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Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby- Page 2

Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby

#25Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/15/18 at 3:19am

As for Jersey Boys, thanks but again another one he has seen that I forgot about. He did enjoy but probably wouldn’t want to see again.

Waitress is touring in Toronto next season so I may pick up a ticket for him at that point. Not sure though, I saw it with Jessie Mueller and loved it but it may not be his cup of tea.

Maybe will likely be fun, and not too complicated of a story to follow.

Now that I think about it, maybe I should be focusing more on plays for him. Perhaps he would like Travisities. Anyone seen it? Or Lobby Hero.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#26Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/15/18 at 8:36am

Come From Away.  No doubt.   Based on what you've said, I think he'd love it. (Don't bother with Bronx Tale, a bore that no one can figure out why it has succeeded.)  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#27Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/17/18 at 7:20pm

Thanks for all the suggestions. I’m still mulling over options. I think I will get him Hello Dolly for sure. I won’t get him Come from Away but ONLY because we can get tickets here in Toronto right now and for a cheaper price.

Definitely considering the other shows you all listed as well.

I’m also debating The Band’s Visit because I think it will be beautiful and a likely Tony Winner. Thoughts on TBV for DH?

Notreallysilent 2
#28Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/17/18 at 7:40pm

I really liked he bands visit and it’s a nice show to see something that is a bit different than other broadway shows. I’d definitely go for it especially as it seems likely to win the tony. If you wait til day of or a few days before you can get pretty cheap tickets on stubhub. I went in December and sat rear mezz for $20. While it was a great price for the seat many people said the show is much kore intimate closer up, so maybe do front mezz or a seat in the orchestra closer to the stage.

#29Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/17/18 at 9:26pm

Lobby Hero is a great show, BUT it is really heavy/dark material.  Not sure if that's something he might like, but that's something to consider.

Honestly, I would recommend Bronx Tale.  A lot of friends of mine -- some of whom don't tend to like theatre/musical theatre very much -- enjoyed the show quite a lot.  It's also pretty easy to get rush tickets!  The only thing is that I haven't seen the show since the new lead stepped in, but I would imagine it's still a good show!

The only reason why I wouldn't recommend Band's Visit for him is that I'm not sure a non-theatre-lover would enjoy it.  I enjoyed it immensely, but the feel of the show is so understated that I'm afraid someone who doesn't love musical theatre might be "bored."

If you can get tickets, I think he might be entertained by Hello Dolly.  He might also like Once on This Island, I think!  It's a brief show in an intimate venue, and the whole thing is such a spectacle that I think he might find it enjoyable!

Another suggestion I have is actually The Imbible, which is playing at New World Stages.  I saw it with my roommate and a friend during the 20@20 promotion, and since we got in line kind of late, that was the only option left; I went in knowing very little about the show, but I left there SO pleasantly surprised!  It's definitely not a traditional theatre experience by any means.  It's so entertaining, and you actually learn some pretty interesting things about the history of alcohol production and consumption!  It was so much fun, and if you guys drink alcohol, you get three drinks throughout the course of the show, included in the cost of the ticket!  I don't even drink, so my three drinks were given to my roommate and our friend who came with us, but I still had a great time!  DEFINITELY a show for a non-theatre-lover, and just a fun night out in general!

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#30Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/17/18 at 11:00pm

Is he into music at all? I'd investigate some of the music venues around the city and see if there's anything he's interested in seeing so he can have a nice time while you're at the theatre. I really like seeing stuff at Joe's Pub in particular, but there's tons of smaller music venues around. To be honest I don't know if I'd recommend The Band's Visit for someone who doesn't like theatre, and it definitely isn't a comedy. I absolutely LOVED it and I think you should see it, but it's very small and quiet and might not hold his interest based on what you've said he's been into. 

Some of the museums also do late hours or special events on certain days, and the main branch of the New York Public Library does as well. That might be something to look into. 

