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Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!- Page 2

Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#25re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 1:15pm

With Donna Murphy there were legitimate reasons that she did not want made public for her attendance at Wonderful Town. With Ramirez, there may be as well. But I doubt it. The rumblings I hear about her definitely suggest otherwise.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#26re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 1:58pm

I can't imagine they'd cut her loose so quickly. From what I hear, she's the only one that can pull off the part. I heard her understudies aren't good at all, but I dunno. I can't wait for the tour.

#27re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:08pm

It's sad that everyone is attacking her for being a slacker or a disgrace without knowing all the facts instead of thinking maybe there is something seriously wrong. It's like people are hoping she fails. It took her a long time to finally get some major recognition. I can't see her blowing it to take off because she just doesn't feel like performing.
The only people she has to justify her absenses to are the big wigs at Spamalot. She doesn't owe us an explanation. If they are ok with her absenses, so should we. I don't think her Tony win has anything to do with why she is still there. The show is sold out. They don't need her Tony to sell tickets. And if it's a matter of not firing a Tony winner out of respect, well if they feel she is slacking off, they'd lose the respect for her and wouldn't feel bad about letting her go.
I have seen the show 9 times. I love it And I have seen it with Sara 8 times. So she couldn't be missing that many shows. Or I'm just lucky. I personally am hoping she has a great career ahead of her, in what ever path she decides to take.

#28re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:19pm

But they also don't need the bad publicity of firing the only performer from that show to win a Tony for that show. It really doesn't matter what her reason for being absent is. The fact is she is out often. Moreso than any other performer on Broadway. To say she is the only actress capable of playing that role is ludicrous, and the role isn't demanding enough that she should be exhausted. If she has an illness or injury, then she needs to to either leave the show or take time off. Contrary to popular belief, any illness or injury she may have is not protected by law (due to the nature of her business, there are exceptions in the labor laws and discrimination laws). So I'm betting that the negativity of firing their Tony Award winning actress is what keeps them from addressing the issue. If she had a pre-existing condition prior to the start of the show, that would be one thing, but as far as I know her attendance wasn't an issue until right before the Tonys.

#29re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:34pm

omg someone beat me to this post! haha anyways i saw the show this weekend too and an usher told me she was out friday, sat, and sun....anyways....i had heard she twisted her ankle or something. She is rivaling Donna at this point lol....

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#30re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:51pm

She twisted her ankle? I wonder what Christina Applegate has to say about that.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#31re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:53pm

"She twisted her ankle? I wonder what Christina Applegate has to say about that."

Call in Charlotte D'Amboise!!!

#32re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:59pm

This women should be fired. Just cause you win a tony doesn't mean you run the show. Even if there are other circumstances you should be in at least 99% of the time (not including a vacation of course). If it was someone else they'd be gone by now. HOW DIVANE!!!!!!!!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#33re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 3:05pm

If something is in fact "seriously wrong" then someone associated with the production needs to say so, and she needs to take time off and recover from whatever it is. She's the only Tony winner starring in the show, and it is not too much to ask for her to show up and perform her Tony winning role.

And yes, she does have to justify herself to people- the people who pay in excess of $100 to come see her perform the Lady of the Lake.

As for the big speech, that is what was reported by Reidel, and his sources in matters like this are generally pretty reliable. I have no reason to believe he's lying because someone who is obviously a fan of Sara Ramirez says otherwise.

#34re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 3:17pm

ilovetheatretrash - your screenname says it all. you sound like your the goddamn producer of the show and you know all about sara, but you don't.

Maybe she's just being nice and letting her understudies have some experience. We don't know.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#35re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 3:25pm

Riedel is hardly a "reliable source". He's a gossip-monger, the Broadway equivalent of US Weekly. When he has an actual insider source that's not asking to remain anonymous and actually owning up to the rumors they're spreading, then maybe I'll believe him.

And just because she won a Tony for the role doesn't mean they're keeping her because it will "look bad" to fire her. If they had a problem with her attendance, they would say so outright when they let her go, and then she would be the one that looks bad. Technically, she's the biggest nobody of the leads in Spamalot, and firing her wouldn't get anywhere near the same amount of backlash as they would get firing Tim Curry or David Hyde Pierce.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Craig Profile Photo
#36re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 3:28pm

I'll state this bluntly.

No one but Sara and her producers know all the fact. Period.

