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The Official Ace Musical Thread- Page 6

The Official Ace Musical Thread

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#125re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/11/08 at 8:33pm

Happy Time was last season.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

#126re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/11/08 at 10:09pm

I liked The Happy Time also. Peter Marks gave raves to Carrie Fisher's show and The Road to Mecca at Studio Theatre in the last two days, so he does give rave reviews when a show really deserves it.

Here is City Paper's Trey Graham's review of Ace. It's like all the other ACE reviews-the performances are good-the score OK but the songs start sounding the same-and a book that has too many subplots:

"Signature Theatre opened an expensive-looking new musical last week, with New York theater notables onstage and visions of Broadway dancing in its handsomely coiffed head.

And as you may have heard, the paper of record has turned up its nose in a big way: “With some judicious trims,” wrote The Washington Post’s lead critic, “the aviation-themed Ace might be a candidate for long-term showcasing at a venue such as the Air and Space Museum.”


But don’t despair, if you’ve already plunked down your nonrefundable $86 for that Friday-night seat: It’s not quite that lame.

Not that it’s ready for prime time, exactly. What it is: overstuffed, and largely nonsensical, if stylishly packaged.

Surly, 10-year-old Danny (Dalton Harrod) winds up in a foster home after his mother (Jill Paice) attempts suicide. For reasons that remain stubbornly unclear, Mom’s effort to win the kid back revolves—in the face of urgent entreaties from Florence Lacey’s worried social worker—around a kind of historical scavenger hunt in which model airplanes, old diary entries, and sundry newspaper clippings reveal, piece by tidily chronological piece, the stories of the boy’s long-missing fighter-pilot father (Matthew Scott), the courtship that brought Mom and Dad first bliss and then heartbreak, and the grandparents (Christiane Noll, Jim Stanek) whose influence set the crash-and-burn course for everything that would follow.

As if the hide-a-clue device—and the two generations of territory it covers—weren’t enough, Ace is also concerned with charting the history of U.S. military aviation and with honoring its heroes, both men and machine. (Thus, you see, the title. And the Air and Space Museum crack. And the “overstuffed.”)

Still, the tunes are agreeable (if a bit same-same), and the performers largely first-rate. Paice, whose wan grief in Act 1 gives way to a winning vivaciousness after intermission, summons a scorching rage later still, when the plot (somehow convoluted and predictable all at once) demands it.

And Angelina Kelly, as a pigtailed playground detective who helps Danny parse the riddles Mom keeps parceling up and shipping over to the foster home, hooks the audience in the early going—and reels ‘em in, gasping with delight, with a saucy showstopper of a solo called “Now I’m on Your Case.”

Robert Perdziola’s costumes upholster the show’s three major eras—the two World Wars, plus the early 1950s—in an easy-to-decode visual vocabulary, while Walt Spangler’s efficient steel set, with a substantial assist from Michael Clark’s precisely calibrated projections, suggests cockpits and barrooms, classrooms and bedrooms and leafy campuses with surprising grace.

All that style, all that skill, and mostly for naught: Ace keeps trying to soar, but all the ground clutter keeps it firmly earthbound."

#127re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/14/08 at 1:40pm

I got to go again last night and the show is MUCH tighter than it was that Friday I went. The guys were much more at ease with their "airplanes" that look like ironing boards. And because the show became tighter, making the show more emotional. I cried when John Robert died, it was so sad and Danny's reaction was heart breaking. In the audience, after that and during the finale, tissues were coming out and people were wiping away tears throughout the audience.

Christiane was very operatic sounding last time, giving Jim (and others) but especially Jim issues keeping up with her during their duet but she has toned it down A LOT. Jim didn't have to struggle to stay with her now, and it made that scene much better. Though she did slip back into the opera sound later on, she moved out of it again so that she didn't overwhelm the others.

Angelina (Emily) was even better than last time. She, wow, she is going to be going places.

One change that I think needs to be made is to explain a little earlier what is going on with Elisabeth and what lead to her trying to commit suicide and why Danny is taken away. As it is, it seems very random and you don't realize what is going on in her mind (about when she and Ace are fighting about him going to war) and their home life until much later.

People have said on here that Eric and others should be embarrassed about Glory Days. They shouldn't be and, as far as I know, aren't. Yes, I liked the show and yes, I love the Signature and the work to come out of there, but I don't believe anybody has anything to be ashamed or embarrassed about concerning Glory Days. It was something they believed in and wanted to take up to New York to share it with others. Yes, some bad decisions were made (I feel mostly about the theatre, it should have gone Off-Broadway) but no way should they be embarrassed. People can't seem to move on from it - yes, it didn't do what was hoped for. That was ONE production. Other work to come out of the Signature shouldn't be based on ONE show that didn't pan out. Though, unfortunately, people will be biased about it. And, regarding Peter Marks/Glory Days/his review - he didn't start with post-Glory Days shows to not like them, he didn't like many before that too, he isn't covering his butt from his review from Glory Days.

