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Things to NOT Do at Auditions- Page 2

Things to NOT Do at Auditions

Gypsy2 Profile Photo
#25re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 3:43pm

Try not to just stand in one place. Don't stand stiff as a board. Don't RUN around the stage, but don't be a statue. And if you want to move, don't just shift from one foot to another. Look up: DONT look all the way at the cieling. Try looking above the directors heads, right above, so it looks like you're making eye contact when you really dont have to look at them and get nervous. That's what I do.

You know it and you want it... you just can't believe you've got it.

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#26re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 3:58pm

There is a very very awesome book called : Auditioning For Musical Theatre. It has some really wack audition stories in it too:) To many people think auditions are all about looking like a hussy. I love sitting in a cattle call and watching women cake on a 5TH LAYER of makeup and red lipstick lol. What's most important is knowing your stuff inside and out,showing your personality,talent and having fun.

DefyingGravity2 Profile Photo
#27re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 4:07pm

Here is what i have been told, by serious professionals. If you have made it to a callback, for example lets use CABARET as a KKG, don't show up in a long floral dress and mary jane flats. You don't want to "Dress up" but you Do want to look appropriate. ALso, i have been told at your first audition go with all black. you need to catch their attention NOT your hot pink/lime green pucci pants. Buy the same outfit in different colors, so when you get to the callback they will remember you and you know it looks good.

all this info was given to me during an audition masterclass i took while in a very intense workshop with professionals... and i don't mean local community theater directors, i mean like, BROADWAY (said a la, Corky St. Clair in waiting for guffman) so this is stuff i made up (though i do follows these rules) its fo sho.

i just wanted to defend myself before someone attacks me. re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions

Il n' y a pas d'amour heureux.

MatthewAddison Profile Photo
#28re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 4:20pm

Always bring an extra hair piece in case the one you're wearing doesn't suit them.

broadwaysong2 Profile Photo
#29re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 4:51pm

Not to attack anyone. Esp. the teachers in your master class, but...there is also another side to the wearing all black debate..... re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions.

I've been told that wearing all black to auditions isn't a good idea. Esp. if the audition is actually in the theatre, because its difficult for people to distinquish you from the background. Directors want to see the outline of your body.
Also, don't sing songs that are already connected to an artist. Ex. Somewhere over the Rainbow = Judy Garland. I would even suggest nothing with the current broadway celebrities. I mean My New Philosophy = Kristin Chenoweth...a lot of younger directors, theatre people make that connection.

I agree with earlier posts, don't sing Sond., don't sing ALW.

When everything you want is just out of reach....

bwaymargie Profile Photo
#30re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 5:46pm

DON'T SING ANNIE. I will shoot myself If I go to another auditon and hear a little girl do "Tomorrow" AAAAAAAAARGH. Sometimes they're cute enough to get away with it but most of the time NO. ARGH. It reminds me of the scene from "camp" where the accompanist is doodling a picture of him hanging himself at the piano while a girl is singing "Tommorrow" aka. the song from HELL

DefyingGravity2 Profile Photo
#31re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 5:56pm

oh no! i didn't mean the all black attack, i was refering to the "dressing appropriately" thing. Sorry, i didn't write that. I meant to. i'm dumb. haha. def. people do feel differently about the all black thing i mean the character thing.

Il n' y a pas d'amour heureux.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#32re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 11:24pm

ok, there are a bunch of dos and don'ts here, but auditioning is so much more than that. And, in the end--there are no rules, meaning--they can all be broken given certain circumstances. For example, auditioning for Rent breaks almost ALL the rules. re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions

Just read Michael Shurtleff's book--it's the only book you need ever read on the subject. All you can do from there is keep auditioning and learning from your mistakes. Be weary of audition classes. Even the seemingly professional ones COULD be hacks who have no clue and will tell you things that include the words MUST and ALWAYS. Just take everything with a grain of salt. If you know who this person is and respect their work, then absorb from them what works for you.

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#33re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/2/04 at 12:11am

There's lots of good don'ts on the list, but I have to add one more: Do not give the backstory on your monologue. You would not believe how many auditions I suffered through where girls (it always seems to be the girls) give the excruciating details of their "Romeo and Juliet" monologue and succeeding only in wasting everyone's time.
I thought of another one: Don't perform scenes as monologues. One girl decided to do a scene from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" as a monologue, playing two different characters. And yes, she made a total ass of herself.

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#34re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/2/04 at 8:46am

Something I was unsure about before studying with my last teacher, is that if you are called back and have very little time to prepare whatever they've asked you to sing, it is perfectly fine to hold the music in your hand and refer to it or read it. They cannot expect you to have it memorized in a day or two and sing it perfectly, especially if it's a song you are not already familiar with.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

#35re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/2/04 at 10:25am

I took an audition class at school, which was mandatory for my major and it taught me absoulutely nothing. It actually confused me and disputed all the things I'd heard before. And my professor was suppossed to be very knowledgable on the subject.


