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Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays- Page 3

Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays

newintown Profile Photo
#50Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:20am

"My point is that civil society has accepted a two-day weekend as the norm..."

Yes, for those who work a 40-hour (full-time) per week job.

Broadway performers are paid to be at work for about 28 hours a week, and generally are off from around 6:00PM Sunday to 6:30-7:30PM (1/2 hour call) Tuesday, which is 48+ hours. It may not be the two days and three nights that the teachers or office workers get, but it is two days.

Updated On: 7/6/18 at 10:20 AM

#51Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:28am

The only real issue I have with Ambrose taking one performance off was the last minute way it was announced. I'm seeing a Saturday matinee in a few weeks and I bought these tickets ahead of time and I'm lucky it was Sunday matinees she decided to take off rather than Saturday. I think it could have been announced further ahead of time, and I don't blame people if they're mad that they don't get to see her. Before anybody says something snarky, Ambrose isn't the biggest star in the world, but some people ARE buying tickets to see her as she's been in a few projects more people have seen than the average Broadway show. Thinking about it though, this is the kind of show that people tend to buy tickets ahead of time for and maybe it could not be helped and no matter for late they would have made this 7-day schedule, somebody would have bought a ticket ahead of time for it and missed out.

Diana Rigg is probably expressing what other people in the cast is feeling but she's the one willing to be the mouthpiece and take all the heat. I don't like how she went about it and it makes me wonder why she decided to go public with this and most likely cause more tension behind-the-scenes. Maybe this will add something to their performances. 

I'm afraid this is another way for Ambrose to be used as a punching bag among musical theatre fans.

Does anybody remember Elaine Stritch's comments on the 8-show schedule? I thought she'd be one of those "in the good ole days" camp but she said that she does think they need to rethink it but to not ask her because she doesn't know. However, she was a lot more understanding about revising that because she acknowledged how much of a demand that is.

I'm not going to get into a debate about how hard theatre performers work. It's hard work and requires physicality a lot of jobs do not ask for. Sure it may be overstated, but what job isn't. Some jobs are understated though. I used to work full time in retail where I barely received two days off in a row, I worked in food service where 12-or-so hours a day was normal and talk about laborious. I am now a lawyer and work anywhere from 40-50+ hours a weeks but I am still expected to have weekends and holidays off unless I fall behind or an emergency filing happens that I need to respond to. All jobs have pluses and minuses, and I'd be the last person to try to underestimate somebody else's job demands, especially one that does require the physical stamina that live performing does. Even if one is not at the stage or in the theatre the full 40 hours there's still a lot of mental and physical preparation one has to do just knowing they have a performance coming up.


Updated On: 7/6/18 at 10:28 AM

#52Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:34am

“Now call me old-fashioned, which I unashamedly am, but I don’t think this development is fair to audiences. They have booked their seats in advance, paying an exorbitant price for them to see what they have been led to believe is the original cast. The very least we can do as actors is to acknowledge their presence as a privilege and take care never to abuse it.”

Thank you, Miss Rigg 

HogansHero Profile Photo
#53Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:35am


Sorry, but you are backseat driving, and attempting to justify your position with naiveté.

Folks love to micromanage the lives of others, even to the extent of telling them what contracts they are allowed to negotiate. And some folks around here seem to think an actor has donated their person to "the audience." Do you also criticize doctors for not being on call 24/7? After all, saving a life is even more important than performing in a show 8 times a week, no? 

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#54Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:43am

Hmm I think the Ben Platt situation was arguably worse. He was missing a lot of shows (including two weeks of vocal rest) and finally had an alternate. But by then Ben Platt and DEH were HUGE not just among the theater community. The show was sold out for months. The show as well as his performance in particular had gone viral, so to speak.

The same thing really has not happened with Lauren Ambrose. Yes MFL is doing wonderfully at the box office. And yes Ambrose received a lot of praise for her performance. But MFL is really a musical where the show is the star. I think it will do fine in the box office with the Sunday alternate and tickets are not THAT hard to get so that people who bought Sunday matinees ahead of time can't find an alternate day where Ambrose is performing. I'm sure LCT is willing to exchange.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#55Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:44am

Just lost a ton of respect for Rigg. Ambrose gave my favorite performance of the season, so if she requires that day off, then I could care less. 

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#56Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:44am

newintown said: "she hits 2 high Gs per performance (not difficult for any real soprano), only sings 3 solos and one rather brief trio, and is vocally finished quite early in Act 2 (with only one song in that act). "

Not unless they've taken out "Without You," she isn't.

Anyway, Diana Rigg has a right to her opinion, but I imagine this is making things a little awkward behind the scenes!

newintown Profile Photo
#57Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:45am

Ah, Hogan, the difference here is that I have never been a doctor, so the answer to your question there is "no." But I have been a professional performing artist. I speak from experience; I can't say I'm sorry that doesn't meet with your approval (as so little does seem to meet with your approval anyway). 

