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Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre

Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#0Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:32pm

Does anyone remember this? My local library has the entire box DVD collection. I used to love watching these as a kid, so naturally I had to take it out. Brings back so many memories! For those who don't know, Shelley Duvall used to produce these fairy tale videos in the '80s starring some of the well-known actors of the day. For example, Jennifer Beals and Matthew Broderick played Cinderella and her prince respectively. Looking at them now, the productions look shabby, crude, and corny -- and maybe they were purposely intended to be. But I used to think they were the best movies around.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#1re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:37pm

I used to have them all on VHS, but I sold them on line. I got big bucks for them, too.


katygrace84 Profile Photo
#2re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:38pm

OMG. It's so funny that you should mention this! I was just thinking about these the other day and I looked them up. My world became ten times brighter when I realized that you can buy them on DVD. LOVED thses as a kid!

#3re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:38pm

Wow!! I totally remember watching that show! Do you know know where we could purchase any of the DVDs? Like online or something?

#4re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:40pm

Now we know the real reason Sueleen wears the bag over her head.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#5re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:44pm

Hey, they were not bootlegs if that is what you are implying. Bootlegs are could get arrested for selling bootlegs.


katygrace84 Profile Photo
#6re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:45pm

You can get them at Amazon. The individual episodes are only $7 each! Or you can order the whole collection. I'm really tempted to get them.

zepka102 Profile Photo
#7re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:47pm

wow i remember the Cinderella one... and i also had Little Red Riding Hood (played by Mary Steenburgen haha)! i remember watching the commercial that had after them for all of the episodes and thinking how much i wanted to see the others... but sadly i never got to re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre

::bust a move::

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#8re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:47pm

Does Amazon do COD?


katygrace84 Profile Photo
#9re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 12:57pm

I loved the Cinderella!! With Jenifer Beals in the title role! And Sleeping Beauty with Vincent Price as the mirror! And Thumbelina with Carrie Fisher and William Katt!!! I tihnk that box set is going on my Christmas list.

kec Profile Photo
#10re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 1:00pm

I loved those as well. Robin Williams was great as the Frog Prince. I think Christopher Reeve was in one as well, but I don't remember which one.

moljul Profile Photo
#11re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 2:41pm

I don't remember Vincent Price being the mirror in Sleeping Beauty. Of course I really don't remember the mirror at all. That was also the one that Christpher Reeve was in as the prince who awakens Sleeping Beauty played beautifully by Bernadette Peters. I saw this again recently and was reminded how strong and virile Reeve was before his accident. I had been so used to seeing him in later years that I had almost forgotten the more Superman appearance. The funniest (and raciest) part about Sleeping Beauty was Bernadette's "other" role as Princess Debbie the gold-digging Arabian Princess. My god, it was hysterical but I had to keep asking myself "This is for children????". Completely looking over the fact that she had few clothes on and was obviously trying to get the prince into bed but when she made him pull the pearls off her bodice with his teeth, well I don't think my parents would have been happy had I been watching that when I was a kid. LOL

hannahshule Profile Photo
#12re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 2:45pm

The Dancing Princesses is my favorite. It's so sweet.

~And let us try, before we die, to make some sense of life~

katygrace84 Profile Photo
#13re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 2:49pm

I got my fairytales mixed up. Vincent Price was the mirror in Snow White. Elizabeth McGovern was Snow White in that one. I don't remember Sleeping Beauty. They must not have had that one at our video store when I was little. These are all just classics!

#14re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 2:51pm

I adored The Princess and the Pea with Liza Minnelli and Tom Conti. My sister and I still quote from it, and I still laugh when I think of his eyebrows.
"I have decided that the horizon is too far away. I decree that all the king's horses and all the king's men will take some very large ropes and pull the horizon closer to the castle. Let it be written, and let it be done."
Or something like that. Ah, childhood.

"Wilkins, after all these years, are you trying to be funny?"

moljul Profile Photo
#15re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 2:53pm

Well I think you would remember Sleeping Beauty as its the only time I've seen the story depicted as soft core porn. re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#16re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 2:54pm

One of my favorites was the Three Little Pigs with Billy Crystal as one of the piglets, and Jeff Goldblum as the Wolf.

katygrace84 Profile Photo
#17re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 3:08pm

OMG! How could I have forgotten some of these classics?! Now I REALLY have to get them.

Elphaba Profile Photo
#18re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 3:52pm


It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

zepka102 Profile Photo
#19re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 4:14pm

i remember the Snow White one too!!! that was a good one!!

i should have remembered that one first... i watched that one the most!

::bust a move::

moljul Profile Photo
#20re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 4:15pm

KatyGrace, LOVE the avatar! I had to click on your profile so I could see it larger.

katygrace84 Profile Photo
#21re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 4:33pm

Thanks! It's an e-card I got from HSUS. The kitty looks just like my roommate's cat.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#22re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 4:53pm

Gah, the Rumplestiltskin one used to scare me. I LOVE Faerie Tale Theatre. I used to make my mother rent them over and over when we had our first VCR and Curtis Mathis was the one place in town to rent movies. It always cracked me up that Shelley Duvall cast herself as the beautiful queen in this one. :/

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#23re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 5:09pm

Oh my gosh! I LOVE these movies!
"The Dancing Princesses" is one of my favorites, but I also love "Annie Oakley" and "The Princess and the Pea". I think I've seen a lot of the other ones, but I can't remember.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

#24re: Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theatre
Posted: 10/28/05 at 5:19pm

Speaking of Shelley Duvall, does anyone remember "Nightmare Classics"? The "Carmilla" one scared the heck out of me as a kid.
