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Stage Dooring at Les Mis- Page 2

Stage Dooring at Les Mis

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#25Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 1:37pm

LMAO!!! Just died.

Princeton Returns Profile Photo
Princeton Returns
#26Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 1:37pm

I read ramins tweets a littls differently. He doesnt mind being filmed but that people should first ask

He says it would be asked if he minded being filmed, and then in second tweet he says his answer would be in he doesn't mind.

#27Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 2:14pm

I have to disagree. If he didn't mind he likely would not have mentioned it. The way I read it is that he would prefer people to ask if they can record him before blatantly doing so. His follow up is that he would still tell you no, but that he appreciates being asked. Taking photos is one thing but videotaping is just invasive.

#28Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 7/27/14 at 10:54pm

Hey! I'm not sure if this has been asked on another board, but does anybody know if the cast comes out after Wednesday matinees?

#29Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 7/28/14 at 12:29am

Yes, they do... but it's a hit or a miss. Nikki M James, Sam Hill, and Keala Settle most likely will not. Ramin and Andy Mientus may.

Cliff Saunders usually does, though. He's really nice to talk to!

#30Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 7/30/14 at 10:31am

All of the cast seem to be hit or miss, so if you are looking for someone specific, I wouldn't have hopes too high. I have never seen Caissie Levy, Sam Hill or Keala Settle at the SD, Clif Saunders seams to be pretty consistent. I never had luck with Will Swenson but Adam Monley (current Javert till Carpenter) seems to be pretty good. Nikki didn't come out after the matinee I saw but did come out after the night show. Andy I never caught but I know others have had success with him. Ramin is also hit or miss, ironically I caught him post a Sat matinee after trying night shows for awhile. He always seems to do the SD after the Sunday show so if you are looking for him, perhaps thats a good try.
