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OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/22/05 at 10:34pm

Sam I Am?

I didn't know you worked at Sardis 24/7.

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/22/05 at 10:46pm


[No one knowledgable within the theater community, heck even casual theatergoers, EXPECT Mr. Lane to be "at least" good as Oscar in THE ODD COUPLE.]

Everyone knowledgeable in the theatre community is aware that Mr. Lane likes to chew up the stage, sofa, curtains and anything else he can get his teeth into. His OSCAR is very believable as I said, and has some pathos which have not been seen before.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
Posted: 10/22/05 at 10:47pm

Do you think the critics will bash this show, Eros?

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/22/05 at 10:51pm

Dear: WiCkEDrOcKS

We shall see Next Week. But I'm betting they will. But you never know, I could be totally off base.
Updated On: 10/23/05 at 10:51 PM

pab Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/05 at 12:54am

"Dear PAB ...

If you have actually been in this play, and directed this play... then you may know me. I can't help but wonder why someone that has had such a LONG standing relationship with this play... wasn't gifted tickets... as they were to me."

I don't live in New York, not that that is really any of your business.

"And since you have not seen this version of the play, and will not be seeing this version of the play, our banter back and forth is a moot point. "

Again, your lack of understanding is showing. It was a moot point from the beginning when I said that I had no problem with your review of the production. You made a decision to make it a point. I don't know how many different ways to say that so that it can sink in.

"Correct me if I am wrong but these message boards exist for us to share our view points? There is not a right way or wrong way for us to express ourselves, PAB. But, sadly, you seem to think that there is only one way... YOUR WAY.

Now that's the pot calling the Kettle black. (You can look that saying up since I'm not really sure you would know what it means).

"Now PAB, since you are such an expert on this site, you should know that you have broken one of the main rules many times. You have chosen to attack me on a personal level, which I find extremely fascinating since you have such a superior grasp of the English Language. "Me Thinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much." "

Oh, you have checked out the rules? Good for you. Nothing personal about it. A thin skin perhaps?

"Either stick to the subject at hand which is the review of this 2005 Production of the "The Odd Couple" or move on to someone else that actually believes your story of having acted and directed this play SO many times that the powers of BE wouldn't gift you a ticket to this dog of a show."

Believe what you will, it matters not to me. I'm quite secure in what I've done in theatre and I'm so happy that you were "gifted tickets". It just shows how grateful you are to have received them to then you proceed to turn around bash the "gifted" show and try to encourage others not to see it. What a class act you are.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"
Updated On: 10/23/05 at 12:54 AM

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/05 at 2:47am

Dear PAB ...

You really are funny.

Can't wait to see your next show.

Posted: 10/23/05 at 9:12am

gee whiz, that review seems harsh. im doing the odd couple right now and it doesnt really matter that its dated, we still get the jokes, Neil Simon is ozome....i unno I guess I have to wait til I see the production with Brodderick and Lane til I cant refute or support this review

"If There's One Thing to Learn it's You Just Can't Go Wrong If You Follow Your Heart, and End With A Song"

SamIAm Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/05 at 11:06am

You know, OneEros, I think it would it would be best to leave this alone now. You've had your say, but you are clearly taking pleasure in doing nothing now other than slamming other people on this message board (=troll) which certainly isn't a new trait here but it is becoming quite annoying.

No, I don't hang out at Sardi's 24/7 but you might consider that some of us on this board are also New Yorkers and may be in the industry or have connections to the perhaps we KNOW where people hang out and don't hang out.

After saying that, I would also mention that there are some others on this board who might be considered to have some knowledge of the business and be pretty darn good judges of the theatrical experience. So, yes, you are entitled to your opinion, as we are to ours and yes many of us are equally as educated in the industry. However, I would say again that all you seem to do is attack us and everyone on the stage. Frankly, your comment about Lane liking to chew scenery and then saying that he is one of the only two actors on stage who can act in this play seems to be a bit of a conflicting opinion (unless you think that the only peope who can act are those who chew scenery) so again I am confused as to your standards.

But enough is enough. I won't be answering your post again because I think this thread has become way too bitter and unprofessional in the tone and in the acidic nastiness on your part. Have a nice life, kiddo.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/05 at 11:45am

SAM I AM ...

Amazing that both you and PAB attempt to silence people on here by giving your RESUME. You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to my opinion. You can stop typing anytime you want, I haven't forced you to do anything.

By the looks of the numbers next to all the other postings (some are up in thousands), are you going to accuse those people of trolling too? Just because you don't hear what you want to hear? Does that tactic actually work for you people?