SempreLiberal Profile Photo
#31Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/17/18 at 11:04pm

Come From Away
The Band’s Visit
Yankees or Mets games depending on whether either/both are home (easy access via public transportation, and a lot of fun)

#32Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/18/18 at 12:29pm

TorontoBroadwayFan said: "Wick3 said: "My friends who are non-theatre folks loved In & Of Itself off-bway."

Can you tell me more about it? There isn’t much chat about it here on the forums.

I saw In & Of Itself last time I was in NYC and can't recommend it highly enough. It's a 1-man magic show, kind of, but it's also a show about identity and manipulation. If you're interested in learning more, there are some good reviews (NYT, others) and the guy, Derek DelGaudio, went on Colbert and they had a good conversation. I would say, though, that it's better to go in knowing as LITTLE as possible.

Also, the show's done in August and he's not going to tour it, so there's no chance it'll come to Toronto. 

It's about 90min, no intermission, if I remember right. 


haterobics Profile Photo
#33Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/18/18 at 2:01pm

TorontoBroadwayFan said: "Now that I think about it, maybe I should be focusing more on plays for him. Perhaps he would like Travisities.Anyone seen it? Or Lobby Hero."

I saw both, but not sure I would recommend either for someone who isn't that into theatre.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#34Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/18/18 at 2:22pm

Saw this production of Travesties last year in London. This would ONLY be a good choice if your husband is very into the Dadaist movement or Leninist history. Otherwise this would be an interminable talkfest that depends heavily on an appreciation of Oscar Wilde's Importance of Being Earnest to get half the references. We are devoted theater fans (and especially Stoppard fans), and this was a long slog even for us.

#35Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/18/18 at 3:46pm

Why don't you go your split up one night? He could go to a sporting event while you catch a show. MSG or the Barclay Center might be hosting a game he's interested in. Baseball would be in Queens.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#36Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 4:24pm

Notreallysilent 2 said: "I really liked he bands visit and it’s a nice show to see something that is a bit different than other broadway shows. I’d definitely go for it especially as it seems likely to win the tony. If you wait til day of or a few days before you can get pretty cheap tickets on stubhub. I went in December and sat rear mezz for $20. While it was a great price for the seat many people said the show is much kore intimate closer up, so maybe do front mezz or a seat in the orchestra closer to the stage."

So far I’m going but hubby isn’t. But i *think* there’s a chance he might enjoy it. I was lucky to get an audience rewards ticket for 1,500 points plus $48 for Orchestra N2. It’s closer to the back of the Orchestea but on the aisle so hopefully will be close enough to enjoy the intimacy of the staging. Thanks for the stub hub tip. I’ve never bought from them before but hear they are reliable. 

#37Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 4:30pm

Melanie73 said: "Lobby Hero is a great show, BUT it is really heavy/dark material. Not sure if that's something he might like, but that's something to consider.

Honestly, I would recommend Bronx Tale. A lot of friends of mine -- some of whom don't tend to like theatre/musical theatre very much -- enjoyed the show quite a lot. It's also pretty easy to get rush tickets! The only thing is that I haven't seen the show since the new lead stepped in, but I would imagine it's still a good show!

The only reason why I wouldn't recommend Band's Visit for him is that I'm not sure a non-theatre-lover would enjoy it. I enjoyed it immensely, but the feel of the show is so understated that I'm afraid someone who doesn't love musical theatre might be "bored."

If you can get tickets, I think he might be entertained by Hello Dolly. He might also like Once on This Island, I think! It's a brief show in an intimate venue, and the whole thing is such a spectacle that I think he might find it enjoyable!

