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Things to NOT Do at Auditions

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#0Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 1:51am

Since we've recently discussed songs to not sing, I wanted to see what other things should not be done at auditions. Here are a couple of my ideas.

1. Do not show up at auditions dressed in character. (When I auditioned for "Fiddler on the Roof", the director actually laughed at the girl who showed up barefoot in a peasant dress with a kerchief on her hair. And I personally was about to die at "Into the Woods" callbacks when I girl showed up wearing head-to-toe red to read for Little Red Riding Hood.)

2. Do not dramatically drop your head and say "scene" at the end of your monologue. (Who is telling people to do that? Do they honestly think it's a good idea? Everytime I see it I want to die laughing. It reminds me of Jack McFarland from "Will & Grace": way too over-the-top.)

Agree or disagree?
And please, add some of your own, so that I don't inadvertantly make a fool out of myself at auditions.

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!
Updated On: 6/1/04 at 01:51 AM

EyEs In The SpotLight Profile Photo
EyEs In The SpotLight
#1re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 1:58am

A professor from TCU told me to always look up.. looking down can be a red flag for insecurity... and also in monologues NEVER use Dialect unless it is one of your top 3 strengths...

Then he told me the normal.. you audition from the minute you walk in the building... Be Happy to be there... and Be patient!

His words of Advice has helped me in the past 3 shows!

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#2re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 2:02am


son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
#3re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 2:34am

I had this workshop at a camp I went to once called "Top Ten Stupid Audition stunts" here are the ones I can remember NOT to do.

Do the Pee-pee dance.

Ask can I start over?

Say, "I am sorry I am sick today normally I can sing better."

Be rude to anyone at the audition. It could backfire.

Say something bad about someone you've worked with before.

Be TOO memorable.

There are four more. As I remember them I'll update.

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#4re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 3:00am

Gunn, you reminded me of the "Last 5 Years" just then...
"I should have told them I was sick last week, they're going to think this is the way I sing!" - Kathy, "Climbing Uphill"

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

#5re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 3:51am

Well its probably usually a bad idea to show up at an audition in character but if I remember correctly Clarke Thorell, the original Corny Collins in Hairspray did exactly that and it seemed to work for him.

MatthewAddison Profile Photo
#6re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 3:51am

Also...don't scratch in between your legs.

That makes you look desperate.

Oh...and bring a change of underwear. I'll never make THAT mistake twice..."casting couch is clean" - yeah...right.

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#7re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 4:13am

Well, Mistress, there are obviously exceptions to the rules. Idina broke my Rule #1: she went to "Wicked" auditions wearing green lipstick.

I guess the moral of the story is: "Do whatever the heck you want, as long as you have the talent to back it up."

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

#8re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 8:04am

Idina's voice is so frickin' amazing that she probably could have went into the audition in a towel and got the part.

The idea of the lipstick was cute but I could only imagine how hideous it must have looked. :)


ckeaton Profile Photo
#9re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 8:58am

Going to the audition in (or at least, with) a towel is one of the #1 things you should do to get the part with most casting directors.

Hamlet's father.

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#10re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 9:06am

I read once that you should never wear cologne of any kind to an audition because people have such strong associations with certain scents - it could be the favorite cologne of an ex boy/girlfriend and that could cause unpleasant associations in the mind of the person you're auditioning for. I think it makes sense.
Never apologize for yourself ("I have a cold" "I didn't have time to change clothes" "The Trains weren't running on time" etcre: Things to NOT Do at Auditions

Don't be a kiss-ass.
DO make eye-contact.
Do have a firm, strong, confidant handshake.
Do bring your warmth and personality into the room.
Show your individuality and don't dress like everyone else at the audition.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!
Updated On: 6/1/04 at 09:06 AM

dano Profile Photo
#11re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 9:28am

I have a strong association with some cents. The 1943 D cent, for one. Some nickels do it for me as well. Oh, don't get me started!

