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Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys- Page 2

Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys

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#25re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/12/07 at 8:45pm

Hey, fair enough.

Wasn't trying to make you defensive. Just saying that sometimes people do surprise you and that it's nice if/when that happens.

#26re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 12:30am

He may not be horrible... he prob will be fairly mediocre since he does have some talent, he wouldn't be on Broadway if he wasn't, I just don't know how he keeps getting cast in things and DEF cannot see how he got cast in this!

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#27re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 12:32am

This will bring about the same level of excitement that permeated throughout the board when Gavin Creel got his much overdue haircut.

Rejoice, folks! A clean cut fella is soon to emerge.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#28re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 12:57am

I too have seen Sebastian in other things and I while I agree he is talented, I just don't see him in this role. I was hoping either Erich or Dominic would get it.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#29re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 2:41pm

I've not been too happy about this casting news, but what can I say? Sebastian was...alright in WICKED. I'm so curious as to how he's going to try and do a Jersey accent. And what are they going to do with his hair? I just hope the Dodgers and Tara Rubin know what they're doing. Putting Michael as a full-time Frankie wasn't their best decision - the poor boy's voice is blowing out, and he's not as good as Travis or any of the tour Frankies.

That being said, I will give him a chance in the role. But the person I'm really excited to see take on Gaudio is Eric Gutman.

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#30re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 2:52pm

I am sorry to hear Michael's voice is "blowing out" as Popular Elphie says. I haven't seen Michael as Frankie since late last summer when JLY was out sick. I really enjoyed Jarrod Spector as Frankie and would have been really happy if he got it but I think Michael worked hard and deserved it. I have also seen Rick Faugno and thought he was okay. Have not seen a full performance nof CKJ to render judgment. JLY is still my favorite out of the 4 I have seen.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#31re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 2:58pm

Poor Michael. That's too bad! I've only seen him as Joey but have an inexplicable soft spot for him. Would love to see his Frankie, as long as he's staying healthy.

I was kind of surprised Jarrod Spector wasn't sent to Broadway. He's sort of JLY-lite. (Well, maybe in the future.)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#32re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 3:47pm

I hate that his voice is blowing out as well. I saw Michael as an understudy last summer, and loved his vocals - his "Can't Take My Eyes" was the best version I'd ever heard. However, I was at both shows on Saturday, and hearing him during the evening show was just painful. His voice sounds vastly different than it did in summer '06, or on his solo CD. I don't think it's Michael's fault, I just don't think he's got six shows a week in him. And plus, his baby face just cannot age into an older Frankie. When he talks about his daughter Francine, you're just like, "Hahaha, right. Daughter. How old are you?"

I'm not saying Michael hasn't worked hard - everyone knows he has, and that could be part of the reason they gave the role to him. But if he hasn't got it in him, he hasn't got it in him. Simple as that.

Anyways, back to Gaudio: Has anyone who's seen the show recently noticed how sarcastic Daniel's Gaudio is now? He played it with little twinges of sarcasm for a while, and I love how it's shaping up now. Never a dull moment.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#33re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 5:01pm

I'm definitely going to reserve judgement on Sebastian until I actually see him in JB since I've only seen him in Wicked once (although initially I was kind of excited about it--don't know why). I kind of liked him in it. We'll see.

Updated On: 12/13/07 at 05:01 PM

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#34re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 5:07pm

I agree Jarrod is very "JLY" like. When I saw Jarrod last December in San Fran I thought that. From his profile he looks very much like JLY too. I spoke with him after the show and he told me a funny story of how he was in NYC (I believe it was the 1 year anniversary party) and some lady told him how great his performance was that night thinking he was JLY. JLY also told me he loves Jarrod and says he is hard worker and has the "heart of Frankie." Let's hope Jarrod makes it one day to Broadway as Frankie.

I also agree that while Michael has a gorgeous voice (at least when I saw him) and plays young FRankie well, he does not make the age transition as well as JLY does. He's just too baby faced.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#35re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/13/07 at 7:59pm

He's just too baby faced.

Even moreso than Jarrod?! re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#36re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/14/07 at 1:28pm

Lizzie Curry -- Yes. Although Jarrod too is baby-faced, he really does transition nicely into the older Frankie.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

#37re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 10:02am

I'm still in mourning that Colin Donnell never got a chance to go on as Bob. Damn you Reichard and your brilliant attendance record!!! - most underrated performers on broadway

JB Fan
#38re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 11:10am

Brilliant attendance record?

Daniel was out 3 of the 12 times I saw the show. Matt Scott was terrific 2 of the times and Dominic Nolfi was great the other time.

Wasn't Colin hired to replave Steve Gouveia? And was hired to cover Nick THEN they added the Bob cover, which is the one role they already had amazing understudies for.

PS-not getting what the big deal was with Colin (other than being cute). He was so unfunny in the small roles that Steve Gouveia played brilliantly...and he seemed too young to be a Nick.

#39re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 11:31am

They added Colin as the Bob cover when Matt Scott left for Catered Affair in September, and his put in was about a month later. Daniel hasn't been out in the last two months - which, for a person who's been in a show for over two years, is incredibly impressive (just look at the kids across the street in Hairspray).