Posted: 10/23/05 at 4:23pm

Saw it last night - 10/22. Here is my review.
As much as you want to love Lane and Broderick, the play itself is stale and dull. Yes, you will get a few laughs, but overall it is slow and boring. The producers need to rework the entire play. It needs a lot more laughs. The drawn curtain between acts is really bad. Surely they could come up with something more entertaining than having the audience stare at a red curtain for a few minutes. I found the audience desperately trying to laugh at the most mundane lines. We wanted it to work, but it didn't. Lane does a great job playing Oscar, but his lines are dull. Broderick's part (Felix) was the dullest and could be a lot funnier.

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/05 at 4:27pm

Hey mbk25...

My point exactly.

Have you seen "Doubt?"

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/05 at 5:41pm


Let us know what you think when you see it. re: THE ODD COUPLE - REVIEW

NYSinger1 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/05 at 7:51pm

I am seeing it in a few weeks, and will post a report. However, remember, the producers did make a conscious decision not to update the play. Also, this is a very hard play to get comedic timing down. It is also a hard show to do. The show is opening cold in NY, right? Please let me know if I am mistaken. If they are opening cold in NY, then give them some time to gel and let the production come together.

My 2 cents.

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/05 at 10:01pm

Hey ...

NYSinger1 ... they had a very long rehersal period. I saw it the evening before opening night. The kinks should be worked out by then.


Posted: 10/24/05 at 7:09am

They had a traditional 4-week rehearsal period. Starting on 9/6. First preview on 10/4. Opening night is this Thursday, 10/27. You must mean that you saw the play the night before the first preview. Technical rehearsals began on 9/29 when the actors first got on the stage and began working with all the props and setting the play's "business." As someone else mentioned, this is a very busy play with lots of props and staging. It takes time to feel comfortable with all of that and find character and comic timing. I saw two previews a week apart, and there was considerable improvement in the performances. I'm really looking forward to opening night.

P.S. Who mentioned the 1st act set change break was minutes long? I clocked it at 25 seconds. And the audience applauded the transformation when the curtain came back up.
Updated On: 10/24/05 at 07:09 AM

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/24/05 at 11:29am

Dear Jane3 ...

Let's see what the reviewers have to say on Friday.

Avigdor Profile Photo
Posted: 10/24/05 at 12:40pm

Why should Simon update the script. what is the purpose of that?
rather lame suggestion for America's foremost comic playwright. maybe you should call him.

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/25/05 at 11:42am

Dear Avigdor ...

Maybe you should go see this version. Then let us know how you feel.

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
Posted: 10/25/05 at 11:56am


Everyone I know has seen at least one show they don't care for. Sometimes they may even post about the experience. But, they move on.

Something is a bit off about your obsession with pointing out how supposedly horrible this ODD COUPLE is.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Posted: 10/25/05 at 12:24pm

Correct me if I'm wrong...but this production sounds a lot like the re-make of Psycho done a few years ago: same material, different actors. Usually revivals are revisions of classic shows and productions(hence the Odd Couple: Female Version). From what I've heard, this simply takes the old version of The Odd Couple and sticks in two well known actors. It's nothing new for commercial theatre to do something like this, so I don't understand why people are actually going in expecting something as groundbreaking as, say, Doubt? are ridiculously priced, but I think it's absurd to pay hundreds of dollars for a hockey or soccer game, but doesn't mean it's not worth it to some people.

I'm happy to see that someone shared their opinions of the play, but I feel that some of the choices made in describing the play is what sparked all the hooplah. All in all, it sounded to me as if the reviewer was a typical theatre fan who says, "Well...if I were directing this, I would have done this" rather than one who can objectively analyze the subject. There's nothing wrong with this type of thinking, of course, which is why he shouldn't be bashed for sharing his thoughts.

pab Profile Photo
Posted: 10/25/05 at 2:10pm

MasterLcZ Wrote:

"Something is a bit off about your obsession with pointing out how supposedly horrible this ODD COUPLE is."

MasterLcz, I had stopped posting in this thread because it became pointless. It had become obvious what the original person posting was trying to do and in some ways they succeeded by keeping this thread going. I know that I'm now continuing this thread by making this post but my observation this time is not about the show but about what you have also observed.

OneEros69 joined this board on 10/21 to start this The Odd Couple - Review thread. Up to my posting this, there have been a total of 30 posts by this member. 29 of them are in this thread. The other one is in another thread called IN MY LIFE: Bring Your Ballerina Doll. In that thread they've pointed a person there to this thread. There has been no other contribution, to this board, by this user, other than on this topic. It has therefore become quite evident, to me, that the person posting has a specific agenda.

