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Supporting Audra's joke about being raped on-stage.- Page 2

Supporting Audra's joke about being raped on-stage.

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#25Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 9:42am

I admit, I heard her say rape, and I flinched a bit. I've been a victim of sexual assault (not rape) and I know others who have been too.

That being said, it doesn't bother me. (Although, I can't speak on behalf of everyone else, this just my personal feelings towards the subject).

I think it's because it's said in the context of the character she's playing, and the show she's in.

I don't think she was being insensitive. I've seen worse things on the internet, when it comes to casually tossing the word rape around. Better yet, look at The Homecoming by Harold Pinter or any play that touches upon the not so nice things in human nature. To get one's panties in a twist over something an actress said in the moment versus the rest of what's out there, it doesn't make sense.

That's just my humble opinion, and all my opinions are humble.

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

Updated On: 6/11/12 at 09:42 AM

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#26Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 9:48am

I have also been sexually assaulted.

NYTheatre01 Profile Photo
#27Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 9:57am

It was a horrible, insensitive comment! I hope she apologizes for it today!

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#28Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 10:16am

No one actually think Audra is say "Hey, rape is OK!" but I thought it was in poor taste.

#29Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 10:18am

Fact: Audra's character is raped in Porgy and Bess.

Fact: Audra won the Tony for playing that character.

Fact: Because she won the Tony, she gets to make an acceptance speech.

Fact: In said acceptance speech, if she's mentioning everything her character does or that happens to her character, she has every right to mention being raped onstage. It's not insensitive in any way, shape or form, it's part of the play and she has every right to mention it.

#30Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 11:28am

The issue is that she said it happens in the context of how she loves what she does, not just the fact that it happens.

I think it was just an in-the-moment-comment that she probably regrets today. I didn't like the remark and it made me uncomfortable, but I don't think she meant it maliciously and it definitely wasn't a Donald Glover-esque rape joke.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

someone.else's.story2 Profile Photo
#31Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 11:34am

This is so silly. Have we gone so far in the name of politically correctlness that someone can't say rape without it being a big brouhaha? She was referencing a scene is the show. It is hard for me to believe that anyone on this board who acts has not done the same. I just finished the run of a show in which my character suffered domestic violence. At the nightly fight call, we would joke that the other actor was ready to beat me up. Never did anyone advocate domestic violence by doing so.

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.” ``oscar wilde``

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#32Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 11:40am

This is one thread I'm just gonna slowly walk away from....

DEClarke Profile Photo
#33Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 11:47am

My thoughts: When did she make a joke? I didn't interpret her comments as a joke. As I said on another thread, "I really don't feel that McDonald was trying to trivialize rape. I think she was just noting how demanding the role was and her sense of being overwhelmed for winning an award for her portrayal of a character that undergoes such a demanding journey, including being raped on stage, eight times a week."

trentsketch Profile Photo
#34Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 11:50am

I didn't hear Audra make one joke in that speech, let alone a rape joke. She thanked her scene partners for making very difficult material something she could enjoy working on eight times a week. That's not a joke. That's being surprisingly humble for someone who just won a big award. She clearly performs to perform and receiving an award for a role that strenuous had to be completely overwhelming for her.

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#35Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 12:10pm

It wasn't a joke joke like L-O-L, but it definitely felt like she was trivializing it a bit.

Also, the people who just say "Stop being so PC!" are clearly misunderstanding what such a statement (as Audra's) can imply whether intentionally or (as is most certainly the cast) unintentionally. Have you ever called out a racist for a racist joke? Or a homophobe for a homophobic one? "Everyone's so damn PC nowaday" is their excuse too.

Also, henrik, no one is claiming that the portrayal of rape in the show is in poor taste, the issue people have is with Adura's comments. It sounded like "I love being raped on stage every night, thanks Philip!" As others have said, she could have easily said "I love working with Philip" rather than one she did say.

As I said earlier, no one at all thinks that Audra actually meant anything harmful or hurtful by it, but don't act like people who might find this offensive are being absurd.

Updated On: 6/11/12 at 12:10 PM

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#36Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 12:19pm

How ever you folks "feel" is totally up to you, but you can't blame another person for how you react to it.