The producers are not obligated in any way shape or form to alert anyone WHY a star is not in their show at any given time. Any information distributed is a courtesy.

It's a confirmed fact that Nichols didn't read anyone a riot act.

Everything else is gossip and hearsay.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

adamgreer Profile Photo
#37re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 3:31pm

Confirmed by whom?

I've not heard Nichols or anyone else state on the record that the "smack down" didn't occur.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#38re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 3:36pm

Why should someone else have to confirm something didn't happen, when only one person (who wasn't present and based everything on hearsay) claimed that it did happen?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

ljay889 Profile Photo
#39re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 3:37pm

Well it is a little shocking that...

Christina Applegate who broke her foot, and has a much more demanding role - has only missed about 2-3 performances her whole run (besides the first week of previews.)

I doubt Ramirez has something as serious like a broken foot, that would keep her out this much.

And Christina can't even get a vacation, because if she was out for a week, that would kill the show.

Props to Christina and the other "name" actors on Broadway who are consistent in showing up for performances.

#40re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 4:38pm

Let me just say that Julia Murney injured her leg pretty badly on... Wednesday night, I think. She went on every single night without the tiniest complaint.

And who can forget the courage it took to be Christina Applegate last spring?

*steps off the soapbox*

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Ladyofthe Lake Profile Photo
Ladyofthe Lake
#41re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 4:49pm

Why should someone else have to confirm something didn't happen, when only one person (who wasn't present and based everything on hearsay) claimed that it did happen?

Actually, Riedel claimed it was going to happen - so even he didn't say it had actually taken place.

#42re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 4:51pm

I really enjoy Sara, but these absenses are ridiculous. I don't care what anyone on here says in her defense. Missing at least one show a week is completely unnecessary. Unless you're on your death bed or have a respiratory infection, your ass should be where it's being paid to be.
Updated On: 9/26/05 at 04:51 PM

#43re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 5:13pm

Thank you, PJ! THANK YOU!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#44re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 6:13pm

I could care less what show she is in next. If I want to see the show fine but her in it will definitely not be a determining factor.

She should have had the decency to go into her 2 nd show before she started pulling this baloney. What good is talent if you never show up ?

I think the only way this type of behavior will be stamped out is producers stop calling her & others like her. Otherwise, she & others will be rewarded for this type of behavior & continue with it

Poster Emeritus

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#45re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 6:24pm

This is a very different situation than Donna. Donna had some problems that kept her from performing, besides she has reason to be a diva. She is a bway star.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#46re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 7:39pm

I have two things to say:
1.) I'd rather see an understudy who is healthy than a "big name" actor who isn't up to par.
2.) It's really none of our business why she's missing or why the producers have not fired her. If you don't like it, don't buy tickets to the show. Simple as that.

Miss Mona
#47re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 7:54pm

You must be really vapid if you think that Michael Riedel's sources are "generally pretty reliable."

#48re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 10:20pm

Wow --- KNOWING why Sara is out of the show and reading these comments is so disheartening. You guys --- lay off, PLEASE!

Sara has injured her foot and she's not making public appearances. She's trying to heal and get better and get back in the show. This isn't paid vaca folks --- equity people know this.

Chill folks --- she's a human being --- I wouldn't want to go see Spamalot and have the Lady of the Lake hobbling around on crutches in pain.

Get over yourselves.

Doogie Profile Photo
#49re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 10:32pm

I will say this:

This conversation is stupid. ALL of the conversations about these things are stupid. Ultimately, the ONLY reason YOU should have a complaint is if you bought a ticket and she wasn't there. and even then, you can exchange them, there is a line of at LEAST 10 people in the cancellation every day who would love to have your ticket, Ramirez there or not.

Sara is AMAZING in her role, and this is beyond STUPID. Hate to break it to you guys, SHE is playing the role full time. Not you. If people have an issue and want to know if she will be in on a particular day, write a letter to the producers, to Sara 9you can contact her through her website,, whatever. You'll seem like a jerk, but ok. don't air it out on this message board... thats just bad manners and creates undue hulaballoo and BULLSH-T. Interestingly, I'd be interested to know, of the adults who've posted on this thread, how many days they've missed of work. Would you bitch if Sara did not give a great performance at the show you saw because she was not at her best? Not justfying her absences, I have no idea why she is out, but I'm sure that if this really were a diva issue then stage management, producers, etc. would have done something about it. They have not. That tells me that they understand her issue, whatever it may be.

end of sermon.