Another suggestion I have is actually The Imbible, which is playing at New World Stages. I saw it with my roommate and a friend during the 20@20 promotion, and since we got in line kind of late, that was the only option left; I went in knowing very little about the show, but I left there SO pleasantly surprised! It's definitely not a traditional theatre experience by any means. It's so entertaining, and you actually learn some pretty interesting things about the history of alcohol production and consumption! It was so much fun, and if you guys drink alcohol, you get three drinks throughout the course of the show, included in the cost of the ticket! I don't even drink, so my three drinks were given to my roommate and our friend who came with us, but I still had a great time! DEFINITELY a show for a non-theatre-lover, and just a fun night out in general!

Thanks. Another vote for Bronx. For lobby hero here are rush seats so maybe that’s a decent option. Since I’m really the theatre fan, all the ‘real’ money is spent on me:) Once in this island is another one I’m extremely excited about. He will like the fact that it is only 90 minutes, and maybe he can win the lottery. I’ll explore The Imbible. DH doesn’t drink at all so not sure on that. But he is interested in history, I will see. Thanks for the suggestions!

#38Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 4:34pm

perfectlymarvelous said: "Is he into music at all? I'd investigate some of the music venues around the city and see if there's anything he's interested in seeing so he can have a nice time while you're at the theatre. I really like seeing stuff at Joe's Pub in particular, but there's tons of smaller music venues around. To be honest I don't know if I'd recommend The Band's Visit for someone who doesn't like theatre, and it definitely isn't a comedy. I absolutely LOVED it and I think you should see it, but it's very small and quiet and might not hold his interest based on what you've said he's been into.

Some of the museums also do late hours or special events on certain days, and the main branch of the New York Public Library does as well. That might be something to look into.

I will check out Joe’s pub for him. Yes he is a music lover. We will likely be apart for the bulk of our evenings on this trip. Museums for sure, late nights are a good thing to look into and then maybe he can meet me after my show for a late dinner. I love the N.Y. public library and it has the best price - free! Re: the bands visit. I have the same concerns you do, it may not be his style. On the positive side, he gets restless and the show is short, plus cheap stub hub options. Thanks! 

#39Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 4:40pm

SempreLiberal said: "Come From Away
The Band’s Visit
Yankees or Mets games depending on whether either/both are home (easy access via public transportation, and a lot of fun)

Thanks. Seems to be a consensus on Come from away! It is spectacular. It looks like the Yankees are playing The Twins, and unfortunately the Mets are away next week. Too bad, I would have enjoyed seeing The Mets myself. Public transit is key too as we will be getting metro cards with weekly passes on them.

#40Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 4:42pm

josh147 said: "TorontoBroadwayFan said: "Wick3 said: "My friends who are non-theatre folks loved In & Of Itself off-bway."

Can you tell me more about it? There isn’t much chat about it here on the forums.

I saw In & Of Itself last time I was in NYC and can't recommend it highly enough. It's a 1-man magic show, kind of, but it's also a show about identity and manipulation. If you're interested in learning more, there are some good reviews (NYT, others) and the guy, Derek DelGaudio, went on Colbert and they had a good conversation. I would say, though, that it's better to go in knowing as LITTLE as possible.

Also, the show's done in August and he's not going to tour it, so there's no chance it'll come to Toronto.

It's about 90min, no intermission, if I remember right.


Thanks Josh. I looked it up and Neil Patrick Harris has a hand it in as well and we both love him. This sounds like it would be right up his alley. He did enjoy the illusionists which came to Toronto last year from Broadway. Awesome suggestion. And they have rush seats! 

#41Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 4:53pm

haterobics said: "TorontoBroadwayFan said: "Now that I think about it, maybe I should be focusing more on plays for him. Perhaps he would like Travisities.Anyone seen it? Or Lobby Hero."

I saw both, but not sure I would recommend either for someone who isn't that into theatre.

Thanks. I appreciate the input. 

#42Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 4:55pm

Someone in a Tree2 said: "Saw this production ofTravesties last year in London. This would ONLY be a good choice if your husband is very into the Dadaist movement or Leninist history. Otherwise this would be an interminable talkfest that depends heavily on an appreciation of Oscar Wilde's Importance of Being Earnest to get half the references. We are devoted theater fans (and especially Stoppard fans), and this was a long slog even for us."

