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Tim Howar in RENT

#50re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/8/06 at 11:28pm

I've seen Sebastian Arcelus, Colin Hanlon, Joshua Kobak, Jeremy Kushnier, Cary Shields, and Tim Howar as Roger. Does that qualify me? :)

No qualification necessary, I was honestly just curious. re: Tim Howar in RENT

I'm one of the ones who goes to the show fairly often, and there's not a single Roger I've seen less than twice, so I guess it's just hard for me to believe that someone could so quickly say that they have a new favorite when they've seen some of the people who, in my opinion, really are the best Rogers out there. But obviously, that's my deal. If Tim really is THAT good, then I'll be all the more impressed when I see him (and I'm excited to!).

#51re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/9/06 at 4:40pm

Kind of wondering why he's been getting so much hate on forums like compulsivebowlers... then again, I didn't see Will Chase, maybe that might have something to do with it?

Simply put, I was expecting him to be awful after reading some reviews, but he was a breath of fresh air when I saw him. Really outstanding. *shrug*

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#52re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/9/06 at 4:54pm

I'm with ya, Cenoern..I mean, he's not my favorite Roger, but I didn't think he was -terrible- by any means!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#53re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/19/06 at 5:03pm

I saw Tim today. I liked him a lot. I didn't love him, didn't hate him... so I guess I'd put him somewhere in the middle of all of the Rogers I've seen. I like his voice, UNTIL he does that yelling.... thing. It might be shocking for me to say such a thing, but he's a little too raspy for my tastes when he does that, and he TOO often sounds like he's yelling. I think his portrayal of Roger is just fine, though. I really didn't have a problem with any of the choices he made, so maybe he's settling in now -- I remember people not really liking him at first. He's cute, too, and he and Matt have really nice chemistry. When Will was in the show, he really overshadowed Matt, and when Cary/Josh, etc were in it, Matt seemed to really take over the spotlight too much. Tim's a nice balance for him, I think.

For anyone else who's seen the show recently, did they change what Mimi wears in the finale, or did I just never pay attention to it before?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#54re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/19/06 at 5:04pm

What was she wearing?

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#55re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/19/06 at 5:05pm

A black sweater.... thing, that was down to about her knees, her leopard boots with grey fuzzy pants tucked into them, and then a pink coat with tan sort of puffy sleeves. It just looked unfamiliar, and I'm wondering if like... I just never really noticed before.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#56re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/19/06 at 5:06pm

Hmmm. That doesn't sound...normal.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#57re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/19/06 at 5:09pm

I feel less crazy now.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#58re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/19/06 at 5:48pm

hmm...the gray tights/pants and boots sound right...I can't for the life of me remember what she wears on top but that doesn't really sound right...

I'm glad you didn't hate Tim, Em! I have to go see it again...I don't remember this yelling thing. (I've heard soooo many people talk about it!!)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#59re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/19/06 at 6:08pm

It's really throaty. Like, past "growling." He sounds like he's gonna hurt himself!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

sanda Profile Photo
#60re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 11:52am


I wasn’t a Rent fan. I saw the show twice on tour and the movie. I liked it a lot but it wasn’t a show which could make me go back to see it again and again. And Roger’s always my least favorite role. However, when I read the news that Tim would be back from Britain for this show, I knew I had to see it again. If there is one Roger whom I may like, that would be Tim. Because I am a Les Miz fan and Tim’s Marius is one of my two favorites. (The other is Peter Lockyer.)

My friend and I tried the lottery and I won! I am never good at any kind of lottery. But finally, I won! BB 114. Perfect! I can watch every detail of Tim.

I came for Tim and I would focus on him. Ok, I only saw Dan in Rent tour and Adam Pascal in the movie before so I cannot make a lot of comparison. I had to say among the three Rogers, Tim is the only one whom I believe, I care and I like. About Dan and Pascal, one thing about Roger bothers me. I didn’t realize what it was until I watched Tim. It is that I feel those two trying to acting cool. Tim’s Roger wasn’t cool at all. He was confused, angry, emotionally fragile and most of all, scared. He’s scared to death. Matt Caplan’s Mark is lively, sharp and cool. He can be cool because he’s young and healthy. He can afford it. Not Roger. For God sake, he’s dying. If I am dying I couldn’t act cool either. I will be like a coward, hiding and pitying myself for the rest of my life. Because Dan and Pascal’s cool way, I didn’t feel the fear of Roger and I didn’t sympathize him. And his way of treating Mimi only made me mad. On the contrary, Tim’s Roger, for the first time, made me understand his fear, care for him and forgive his attitude. I used to feel cold about “your eyes”. Only when Tim sang it and acted it, I was totally moved.

