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Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!

Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!

Britt0913 Profile Photo
#0Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 8:10pm

Okay. Just got back from the best night ever! Raul was soooo great. He and Seth were so much fun. They talked about when he was younger growing up and getting involved with theatre and acting. Then they were talking about Taboo and then the best part of the night...he sang!

He sang 3 songs: "Lonely House", "Heroes", and "Defying Gravity". Yes, that's right, "Defying Gravity" written in his key. It was so funny b/c he sang and Seth was like "I'm Glinda!" and then, at the end of the song, when it goes "So if you care to find me...." he jumps up onto the piano bench and finishes the song!

Afterwards, he was really sweet: talking to people, signing autographs, taking photos (I got one with him! It'll be on my fan photos tomorrow!!) Just mainly the wonderfully talented man that he always is!

Seany Profile Photo
#1re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 8:15pm

I'm really hoping they play this on - if they do, I can NOT miss this.

There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life.

Britt0913 Profile Photo
#2re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 8:19pm

Oh, I forgot! He brought this huge binder with him and it turned out to be his audition book. It had all the songs he's sung at auditions, etc. Sooooooo great!

Seany Profile Photo
#3re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 8:20pm


There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life.

#4re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 8:25pm

That's great! When will this be on bww radio? Is there a way to record it on my computer? I want to hear this so bad. Do you remember anything else? I'm a detail whore.

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#5re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 9:37pm

Oh it was such a fun night! He did the "Idina Hands" too when he sang. It was hilarious!

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#6re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 9:39pm

That's so cute! I really hope it's on bww- I would have LOVED to see/hear it!

Raul singing Defying Gravity!! That's so cool!

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#7re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 11:39pm

Did someone ask for details?! Well, that's why I'm here!

Okay... this was the first time I'd been to Seth's Chatterbox; what a fun thing! It was so intimate, and I don't think I'd laughed quite so hard in a pretty long time.

So Raul was his usual, wonderful self. He looked magnificient... hair all grown out. He was wearing jeans and this dark blue/purple button down shirt. His eyes were simply GLOWING, as usual. He's just such a freaking doll. He has a really sweet sense of humor, but at the same time has a bit of an edge to his personality. I loved that I really got to see that tonight. Seth was showing some video from Chess and Raul was waiting by the bar. Seth was making fun of something, and Raul looked up and was like "What? What'd I do... did I grab my balls?" *Cue Emcee's jaw drop* (We got to see Hair video, too! Seth showed some from the actual show and some from the press rehearsals). But when he was talking about his family, and stuff he did when he was a kid he was so quiet and subdued... just cuddly. Then at certain points, he'd just be bursting with energy and personality - and he's funny! He was discussing when he was younger and was told he'd never make it... such a shame he was terribly underestimated. I couldn't believe *he* would ever be told such a thing! He really went through a lot of crap to get to where he is - I have so much more respect for him after tonight.

I guess I've always enjoyed reading and listening to things Raul says because he's so incredibly intelligent. Things he says are so profound, and full of insight. When he was talking about Taboo (a segment during which he'd randomly break into his growly, Brittish "Phillip Sallon" persona and wave his arms about!) he told a story that just gave me chills: he said that all of the Broadway theaters are interconnected and that when backstage at the Plymouth, for example, he could see and hear parts of Never Gonna Dance and Gypsy. His description of it was so heartfelt and beautiful.

Two other random, funny things: Also when discussing Taboo, Raul was talking about the effects reviews/criticisms can have on a show. He HAMMERED Michael Riedel, by the way. Anyway, he was saying that now, with the internet, news can get out there fast, and it can travel fast. He alluded to message boards and the fact that he probably reads them. He was saying how some of that -while still (usually) valid criticism - can be damaging, because of the rate at which news travels. Since I was with a whole bunch of BroadwayWorld people, we all glanced at eachother in a weird sort of way. Other random funny thing: When he was talking about Hair vs. Chess and which he liked better, he was saying that in Hair he only did one big number and that was it... then he had nothing to do. He was like "Well, I found Adam and I was like 'Let's walk!' and we were going to go walk up and down the stairs," or something to that effect. It conjured the strangest image in my head, of these two men just oh-so gallantly walking up and down a staircase together all evening. Silly boys...

