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Tiff and Cam present The Official B*tches of Eastwick Thread Version 2.5

Tiff and Cam present The Official B*tches of Eastwick Thread Version 2.5

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#1512Tell me something I don't know.
Posted: 3/4/06 at 1:46am

Just got home from campaign school. Back there all weekend. We had some great high-profile women politicians come in to speak at the seminar, and at times I almost felt a twitch of inspiration and pride, but ultimately my back was killing me too much and it was information overload so I'm feeling mentally and physically depleted. (And yes, I'll get my back checked up on Monday, hopefully.)

I used to think I would be a really good contestant on The Apprentice. Not anymore. We're put into smaller groups and are expected to compete against each other in a mock political campaign that we design. And putting 5 motivated, strong minded, Type A personalities into one group means we're clashing already. We've got the far-left out-spoken activist who lives in the projects, the stereotypical butch lesbian, the conservative and very religious small towner, the conservative Muslim Iranian...and me. You try talking about gay rights, abortion, social assistance and the justice system with these people. If glares could kill, it would've been a massacre! (I'd still be alive though, only because the Libra in me really didn't want to create any conflict so I worked as the diffuser in the situation. But I've got two more days to do this campaign with these people and frankly, they sort of scare me.)

ETA: BTW, your avatar is so hot. I can't stop salivating.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell
Updated On: 3/4/06 at 01:46 AM

Broadway_Baby Profile Photo
#1944The Bitches and Hagnesses reconvene
Posted: 3/21/06 at 12:04am

Hey, I'll take you Jaily.

Honey, I don't produce theater. I am theater.
