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The first time you stage-doored...

The first time you stage-doored...

quizking101 Profile Photo
#1The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 1:24pm

Share your stories about your first ever stage door experience...Funny or otherwise.

My first experience at the stage door was at Young Frankenstein (8/30/200The first time you stage-doored... when the lady at the gift shop told me I could do that. So I went there and the guy at the door said most of them had left (but would be back around 6:00PM if I wished to wait) but one person was still coming and I could for them. All of the sudden, this giant man came out and signed and I didn't remember seeing him in the show.

After about 5 minutes, I connected the dots and realized it was the Monster, in Shuler Hensley form.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 1:29pm

First ever "stage door" was when I was 14. It was a big touring production of CINDERELLA in my hometown. My father knew someone involved with the show so we went backstage afterwards and I wanted to get my program signed. I was talking to the actor who played the Prince (Very hot man, still is and still working on Broadway) and he told me all about living in New York and what I should do if I wanted to get into acting. He gave me his phone number and his service number (that dates me) and it wasn't until quite a while later when I was reflecting on the night that I realized that many was really hitting on me. I think sometimes I should go see him and ask if he remembers that. Because now that I'm older, I'll definitely take him up on that.

The first time I stagedoored a Broadway show was Sarah Jessica Parker in ONCE UPON A MATTRESS. I'll still say that she was by far one of the kindest people I've ever met at the stage door. This was before SEX & THE CITY so me and my Dad were the only ones there waiting after a while, but I hope she hasn't changed too much since.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#2The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 1:34pm

The first time I stage-doored was when Sarah Jessica Parker was in Annie (1979). My mom took a picture of us which I had, but I haven't been able to locate as of late. The first time you stage-doored... She even let me and my best friend see her dressing room. I remember it had black and white Annie comic strip print fabric and was very tiny.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany
Updated On: 8/4/10 at 01:34 PM

newintown Profile Photo
#3The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 1:34pm

Never have waited at the stage door.

But I was visiting friends backstage at the Circle in the Square revival of Bus Stop years ago (Mary Louise Parker & Billy Crudup met in this show). Parker stayed in her dressing room for a long time. When she finally emerged, with a few friends, she yelled up the stairs to the lobby, "Are they gone yet?" House staff yelled back, "Yes!" She went up, and was met by a tiny clutch of autograph seekers; she turned back to the house staffer with a furious glare before giving the fans a pained smile and signing for them. Her friends walked away, shaking their heads.

HumATune Profile Photo
#4The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 2:04pm

The first time I stage-doored was at MARTIN GUERRE in Los Angeles in 2000. I remember a group of us were standing with D.C. Anderson (who played the judge) and someone mentioned what a bummer it was that the show wasn’t going to Broadway. D.C. said he wished they could have done a cast recording. That sticks with me to this day, because he seemed so sad about the whole thing, and it taught me that even if a show has issues (because the book had some serious problems) there are actors who put their all into the show, and they have a right to be sad about its demise.

#5The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 2:30pm

...was the first show I saw.

"Fifth of July" is April, 1981, I was a huge Swoosie Kurtz fan and got both her's and Amy Wright's autographs, but the real suprise was Richard Thomas. I told him I was there reviewing the show for my college newspaper and he allowed me to ask a couple of questions and take a quick peek at the set.

Producer2 Profile Photo
#6The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 2:47pm

Great story, my uncle produced Fifth Of July!

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#7The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 3:30pm

Jordan, I saw Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick at La Cage a couple weeks back...I didn't personally talk to them but they were approached by several people during intermission and both seemed to be very sweet and chatted a bit with everyone who came up to them, so it seems she hasn't changed.

My first stage door was Annie Get Your Gun with Bernadette Peters in...1999 I believe? I was too scared to ask her for an autograph, so my mother did for me hahaa. I still have the signed souvenir program though. :)

#8The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 3:56pm

My first was after my first Broadway show, A Chorus Line in March of 1988. Back when Shubert Alley really was more typical alley than the walkway it is now. Four of us teens on the trip stayed with one adult leader. I still have the program with all the signatures.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#9The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 4:26pm

Unless you were actually whacked by the door as it opened you could not have doored since there is no such word.

#10The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 4:36pm

Wait a few years. It will be one soon. Such is the nature of a living language. The word "googled" didn't exist not so long ago either.

Was there any question in your mind what OP meant? No? Didn't think so.

