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Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour

Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#1Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/7/12 at 9:26pm

Very happy for my theater pals Rachel York and Chuck Wagner setting sail with the Anything Goes Tour. There's a nice article about Rachel who will be taking her 18 mos. old daughter on tour. Google for that article.

Here's the link for the show schedule: BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/7/12 at 9:34pm

Would love to be able to see this.
Chuck Wagner - WOOF!

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#2Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/7/12 at 9:41pm

Seeing this in November and I can't wait. I absolutely LOVED the revival when is saw it with Sutton Foster as Reno last year. Rachel York is going to be great.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#3Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 12:08am

It's a Kiss Me, Kate reunion! They were on tour together.

Here's the link to the AP article PB ENT mentioned:

Anything Goes Hits the Road

#4Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 12:23am

I'm always intrigued by itineraries like that one.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#5Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 12:56pm

Damnit, these things never come to Boston.

Updated On: 9/8/12 at 12:56 PM

#6Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 1:50pm

It's not even coming to Hartford or Providence; the lack of Northeast bookings in obvious cities is so strange. Schenectedy, but not Boston? Crazy.

Updated On: 9/8/12 at 01:50 PM

#7Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 3:14pm

I guess we can only hope that the tour does well and they extend it to other cities.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#8Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 5:56pm

Wilmington, DE, not Philadelphia? Psh.

#9Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 7:28pm

Might the fact that this is on a SETA contact impact locations?

#10Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 7:40pm

Updated On: 6/17/17 at 07:40 PM

#11Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 8:13pm

That seems to be same headshot Chuck Wagner used 25 years ago in INTO THE WOODS.

PitPro2004 Profile Photo
#12Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 9:48pm

Last time I saw Chuck Wagner, he was in the Ringling Bros circus. Once as a family cast member and the other as ringmaster! Still in fabulous vocal form.

Somewhere on YT, there is a hilarious yet terrific video of him singing "Dancing Queen" during a circus rehearsal.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium!"

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#13Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/8/12 at 10:28pm

Thanks for the link, lovesclassics. I was hoping for a Philly stop too. Wilmington DE is about 31 miles from Philly and the closest stop.

Rachel should be wonderful in this! Nothing like a giant beauty with long legs and all that dancing...and yes Chuck still looks and sounds GREAT! The man has chickens and a garden at his Florida home. He's really something! BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"

#14Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/9/12 at 12:55am

"Only time will tell if Equity screwed the pooch on this one. The cast might make more on overages on the SETA tier than they would have with a straight salary on a larger tier...."

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but how would the actors making more through the overage participation than they would have if it had been full production show that Equity "screwed the pooch" with the SETA contract? If anything I would say that it shows that the SETA contract is pretty successful.

jazzynat Profile Photo
#15Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/9/12 at 2:28am

Saw Sutton twice, and looking forward to seeing this production in SF soon. This is one of my all time favorite shows....

#16Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/9/12 at 11:57am

Wagner didn't use the same headshot for Into the Woods (I checked) but it is definitely not recent.

#17Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/9/12 at 7:53pm

Updated On: 6/17/17 at 07:53 PM

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#18Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/9/12 at 8:28pm

No this is not Chuck's recent headshot. If you are looking for recent candid shots of Chuck search him on Facebook. He's been posting a lot of fun shots now that he's back in NYC rehearsing for the show. He still look pretty good, imo. BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"

#19Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/10/12 at 11:15am

Philly is a quick, easy, cheap commute to NYC. Many theatre people who would be interested in seeing Anything Goes in philly would gladly take the train into NYC for a day to see it on broadway.

Same goes for Boston.

But Wilmington, DE? And Schenctety? (sp?) Different story.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#20Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/10/12 at 11:30am

A friend of mine is from Wilmington, DE and is able to get direct transport from NYC to Wilmington when she goes to visit her family. It's not that difficult, and anyone who really wanted to see the show could easily get from New York to Wilmington via mass transit, as easily as you would get from NYC to Philly. It's a two-hour train trip.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
Updated On: 9/10/12 at 11:30 AM

#21Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/10/12 at 12:34pm

I'd much rather take a 20-minute ride on the T to see a show in Boston than spend 9 hrs r/t on a bus to see a show in NYC. Just sayin'.

#22Rachel York and Chuck Wagner in Anything Goes Tour
Posted: 9/10/12 at 9:03pm

I'm very interested to add another signature to my Into the Woods playbill and the show isn't open anymore, so it's not like I can drive four hours to NYC and see it. I get that they want to expose the magic of theatre to everyone, but I think to show would make more in Boston or Philly than Bumhole, Arkansas.