Edit - yes, I overstated that and I fixed it.

Avatar ~ Jesse JP Johnson as Jack in Glory Days.
Ben Crawford dot Com
Updated On: 9/14/08 at 01:40 PM

#128re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:23pm

Brandy_Breath, you have got to be kidding when you say that it is hard to find a show that Peter Marks likes coming from Signature. For many years, Peter Marks lavished praise on the theater, even where most other critics did not. I used to be a subscriber before moving from that area. I was often surprised at the good review given the theater shows when the work was so often not good. Most of the good work there was done by directors other than Eric. Eric has contributed a lot to the DC theater scene and Signature is obviously where it is because of him (and others), but a solid consistent director, he is not.

I also agree with you that nobody should be ashamed of a show they believe in. However, you should also take account of when you make errors. And, you should acknowledge when you did not do the necessary work to get where you wanted to go. It appears that the Signature folks thought Glory Days was going to be a walk in the park to get to Broadway. Underestimating the difficulty is something everyone associated with that show should take stock of -- especially Eric and producers.

Fortunately, the young authors seem to have come out of it not too tarnished.

kec Profile Photo
#129re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/14/08 at 5:58pm

This letter was posted in the Washington Post on September 13 in the "Free for All" section:

"Believe What You See

After reading the Post's critical review of Signature Theatre's musical 'Ace' ['Signature's Ace Doesn't Earn its Wings,' Style, Sept. 4] we almost canceled our tickets.

Luckily we dicided to go to the Sept. 5 show. Two quick hours later, we joined the entire audience in a loud standing ovation for the cast and orchestra.

All five in our group found the musical entertaining, fast-moving and not hard to understand notwithstanding staff writer Peter Marks's comments that the plot was contrived and superficial. Gosh, it's a musical, Peter."

I saw the show about three weeks ago in preview (lovely to meet you Jordan Girl!), and very much enjoyed it. I was sufficiently caught up in the story to be in tears at the end of the first AND second acts. I thought the performances across the board were excellent. I've got a ticket for the final performance on September 28.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#130re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/14/08 at 6:48pm

Kec, it was great to meet you too! And I'll see you at the closing performance on the 28th!! :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

pdjennings Profile Photo
#131re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/15/08 at 9:41am

We saw the Saturday matinee this weekend and LOVED IT. I totally don't see where all the bad press is coming from. The story was efficient and easy to follow (although I was expecting a larger "revelation" at the end -- because the end of the 'mystery' is basically just what you assume it is), and the music was excellent. Dalton Harrod and Angelina Kelly were definitely the highlights -- both are amazingly talented.

btw - is there any sort of Stage Door thing at the Signature? We sorta hung around the lobby a bit -- but we didn't see anyone come out, but we mightn't have stayed long enough.

#132re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/15/08 at 10:33am

the "stage door" where most performers come out is the area just to the left of the bar, between the two theaters.

#133re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/19/08 at 12:16pm

It looks like they plan to move forward...

jordangirl Profile Photo
#134re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/19/08 at 12:21pm

So far it's just the Signature info on there. But it'll be interesting to see, that's for sure.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#135re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/19/08 at 12:50pm

the website is very attractive, I think.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#136re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/19/08 at 2:20pm

Definitely. I hadn't explored it before (Signature has great stuff on their site as-is), so I don't know if it has been there. But it definitely looks great.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Magica Profile Photo
#137re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/19/08 at 7:17pm

finally seeing the show tomorrow and the website looks really snazzy.

#138re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/19/08 at 9:34pm

A new review from BBW
Four Aces For Signature Theatre's Musical 'Ace'

Little-Lotte Profile Photo
#139re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/19/08 at 10:34pm

That website was up before but it had nothing on it, all of the info and stuff is new. I'm really liking the new pictures as well!!
Updated On: 9/19/08 at 10:34 PM

matty159 Profile Photo
#140re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/23/08 at 10:22am

Has anyone here done rush for this? How have the houses been and do you think getting a rush ticket for the matinee this Sunday would be a problem? I really want to see this before it closes and am completely strapped until the beginning of the month, so rush is the only way I will get to see it. I also figure that if I can't get a ticket to Ace, then there is always Inishmore...I would hate to make the two hour drive for nothing.

Any advice would be great! Thanks!

#141re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/23/08 at 10:56am

Call the box office 703 820 9771 and tell them you are coming in from out of town. The show isn't selling out, so you should get a great seat.