Okay - the singing.... this man simply blows my mind. Like Britt said, he sang "Lonely House," "Heroes," and "Defying Gravity." They were all beautiful, but "Defying Gravity" was definitely the highlight. Raul did the "Idina hands" and jumped up on a chair for the last note. He was clearly having a blast singing that song, and got a ton of applause after. He sounded gorgeous, too. His voice makes me melt.

This is much longer than I had intended... met Raul afterwards, he was incredibly humble and sweet, and y'all saw Cara's post. Guess that's it... oh! Now that I know Raul may see this, Mr. Esparza, you are a gift to the theater. I love you!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 9/24/04 at 11:39 PM

MyNameInLights Profile Photo
#8re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/23/04 at 11:42pm


One of your best reviews yet dear! I wish I could have gone!

"The stage is where I live and come alive and act out all the things that go on in my life. It's not just what I do for a living, it's my shrink and my love affair. No one in my life has ever or ever will kiss me on the mouth like this lover called my relationship with my performance."

#9re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 1:56am

After running my ass off to make it, I was in for an evening of fun! Raul twice in four days-how wonderful.
Emcee, you left out the part where he was wearing the jeans he wore in Hair! Ahh-yes, the line about his "balls"-quite a joy for all.
I'm sorry, but I have to say that "Heroes" was the highlight of my evening. He did a beautiful job-every phrase was filled with thought and affection. There were perfect crescendo's and decrescendo's, and the emotion and musicality that he sang with was so intense, it was like "Yes, this is why I appreciate this man" It was stunning, I would almost go as far to say that I liked it better than Petrified. Although, it seems as though it should be perfect-the mans been doing the song for years apparently. Defying Gravity was cute, and gave me a pain in my side from laughing so hard, but it wasn't impressive, it was just fun to finally hear it. AND- I finally got to hear him speak spanish-I thought I was going to melt! He also said some really cool stuff about how for the longest time he thought his grandmother could only speak spanish and how decieved he felt when he realized she understood english. Hysterical!!! All in all, I mostly enjoyed listening to him talk about how proud he was of being given the oppurtunity to do what he is doing. It was really encouraging. It was also great to hear him talk about walking through Shubert Alley and what a gift it is! I loved it. This man surpases every expection. Wow, I feel so priviledged just to be able to share his love for what he does. Just watching him tonight was so cool because we sort of got to see a little bit of what it's like to be "Raul E. Esparza". He's just a normal human being. He screws up, he gets nervous, and he's not afraid to laugh at himself. How lucky we are for him to share his talent with us.

EDIT-By the way, I just googled the song "I Don't Believe in Heroes Any More". Of course, I can't find the freaking sheet music anywhere. Anyone got any ideas where I could find it? It's from a show called "Three Guys Naked from the Waist Down". Of course, Colony doesn't have the damn thing.

EDIT#2- Ah yes, I just remembered this-tonight, I couldn't help thinking Raul can be the one to replace Idina! Maybe someone should tell "Bernie"-afterall, maybe the response would be "Raul can do it!"

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL
Updated On: 9/24/04 at 01:56 AM

#10re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 2:20am

Excellent, Luv & Chrys. You two gave a great feel for the experience and enough factual info for us to hang onto! How I wish I could have been there! There is a lot that happens in NY and I am used to missing all of it, except for a week once or maybe twice a year, but there are a few events that just rip at me. This was one of them. (Missing Euan in Caligua is another and the worst, of course, was missing Raul in The Normal Heart.)

adampascalgal Profile Photo
#11re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 4:34pm

Emcee and Chrysanthemum, thank you both as usual for the great reviews!!! I just love reading them, it helps to make me feel not so left out, I am right there with ya sunfish, although I regret missing most things NY related.

It conjured the strangest image in my head, of these two men just oh-so gallantly walking up and down a staircase together all evening. Silly boys...

Okay, is it weird that I find this oddly entertaining to imagine??? JUST LOVE THOSE TWO, no matter what they are doing!!!!

"All they say Is "Trust in What Is Writen." Wars are made. And somehow that is wisdom. Thought is suspect, And money is their idol, And nothing is okay unless it's scripted in their Bible." -Spring Awakening

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#12re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 4:39pm

Adam and Raul walking up and down the stairs-- I'd pay to see that!!

