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WICKED - 8/13 matinee

enteng2 Profile Photo
#25re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 11:42am

[Quote] I think that despite how long someone has been on Broadway, or how many roles they have had, if they are in a lead part, they deserve entrance applause. I think it's crazy how some people are like, "Oh, well she has only been in a few shows, therefore she doesn't seserve applause." I think the mere fact that someone is ON Broadway deserves applause. It's just a nice way to greet the actors on stage, and it probably helps them calm down as well.


I couldn't have said any better! Just perfect...!

I love each and every Elphabas (Idina, Steph, Sho, Kendra etc.) as well as each and every Glindas...I just love the show, soooooo much!

Okay, okay! Say it somehow...the beauty is, I have been changed for good!

best12bars Profile Photo
#26re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 12:11pm

Not to take anything away from Shoshana or anyone else playing Elphaba, but this particular entrance invites applause from the audience.

It's the way the creative team wrote her initial appearance. There is a great set-up in the middle of a scene change, and she bursts through the upstage door during a musical key-change, runs down stage and holds, standing breathlessly center stage. And there she is in all her green-faced glory. I think it's as much applause for the character recognition as it is for the actress playing the part. Not to say that she will ALWAYS get applause, but it certainly invites an audience to recognize what they are seeing at that moment.

I saw it in L.A. and Stephanie Block got a nice round as well.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#27re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 1:29pm

I think you're right; It makes sense that the audience is applauding because it's "the Wicked Witch of the West", not because of the actress. That is understandable.

Entrance applause for everyone on Broadway? Then it's so ingenuine. Entrance applause and standing ovations are already becoming more and more common which, in turn, lessens their meaning. Don't you people see that?

#28re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 1:39pm

Joshua, I totally agree.

Standing ovation is becoming a routine, which doesn't mean as much as it once did. The same goes with entrance applauds.

I just spent a week in NYC and saw 8 shows and 7 of them got a Standing Ovation.

edit: ...which some of those shows didn't deserve... Updated On: 8/14/05 at 01:39 PM

Atrias Profile Photo
#29re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 2:38pm

I saw everyone coming out of the theater for that show...I actually saw it the night before.

best12bars Profile Photo
#30re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 2:40pm

Sondheim actually said something very interesting about that trend in an interview not long ago, and I've always remembered it. Paraphrasing (badly)... He said that people pay SO much now to go to the theatre. By the time they buy a ticket, pay for transportation to get there, a babysitter (if needed), dinner, programs, etc.... they have spent upwards of $500 for a single night out at the theatre!

They have so much financially invested, that they already decided the evening WILL be incredibly special and memorable, regardless of the actual outcome. They want so badly to enjoy themselves at such a high cost that they stand up, many times despite what they've seen on the stage, just to afirm what a brilliant night they've had at the theatre. It's more comforting to them that their money and time wasn't wasted or spent on something merely "ordinary" or just simply "good."

I think he's right.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#31re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 3:02pm

I was also at this performance.. my 7th time :)

And, I take FULL CREDIT for starting Ms. Bean's entrance applause, simply because she is incredible and I am in love with her!

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#32re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 3:03pm

This is now at least 3rd time she saw it. she was there whne i saw it for my 3rd time on june 11th. she is very nice. yea sho doesn't deserve entrace appl. when an acotr is getting entrance applause its applauding what they did in the past, im sorry but shelley doesn't get entrance applause.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#33re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 4:19pm

You had me thinking. If people don`t really applaude for Shoshana when she first enters, but they do when she levitates during "Defying Gravity", what is the difference? I can see because she is singing, but is it because of the whole situation, people realize the girl can kick it with her vocals by this point, or does it just look cool? That had my mind boggled for a bit. Also, just another thing. If I remember correctly, back in Oct. of `04 when she would u/s for Idina, the applause wasn`t really there at all when she went up in the air, but by Jan. 9th, people saw differently. Whis is that?

#34re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 4:44pm

I also think however that entrance applause is subjective. You can clap for the role or the person or decide not to clap at all, it appears to be a very subjective thing. You can say that you don't feel someone deserves to be applauded for, but that doesn't mean that everyone agrees with you. Sometimes for the bows you may feel compelled to stand up and clap along with everyone else due to your seats (lotto winners) even when you don't find the performances so amazing. However entrace applause to me designates that you're anxious to see the performer, at least in my case, when i do clap for someone on stage, it's not for the role, it's for the actual person.

