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WICKED - 8/13 matinee

#0WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/13/05 at 11:30pm

I saw Saturday's matinee performance of Wicked. Needless to say, I adored it! But I have a question: Does Shoshana Bean usually get entrance applause? She got a little bit today. Not as much as Ben Vereen or Rue McClanahan, but enough to cause the actors to pause and wait for the applause to die down. I didn't give her any entrance applause because, despite the fact that I love her dearly, I just don't think she is deserving of it just yet. Maybe in a few years and after a few groundbreaking roles. I just think that entrance applause should be reserved for those who have had long-standing careers, you know?

Also, Liza Minnelli was in the audience. She stole the spotlight at the stage door after the show. She came bustling through the crowd, as if there was no room on the sidewalk. "Excuse me, excuse me," she said. People were saying, "Oh, sure!" and then they would look at who they were excusing and immediately erupted into gasps and proclamations of "It's Liza Minnelli!!" She then proceeded to walk in the stage door, all the while cheesing at the crowd, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. She sure knows how to get some attention when she wants it!
Updated On: 8/13/05 at 11:30 PM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#1re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/13/05 at 11:35pm

Thats the second time I saw it I think...very cool.

I sat RIGHT in front of Cindy Crawford and her kids on 'Wicked Day' during the show last October.

Glad you enjoyed the friends saw it and said Shosh was PHENOMENAL but Megan was very weak and had trouble hitting the high notes, although they said she was hysterical in her book scenes and was Megan? They also enjoyed Rue and especially were they?

#2re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/13/05 at 11:35pm

I've seen Shoshana twice and each time she received entrance applause. Megan Hilty didn't, though.


zzannahk Profile Photo
#3re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/13/05 at 11:41pm

I think entrance applause is a waste of show time and every show I've been to whether is sucked or not got an Standing Ovation, so neithr really means much anymore.

ItSucks2BAveQ Profile Photo
#4re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 12:06am

yeah, I STILL cant believe that Q got a standing ovation!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#5re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 12:15am

Well Shoshana nor Megan have done anything to deserve entrance applause. They aren't legends, nor huge Broadway stars.

Talented yes - but I don't think they did anything to truely deserve a big entrance applause.

Now Rue and Ben deserve that applause!

#6re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 12:36am

"Needless to say, I adored it!"

You can say that again.

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#7re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 12:46am

It was actually my first time seeing the show. I enjoyed the music before I saw the show, so seeing the entire production was only a plus. I'm no groupie. Trust me. It's definitely not my favorite musical, but I find it to be very entertaining.

I felt that Megan Hilty did a wonderful job. She didn't have trouble hitting any high notes and her comedic timing is near impeccable! I was very impressed.

Ben Vereen was... Ben Vereen! How can you say anything bad about that man?

Rue McClanahan was very funny. The jury is out on whether or not she was drunk. It may have been a character choice! Either way, she had me laughing.

#8re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 6:45am

I don't think Rue was drunk. I saw the Wed Aug 03 evening performance and thought the same too, but I think it's a character choice. She was ok in the role, she didn't really sing in the role, she spoke. But she was funny with her line "I hope you prove me wrong! I doubt you will..." which Megan Hilty brilliantly copied in the final scene with Morrible.

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#9re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 7:15am

Hey, Sant, I saw the Aug. 3 even performance as well. Shoshana got a little entrance applause, not much, but a bit. Megan Hilty hit those optional notes that Kristen Chenoweth would hit, so I don't know why anyone would say she had trouble with the high notes. I enjoyed it, thought it was wonderful. Thought Rue was great. Ben Vereen is someone who likes to play to the audience, and I don't care for that kind of hammy, over the top acting.


#10re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 7:39am

Hi Vincent!
I was really impressed with Megan's singing. She was very good. Those high notes were hit loud and clear and I don't think she had any trouble at all hitting them. I agree with you about Ben, I thought his performance was all too much showmanship, too much kind of "I am BEN VEREEN!!", he seemed to concentrate too much on the small dance moves and impressing the audience knowing that they knew who he was - if you get my point. He didn't seem to concentrate on the character itself (well, not that the character is the most well written anyway, but still). I didn't care for his performance either. But still I enjoyed the performance!

