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Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!

Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#0Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 12:42am

I was wandering around the flea market, and noticed she was out again this afternoon. Did Mike Nichol's speech not sink in? Anyone know why she was out again?

#1re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 1:35am

She was out Saturday night, too.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#2re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 1:36am

Sheesh! She was out a day last week as well.

#3re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 1:55am

Whatever. At least we know who we won't see on a stage for a while, if not ever again.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Craig Profile Photo
#4re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:06am

Unless you know for a fact what the reasons are for her missing performances, no one can make any assumptions about her committment to the show. And trust me - Sara will have no problem finding work

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

neocomposer Profile Photo
#5re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:15am

Thank you Craig. *pats craig on the back*

"That Sondheim kid has a big future."-Nathan Lane

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#6re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:18am

Geez, what if she had a death in the family or something serious like that? Would you still be complaining that she dared be out the day you saw the show?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

RobbO Profile Photo
#7re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:19am

what if she didn't?


Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#8re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:19am

Can someone PM me about Mike Nichols' talk? What happened here? I just ran a search but couldn't find anything.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#9re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:20am


This is a job. Not a hobby. She needs to wake up and realize that.

I can say that I will never pay full price to see her in any show. The girl's got no right taking someone else's proud position on a stage.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#10re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:29am

Many other people are have been out constantly and yet we all decide to pick on Sara. Leave. the. poor. girl. alone. already.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#11re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 2:33am

Seriously. The producers haven't kicked her out on her ass yet, and I think they would know better than y'all.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 9/26/05 at 02:33 AM

stage_door76 Profile Photo
#12re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 4:08am

"Did Mike Nichol's speech not sink in?"

could someone please explain??

"...But Kungurtseva reels off multiple fouettes and the tape is stopped so she can take a bow. The Jester, an abomination introduced to Swan Lake in Soviet times, extorts applause from the audience. The cuts don't help the storytelling, the production is bare bones and they go for the '50s-style happy ending. The audience cheers like mad at the end. It's the Russian ballet, after all..."

glenwj Profile Photo
#13re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 6:27am

You know
if i ever ever had the chance to perform in a Broadway show and win a Tony
i would have to be very very sick or something life threatening or something outta my control, not to perform.
then again maybe they should do some sorta press statement to let us know.
Sara you have won a Tony in a hit show that is not pure Broadway, not much of a carreer ahead, beware Diva

Drought Down Under.

Magdalene Profile Photo
#14re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 8:15am

She was out BOTH shows on Saturday, but I didn't miss her---her stand-by was wonderful (of course, I'm biased---she went to Carnegie Mellon!) Sara could have been out because of a scheduled vacation, death in the family, illness---the list is endless. Give her a break, until it is PROVEN that she is a slacker!


#15re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 8:42am

Jen Cody actually made a comment when they were auctioning off a coconut purse that was autographed by the entire cast. She said "Sara Ramirez actually showed up to sign the coconut", then joked that she'd be fired. I thought that was uncalled for. She may have valid reasons for being out. I think it's a shame to make all these assumptions without knowing all the facts. And I'm not even saying this won't hurt her career, it might, but give her a break. Tim missed loads of shows too, but everyone seems to be focusing on her...and yes he missed some after the article as well.

Craig Profile Photo
#16re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 8:45am


No. She's not. She has missed preformances, but definitely not constistently..

As for Mike Nichols speech, there was none - and I've heard that from several cast members.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#17re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 9:08am

I'm still ordering tickets for Dec. hoping to see her. She's the main reason I want to see this show. I hope she's in when I go. However, I've noticed on the board, that if someone is really liked, it doesn't matter how often they miss. For example, lots of people on this board are in love with Stephanie J. Block. Now, she's in the tour of "Wicked," but it seemed she was missing at least one or two shows EVERY week. Now, I know what Block fans are going to say in a verbal assault...I realize, she was hurt, and blah, blah, blah. How do we know Sara isn't suffering from an injury that the producers are aware of? Unless you know Sara personally and were looking over her shoulder as she signed her contract, you don't know the deal. If it was out of control, she would have been let go...


adamgreer Profile Photo
#18re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 9:10am

She's out frequently...sorry, there's no way around it, no matter how you sugar coat it. This is like Donna Murphy all over again.

No one gave Tim Curry a free pass either. There have been posts about his frequent absences too.

I don't think anyone jumped all over her until it became a frequent occurrence. It's not like she misses once a month. This is several times a week.

The Mike Nichols speech, as reported by Michael Reidel, ocurred about a month ago, maybe less. Basically, he was upset so many cast members were missing shows, particularly Curry and Ramirez, and he came backstage one day and read them the riot act.

I thought Jen Cody's line was did most of the people who got it around me.

Craig Profile Photo
#19re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 9:23am

Again, this meeting never took place. Well Mike Nichols did go backstage, but to give regular notes to performers. There was no "smack down"

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#20re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 9:51am

Wouldn't this thread be worthwhile, if we simply had the facts? How many performaces did Sara or any performer miss since the show opened? Don't you think the producers would have acted, if this was an issue? Why all this chatter without facts? It helps no one but rumormongers.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#21re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 9:54am

We all know how much I love Ramirez and while it doesn't make her a "terrible person" or "unprofessional", that she's missed so many shows, it should lead the lady herself to realize what her personal limitations are. I don't think it's going to hinder her professionally in any way, but she herself, is going to have to admit that she's a bit fragile for the rigors of eight shows a week, in such a grand scale production. Speaking of my "loves", I've been suggesting Orfeh as the next Lady Of The Lake for a while now and in addition to it being (imo) a truly inspired choice, she also never misses shows, now that would be a refreshing switch for ticket buyers. Although again, I am loathe to suggest Orfeh, (especially with the great buzz around her in Trailer Park), take over a role, rather than continue to star in new projects. But it would get me to Spamalot, that's for sure.

#22re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 10:44am

They haven't acted, I assume, because she won a Tony for THIS show. I'm guessing they won't offer her a contract renewal. And yes, Curry has missed just as many shows as Ramirez. I walk by the Shubert EVERY day after work, and she shows up on that board frequently. At this point, it doesn't really matter WHY she is missing shows. The point is she is missing shows. Period. At least once a week she is out. If she had an injury then perhaps she should take some time off and recover. ANY other job she would have been fired. I really do believe that her Tony Award is the only thing keeping her in the show right now.

#23re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 10:49am

I'd be lying if my friends and I didn't joke about Donna Murphy showing up at the closing performance of LENNON. We all were thinking, "Why didn't she send an understudy?"

Some people are slackers. And it's bullsh*t.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Smaxie Profile Photo
#24re: Ramirez out of Spamalot again today!
Posted: 9/26/05 at 12:26pm

There could be other extenuating circumstances - like she may have injured herself, or have a family emergency. I doubt she's not showing up, just because she's not in the mood to do the show. Some of the reactions here seem extreme.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