It wasn't a rape joke, so get over it.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#37Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 12:19pm

It was edgy so, of course, some people will be made uncomfortable by it. And that's a perfectly valid feeling. But I think Ms. MacDonald has nothing to apologize for, nor should she feel bad.

If you thought that was in bad taste, then what in God's name does anyone think of Val's line 'tied up and raped at 7' in A Chorus Line. Which IS a joke. And gets laughs.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#38Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 12:21pm

Well I'm SURE those same people would feel the same sense of outrage and stick to their guns and IMMEDIATELY leave the theater and download a Tori Amos album.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#39Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 12:28pm

"Also, henrik, no one is claiming that the portrayal of rape in the show is in poor taste, the issue people have is with Adura's comments. It sounded like "I love being raped on stage every night, thanks Philip!" As others have said, she could have easily said "I love working with Philip" rather than one she did say."

I understand no one is claiming that rape is objectionably presented in Porgy and Bess.

I was responding to the many posts, on this and other threads, that suggest an objection to the use of humor in relation to rape. Some of these posts register a per se objection whether the humorous reference to rape be onstage or off. Others express a specific objection to McDonald's speech.

I've endeavored to explain why I don't find McDonald's speech objectionable, and I've also expressed why I disagree that the use of humor in conjunction with a reference to rape - or to any other evil: murder, fascism, genocide - is objectionable as a rule.

To be clear, I am not suggesting that there are not many instances when horrors, including, of course, rape and other forms of sexual assault, are offensively, tastelessly or otherwise objectionably referenced. There are indeed. Nor am I suggesting that such objections - whether we agree with them or not - should be dismissed as mere "political correctness," as that term is commonly used to connote a kneejerk, facile or shortsighted oversensitivity.

I am merely stating my opinion that many horrific things can be addressed inoffensively - and even powerfully - with humor, both onstage and off. I find Ms. McDonald's speech - though clearly intended as glibness rather than as art - an instance of acceptably referencing rape with edgy wit, with no intent or effect of trivialization, legitimization or any other offensive consequence. Others clearly disagree.

Again, my arguments with respect to the humorous referencing of rape in other contexts, including musical comedy - Threepenny Opera, for instance - were in response to posts which, in addition to objecting to the acceptance speech, suggest and in some instances clearly argue that rape should never be discussed in a humorous manner.

Finally, I disagree that the acceptance speech in any way suggested that Audra McDonald attaches any pleasure to being raped. The pleasure an actor may take in playing a rape scene - or any other scene involving a moral degradation or social or personal evil - is inimical to the emotional and physical horrors of actually experiencing the event represented in the scene. Rather the pleasure alluded to is that of performing a challenging scene with, in this case, a partner who is giving a superb performance. To equate the experience of performing a rape scene to the experience of actually being raped, or of committing a rape, would be ludicrous. To me it was obvious that McDonald was merely humorously stating how much she loves playing Bess, in all its facets, opposite each of her leading men.

Updated On: 6/11/12 at 12:28 PM

dtzumbrunnen Profile Photo
#40Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 1:34pm

It was funny. If the rest of the show had been more amusing, we'd have more to talk about. As one of the handful of funny moments, this is getting way too much attention!

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#41Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 2:31pm

Yet again you show your insensitivity about rape, qolbinau. I don't think Audra was making a "rape joke," but I do think the comment was not necessarily in the best of taste and it made me uncomfortable. I think it was probably something said "in the moment," which doesn't make it right but I don't think she should be crucified for it.

That said, those of you yelling about the PC police and those awful, awful feminists need to take a step back and realize that it is not your job to tell someone when they can and cannot be offended by something. If someone said something that offended you and you pointed it out and they told you that you were just being overly sensitive, I sincerely doubt that you would suddenly think that person was in the right.

JuliesPoolie Profile Photo
#42Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 2:48pm

Remember the uproar when "Darren Criss was raped... of a Tony nomination"?

Anyone can take offense to anything. Rape is not a great thing. But there are a lot of not-so-great things in life. I'm Jewish. The Holocaust killed a lot of my relatives. And you know what, I enjoy The Producers.