AudreyTwoTwo Profile Photo
#11The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 5:20pm

The first time I ever stage-doored was for Hugh Jackman in The Boy From Oz in... 2004, I believe. Anyway. It was CRAZY... over 300 woman trying to unzip their shirts so they could look hot or something... I was only 12 at the time, and I was in love with him. I was so starstruck. When he came out, he actually held my hand because I told him I screamed during the show (when he said the Rockette line, I responded because I'm stupid) and he highfived me, but actually grabbed my hand for a good 5 seconds as well. As I started to hyperventilate, the women began to scream and try to grab his hand also. I wouldn't let ANYONE touch my hand for the rest of the night. I actually didn't wash that particular hand or use it for a few days. XD

The Best of Times is Now!

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#12The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 5:32pm

Les Miserables in 1997... I was seven years old! I still have the pictures of me sitting on my dad's shoulders and meeting the actor (whose name I can't remember) who played Jean Valjean!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Jcookie1213 Profile Photo
#13The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 5:34pm

When I was 13 I went to see Spamalot with my dad and two of his friends. After the show one of my dads friends asked if i wanted to wait at the stage door to meet the cast. I of course said yes and was so nervous, I didn't know you could just wait for the actors after the show! there was a relatively small crowd, which is weird looking back on who was in the show, but I was able to meet the entire OBC of Spamalot!!! I thought it was so cool how some of the actors and actresses (like Sara Ramirez) could sign autographs and then just walk down the street, like normal people :p.

JRybka Profile Photo
#14The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 5:35pm

CATS. I met the late great Laurie Beechman and she signed my program "To a Broadway Kitten from an old Cat.. love Laurie" I still have it somewhere.

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

nicole neumann2 Profile Photo
nicole neumann2
#15The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 6:28pm

my first time stage-doored was in July 17,2003

it was Gypsy with BP.

rjjn Profile Photo
#16The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 6:45pm

I stage-doored for Annie Get Your Gun with Bernadette Peters (my first Broadway show)

"Rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love." -Neil Patrick Harris

BellatrixxLestrangee Profile Photo
#17The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 10:42pm

This past January I went to see Wicked with my dad and my sisters. I found out that you could wait at the stage door and get autographs so me and my dad asked where the door was before we went in. At the end of the show we rushed outside. It was freezing cold out so there weren't many people out there. I had spent a week figuring out what I was going to say to all of them and when they came out to the door I was too shy to say anything. I did give Kevin Kern a huge smile because I had a total crush on him. I was very disappointed when I found out he was married!

You gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for? -BP.

#18The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 11:27pm

My first stage door experience was "by accident." I saw the national tour of Wicked, in 2007, with my dad. We were walking to the parking lot, which was across the door, to go home. We noticed a group of people and I recognized Elphaba and Glinda. My dad encouraged me to go up and get an autograph. It was so nice to meet them and take pictures. Ever since, I always beg my parents to "wait for the people and go to the door after the show." And now my dad hates waiting after a show lets out. Haha.

After Eight
#19The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 11:32pm

"The Happiest Girl in the World" in 1961. Cyril Ritchard was both jocular and gracious.

faith587 Profile Photo
#20The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/4/10 at 11:33pm

"Annie" revival, 1997 on my 10th birthday.

This is me and Mekenzie Rosen-Stone, who played Duffy & understudied Molly:
The first time you stage-doored...
Updated On: 8/4/10 at 11:33 PM

CockeyedOptimist2 Profile Photo
#21The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/5/10 at 12:57am

The first time I saw Next to Normal in January. I was so moved that I felt like I had to go out and tell the actors what a wonderful job they did. Ended up getting a picture with Bobby Spencer and now I have gotten pictures with each of the men who has played Dan on Broadway. Although I had seen plenty of Broadway shows before, I didn't really realize that "stage dooring" was something that was done.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#22The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/5/10 at 12:59am

I cried a little.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#23The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/5/10 at 1:22am

This wasn't at the stage door. But I guess it counts.

The first time was when I was a mere teenager... our family wanted to get dessert at a cafe adjacent to the theatre, and as we were talking to the host, one of the actors' moms overheard us talking about the show, and we had programs in our hands. She encouraged me to talk to her daughter when we got to our table, which happened to be right next to theirs!

We did. Everyone was really nice. It's not something I'd EVER do this now, but it was fun at the time.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

quizking101 Profile Photo
#24The first time you stage-doored...
Posted: 8/5/10 at 3:51pm


Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!