#35re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 6:10pm

I always give an actor entrance applause if I'm excited to see them perform. Even if I am the only one clapping, such as in the June 14th show for Megan Hilty. My friends however began clapping as soon as they saw me doing it, though.

And I agree with Sondheim. People want to have a good time because they spent too much money actually getting to see the show to be less than pleased.

wicked4life51 Profile Photo
#36re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 6:17pm

ok this is really weird but last month i went to visit some freinds in the cast and get my ticket to see the show for the 6th time lol.And it was nearing the intermission on a wensday matinee and liza minelli was there,i dipd get a picture of her and everything.But she was rushing out before so no one would see her at intermission lol.I think she was seeing ben vereen in the role as the wizard cause it was the second day he was on.But i have noticed that liza really likes wicked,shes alwayz there lol.Just thought i would add that

"what? what is it? do i have something in my teeth? ok lets get this over with : no im not seasick,yes ive always been green, and no i didnt chew grass as a child "

bella cantato
#37re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 6:51pm

I think just that Elphaba's entrance lends itself ot an entrance applause... with the music in the background, and how she comes running out center stage... I just think the audience claps because they are just excited to see her bc they weren't quite expecting it and for some reason, it just feels like you should clap. At least that's how it was for me...

"You know, a little orphan girl once told me that the sun would come out tomorrow. Her adopted father was a powerful billionaire, so I supressed the urge to laugh in her face. But now, by gum, I think she might have been on to something!" --Reefer Madness

#38re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:18pm

I think any Elphaba is going to get entrance applause. I love those first few notes when she comes in, regardless of who is playing Elphie. Its just the entrance of the character that everyone loves, I think. And if people get more into it by engaging in entrance applause, by all means, it riles everyone up. re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee

#39re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:27pm

I think the reason that the audience may applause when Elphaba flies during "Defying Gravity" is because it is such a momentous turning point in the story. Elphaba is finally getting her wish and she is fighting for her morals and beliefs.

Other reasons may include the fact that the audience has been waiting to see the Wicked Witch fly with her broom, or because it's just a cool stage trick.

itsmeeeee Profile Photo
#40re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/15/05 at 2:55am


Before I begin, please keep in mind that i was at the January 8, 2005 evening performance of Wicked. I think that everyone that night was really riled up upon entering the theater door and seeing that big ugly understudy board. I mean there were some people there who obviously dropped multiple hundreds of dollars for that show, that were yelling at the program sellers saying "She ISNT SINGING TONIGHT???" Everyone else was simply shocked. When the show started, you could tell it was different than normal. Jennifer had emotional control issues, which i think worked well with the show. Shoshana got an outrageous entrance applause. I agree with everyone who says that this is, after all, the wicked witch of the west. But that night, the wicked fans were applauding like, "okay, this is my show. its taken a hit right now, and im going to support it, and show my enthusiasm, and im going to make the best of this, darnit." I think i got Wicked, a la wicked fans seeing the show that time (in case anyone doesnt know, that's the night idina got hurt, right before her last show)

thee applause got tedious. I hate it when the thirteen year olds whose parents bought them good seats scream and whistle every time something funny happens. I mean, it took away from the acting.

another note about elphaba's entrance applause, i think the whole green girl might be a motivator. These people are seeing something out of the ordinary, something they can only see on broadway, a girl running towards them whose skin is green. It happens in all shows with characters that come as no surprise, but are stunning all the same. ie edna turnblad (one of the most cleverly forced unveilings on broadway in my opion. Who isnt going to clap when a man dressed as a fat, ugly woman appears from behind a newspaper suddenly) and angel, just to name a few.

As far as standing ovations go, the fact is that they are pretty standard nowadays. People fear that a cast would be offended if they didnt get a standing ovation, it would be like not getting a toy in your happy meal. It doesnt mean very much, but i mean come on, everyone gets them. Its a shame too, because how else are you going to tell them that their performance was truly stunning? scream? no, the thirteen year olds have that covered. wave your arms? Climb on the person next to you's shoulders and mouth "i love you" to shoshana bean? no. you stand up. with everyone else.

Merrydothe Profile Photo
#41re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/15/05 at 9:36am

When I saw Dracula, no one stood.