On 10/22 when the thread was slowing down a little, a new member, lh8990, joined and posted in agreement with the original post, and the discussion continued. That was, by the way, lh8990's ONLY post and we have not heard from that member again.

On 10/23 when this thread, once again, was receiving little attention, mbk25 joined and posted in agreement with the original post and again the discussion continued. mbk25 has also made just the one post and we have never from that member ever again.

I may be wrong but it would be very interesting to see the IP addresses of those two new members and compare them to the member who made the original post. That member was quick to point out the rules of this board to me during our discussion but I wonder if they really read ALL of the rules.

Now, this production of The Odd Couple might actually turn out to be bad, I have no idea and I'm not trying to defend it (something that the person originally posting never was able to grasp and still can't seem to, no matter how many different ways I say it) but I do think that your statement that "Something is a bit off . . . " is absolutely correct.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/25/05 at 3:27pm

Hey PAB & MasterLcZ :

"What's off about this reviewer?" ... is simple. If you check with Samuel French to see how many productions this year have been done of the Odd Couple in Jr. High and High School theatre alone, you would see why this reviewer was upset to see huge money, huge talent, and a wonderful theatre redoing the same thing that has been done thousands of times before. Just because everyone else is accepting this "Commercial" revival as "Oh well, we've seen the same thing many times over with producers doing revivals over the last few years," doesn't mean that voices can't affect choices in the future. I don't think it needs to be any more complicated than that.

Now PAB do you honestly believe that "You" are the sole reason people have responded or not responded to this Review? That is simply "Hubris" on your part. Roughly 2000 people have taken a look at the review and so far I have five people who have disagreed with me. My time is extremely valuable. If you look at the amount of time it has taken me to write the review, respond to the responses, and the responses to the responses to the responses, well it proves that I am at least passionate about my belief.

People will either let this Review fall off the system or they will continue to read it and respond to it. And I am betting that after the critics get a hold of it, and more people see this play, you will discover that I will not be the only dissenting review by a long shot.

pab Profile Photo
Posted: 10/25/05 at 3:42pm

"Now PAB do you honestly believe that "You" are the sole reason people have responded or not responded to this Review? That is simply "Hubris" on your part."

Okay, it's now obvious that you just have a basic lack of understanding of what other people write. I don't know where you get, from what I wrote, that I believe I'm "the sole reason people have responded or not responded to this Review". Maybe you should read my post again or better yet get someone else to read it and explain it to you.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Posted: 10/25/05 at 10:10pm

Hi....pab, I hear you called my name.

I thought someone might think it was suspect that I posted in somewhat agreement with oneEros69. I can assure you we are not the same person and dont know each other, so feel free to do an IP check if you have time. In fact, I did just make a 2nd post, in the thread offering Wicked tickets, that might explain to you better how I came to see the Odd Couple that night and why I posted about it.

I wish that others who have seen the show would give a few comments. I was disappointed, but as I think I stated originally, I expect a lot for my $100. My main point was that so many people have paid $3-400 for these tickets (I heard someone at the theatre the night I went say they heard some tix were $1000 bucks). I know it's a dated show, and considered a classic or whatever, but darnit, if I had paid $400, I would NOT be pleased!!!

I am interested to see how the critics like the show. If they are honest, I think you will see some lackluster reviews. If not, they are either kissing up to the hype, or maybe I just don't know an enjoyable play when I see it. No matter what, it might make sense for the people who criticize the comments made on this thread to actually go see the show and form an opinion for themselves. Personally, I want to hear from some of the people who spent $300 and up per ticket.

Have a good evening.

OneEros69 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/25/05 at 10:58pm

It's funny PAB ...

People just don't seem to get what you write. Being new on this site, I didn't know that you could check out other ditties that have been written by us authors of Broadway Chat. Your history is rather fascinating and you seem to love to flex your muscle so to speak.

Now, I have to admit I only read the first two paragraphs of your last e-mail on here, so when Lh8990 just posted their response I didn't understand the IP reference. Now that I have gone back to read your e-mail I wonder what the heck is going on in that brain of yours.

I have proven myself to be very vocal here, whether anyone wants to listen to me or not. Why would I need to create more screen names to keep this going, when all I would have to do is click and type another response to my own review, or I could click on someone's old response to my own review? You really are grasping at straws. Some people want to know whether this play is any good. For some reason you are bound and determined to squash my voice. Certainly you didn't do this to your actors when you Directed this play for JR. High! Since you have not seen this production, and you are not going to be seeing this production, why don't you politely back out and keep your opionions which are not based on this production to yourself.

Again, in just a few days, we will see what the critics have to say about all of this. I can't wait. It will be nice to debate something with someone who has actually seen this production.