Mimi is fine but I prefer tour’s. Antonique acted great. But I felt her voice a bit too harsh. The Mimi I saw on tour got such an amazing soft and sexy voice that I felt spoiled.

Matt Caplan is charming. I have never seen a bad Mark though.

I am so happy for Ava. I saw her on tour and now she’s on Broadway. She is always great.

Collins is always my favorite role. Mark Richard Ford got this powerful voice like a train. However, my heart belongs to Marcus Paul James. I saw him on tour and I am so happy to see him on Broadway now. In fact I kept following him for the whole show. And I have to say, make Marcus as Collins on Broadway now! MRF’s voice is loud. But Marcus’s booming deep voice is magic. It is so rich and dark like the silky chocolate. MRF’s “I will cover you” brought the house down yet Marcus’s “I will cover you” brought my tears down.

When I saw the tour, I always felt the music was so loud that it was hard to hear the lyrics clearly. Not this time. The chorus of “Christmas Bell” was amazingly clear. Not like the mess I heard on tour. This is my third Rent experience and it is the one I am most “IN” to it.

After the show I met Tim. God, how can my two favorite Marius both are two biggest sweethearts I ever met? We had this long and exciting chat. He talked about how excited he felt doing Rent on Broadway. How happy he is now since Ruthie came to NY with two lovely babies. How hard the vocal demand was when he did Rod Stuwart’s “Tonight is the night” night after night. It almost killed his voice. And he told me he once was offered Enjolras in London for Les Miz 20 Anniversary. Unfortunately he had to turn it down. I asked him if he would consider doing Les Miz again on Broadway. He said he would be more than happy to do it if the time was right. He gave me this big hug three times.

Updated On: 2/21/06 at 11:52 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#61re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 11:55am

awww. Tim's apparently a hugger! I would like to meet him, but it was LITERALLY five degrees outside on Sunday, so I didn't stick around.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

sanda Profile Photo
#62re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 11:57am

No, we wait him inside the lobby. And we talked with him inside too. Thank to Nederlander theatre. You are so human!

Updated On: 2/21/06 at 11:57 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#63re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 12:04pm

You got lucky! They don't often let people wait inside.

Nederlander. re: Tim Howar in RENT

A work of art is an invitation to love.

sanda Profile Photo
#64re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 12:10pm

Thanks for the correction. Too bad we didn't meet each other there. I always want to meet you someday.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#65re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 12:10pm

aw, one day! re: Tim Howar in RENT It was only a day apart, I think!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#66re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 12:34pm

anyone have any news on how the lottery was last weekend? :)

sanda Profile Photo
#67re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 12:46pm

I did it last Saturday night. It was pretty crowded. The show was soldout and some people did SRO.

#68re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/21/06 at 12:47pm

ack! that's no good.. thanks though :)

#69re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/22/06 at 6:10pm

i saw RENT on monday night. it was my first time seeing it on broadway and we won the lottery so it was very exciting. i thought tims acting was wonderful, his singing on the other hand wasnt really to my liking. at times he did well but others i felt like he was screaming at me. i didnt get a chance to meet him unfortunately, it was too cold.


iheartcheyenne123 Profile Photo
#70re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/22/06 at 6:15pm

I also saw it monday. I liked him. His voice bothered me at times, but he was a pretty good Roger.

--Alex-- "They're singing, "Happy Birthday" You just wanna lay down and cry Not just another birthday, it's 30/90 Why can't you stay 29 Hell, you still feel like you're 22 Turn 30 in 1990 Bang! You're dead, what can you do?" --TTB

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#71re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:08pm

Tim's a hugger!!

I really have to go back and see it again. Because I am not recalling this screaming thing, so I wanna know what's going on here!! Tim, what are you doing?? Haha.

#72re: Tim Howar in RENT
Posted: 3/5/06 at 10:49pm

I saw him this past Friday. For me it was hit her miss in certain songs. I started off loving him!!! I still appreciate his talent, and his acting. Tim had some really fabulous moments (especially OSG). He had great tear action too re: Tim Howar in RENT.

However, his "What You Own" was so loud that it sounded as if he was screaming. It hurt the ole ear drums from the second row. I agree with luvtheEmcee, there were moments that he was spot on, and other's that were iffy. I have seen many Rogers, and I would put Tim in the middle. Top being Adam of course, followwed by Cary, and Josh.