"Singing is the lowest form of communication" - Homer

#12re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 9:49am

As Musical Director at an Equity theatre located an hour's drive outside Chicago, I advise you don't say this upon arrival:

"Holy crap - I had a hard time finding this place - I took one wrong turn and ended up in Bum****, Indiana!"

TRANSLATION: "I'd rather work as a waitress during the day and do a show at some rat-infested firetrap 35-seat storefront theatre around the corner from my Chicago apartment for NO MONEY than drive an hour to get my Equity card at your nice suburban theatre!"

krisjoseph Profile Photo
#13re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 9:59am

I've sat in on enough auditions now (and been through enough) to know, first of all, that Shurtleff's book is bang-on (and not just about the audition process). The bottom line, though, is preparedness and professionalism. Don't do "something new". Keep a catalog of material that you constantly work on and can use at the drop of a hat at any audition. Being prepared with simple work that shows your best qualities BYPASSES all of the stupid dressing-up, hafta-pee, starting-over, nervous-twitching CRUD people think is important. Being prepared lets you show up ready to impress, looking relaxed and casual, feeling ready to take direction and focus on the task of finding out whether you and a director (or casting director, or third AD, or whatever) are a good fit. 'Nuff said.

"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." -Oscar Wilde
Updated On: 6/1/04 at 09:59 AM

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#14re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 10:00am

Don't sing a song without showing it to a voice teacher. If you have trouble singing it, they won't be impressed by your effort. Choose a song that suits your voice well. If you can't sing "Defying Gravity," please don't...

emonkeygirl Profile Photo
#15re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 10:14am

Don't be late!!!!!!!!!!
If you're early, you're on time.
If you're on time, you're late.
If you're late, don't bother.

Of course, this rule only applies for scheduled audition times...

It's hot and it's monotonous. I want my glasses.

#16re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 10:24am

One word:


TWOGAAB "A Class Act" will never die!

NuggetMonkeys Profile Photo
#17re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 10:47am

don't murder the auditors.

Vary My Days.

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#18re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 1:25pm

Don't bring props! My director told me that one time she had a guy audition with a monologue about threatening to kill someone and he brought a gun and pointed it at the auditors. Of course they weren't looking at whether he'd fit the part, they were wondering if whether or not the gun was real.
Some more basics: don't chew gum, don't say "I've been sick so if I suck that's why", and practice practice PRACTICE your piece many many times. You can't over practice and you've got to be prepared.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#19re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 1:27pm

I've auditioned countless times, sat in auditions as a casting consultant and directed several times, so here are a few of my tips. Do with them what you wish:

If asked to sing 16 bars, don't sing the whole song (I saw a lot of that at my last audition as well as those dessed in character).

Two contrasting songs does not mean one song from act one of Rent and one song from act two of Rent.

No excuses. It looks desperate. If you're sick, the auditors cannot guess what you're supposed to sound like. If they think you have potential, they'll call you back and hopefully, you'll feel better. If you're late, no one cares why, obviously if others are already there, they were capable of showing up on time, so you should be as well. Sometimes crap happens that prevents you from being on time or performing your best, but auditors are spending hours (sometimes days or weeks) watching all these people and have to make some tough decisions. Every excuse gives them one more reason to eliminate you. If you're going to miss the audition, be late, or have any other excuse to give, speak to the stage manager or whoever is proctoring the audition. They are there to field the information. Always call ahead if you can't make it, so you don't look like a total flake if you want to be considered for another audition.

Never ask the director when you will hear from them. It puts them on the spot. Ask the proctor when or if you should expect to hear back.

Do not let anyone verbally abuse you. Show respect for your auditors, but have respect for yourself. It's not American Idol. You don't have to put up with rude comments. If you feel uncomfortable at the time, write down the incident immediately make a copy and send it to the artistic director or producer.