#142re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/23/08 at 5:06pm

Rush is realllly easy. I have only rushed Ace(three times now, going on four this weekend)and gotten front row, E and G all in the center of the aisles. For this show, visually I prefer up higher but sound quality wise, front row was better.

You should have no problem at all. Saturday the matinée was pretty empty, though sold better than other Saturday matinée's I've been to there.

Oh and the policy has changed and is now an hour before show time (used to be a half hour) and costgs $30 (up $10 from before).

Avatar ~ Jesse JP Johnson as Jack in Glory Days.
Ben Crawford dot Com

jordangirl Profile Photo
#143re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/23/08 at 6:29pm

Yeah, overall being further back (which is NOT far back in The Max) is the better way to see the show, especially for the first time. My first time I was front row center, and Emily told me after the show if all my tickets were that close to see if the box office would change them. All my others save closing were further back, and she was SOOOOO right. There are projections that really enhance everything that just don't make sense/aren't clear from the front row. Sound-wise I actually thought it was better further back as well ~ a more "complete" feel, at least IMHO.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

matty159 Profile Photo
#144re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/23/08 at 6:44pm

Thanks for everyone's responses...and the advice on seating. Now that my plans are firm, I am getting more and more excited. Although I do want to see Inishmore at some point during its run, I would be mightily upset if I missed the chance to see Ace.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#145re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/23/08 at 7:07pm

I just checked Goldstar for you, but it's not on there right now. It might still be worth looking at closer just to see if they've opened any tickets up.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

pdjennings Profile Photo
#146re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/28/08 at 9:45am

We went again on Friday night and it was even better this time. Dalton's 'solo' at the end had me in tears. If this doesn't go to Bway, it'll be such a shame. I wish there was some way to have a recording of this show :-/

kec Profile Photo
#147re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/28/08 at 9:54am

Seeing this again tonight, final performance. I'm very much looking forward to it.

Spider Woman
#148re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/28/08 at 12:54pm

Having seen Ace 4 times now, I can say that I feel fortunate to have had the experience. The story is simply beautiful and brings me to tears. So many of the performances are praise-worthy.

Having said that...last night was "Technical Difficulty Night" at Ace. In Act 1, the set pieces didn't fully move,then, not at all, the centerpiece didn't budge, the planes didn't drop... at least the swings came down! They worked on it and we cheered for them when, at intermission, they tested it out and they worked. In Act 2, the set pieces didn't turn and the stairs didn't come down, but they worked through it and the cast did a great job with it. We asked one of the cast members who told us that they knew about the issues only at the top of the show. Given that, you have to admire the professionalism of the cast and crew. Brava!

matty159 Profile Photo
#149re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 9/28/08 at 7:10pm

Just got back to town after seeing the matinee this afternoon. All I have to say is WOW! I truly wasn't expecting much going in, but I left knowing I had seen something truly special. (And by the way, we did end up doing rush and got a great pair of seats in the middle of row E 117-118 for $30 each...great deal. The house was pretty full too!)

First let me express my dismay that Emily Skinner was out (word is she would be on for the final performance this evening). Always nice to see a fellow Richmonder who has become a success, but alas that was not meant to be (though it was nice seeing Duke Lafoon who I remember from countless dinner theater productions around town as a child and from working at TheatreVirginia for a spell). Anyhow, I digress...

Based on the above post, I am glad to say that the set was back in working order. The set design for the show was great and very effective.

I absolutely love the score. So many songs stuck with me and I couldn't get them out of my head during the 2 hour drive home. I know I will being singing In These Skies for weeks to come (actually, I caught myself singing it in the grocery store a few minutes ago).

What a fantastic cast! I am not a big fan of shows with kids, but these guys were excellent. Dalton and Angelina were simply magnificent. I was also excited to see Jill Paice and she certainly didn't disappoint. And while Christiane Noll was a little too "opera" for me in parts, she still delivered a very affecting performance. Actually, that can be said for the entire cast.

There were so many moments when I was on the verge of tears...or well, actually crying. And during the finale, I was grinning like an idiot for ear to ear. I will say that parts of the book are clunky and some of the spoken dialogue seemed very stilted....luckily, there is very little dialogue!

Overall, it was an sensational afternoon of theater. It may not be totally be ready for Broadway as it is, but with some minor tweaking, it could totally get there and be a total family friendly crowd pleaser. I seriously think some of the critics saw a completely different show from what I saw (and yes, I do know some changes have been made during the run).

Lastly, it was great meeting jordangirl pre-show! At first I thought it was a bit over-the-top wanting to see this so many times in one weekend, but I think I now understand!