Those were great reviews, Emcee and Chrys!! Raul is just adorable (as you've said)-- Defying Gravity done by Raul-- I really still can't picture it, but I'm sure it was amazingly amazing.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

#13re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 4:47pm

I was really interested in what Raul had to say about people who critique shows that are still in previews on message boards. The reaction that came from the audience was interesting as well. It's obvious the subject hits pretty close to home with him, and something that frustrates him a lot, and the silence that followed his statement about the effect internet message boards have on performers proved that if anyone there had the opportunity, I don't think they'd know what to say. I can completely see his point too. It's one thing to mention some things that do and don't work about a production in previews, but bashing productions that are still being worked on must be difficult to read by those involved in the productions. I respect him a lot for talking about the topic so passionately. Kind of made me think twice about what I say about shows that aren't completely done yet.

I always find Raul to come off so incredibly intelligent and knowledgable about his field and craft. I could listen to him talk about for days. I know he's not the biggest name on Broadway, and he may not be the most talented, but he sure is something.

And Defying Gravity was definitely an enjoyable three minutes.

#14re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 6:14pm

adam p.girl, >>>although I regret missing most things NY related.<<

oh god, so do I, but I've accepted, I guess is the word, that I just don't live in that world, much as I wish I did. But SOME things just rip at me. And the more I see, the more different things there are to rip. It's a giant spreading go to a show to see one favorite performer and come out with 3 more. DAMN!!

#15re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 6:46pm

ahh!! tell me that bww radio is going to broadcast it!!

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#16re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 7:01pm

Great reviews guys! I didnt write one because I didnt think that I could do that evening justice! But you did!

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#17re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 8:51pm

Okay.... more random Rauliness that I need to share, because I haven't finished freaking out just yet.

But before that, very well said, GirlfriendFromCanada. Hearing that come from him the way it did made me rethink the idea of posting a review on a message board, just in general. It's also a bit unnerving, knowing that it's so widely seen.

Anyway... HE SPOKE SPANISH! I have no idea what he said, but AHHHHHHHHH!

One of the things I love most about Raul is that he always acknowledges audiences, and shows how genuinely grateful he is for their support. When he was discussing Taboo, he was saying that "You could go moose hunting upstairs!" but that there were always loyal fans right there through the run, and that he feels like actors and audiences are "all in this together." I thought that was very sweet. Also when talking about Taboo, he was saying that there was a review in which the writer said he managed to slur his English and make it totally incoherent when he spoke as Phillip. Raul was like "I just saw a NONEXISTANT bootleg, and I was like 'yeah, I can't understand what I'm saying!'" He then proceeded to say some of Phillip's lines in that voice... I just love that he can be goofy and laugh at himself.

Oh, and most importantly... NEWS! Seth asked him what was coming up for him, and he said that right now, everything is still a "big, fat secret." He can't really say anything until the contracts are final, but at least now we know he's got stuff coming up!

What else did I forget that y'all might care about? Oh! He was so friendly afterwards. I usually get really nervous, but there's something about Raul that makes him so easy to talk to. After we took a bunch of pictures, he was like "I feel like I'm at a wedding!" and started telling TGITF, Chrysanthemum, Undiscovered and I about how at his wedding, he and his wife just stood there grinning for hours on end. It was so candid and SO adorable. Yay Rauly.

Okay, I'm done... really. re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

amasis Profile Photo
#18re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 9:05pm

You can go on as long as you want, Emcee re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!.

"I just saw a NONEXISTANT bootleg, and I was like 'yeah, I can't understand what I'm saying!'"

That was adorable. re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!

#19re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 9:29pm

LOL!!! The moose hunting/fishing line STILL cracked me up today when I thought about it! I swear, that was one of the best times I've ever had. I could have sat there and listened to him talk for DAYS.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

Corine2 Profile Photo
#20re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 11:47pm

It was my favorite Chatterbox.
He is such a wonderful performer. He also is very nice and gives great hugs.
re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!

Corine2 Profile Photo
#21re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 11:54pm

You were sitting with Michael?
Next time say hi. I am friendly and I have my shots.
Hee hee.
re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#22re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/24/04 at 11:59pm

LOL! Corine, I told Undiscovered that I thought I saw you, but I was entirely too shy to come say hello. By the time I was feeling courageous, we couldn't find you!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#23re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 10:50am

Oh sweetie. I would have loved to have met you. Updated On: 9/25/04 at 10:50 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#24re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 11:01am

re: Raul Esparza at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox!!
Another time, for sure!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
