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Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?

Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#0Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 5:54pm

Handsome man. Nice guy. Talented...

So why is hanging onto that long hair? Who does he think he is, Kidrock?

gymman Profile Photo
#1re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 5:56pm

Yes, Michael, yes...
I'll hold him down, and you cut.

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#2re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 5:59pm

I think he said that he wanted it long for his CD cover. Plus, long hair is making it's comeback!

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#3re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:00pm

"I think he said that he wanted it long for his CD cover. Plus, long hair is making it's comeback!"

It's never gone out in trailerparks.

jczelyph Profile Photo
#4re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:03pm

I will join in! It does detract so.

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

#5re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:05pm

michealb, we seem to agree on a lot of things, but NOT this....gavin's hair needs to stay exactly where it is. maybe a trim for those split ends that are no doubt there, but GAH!!! no haircuts.

"I'll eat some breakfast then change the world." "I hate you, and I hate your ass face!"

BroadwayBaby6 Profile Photo
#6re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:09pm

Doesn't Jack Noseworthy still have long hair?

"It does what a musical is supposed to do; it takes you to another world. And it gives you a little tune to carry in your head. Something to take you away from the dreary horrors of the real world. A little something for when you're feeling blue. You know?"

BroomstickBoy Profile Photo
#7re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:16pm

I actually think it looks good on him. Doesn't seem to draw attention away from anything else on him or about him (talent, smile, voice) He should keep it the way it is. I didn't really like his hair short in Millie, but hey, that's just me. I love him anyway, LOL.

I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#8re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:23pm

Por favor!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#9re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:32pm

He looks fine with long hair, but I prefer my guys with short hair. :)

Everyone together now...

re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?

AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?

This is my signature.
Updated On: 7/19/05 at 06:32 PM

#10re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:36pm

very long hair doesn't suit a lot of men... and Gavin does look rather daft, even dodgy, with his hair like that!

Jesus Loves You... Everybody else thinks you're an idiot!

broadway betty Profile Photo
broadway betty
#11re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:41pm

Awwww, I LOVE his headshot! His hair looked fine in that photo shoot La Cage did for Show People but I don't like it in a pony tail. Snip snip, my lovely!

"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check

Menken Fan Profile Photo
Menken Fan
#12re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 6:56pm

Gimme it down to there - long beautiful hair! No, leave it as is. I just spent a week adoring his hair on the cruise. During his solo concert, he mentioned he had no plans to cut it anytime soon.

#13re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:05pm

If he likes it, what possible difference does it make? (Oh course, I came of age in an era when everybody had long hair and fashions change.)

"And the postman sighed as he scratched his head, you really rather thought she ought to be dead..."

#14re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:21pm

All he needs is some conditioner and a curling iron, and he be fine. Besides, I understand snoods are making a comeback.

#15re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:22pm

i think he looks fine either way. but i'll help, as long as we can cut adam's hair next.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#16re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:24pm

I've come to terms with Adam's hair. So long as it doesn't upstage him, because let's face it - that'd be unacceptable! re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#17re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:25pm

I bet Adam cuts his hair the minute they finish pickup/reshoots.

#18re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:25pm

heck yes it would!!

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#19re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:25pm

Gosh, he's been growing it out for-freakin'-ever.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

MyNameInLights Profile Photo
#20re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:27pm

I wouldn't mind it if it didn't looks so greasy and stringy in all the pictures I've seen.

"The stage is where I live and come alive and act out all the things that go on in my life. It's not just what I do for a living, it's my shrink and my love affair. No one in my life has ever or ever will kiss me on the mouth like this lover called my relationship with my performance."

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#21re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:31pm

I don't think anyone should MAKE him cut his hair, but I'm all for someone saying to him, "Sorry, with that long hair you don't have the right look for this part," and giving the role to someone else. The problem seems to stem from people's feeling that the hair didn't suit his role in La Cage. The producers couldn't force him to cut his hair after hiring him, but maybe he'd have done so had the job required it as a condition of being hired.

#22re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:47pm

<--- P E R F E C T I O N

#23re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 7:59pm

I thought he looked better with short hair, but hey, it's not my hair, so if he likes it...Then I'm ok with it : )

#24re: Should GAVIN CREEL be forced to cut his hair?
Posted: 7/19/05 at 8:07pm

I am definately pro-haircut for him...although he could color his hair maroon, shave the top and paint the Portugese flag into his scalp, and he'd still be hot.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown
