they have so many other opportunities just like white actors do, of course they do. since all the other shows don't care about color then THE WIZ shouldn't either. Thats right THE WIZ shouldn't either,... that's right... no sireeeeeee.


BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#17re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: wiz...traditional c
Posted: 2/28/04 at 8:35pm

I'd love to see an all-Black cast, but the rumor is that the show will be mixed.

#18re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: wiz...traditional c
Posted: 2/28/04 at 8:59pm

boxoffice thanks for ur opinion that is why i started the thread to get peoples opinions...and i agree with urs if they are the best person im all for orfeh and soshana bean hehe


BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#19re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: wiz...traditional c
Posted: 2/28/04 at 9:29pm

"on top of that, inclination is poorly used in the sentence bordering on misused."

I'm sorry I'm not as up to par as you are on your grammer/vocabulary usage,papa.

Calling me racist doesn't do anything for the both of us---and on the topic of your logic about Shakespeare, etc..Shakespeare and The Wiz are of two very different genres. Any trained actor- black or white can be wonderful in any Shakespeare play. But not every white girl with a great voice can belt out "Home" like Stephanie Mills can, or with the soul that can be brought to it by a black singer. I admit, I am stereotyping, and there are exceptions to almost every rule. But generally speaking, black and white women have different tones to their voices. It sounds terribly racist, I admit, but I don't think an all white cast can showcase "The Wiz" like an all black cast can. At least I go into details supporting my decision. What I recieve back is someone calling me racist. I understand how one can view that comment as a racist one, but that wasn't my intention and I apologize if the point I'm trying to make isn't coming along very clear.

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#20re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re:
Posted: 2/28/04 at 9:52pm

I've heard that Ruben Studdard is up for the Lion.

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

#21re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re:
Posted: 2/28/04 at 10:14pm

i understand what you are say billy and i agree with you!!! and no i dont think what you said is racist. i am black and i was not offended by what you said :)

Posted: 2/28/04 at 11:24pm

To Billy et al....

In a previous post there was a discussion about race.
I had made a comment that certain roles should be played by certain ethnicities. I was slammed horribly for it.

I fimly believe that casting should be up to the director and his vision. Having stated that... I am all for mixed casts, casting against type and such.
I personally believe that having a blond haired blue eyed caucaion playing Martin Luther King would be silly. Or a African American Hitler. Is it possible? Sure.. but this is my opinion.

johny0828 Profile Photo
Posted: 2/29/04 at 12:17am


papalovesmambo Profile Photo
Posted: 2/29/04 at 10:04am

"[b]ut generally speaking, black and white women have different tones to their voices. [i]t sounds terribly racist, [i] admit,"

that's because it is incredibly racist and ignorant. everyone has different tones to their voices regardless of their color. it is pointless to debate when your rationale to excuse your earlier racist comment merely goes further to demonstrate how far we as a society have to go to learn tolerance. your argument about the difference in tone between the voices can be traced directly back to jim crow and jimmy the greek. singers are singers regardles of their color. talent rather than pigmentation decides who can carry off a song. to claim otherwise is racist no matter how you try to justify it.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective
