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The Official Ace Musical Thread- Page 2

The Official Ace Musical Thread

Amalia Balash Profile Photo
Amalia Balash
#25re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/20/08 at 12:47pm

I'll see this at some point at Signature, but right now I'm planning to wait till after the previews. The theater's intimate enough that I'm not worried about a bad seat. The DC area's very lucky to have Schaeffer and Signature.

...5678 Profile Photo
#26re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/20/08 at 2:16pm

I am so thrilled that Matthew Scott is doing this...saw him in Jersey Boys when he went on as Frankie...he's absolutely incredible. :)

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#27re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/20/08 at 11:04pm

Never mind I have decided to go the next day

#28re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/24/08 at 10:19pm

For those who do not know, Signature's MAX and ARK Theatre are small Flexible Black Box Theatre's. Meaning the seating configuration changes for each show.

Two of the last three show's in the Max Theatre have been a "three quarter round thrust" set up. For ACE, from what I understand, it will be set up in a Proscenium set. I would expect it to be about the same size as it was with Kiss of the Spiderwoman was. However I'm not sure if the set will be as huge as that set was. For those of you that were lucky enough to see Kiss of the Spiderwoman, the set alone was awe inspiring. I heard someone say there was FOUR TONS of steel used for that.

I will definatley be seeing a preview this week. I am hoping to RUSH the show on Wednesday at the first preview, I was so disappointed to hear that they had to cancel the first preview on Tuesday.

I will post more after I see the show. I'm REALLY excited about it.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#29re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/24/08 at 10:43pm

Technical appears to be the understatement... This from their blog:

Right now, if you went into The MAX Theatre, you would easily think you were at NASA.

There are 17 computer screens up and running in order to tech our production of ACE. It's like Mission Control. We have lighting, sound, projections, sets, automation, and the stage manager all on computers. The lighting department alone has 9 screens! You can see how complicated this production is. It took us 5 hours to get thru 28 cues. And we're moving along; it's coming together.

And from another, as many measures roughly as Les Mis?!?!?

Cannot wait until Saturday night!!!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#30re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/25/08 at 12:45am

Oh my god, this show sounds like it's going to be incredible! If the cast wasn't already amazing, the staging would make this show thrilling by itself.

I can't wait to see it next month.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield
Updated On: 8/25/08 at 12:45 AM

#31re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/25/08 at 1:28am

I know the cast is like a forgive my lack of a better term, "muscial theatre queen's wet dream"....I just looked at signatures website and there is preview of one of the songs check it out! the song is AMAZING.

Magica Profile Photo
#32re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/25/08 at 8:06am

looking forward to seeing this in a week Updated On: 8/25/08 at 08:06 AM

jordangirl Profile Photo
#33re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/25/08 at 9:26am

DianaSLamar ~ Yeah, that's always been one of my favorite songs from the demo, so I'm glad it appears to still be in there. As soon as I heard they were making major changes all around I stopped listening to the demo as much because I didn't want to get attached to songs only to find them changed or cut. This one's now back on my playlist. :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#34re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/27/08 at 11:47am

Anyone going tonight? Updated On: 10/21/08 at 11:47 AM

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#35re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/27/08 at 11:55am

I'm going tomorrow. I will post a review by Friday.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#36re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/27/08 at 12:18pm

Going this weekend. If I didn't have to be at school for development tomorrow and Friday I'd have been down there all week. Very excited!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

kec Profile Photo
#37re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/27/08 at 12:46pm

There's an article in the WAshington Post today about the show:

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#38re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/27/08 at 9:18pm

I am going next Thursday. I had intended to go to the first preview, but it got canceled.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

kec Profile Photo
#39re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/27/08 at 10:48pm

I am going this weekend as well. I'm looking forward to it. re: The Official Ace Musical Thread

#40re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/27/08 at 11:51pm

Just got back from the first preview of the broadway-aimed musical Ace.

Before I delve deeper into the review, I must say that I have been seeing DC, Philly, and NYC theatre for a very long time and Signature is of my favorite regional theatre companies. Every show I have seen has been consistently solid and even if the show itself isn't great or unique the performances usually make up for the material.

I went in with no knowledge of the musical and only a brief plot outline. I really wanted to like this show, the set looked great from the start and the performers in the program were very recognizable faces from NYC and DC theatre. But unfortunately the show was...i hate to say it..a mess. It was way too long, the music was weak and underwhelming, and the lyrics and book were dismal and predictable. By the middle of Act One, I began to predict every other ending word, since every lyric was a rhyming couplet. The two numbers that were serviceable and remained in my head were In these Skies (which was repeated numerous times) and It's Just a Matter of Time which had a great beat and rhythm. The other songs (and there were many, 28 including reprises) were slow and plodding and seemed to repeat the same theme and topic over and over again.

I think the main problem with the show is that the authors do not know what audience they are trying to reach. At first I thought, well maybe it is so hokey because it is a family show, but the plot points are too complicated and the show way too long for any child to sit thru. It is way to syrupy and cheeky to play for the older crowd or teenagers. Maybe it was meant for veterans of the various wars to treasure, but even the war aspects were predictable and dull. They hit every stereotypical war plot gearing up for battle, the drunk bar scene, the wives back at home singing of their long lost husbands, and a very cheesy death sequence toward the end of the first act. It was so disappointing to see a theatre that has churned out amazing work to resort to this piece.

The performances for the most part were unmemorable. Stanek had one ok solo, but then dissolved into the background. Noll has an amazing voice but her acting needs work. Scott was in great voice as Ace, but was very "actory" and overacted the entire performance. The most disappointing actor in the show was Paice who has a very high pitched whiney voice that is almost ear shatteringly shrill.

The standout in the production was the young lady who played Emily. Folks, watch out for Angelina Kelly. She was pure joy in the part of Danny's young friend and she was a welcome breath of fresh air. She had amazing comic timing and great acting chops and she was probably only 12 years old. Every time she came on the stage you could feel the audience perk up and absorb her great performance.

Technical aspects were interesting. The set was was very simple and Mr. Spanger took a very creative and inventive approach for the battle scenes and different locales throughout the show...although the platform effect in the center of the stage got very old and one wonders if they just gave up on ideas for the plane sequences.

Sorry for the length and I know it is a first preview, but I never write reviews on this board and I couldn't hold back after seeing Ace: The New Musical Catastrophe. If this goes to broadway...Mr. Brantley is going to have a field day.

#41re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 12:10am

I really hope it succeeds. Many great cast. But, unfortunately, Eric Schaeffer does not do a good job of helming new musicals. I have been down to Signature a number of times and have usually been underwhelmed. I do think that he is a great marketer and visionary for the theater and DC area is lucky to have him in a number of ways. I just wish he would leave the directing to someone else.

#42re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 7:08am

I was there last night too and I can't believe how boring this show was. The first act felt like it was 8 hours long. 5 people in my row left after 45 minutes. This production is all sets and no heart. The score is dull-28 insufferable songs and so many reprises that I wanted to scream. The lyrics were so infantile that the only way I could stay up was to keep popping M&Ms to get a sugar boost. Be prepared to catch up on your sleep - and prepared to hold your ears -Jill Paice's voice is like nails on a blackboard. Why can't Mr. Shaeffer let someone else direct these shows. Didn't The Visit prove that in the hands of a creative director, Signature can have a hit? If they bring this mess to NYC, it will be Glory Days II.

Kalimba Profile Photo
#43re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 8:41am

Although Signature Theater has produced many well received shows, unfortunately they will always be associated with that huge turkey, "Glory Days". Eric Shaeffer really should have been shown the door after that one, or at least have had the decency to resign.
Updated On: 8/28/08 at 08:41 AM

#44re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 8:56am

I'm sad to read that the show's not in a good place - between the official demo sources, the show seemed to be in a good, but not yet great place after the last production. As someone earlier posted, it's trying very hard to find its place as a family show - something with action for the kids, a bit of sex and history for the parents, etc. It's a hard balance to strike, and it looks like the direction they took was to bloat and start throwing things at the wall to hope that something sticks vs. taking what was strong.

Also, any chance of a song list? I'll freely admit that the score is too ballad heavy for its own good, but I'm hoping the songs I like (In These Skies, Now I'm On Your Case, Make It From Scratch, Matter of Time, Missing Pieces, We're The Only Ones) are still in there.

#45re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 11:26am

I'm at work, but I can type up a song list later.

Fyi, here is website where you can order discount tickets for ACE. Although it is only day of show sale, it's 50% off and all seats have an excellent view.

#46re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 11:56am

Been lurking on these boards for ages, and finally took the plunge.

I enjoyed ACE last nite. And yes, there are issues. (Saw Matt in JB, and loved him, but the melodramatic acting...) I think it's only fair to wait out preview week before posting a real review.

What caused me to actually register and leave a comment was the previous reviewer's mention of Angelina Kelly.

We didn't agree on ACE as a whole, but, every person in our group of five felt that we had witnessed something very special -- this kid just owned the stage.

I am no fan of child actors, but, I am a huge fan of talent. I want to be one of the first to say - when she's ripping up the Broadway stage in a decade - I KNEW, right from the beginning.

I plan to see the show again, several times. Preview week is a time for improvements and there are improvements to be made. (Must Christiane Noll's character, Ruth, be so fickle and aggressive? If she loved both men and had to choose John Anderson wouldn't the connection feel stronger?)

Anyway, my partner and I were still talking about Angelina at breakfast So, before the Ace bashing begins, I want to say - catch this new talent at it's birth.
Updated On: 8/28/08 at 11:56 AM

#47re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 11:59am

Tookcharge, I'm so glad you found her performance as thrilling as I did. She is gonna be big someday!

matty159 Profile Photo
#48re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 12:37pm

I was really looking forward to seeing thoughts on the first preview and was thinking about heading up to see it on Saturday, but am now rethinking that. Perhaps I should wait a week or so and see what improvements have been made.

phillyactor - thanks for reminding me about ticketplace! I totally forgot that existed.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#49re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
Posted: 8/28/08 at 12:40pm

I'm definitely still excited about it...I know it's hugely technical, so I expected them to still be working things out. Let's keep in mind for this incarnation ~ where there were numerous changes made ~ last night was their first time in front of an audience. I don't know many brand new (even if incarnationally) shows that hit it perfectly out of the box.

I specifically planned to go the last preview weekend and again on closing weekend to see the changes.

Definitely still excited.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