#36re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/2/04 at 10:25am

I took an audition class at school, which was mandatory for my major and it taught me absoulutely nothing. It actually confused me and disputed all the things I'd heard before. And my professor was suppossed to be very knowledgable on the subject.


MatthewAddison Profile Photo
#37re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/2/04 at 10:28am

There's only one thing to do...


Or egg your professor's house.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#38re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/2/04 at 11:32am

*Screamy or crying pieces are a bad idea. Do you liked to be screamed at or watching people cry (in some embarassing cases, literally)? Neither do auditiors.

*Don't costume dress, but do dress appropriately to your piece. If you are doing Juliet, don't show up in your trendiest club outfit with the ****-me heels, and so on.

*DO PIECES WITHIN YOUR AGE 21 year old Emilia's, no 45 year old Desdemonas, Carol Cutrere from "Orpheus Descending" is in her late thirties, why do all the nineteen year olds do this speech? Read the play!! And no, if you are twenty, you can't do "Glengarry Glen Ross" or Roy from "Angels In America"'s just embarassing.

*Shurtleff's book is an absolute must, and I liked a book called "The Actor's Audition" which may be out of print...

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#39re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/2/04 at 5:07pm

"If you are doing Juliet, don't show up in your trendiest club outfit with the f***-me heels, and so on."

Amen, Borstalboy.

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#40re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/3/04 at 1:59am

Yay! One of my posts is in a red envelope! This post rocks!

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

TheaterChef Profile Photo
#41re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/3/04 at 3:20am

***Treat every audition just as you would a performance.

For Musical Theatre, if you're not a trained dancer, try to take regular dance classes, whatever the genre of class it may be -- it will help you to pick up on the dance routine quicker.

Be sure to tell the pianist exactly how you want your piece played. I have seen this so many times, people auditioning who merely hand their music to the accompanist, then take their place in front of the auditioners and the pianist plays the song naturally how he/she thinks is best. Unfortunately, it is rarely how the person auditioning was planning to sing it.

*Sigh* Be one with the pianist. Don't compete with him/her.

Don't just stand and look pretty. I've heard some of the most fabulous singers at auditions, but they are not on callback because they just simply didn't show any acting ability. Act out the song.

P.S. Donald Oliver's "How To Audition For The Musical Theatre" is a good one, too.

"More than in any other performing arts the lack of respect for acting seems to spring from the fact that every layman considers himself a valid critic." --Uta Hagen

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#42re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/3/04 at 8:06am

DON'T wear only an opera cape and flan, while this works for an exciting Saturday night, it's a no no at an audition.

Be yourself, focus and have fun.

#43re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/3/04 at 12:03pm

This kinda goes along with the age range thing. What do you think about younger teens and kids auditioning with songs with some sexualty and whatnot in it? Obviously there are some songs I would never do or want to be seen done by kids/teens. Like "Dance 10; Looks 3" or "The Internet Is For Porn". What do you guys think?

SamIAm Profile Photo
#44Don't throw up on the stage
Posted: 6/3/04 at 12:04pm

Never stop and ask for water during your audition song
Don't wink at the accompanist (bad luck)
Don't throw your hands out to your sides and get down on one knee to end your song
Never try an accent unless you are a) from the country of origin or b) are able to do accents REALLY well
Never excuse yourself to go to the bathroom one last time just as you are being called for your turn
Don't be coy or cute -- just be YOU

"Life is a lesson in humility"

dramaqueen Profile Photo
#45Don't throw up on the stage
Posted: 6/3/04 at 12:24pm

what is the title of shurtleff's book?-about the thing with kids and younger teens singing songs related to sex-the auditors are more concentrated on why a child chose a song like that-and how awkward and wierd it is too see/hear lyricsw like that coming out of a kid's moputh then on the actual singing ability

:) cco

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#46Don't throw up on the stage
Posted: 6/3/04 at 2:13pm

dramaqueen - Shurtleff's book is simply called "Audition" and there is usually at least one copy of it at any used book store. It's been around for a while.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 6/3/04 at 02:13 PM

bially082 Profile Photo
#47Don't throw up on the stage
Posted: 6/3/04 at 3:49pm

Jon- Which theatre do you work for?

You are young, life has been kind to you. You will learn.

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#48Don't throw up on the stage
Posted: 6/3/04 at 10:54pm

Here's one I've seen more than once and it's really pitiful:
DON'T bring your favorite Cast Album to sing along to for the audition!

#49Don't throw up on the stage
Posted: 9/7/04 at 8:17pm

is it alright to dress similar in style as the character to a school audition? i did that last year for BABE in The Pajama Game and got the callback.
