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The most random applause points of shows

The most random applause points of shows

#1The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/25/07 at 7:11pm

Ever seen a show where there are sometimes spots that don't really call for applause but get it anyway? I have seen a few.

In Wicked, when Elphaba says, "Well, there's no place like home" that got applause both times that I saw it because of the audience's recognition of the line from the 1939 movie.

One time in Avenue Q, even though Rod requested no applause after coming out of the closet, he got it anyway. That was the second time I saw it. The first time I saw it, there really wasn't any applause.

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

yankee_fan907 Profile Photo
#2re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/25/07 at 7:13pm

I agree about WICKED in general when it comes to references to the Wizard of Oz - people take them make them bigger than what they are. Sure it's cute and sometimes a bit funny, but they don't need a huge reaction. The two stories are supposed to go together. That's why I absolutely hate it when I watch videos of Defying Gravity and people laugh when Glinda puts the cape on Elphaba. End Rant.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/25/07 at 7:24pm

When someone makes a GWB remark, that is usually good for applause

Poster Emeritus

#3re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/25/07 at 7:26pm

At first, I was like "What's GWB?" Then I realized, "Oh, Dubya, right?"

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

lesmisforever Profile Photo
#4re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/25/07 at 7:31pm

"That's why I absolutely hate it when I watch videos of Defying Gravity and people laugh when Glinda puts the cape on Elphaba."

Then stop watching the videos. They didn't applaud during that part when I saw it Tuesday.

"I have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!"
Updated On: 2/25/07 at 07:31 PM

yankee_fan907 Profile Photo
#5re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/25/07 at 9:36pm

They didn't laugh when I saw it live either. But in certain videos, they do. Someone needs to chill out and stop telling other people what to do like they're not as good as him/herself...

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#6re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 1:04am

There is ALWAYS people that laugh at then when I see it, and I've seen it 8 times. It gets old.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

#7re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 1:14am

They've laughed the three times I saw it in Chicago, too. It doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, it's clear from the general tone and the music that they're not trying to make a joke there. The "No place like home" line also gets some attention, but in that case, I think it's at least semi-deserved and meant to be a funny little comedic relief moment.

#8re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 1:14am

double post.
Updated On: 2/26/07 at 01:14 AM

My Strongest Suit Profile Photo
My Strongest Suit
#9re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 1:17am

"That's why I absolutely hate it when I watch videos of Defying Gravity and people laugh when Glinda puts the cape on Elphaba."

yeah. i've seen it twice and people always laugh a little and i still have no idea why it's funny. she's just putting a cape on her.


#10re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 1:18am

"There is ALWAYS people that laugh at then when I see it, and I've seen it 8 times. It gets old."

Just a thought...

Maybe the fact that you've seen it eight times is why it's getting so old.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#11re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 1:32am

The cape laugh is an awkward laugh, because it hits the audience out of left field and is awkwardly put into the scene. It just doesn't work. It's obvious that it's just there to make her look like the Witch.

It's bad guys. Accept it and move on. kluvyattyl.


#12re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 2:58am

I hate it when people claps/screams/whistles during "It's me" right when Elphaba flies on a cherry picker.

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy

Mistress_Spouzic Profile Photo
#13re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 3:04am

in Hairspray sometimes people applaud when Link tells Amber to go, which I like, but it doesnt always happen and its not expected. And sometimes people applaud when Edna says 'boys are not the brightest things' but I suppose thats when the audience is filled with jaded straight girls and gay men.

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#14re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 3:30am

Well... I cannot find an applause point when watching Caroline Or Change until somewhere like after Pot's Wife ~

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#15re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 3:37am

^I'm guessing you meant Lot's Wife.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

#16re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 8:36am

Ok, I may get shot for this, however the love of "Oz" in me requires it:

The laughter, as B3 did point out is awkward, at least it is for me, because it's almost the final blow, she has the broom, she has the hat, all she needed was the cape.

The applause during "It's Me!" is for two reasons, one because it's just an exciting moment that deserves it, and two because here she is, a girl going against the government, and we know she is going to loose, but for that moment there is hope that she won't. She's doing what she feels is right, and stepping away from what she could have, and I feel that's worthy of applause.

For me, the kicker is when they laguh after "As Long As You're Mine" when she says "For the first time, I feel....WICKED" it usually gets played for sexual humor, but I always viewed it much darker.

bare_nakedlady Profile Photo
#17re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 12:26pm

This happens all the time, but this is one of my pet peeves...

