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Stage Dooring at Les Mis

#1Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 1:42am

I'm going o see Les Mis on Broadway in about a week and I'm so excited! However, I do have some questions about stagedooring.

-Where is the stagedoor located? (Imperial Theatre)

-Who usually stagedoors?

-On average, how busy it it usually? I'm going on a Saturday night.

-Do all actors who stagedoor take pictures or can some not?

Thanks in advance! I'm really excited to see the show! :)

haterobics Profile Photo
#2Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 1:46am

The stage door is around the back of the theater, next to If/Then. There is often some confusion where the end of the If/Then line touches the Les Miz line. But since I never stagedoored Les Miz, that's as much as I know.

#2Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 6:00am

The stage door is on 46th Street so your best bet is to leave through the doors that exit there or else you'll have to walk around the block. I think it varies from day to day who stage doors. When I went (on a Sunday) Andy Mientus, Samantha Hill, and Nikki M James didn't come out. A lot of the actors will say on twitter if they aren't stopping by the stage door that day so if there's anyone in particular that you want to meet, you might want to check their twitter. When I went I noticed a lot of the actors taking photos with fans so just ask first to make sure it's okay. They're all very nice :) Have fun!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#3Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 9:45am

It's a ZOO. Good luck.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#4Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 10:54am

It was INSANE even when I went, and it was pouring down rain when the show let out. They moved the barricade to under the marquee so no one got too wet. Most of the actors come out, all of them who come out sign, and most everyone takes pictures too. I think it largely varies night to night who comes out, but the majority of the cast did when I was there even in the bad weather.

#5Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 12:30pm

Keala Settle was hilarious at stagedoor for one of the previews. She never spoke - she sang everything she was going to say as she signed autographs and took pictures with fans.

fyeahmaria Profile Photo
#6Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 5:12pm

If you are going after a matinee some might not come out because of physio and things like that, but most of the time most leads and featured people come out (in my experience). There are no one who never comes out. Regarding pictures, they all take them as long as you're polite and friendly. Do not take video of them without their permission though.

Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.

#7Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 7:16pm

Usually everyone comes out. The stagedoor is pretty crowded unless it's raining, which even then people still show up for it.

After a Saturday matinee, I met about 50% of the ensemble and then met Kyle Scatliffe, Andy Mientus, Caissie Levy, Aaron Walpole (Valjean that day), and Cliff Saunders.

I saw Nikki M James on the street before the show, so I said hi to her too, but she usually doesn't stagedoor after matinees (nor does Samantha Hill).

Everyone's really nice (as long as you're nice/respectful to them) and will sign/take pictures.

#8Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/23/14 at 7:26pm

Thanks for all the info guys! :)

#9Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/24/14 at 4:19am

Why is Hugh Jackman not doing this?

haterobics Profile Photo
#10Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/24/14 at 8:53am

"Why is Hugh Jackman not doing this?"

I waited at the exit of my movie theater, but he never came out to sign. Diva.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#11Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/24/14 at 10:56am

Dooring is not a word.

#12Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/24/14 at 6:27pm

Hugh couldn't have because he was busy, between filming breaks from PAN ( an origin story of Peter P), confounding the media about his "new" look, while watching the matches at the Royal Box at Wimbledon.

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#13Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 7:52am

Here's some coverage from the stage door when I saw the show last week!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#14Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 10:26am


Don't flatter yourself.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#15Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 11:08am

As someone who usually goes to the stage door, I never got why people feel the need to take a video of it. Pictures? Sure. A video is just stupid and creepy to me.

#16Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 11:15am

And, in Ramin's own words:

?@raminkarimloo (his Twitter for any fans out there)
"In the spirit of good etiquette, it would be nice to be asked if myself/others mind being video'd at stage door before pressing record. Ps. My answer would be no. Still, nice to meet you all. Love. X"

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#17Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:32pm

"As someone who usually goes to the stage door, I never got why people feel the need to take a video of it. Pictures? Sure. A video is just stupid and creepy to me."

It better captures the memories for me than the photos do.

StickIt Profile Photo
#18Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:34pm

Jeffrey, doesn't it change your opinion though to know that some subjects of your videos are uncomfortable being filmed? Typically, filming someone without their consent is pretty rude and a little creepy. Wouldn't it be better to make sure those on camera are okay with it?

ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#19Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:38pm

"It better captures the memories for me than the photos do."

Memories like the first 15 seconds of this at Pippin?

NOPE. Nothing even remotely creepy about that at all...

Updated On: 6/30/14 at 12:38 PM

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#20Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:45pm

^If I was doing that video now, I'd probably replace certain clips with the pictures I've gotten with the cast.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#21Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:45pm

Photos give someone time to get ready. Videos just cross the line.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

StickIt Profile Photo
#22Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:51pm

So it doesn't bother you at all that Ramin out and out said he doesn't like what you're doing and doesn't want to be on video? Your selfishness is more important than respecting the people around you?

And really, what if the other people stagedooring with you don't wish to be on camera? There is absolutely nothing that's okay about what you're doing.

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#23Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 1:03pm

I can't believe someone posted that Pippin stage door video, that's a little ridiculous.

Not saying that if I was there I wouldn't have looked Stage Dooring at Les Mis but taking a video and keeping it right there is just crossing the line.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#24Stage Dooring at Les Mis
Posted: 6/30/14 at 1:25pm

"Not saying that if I was there I wouldn't have looked but taking a video and keeping it right there is just crossing the line."

Well in Jeffrey's defense, if you watch the video to about 0:54, there is a poster right by the door with the pull quote "A BULGING BOX of musical theater candy". You try staring at a poster with the words BULGING BOX for 45 minutes. Of course you'll then want to do a series of crotch shots of the performers. Perfectly normal.

Updated On: 6/30/14 at 01:25 PM