Keep an audition journal and write down exactly what you performed, who you performed for, how you felt you did, and the results of the audition. This will help you keep track of your strengths, weaknesses, material that works for you, and getting to know what is expected from auditors in case you see them again. The more you audition, the more you will be able to personalize each audition with your own strengths matched with the preferences of those you are auditioning for. Don't be afraid to ask around and get some background info on the people you are auditioning for. Every little bit helps.

Don't do anything on stage that you would normally do in a toilet or urinal.

Don't make any last-minute changes. 99% of the time, they will look like last-minute changes.

Always show up early enough to fill out paperwork. Bring your own writing utensils and something to write on. A three-ring binder will be your best friend. Keep your resumes and headshots in the pocket with a pencil handy. Using glare-free sleeves protects your (well-marked) music while offering easy page-turns for the accompanist. And it doubles as a makeshift desk for those crowded auditions with no writing space.

Cutesy props and costume pieces or changes are annoying and time-consuming. They just want to see if you can act and sing. If it takes more than 10-20 seconds for you to get ready, you've lost their attention and probably irritated them.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 6/1/04 at 01:27 PM

rlbgbc Profile Photo
#20re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 1:35pm

Well, this is pretty basic, and should go without saying, but you know how that goes...

Having played for a lot of auditions, fercrissakes, have your music in some kind of playable form. If you repeat back to a certain place, fercrissakes, have it clearly marked. And under no circumstances tell the accompanist "uh, this music is in C, but could you transpose it up a minor third?" Grrrrr...have it the way you want it, have it easy to read.

Also having sat on the other side of the table, ferpityssake, don't sing your number -- or your 16 bars -- DIRECTLY to the auditioners. That gets weird. Sing right above their heads -- that way, your auditioners won't feel "put on the spot". This is an audition, folks, not your club act.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#21re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 1:38pm

Broadwaystar, that same thing happened to me about a month ago. I was casting an indie flick when this guy came in and did a monologue from PULP FICTION. All of a sudden he reaches behind him and pulls this gun out. SCARED THE SH*T out of me. He held this thing for about 2 minutes while he was still talking. We were all kind of looking around for escape exits and getting very uncomfortable. Not a good idea to bring props unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#22re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 1:55pm

It sounds to me, and what I look for when I'm doing amateur and school productions are for people to just show off what they CAN do. Just go in and do it. Also, with the excuses, any voice person worth any crap can tell if someone is struggling b/c of a cold. Make sure you have a couple of extra pieces, so that if you normally can sing something real tough, you have something easy in case you get sick. If they think you sound pretty good, but sick, maybe you'll get a callback. Remember, no one likes having to pick between a million people that are all well qualified. People know that they are holding people's lives in their hands, and most hate that! Don't make their lives worse b/c they are looking for reasons to turn you down and make their life easier.

~*Triple Star On Broadway*~ Profile Photo
~*Triple Star On Broadway*~
#23re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 2:09pm

You definelty SHOULD NOT put on another face...but be yourself, because that is what they need to see.
Plus, dont ever look directly at the auditioners when saying/singing your material. They get a better effect of what you look like on stage if you look just above and to the back. Standing too close is another "no-no". Because again, they want to see ALL of you, they need to know what kind of look you have to be onstage.

You've gotta have heart AND music

Amneris Profile Photo
#24re: Things to NOT Do at Auditions
Posted: 6/1/04 at 3:31pm

I personally feel dressing up in costume for auditions is proving that you have to make up in appearance what you lack in talent... I can't stand going to auditions and seeing girls dressed for the role. It just makes them look dumb.

Also, some casting directors WONT even see you if you dress up... I remember one open call for Hairspray, they turned many people away who dressed as characters. It's not blues clues live...

Also, word of advice... never tell the piano player he sucks. 2 Weeks ago at "mamma mia", i was lucky enough to be asked to stay and sing after the dance call and one of the girls who I see at every audition and who is the rudest person I have ever met at an audition came out of the room and told us girls that she told the casting people and the piano player himself that he was awful and ruined her audition/ that "she was a singer and nobody messes up her auditions"...keep those thoughts to YOURSELF.