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#42re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/15/05 at 10:40am

Not to disagree with anyone, because I'm sure people do spend all that kind of money, but I'm all about subway, rush seats and the discount! I, personally, am not spending 500 bucks a night, therefore I don't feel forced to stand if I'm not motivated. I think the entrace applause thing has to do with both the characters and the actors. I mean, we're not applauding Madame Morrible because the character, we're applauding because it's Rue! Shoshana doesn't have the recognition, but the character does have a grand, stand there for a minute waiting for it, kind of entrance. However, during "Defying Gravity," I wish people wouldn't clap when she gets lifted. Yes, it's amazing, 'til this day it's one of the best things I've seen on stage. The music, the costumes, the lights, the way it's done, I really do think it's amazing. However, I want to hear the girl sing, and when people are clapping and I have to strain to hear those notes, it makes me mad. But, that's just me...hehe


best12bars Profile Photo
#43re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/15/05 at 10:57am

A Broadway audience is definitely going to respond with applause (or laughter or tears, etc.) for many different reasons. It's made up of all kinds of people, paying a wide variety of ticket prices, that come from many different types of backgrounds.

To say that they are all responding for the exact same reason and motivation would be inaccurate and naive. I do think that in this particular case, Elphaba's entrance invites us to applaud (as I said in an earlier post). It's written to allow the audience to respond to her, for whatever reason (for the actress or the character), and whether they do or not is entirely up to them.

When Patti LuPone made her entrance in Evita, and we first heard her sing during the opening funeral procession. She was mixed in with the chorus members as she made her way with them toward the coffin. It was NOT a star's entrance, and she did not get a burst of applause when we first laid eyes on her. But if you think that was because there was no hysteria surrounding her legendary performance, or that people weren't there specifically to see her, think again. She was the Belle of the Ball that entire season, and we all know what a huge mark she made on Broadway. Same thing with Donna McKechnie in A Chorus Line. She was a huge sensation, and made the cover of Time magazine all by herself. Donna and Patti's entrances weren't written with a "beat" to allow an audience to recognize and appreciate their Diva.

As far as why an audience stands up more often than not, it could be as Sondheim says (above), or it could be because their legs are tired from sitting and they can't wait to get up and stretch, or get home quickly, etc. But rise, they do... to cheer and smile.. more often, these days, than not.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 10:57 AM

forget regret <3 Profile Photo
forget regret <3
#44re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/15/05 at 5:16pm

when i saw wicked with shoshana no one clapped when she rose during DG and i was very happy because i wanted to hear her unbelievable singing voice.

"forget regret <3, I love your give me hope for the next generation!" -Elphaba

#45re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/15/05 at 8:15pm

At the Saturday matinee performance, there was no applause when Elphaba rose. I was too mesmerized to start applauding, but if the rest of the audience had started to applaud, I definitely would have. It was a deserving moment.

#46re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/15/05 at 10:22pm

I thought I would add something to the entrance applause debate. I'm sure there is a bit of applause due to the fact that it's the Wicked Witch of the West. Everyone's happy to see her for the first time. But I think that's the tiniest portion of the entrance applause. Many people (mostly groupies) are happy to see whomever in that role. Whether they're a fan of Idina, Eden, Stephanie, Ana or Shoshana. When I saw the show in March 2004, Idina and Kristin had been it for about 6 months now. The nominations hadn't hit, but it was still pretty huge. She got applause before she even came on. About 10 seconds before she bursts through, some people around us started clapping and I had no idea why until that moment. Then everyone started clapping. But probably the biggest point is that a good majority of the people clap because the person next to them is clapping and next to them and so on and so on. Our first instinct as a human is to go along with the crowd. If we see other people clapping we're going to clap to so we don't seem out of place. It's human nature and I'm not saying it affects everyone, but a great deal. Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.

#47re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/16/05 at 11:01pm

I love the thrill of going to a broadway show and later finding out a celebrity was at the same performance YOU were at. Maybe sitting right aside of them nd not knowing.

That happenend at Kiss ME Katre, and Seussical, to me...I was not sitting next to someone famous, but theyy were in the building.

Seussical was Kathie lee and Frank Giffird and Kiss Mee Kate was Reba McEntire....(she is SUCH A DOLL!!!!!!! I LOVE her!!!!

I wonder if when I go see Rosie O'Donnellin Fiddler if a celeb will be at our show?

Will have to wait and see I guess.

I have to see Wicked becasue I hear that famous folks come and see the show all the time.