BTW, "criticize" is your word; I have criticized nothing. If you see some sort of value judgement on what I've written about the workload of a commercial actor, than that's merely your dark perception peeking through, I fear.

MCfan2 wrote:"Not unless they've taken out "Without You," she isn't." You're absolutely right, my bad.

Updated On: 7/6/18 at 10:45 AM

#58Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 10:50am

Where are people getting the 28-hour figure from?
MFL is a three hour show.
Call time is technically a half hour before the show, but for a period show, it takes a long time to get into costume, and then factor in warming up, fight call, etc. I don't know many actors who don't show up at least an hour before curtain.
Getting out of costume/makeup and leaving the theatre also takes around half an hour.
1 + 3 + 0.5 = 4.5 hours per show
4.5 x 8 shows a week = 36 hours per week

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#59Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 11:19am

I'm someone who often sees a show for the performer more than the show itself.. so I do get miffed if I go to see something and the scheduled star is out. I've seen some truly excellent understudies, but I've also had times when I've gone back to see a show again out of curiosity, and it's a night and day difference. Stars are stars for a reason. 

That said... so many of these roles are legitimately grueling, so I completely understand the need for rest and recovery in order to put on the best overall performance. I wish more shows like this would take the pre-determined alternate approach, and list that schedule on Telecharge/Ticketmaster. That way the star can perform 7 shows (hell, even 6) if he or she needs to, but people who are expecting to see someone can know in advance if it'll be an alternate for that performance and book accordingly. Obviously people will still get sick, or emergencies happen, but I think that would be the best of both worlds.

#60Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 11:33am

@newintown, since you seem fixated on time people spend at their place of employment, a school day is 8-3 for a total of 35 hours/week with holidays off. An office day is 9-5 with .5-1 hour for lunch, coming in under 40 hours/week. So I’m not sure what your point is.

If you won’t concede that a working stage performer couldn’t benefit from a proper weekend like most other people, it makes one wonder how many actor friends you actually have, not to mention your claim to have been a performer.

Updated On: 7/6/18 at 11:33 AM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#61Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 11:39am

newintown said: "vocally finished quite early in Act 2 (with only one song in that act)"

"Show Me" isn't Eliza's final song; it's "Without You," which is pretty darn close to the end of the show. I think you're doing Ms. Ambrose and other actresses who've taken on Eliza Doolittle a disservice by making the role sound like a cakewalk. Sure, it's not a vocal monster for bona fide sopranos, but it's certainly intensely demanding from a physicality and acting standpoint. Those two scenes in Act II ("Get Me to the Church" and "Hymn to Him"Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays are really the only times Eliza isn't on stage for a long show.

#62Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 11:43am

I think it's a generational thing.  Kaye Ballard used to grouse all the time about cast members missing shows for any number of reasons when she was in Pirates of Penzance.  They grew up in the age when, unless you were in an iron lung, you went on. Dame Diana is  of the same ilk.  Venerable older people don't care about firing cannonballs anymore. She's entitled to her opinion, she's earned the right to express it and I think she doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it.  We're all making this an issue.  I honestly think she's moved on.  For transparency, I've been in love with her since she was Emma Peel on the Avengers, saw her in Medea and am a fan.

#63Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 12:03pm

Ambrose could have done what Julie Andrews did and simply stopped singing parts of the score. If you listen to the London cast album you can hear how much she reduced the singing because of the strain of singing the role 8 times a week.

Others have had vocal damage or got alternates before. This is not unique to Ambrose.

But LCT really did not handle this well.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#64Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 12:07pm


re "professional performing artist" - what does that mean? Paris Hilton is a professional performing artist, but not someone whose experience I would credit for much.One can certainly have an opinion about Ambrose's contract, but your understanding of her workload is naive. 

re "criticize" you might want to refresh your recollection at #33 above before delving into my psyche. 

P.S. My "approval" is readily available, but it has to be warranted. 



DAME Profile Photo
#65Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 12:28pm

What a bunch of whinny little hussys.  You all need to get your thumbs out of your you know what and stop being such drama queens.  LOVE YOU DIANA RIGG!  YOU CAN DO AND SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT!  And look at the entertainment your giving all these yentas!


Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#66Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 12:37pm

I think the London Cast Recording sounds the way it does because it was recorded when Andrews was sick - I’ve never heard that it is a reflection in how she actually sang the role. If it was, I think it was a foolish discussion to plan the recording, regardless if you want to advertise the new sterio sound.