As much as you can be offended by someone even talking about rape, others can chose to not be. I thought Audra's speech was heartfelt and endearing. I also can enjoy a good rape joke. Just like a good Holocaust joke. Get over yourself.

If you've been so scared from sexual abuse that you can't function in a society where people have different thoughts and ideas OTHER than your own, you probably need to spend little time in public and more time with your therapist.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#43Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 3:24pm

I never said someone wasn't allowed to not be offended by something...obviously you have a right to your opinion, just like I have mine. However, there is a difference between not personally taking offense to something and mocking people who are, or calling them overly sensitive. It's straight-up not your (or anyone's) place to do that in any circumstance.

I personally don't think there is any such thing as a "good" rape or Holocaust joke (and yes I am also Jewish), but hey, maybe I'm just overreacting.

And again for the record I don't want to crucify Audra for what she said because I think other people have said far worse things that are more worthy of getting up in arms about. However, the attitude of many on this board towards rape and rape victims is truly disgusting, not just in this thread but in others (including the Darren Criss thread), and if you're going to put that out on the internet you deserve to be called out for your behavior. Simply not taking offense to something is different than constantly making jokes about it.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#44Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 3:43pm

But do you actually think people have a bad attitude towards rape or people who have been raped? Really? I mean...rape has become a shock word that can be used to get a point across. And it's not new (see my Chorus Line reference above). I saw Jukebox Jackie the other night and when Justin Vivian Bond came out and said, 'I was raped at seven years old' and then went on to describe it in an absolutely insane monologue that left me gasping from laughter, I don't think it was something that shows a bad attitude towards rape or victims of rape. That's projecting a much deeper, more malevolent attitude than I think would be true of anyone here.

I'm not a fan of telling anyone 'Oh, get over it,' or 'Get a sense of humor,' cause I think those terms are conversation killers. I enjoy the discussion, particularly around controversial topics. And I think it is perfectly possible to laugh at a rape joke (whether in one of the longest running musicals or in a downtown performance piece) and still manage to think that the actual act of rape is awful and that rape victims deserve nothing but empathy and justice. People can hold two different thought in their heads.

tazber Profile Photo
#45Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 3:48pm

It's the BWW version of nipplegate!

And just as absurd as that entire circus was, so is this.

....but the world goes 'round

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#46Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 3:52pm

IMO this is one of those issues where even if you were not personally offended (I was not), it's not really the place to decide whether or not others can be offended or to judge them for their reaction. Rape and sexual assault are hot button issues and bringing them up in any context can cause people to react emotionally. It's not our place, really, to understand why or to be critical.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

Patash Profile Photo
#47Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 3:57pm

"It sounded like "I love being raped on stage every night, thanks Philip!"

Wow. Someone either needs to clean out their ears or else take a basic course in listening comprehension. What a stretch!!!

If someone said, I can't think of a better person to get murdered by on stage every night than _______, would you people actually say the speaker is encouraging murder or even suggesting that being murdered is an OK thing? Come on, now. Some of you aren't even being sensible. If you couldn't tell Audra was speaking of "acting" and not the real thing, then perhaps you need to rethink your knowledge of what theatre is all about.

tazber Profile Photo
#48Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 3:58pm


....but the world goes 'round

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#49Supporting Audra's rape joke.
Posted: 6/11/12 at 4:02pm

1. Hitler is the target of satire in THE PRODUCERS. No sane character says "I love Hitler."

2. Yes, Henrik, Brecht was misogynistic and also stole from his female collaborators. John Fuegi wrote a book about it (which doesn't mean Brecht wasn't also a great director, playwright and poet).

3. Unfortunately and until very recently, the American legal system had a history of treating rape as a joke, particularly if the victim was not a virgin and therefore had already squandered her market value. The system (and juries) found rape equally amusing (or merely inconsequential) if the victim was doing anything remotely provocative.

Audra McDonald made an unfortunate remark, made worse by phrasing it as if the rape were a real-life event ("I love being raped..." or "I'm lucky to be raped..."). I have to admit I joined in the cringing.

But nobody has suggested her award should be rescinded or her show should be boycotted. It was just an unfortunate turn of phrase (even if she has said it twice now).