Thanks. I do not think this show is for him. I personally was a fan of Arcadia so I thought maybe originally. But based on your info, I’m crossing it off the list.

#43Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 4:58pm

Dollypop said: "Why don't you go your split up one night? He could go to a sporting event while you catch a show. MSG or the Barclay Center might be hosting a game he's interested in. Baseball would be in Queens."

So far we will likely be apart 5 nights out of 6 so being apart isn’t a problem for us. I’m fully booked with 10 shows! He is just seeing a couple. I will look into sports or music events for him. Thanks.  I’m just looking for things to keep him entertained so he keeps on agreeing to go to these annual New York broadway binges with meShow recs for non-theatre loving hubby 

SempreLiberal Profile Photo
#44Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 6:56pm

He’ll enjoy a Yankees-Twins game. The stadium is great. He can check out Monument Park. The whole experience is itself a great show. He’ll have a blast.

(Side note- NYC has amazing singers. There should be a Broadway, opera, jazz, pop, etc singer every night there singing the national anthem and God Bless America in the 7th inning - enough with recordings.)

Consider Jazz at Lincoln Center. Also a fun place. Several things each night. I’ve gone alone a few times and enjoyed it.

He can go to a bar/pub and have fun at a Trivia Night.

And Brandy’s piano bar is fun- music from the last 50 years. (I haven’t been in a while, so I can’t vouch for recent trends.).

#45Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/20/18 at 7:28pm

I brought my father, who has not seen a musical in over 30 years and doesn't particularly like them either, to see The Band's Visit and he fell in love with it. Not a day goes by where he doesn't listen to the cast album.

#46Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/21/18 at 2:52pm

SempreLiberal said: "He’ll enjoy a Yankees-Twins game. The stadium is great. He can check out Monument Park. The whole experience is itself a great show. He’ll have a blast.

(Side note- NYC has amazing singers. There should be a Broadway, opera, jazz, pop, etc singer every night there singing the national anthem and God Bless America in the 7th inning - enough with recordings.)

Consider Jazz at Lincoln Center. Also a fun place. Several things each night. I’ve gone alone a few times and enjoyed it.

He can go to a bar/pub and have fun at a Trivia Night.

And Brandy’s piano bar is fun- music from the last 50 years. (I haven’t been in a while, so I can’t vouch for recent trends.).


Thanks ... especially for the jazz idea. There is a late night jazz show on our first night in NY that we can attend together after my show - The Band’s Visit. Cover only $5!

i also googled nerdy things to do in NYC and got some tips for my nerd! So much to do in this fantastic city!

#47Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/21/18 at 2:54pm

natashalost said: "I brought my father, who has not seen a musical in over 30 years and doesn't particularly like them either, to see The Band's Visit and he fell in love with it. Not a day goes by where he doesn't listen to the cast album."

Thanks Natashalot. I really want to bring him to see The Bands visit but was having trouble figuring out if he would enjoy it...thanks and since there are such amazing deals on stub hub or last minute rush, I may just jump on that for him when I get into the city next week.

#48Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/21/18 at 7:02pm

Don't know if this is helpful or sacrilege re deciding about TBV (or possibly someone else already mentioned it in this thread) but if time permits you could always rent the movie on Netflix or stream it - and if hubby finds it engaging, he would likely love the musical. I did not see the movie until after I saw the musical, I liked the movie, but really loved the musical.  It takes the element of "surprise" out of it but half of shows on Broadway wouldn't be in business if that mattered to many. Apologies if this suggestion was already made.

#49Show recs for non-theatre loving hubby
Posted: 4/22/18 at 11:17am

Why not let him choice something to do. Sounds like you aren't letting him decide on anything. There is a ton of stuff to do in NYC other than theatre.

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)