As the “generational” thing, I tend to agree, but it is also true that people don’t train their voices the way they used to. There is this odd view on here that being in a musical is automatically more difficult than doing a play, which is often wildly inaccurate. Hamlet and Lear are some of the most vocally taxing roles in the theatre, and that includes Evita. I would’t put Eliza’s vocal demands as particularly challenging for any trained singer, but she has to carry rather long scenes, and completely transform herself throughout the evening. It’s a challenging role, but not one that demands a regular alternate, providing the actress is trained. Unfortunately, even the more acclaimed actors of today are not vocally trainee in the way working actors need to be. The recent production Hamlet at the Public has to cancel several performances because the cast was losing their voice. I saw the production, and particularly Oscar Issac was screaming - and not in a healthful manner that was taking care of his voice - he was voluntarily straining and forcing his voice to produce “acting” moments. And that was a short limited run of two months!

So yeah, that’s why it’s such a big deal when big actors do “Long Day’s Journey” or “Iceman Cometh” the sheer amount of dialogue is challenging, not to mention the acting that goes with it. To produce a consistent performance that is vocally and emotionally secure is a skill. Not everyone today has it.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

nealb1 Profile Photo
#67Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 12:40pm

Dame Rigg is right.  She's very gracious in her comments and it's not personal regarding Lauren.  

Bette's Turban Profile Photo
Bette's Turban
#68Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 12:41pm

DAME said: "What a bunch of whinny little hussys. You all need to get your thumbs out of your you know what and stop being such drama queens. LOVE YOU DIANA RIGG! YOU CAN DO AND SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT! And look at the entertainment your giving all these yentas!"


South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#69Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 12:53pm

DAME said: "What a bunch of whinny little hussys. You all need to get your thumbs out of your you know what and stop being such drama queens. LOVE YOU DIANA RIGG! YOU CAN DO AND SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT! And look at the entertainment your giving all these yentas!"


Well said! Brava Diana Rigg!


AC126748 Profile Photo
#70Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 12:57pm

It’s Dame Diana, not Dame Rigg. If people are going to use her courtesy title to add weight to what she’s saying, they should at least get it right.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#71Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 1:01pm

DAME said: "What a bunch of whinny little hussys. You all need to get your thumbs out of your you know what and stop being such drama queens. LOVE YOU DIANA RIGG! YOU CAN DO AND SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT! And look at the entertainment your giving all these yentas!"

Right on!

#72Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 1:28pm

While I agree with a lot of what Dame Diana is saying, especially in regards to how the company supposedly found out about this (not to mention, encouraging her castmates to step up and do 8 shows a week), ultimately an important thing to remember is that Lauren Ambrose is not above the title.  So that means anyone who bought a ticket is not paying to see "Lauren Ambrose in My Fair Lady".  They're paying to see "My Fair Lady".  So if a different performer is on, it may suck for them if they had hoped to see her, but there was never any guarantee that they were going to see her in the show.  Now if, say, Bette Midler had an UNANNOUNCED alternate on some days, that would be a different story, as people are paying to see "Bette Midler in Hello Dolly".  But for Ambrose (or Ben Platt in "Dear Even Hansen", which fell under the same category), people are buying tickets for the shows, not the stars in the show.

#73Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 1:29pm

It comes down to a couple of criteria when casting an extensive musical like MFL. Cast someone who can do it, it you cannot take the role on and do it for the full 8 shows don't do it, you aren't meant for musical theater you don't have the talent. Andrews did it and in the original key and, WITHOUT MICROPHONES for every blasted performance - didn't miss one.  The use of microphones changed without a doubt the degree of talent that would be acceptable in theatre from that day forward.  Sorry, it did. It is understandable when the musical genre changed to such an extent that it was impossible to  do the music and sing backstage and move, i.e. Phantom, Les Mis, etc., yet even then the training and technique of singing, pacing and just real talent comes into play.  You don't have to sing quite as loud when you have a mic, and you don't have to play to the back of the theater anymore an unfortunate development.  MFL is the ultimate in an "old-fashioned musical" where it requires talent of all three elements, SINGING first (It's a musical), acting, and dance.  A mic takes the pressure off possessing the first and thus a lesser  talent is accepted in casting. A triple threat supported by the mic has been the norm for over 40 years, so it really becomes two at best.  

The televised musicals speak for themselves. And, Diana Rigg, has played more strenuous roles just in acting alonet than Ambrose will ever be afforded to attempt in her lifetime.  Don't compare them - ever! It is a lost contest if you side with Ambrose.  Ambrose isn't the draw, Diana Ring is and the musical itself.  

My opinion is in the minority these days because most in the theatre never saw a musical or a play without a mic - if they did and the performance was electrifying and transformative you'd wish for no electronic enhancement the raw talent and beauty of being live in the theatre with such a talent is life changing and fulling to an audience for years.  Sad that most will never have that experience on broadway ever again.

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#74Riedel on Diana Rigg being annoyed Ambrose misses Sundays
Posted: 7/6/18 at 1:31pm

I'm amazed at how many of you slummy nerds think that no one has the right or talent to be on Broadway if they can't do a very demanding role eight shows a week.

GTFO of here! 

Broadway World's Fireman.