As for Colin, I've seen him in two readings of a show called Tinyard Hill, where I was incredibly impressed by his vocals and vulnerability. I don't think the fact that he didn't make an impression in his normal track is any indication of how he would have been as Gaudio. And I think you underestimate the power of "being cute". :)
Oh well, we'll never know now. - most underrated performers on broadway

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#40re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 11:50am

Of the 15 (16 tomorrow) times I've seen the show I missed Daniel once. Matt Scott was great as Bob and I definitely would've liked to see Colin's Bob. I did see his Nick and loved it.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#41re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 1:33pm

Colin is absolutely adorable, but I couldn't believe how bland he was as Hank and Mika. I've only seen Steve Gouveia as Nikc, but I wished I'd also gotten to see him in the ensemble.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

JB Fan
#42re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 2:08pm

I have seen Colin in a few readings and in FOLLIES, he is a good romantic lead type young leading man. I am sure he would have been a great Bob.

However, he was hired in the Steve Gouveia track, and to cover Nick. He was not a great Nick (fine, cute, nothing special, just fine) and NOT GOOD as Mika, Hank, etc. They should be hiring actors for the role they are playing...they should have been looking for a Steve Gouveia replacement NOT a Bob replacement. I think maybe they were thinking DOWN THE LINE he could be a Bob someday, and decided to bank on him and use him the JERSEY BOYS team somewhere... I think they have been doing that a lot lately...because a good young, GL leading man doesn't come along everyday. However, Colin was miscast in Steve's track, and that bothers me.

I liked the fact that, like in Farnsworth invention, there is a chore group of chameleon-like actors who can become different people. Steve is in his 30s, and has a great comic presence, Colin is a cute guy and became invisible in brief comic bits that Steve just made land. NO SMALL ROLES. Every beat matters in a quick paced show like JERSEY BOYS. Think about how Jen Naimo NAILS "You're not from around here, are you?" night after night, day after day. Colin couldn't do that with a single look or glance the way Steve could.

My point is that it never made sense to me that Colin was cast to replace Steve. They should have replaced Steve with someone who could provide age, comic chops, and be a wonderful musician.
Updated On: 12/15/07 at 02:08 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#43re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 2:27pm

Colin is a cute guy and became invisible in brief comic bits that Steve just made land. NO SMALL ROLES. Every beat matters in a quick paced show like JERSEY BOYS.

Agreed! It's not like a bad Hank/Mika ruins the show, but if you've seen someone who makes you cry laughing (hi, Taylor Sternberg and Eric Gutman) then you have certain expectations. re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#44re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 9:39pm

while we're on the topic of cast members... today's matinee was corys grants first time going on as frankie as well as eric gutman's first time (and broadway debut!) as hank/ect.

i would say daniel's attendance is pretty outstanding as well. i've seen the show 10+ times and i have always caught him. most of the leads are pretty good when it comes to attendance.

i could have been wrong but i did sro today, and i could have sworn sebastian arcelus was standing behind the orchestra taking notes and watching the show. so if he was out of today's matinee of wicked, that would be why. i can't wait to see how he does in the role, though i'll admit, daniel will be missed.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#45re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 9:47pm

Have to disagree with you there. I loved the little quirks that Colin added to his roles (especially his Handsome Hank). He always made me laugh, even after seeing the show so many times. And he was absolutely brilliant as Nick (although I'll admit Steve's is better). And like shesamarshmallow, I saw TINYARD HILL and was absolutely blown away by Colin again. He's a fantastic singer. I'm definitely going to try to go to Jersey to see his play.

You guys have to understand that I haven't seen any of your tour kids, so I don't know what I'm missing out on. I am so excited to see Eric when I get the chance to work at JB again (and I'd love to see him understudy for a lead role).

JB Fan
#46re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 10:54pm

Hey, cheapcoloredlights2, how was Cory???

#47re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/15/07 at 11:02pm

i thought colin was a great nick, better than his hank. i didn't care for how he delivered a couple of his lines.

cory did really great for it being his first show and all. there were a couple of words here and there he may have mixed up but nothing that anyone would notice. i thought his acting and his voice has a lot of potential but in comparison to the other frankie's i've seen (travis, jly, michael), you could tell he was a bit uncertain for some notes. during 'moody's mood for love' he missed a note or so but nothing really noticeable if you haven't seen the show. his solo numbers were wonderful though a couple of notes were iffy during 'you're just to good to be true' though the audience went crazy about half way through. he also sang a bit too quietly at times and it was hard to hear him during 'sherry' & 'stay'. daniel's voice overpowered his especially in that number.

but overall, it was his first performance and the audience was very impressed. i thought he had a fantastic first show.

#48re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/16/07 at 12:14am

Cory is inexcusably pitchy. - most underrated performers on broadway

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#49re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
Posted: 12/16/07 at 2:34am

cheapcoloredlights2, Sebastian Arcelus was at the Wicked matinee on Saturday, so I guess that wasn't him.
