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Rosario Dawson...the weakest link- Page 2

Rosario Dawson...the weakest link

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#25re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 5:14am

ok...i give up...i guess ur just doesn't sound insulting to me.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#26re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 5:17am

Then I shall dread reading you insult a performer.

Steeler Jim Profile Photo
Steeler Jim
#27re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 10:51am

There was no "weakest link,", and especially not Rosario Dawson, who, in my opinion, was wonderful. As was Traci Toms, whose acting skills blew me away.

The only complaint I have is that the movie theater I saw it in had the projection bulb turned down so low that in the nighttime scenes it was practically impossible to see faces.

I HATE theaters that do that to save money. They absolutely suck.

"'Ello. Ow are oo?" - Corky St. Clair
Updated On: 11/24/05 at 10:51 AM

joliz Profile Photo
#28re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 10:52am

Oh yes Rosario is definitely the weakest link, that's why the majority of critics single her out as a potential nominee for awards because she really, really sucked.


"I love America more than any other country in the world, and exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." - James Baldwin

#29re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:04am

Awards??? As in academy award??? I seriously doubt any oscar nominations will be forthcoming for this movie.
I agree with Muscle, RD's singing voice was the weakest link and that was even after they fiddled with fixing it up for the movie. Seems like lots of people around here are way too sensitive to any criticism over the Rent movie.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#30re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:04am

I thought she was great.THe problems I had with the Rent film had nothing to do with the performances or the singing, which were all top rate, even Ms. Dawson.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#31re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:06am

The entire cast was solid. Rosario was my personal favorite. I think her performance was good and with a great director she could have knocked the role out of the park.

#32re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:24am

I went into listening to the soundtrack and seeing the movie very skeptical of Rosario. Fortunately, she blew me away. I was very impressed with her acting skills and her singing. I am now a definite fan. Although, I will admit, I didn't know her before this, as apparently Marquise did. re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#33re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:28am

Yes he was straight, and I honestly thought Rosario did amazing! In my opinion the weakest link was (quite suprisingly) Idina. She lacked charisma and humor.

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

#34re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:32am

Well, Idina sure as hell had charisma on stage. Especially for the hetero male audience.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#35re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:38am

Personally, I think the weakest link is Adam Pascal. Everyone else stood out to me (especially Dawson, Martin, Menzel, Heredia, Thoms), but Pascal just seemed to be... there.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#36re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:42am

This thread should be titled: Chris Columbus...THe Weakest Link.

#37re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:43am

I think I'm in the minority here, but I thought Idina was the strongest performer in the film. I liked Rosario a lot, though I really wish "Out Tonight" had been a stronger number on film. Having half of it occur while she was all bundled up, skipping down the street just didn't work for me.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

#38re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:43am

Hahaha I agree, BobbyBubby

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#39re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:46am

Kringas, I agree. I absolutely loved Menzel.

Kevo711 Profile Photo
#40re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:54am

Rosario Dawson was AMAZING! Her acting was fantastic and her singing was great too! Obviously, not being a singer/musical theatre person, she didn't have the best voice in the film but she was pretty damn good! I think her "Without You" is one of the most musical moments in the film! Although everyone was fantastic, I believe that Rosario and Jesse were the standouts!..... just my opinion.....

Marquise Profile Photo
#41re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:08pm

re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#42re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:12pm

ok...i thought Rosario was good....i don't know why all these evil people are attacking me...i thought she was good...BUT she was the weakest performer in the film i thought. I didn't like her "out tonight" too much...but i thought she was GOOD...just weaker than the other guys...that's everything i said. My point of view...i am not insulting anyone...actually let's change it...i am insulting all the people who insult me back!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Marquise Profile Photo
#43re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:16pm

boo hoo! all the "evil people" are attacking me! boo hoo! re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link

Updated On: 11/24/05 at 12:16 PM

Marquise Profile Photo
#44re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:17pm

re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link

joliz Profile Photo
#45re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:18pm

"i don't know why all these evil people are attacking me"

Evil people? Wow, I didn't realize disagreeing with someone put me on the dark side. Give me some Hayden Christensen pre-Darth days and I'll be set.

"I love America more than any other country in the world, and exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." - James Baldwin

Marquise Profile Photo
#46re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:19pm

joliz, i love you!
but you knew that already right mamacita?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#47re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:21pm

Rosario's singing sounds good in the movie theatre.

She gave a great performance.

joliz Profile Photo
#48re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:23pm

Love you too doll!

God how ****ing great was she in the movie?

"I love America more than any other country in the world, and exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." - James Baldwin

Marquise Profile Photo
#49re: Rosario Dawson...the weakest link
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:24pm

I'm going to see it tonight. I will erase all the garbage I've read on this and other sites and as someone who has seen both the Original Off-Broadway and Broadway versions of the show in 1996 I will go with an open mind.