I was watching the awful Ray Charles Musical Review "I CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU" and the music started playing for 'Georgia on my mind'. A pretty recognizable song in the first place with the first few notes. I got this wonderful feeling because the music was pretty well executed and the arangement seemed to be pretty good. The audience is silent. Not a peep. Then the man starts to sing. He sings the first "Georgia" and then THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE. As if these people didn't realise this song was in the show. Couldn't they tell from the music? It says it in the program, it is a Ray Charles song. So the entire first verse we miss because people are clapping. I know it happens often, but I think it's a little silly. Recognize the singer at the end if you want. But not while he's singing.

Just a short rant. Sorry.

"It's like children's theatre for 40-year old gay people!" - XANADU THE MUSICAL

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#18re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 12:30pm

In THE PRODUCERS, when they form the swastika, everyone applauds. I...don't get it.

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#19re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 12:42pm

Just because you get a full cast doing a kickline, it doesn't mean it's applause worthy. The Rockettes deserve that applause. The men in La Cage deserve that applause. The Rantoul Community Players do not. Every.single.time. ARGH! ::breathes::

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Kimmygonbefamous Profile Photo
#20re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 12:57pm

That's so funny that you say that BreakingTheCircle, because that is so definitely true. Every time I've seen a kickline, it always, ALWAYS gets applause. Whether it's 7 4-year-olds in tap costumes or the Rockettes...I guess kicklines just strike a chord with some people? Some deep-seated hunger for synchronization?

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you." - Maya Angelou

KillsTwiceADay Profile Photo
#21re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 12:58pm

"I absolutely hate it when.....people laugh when Glinda puts the cape on Elphaba."

I totally agree, and was going to say something about that. I understand it's kind of a reference- like, oh she put a cape on her and the witch in the movie has a cape, etc...but why is it funny? I've never once gotten the urge to laugh at that.

#22re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 5:27pm

I don't think the Elphaba/Glinda/cape moment gets a laugh because people think it's funny. I think it's more of a knowing chuckle....a moment of recognition. We've seen where the green skin came from....and the pointy hat....and the we have the cape and the picture is complete.

I saw a clip on the Site That Shall Not Be Named of the London production, and (at least for this particular performance), the blocking was altered slightly so that Glinda put the cape on Elphaba while she was still crouched on the floor. Glinda steps back and Elphaba slowly stands to reveal the full effect of the hat, broom and cape. A very subtle difference in staging, but it made a huge impact. It became a spine-tingling moment rather than a mildly amusing one.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

#23re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 5:39pm

Interesting. I can see that having a much greater effect than the way we do things around these parts.

Raspberry Profile Photo
#24re: The most random applause points of shows
Posted: 2/26/07 at 5:54pm

Umm... forgive the 7th grade English lesson (those of you who passed middle school can skip ahead to the next post... but be honest), but so many of you seem confused. It's called dramatic irony. The audience knows something that the characters do not. Glinda is so daft and full of kind intentions when she puts on the cape that it makes the dramatic irony all the more powerful and the audience can revel in their exclusive knowledge even more. Irony of any kind is certainly amusing and exciting for us, and, in most cases, it's funny. This includes dramatic irony. We chuckle at this poor, optimistic girl, who doesn't realize what she is doing.

Even though some of you have seen the show a million times and have very serious thoughts about the characters, I'm sure you understand that the majority of the audience is just there for fun, most for their first time, and the show was written to provoke this kind of fun, positive reaction from them. There have been a thousand discussions about all the ways (plot, lyics, music, dialogue) in which Wicked fails to hold up after repeated viewings.

That's not to say that dramatic irony always gets or deserves laughs. Even though most of you clearly take the show very seriously, Wicked is still a light and buttery popcorn flick of a show about brightly colored characters in a fictional enchanted kingdom. It's lite entertainment, and the audience having that extra knowledge about the meaning of the cape is fun, and we chuckle about it. More serious shows don't get or want laughs for this kind of writing. Cabaret, for example, whose dramatic irony is mostly forshadowing the rise of Nazism and a bit of the Holocaust, is more likely to inspire goosebumps than giggles.

"I just want a story and a few good songs that will take me away. I just want to be entertained. I mean, isn't that the point?"