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#11re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 8:30am

i know what you're saying...those little tap dance moves in the middle of the scene just annoyed the hell out of me...


Merrydothe Profile Photo
#12re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 8:45am

I started Shoshanas entrance applause on Thursday night. She was incredible on by the way-Defying Gravity was the best I have ever heard. It really baffles me how she belts high Gs everynight. Also Megan didn't have any trouble with high notes-she busted out like a high E legit at the end of No One Mourns. I loved the show!

kim1061 Profile Photo
#13re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 8:49am

wow Liza was there? hahah I would've loved to see that.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

#14re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 9:11am

Shoshana's received entrance applause every time I've seen her. Glad you enjoyed the show.

pab Profile Photo
#15re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 9:31am

Wednesday, July 27th, in the evening, was my third time seeing the show and it was okay. Still by NO means the best show on Broadway and it continues to have a tendency to drag in a few places but all in all an okay evening of entertainment. Ben Vereen and Rue McClanahan, both of whom I’ve liked in various performances, add nothing new to this production. I felt that the show was no better or no worse with them than the two other times that I’ve seen it. Shoshana Bean and Megan Hilty both handle themselves well in their respective roles. Having seen Idena & Kristin, Idena & Jennnifer and now Shoshana & Megan for me the best working combination was Idena & Jennnifer. I fail to see how this musical rates so highly with so many people. I’m not saying that it’s bad but there are so many other musicals that are just that much better.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Merrydothe Profile Photo
#16re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 9:36am

I'm sorry to point this out, but its the 2nd time youve done it. Its Idina. not Idena.

#17re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 9:47am

For that matter, it's Jennifer, not Jennnifer, but we get pab's point.
He expresses his ennui for Wicked exactly like I express mine for Spelling Bee.

Wisdom often comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone

mirandajrs Profile Photo
#18re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 9:50am

I was also at the 8/13 matinee and I thought Rue was hilarious. After everything I had heard about her performance I was expecting the worst but I loved her. Also it was my Mom's first time waiting at a stage door so she was really excited to see Ben Vereen, David Ayers and Liza Minnelli.

Edith 'Little Edie' Bouvier Beale: Do you think my costume looked all right for Brooks? I think he was a little amazed.

forget regret <3 Profile Photo
forget regret <3
#19re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:03am

yes when i saw shoshana she got entrance applause as well. i also thought megan hilty was amazing at those high notes and incredibly funny, even funnier than kristin from tv shows and such that i've seen. i liked ben vereen a lot.. i love his voice. i, personally, hated rue in the role. the weird squeaking and the fact that she didn't sing her singing parts drove me crazy, but that's just my opionion. i'm glad you enjoyed the show!

"forget regret <3, I love your give me hope for the next generation!" -Elphaba

Act4ever Profile Photo
#20re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:15am

I don't think it's necessarily Shoshana that gets entrance applause as much as it is the green girl who everyone knows and everyone is excited about hearing her story.

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#21re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:54am

I agree with Act4ever. I saw Wicked in previews, and Idina got entrance applause back then. At that point, she was not really well-known. I think it's the character people are applauding.

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"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

Merrydothe Profile Photo
#22re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:58am

Idina commened on this entrance applause thing in the A&E Breakfast With The Arts interview, and she also agreed that it was the green girl getting the audience welcome-rather than her. I think its a little of both.

willact4food Profile Photo
#23re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:58am

I think that despite how long someone has been on Broadway, or how many roles they have had, if they are in a lead part, they deserve entrance applause. I think it's crazy how some people are like, "Oh, well she has only been in a few shows, therefore she doesn't seserve applause." I think the mere fact that someone is ON Broadway deserves applause. It's just a nice way to greet the actors on stage, and it probably helps them calm down as well.


forget regret <3 Profile Photo
forget regret <3
#24re: WICKED - 8/13 matinee
Posted: 8/14/05 at 11:25am

agreed, willact4food

"forget regret <3, I love your give me hope for the next generation!" -Elphaba
