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RIP Larry Kramer

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#1RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 11:51am

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#2RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 11:56am

What a life, what a legacy he left behind. Rest in Paradise, Sir.

RIP Larry Kramer

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#3RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 12:04pm

Very sad indeed. We owe him so much. First Terrence and now Larry. We are losing our icons. Rest In Peace dear Larry.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

TheSassySam Profile Photo
#4RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 12:05pm

Mart Crowley, Terrence McNally and now Larry Kramer all in the span of three months. 


This is really rough. Rest in peace. 

Alex Kulak2
#5RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 12:52pm

When The Normal Heart premiered, the New York Times published more information about AIDS in Frank Rich's review of the play than they had in the past 4 years of the crisis.

Every playwright dreams of their writing changing the world. Larry Kramer was one of the few that did.


Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#6RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 1:01pm

On June 8 (perhaps other dates, as well), HBO will show the 2015 documentary Larry Kramer in Love and Anger.

Non sibi sed patriae

devonian.t Profile Photo
#7RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 1:49pm

The passing of a legend of a man.  I feel a little numb and very heavy-hearted.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#8RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 3:13pm

Thank you for all of your contributions. We will miss you. RIP

joevitus Profile Photo
#9RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 3:41pm

He did great things, he did terrible things. He was loved, he was hated. Often by the same people depending on the issue involved. He did so much for AIDS activism. Many peopled survived because of him.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#10RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 3:48pm

joevitus said: "he did terrible things."


What "terrible things" did he do?


Non sibi sed patriae

joevitus Profile Photo
#11RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 4:30pm

Highland Guy said: "joevitus said: "he did terrible things."

What "terrible things" did he do?


He accused people like Edmund White in particular for potentially inspiring people to have careless sex and spread AIDS to spread by writing about it in their books. He claimed that men who choose to use PrEP rather than condoms are cowards. Those are off the top of my head. He was a very controversial person as much hated as he was loved. That's just fact. He also saved lives. That's also fact.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#12RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 4:41pm

joevitus said: "Highland Guy said: "joevitus said: "he did terrible things."

What "terrible things" did he do?


He accused people like Edmund White in particular for potentially inspiring people to have careless sex and spreadAIDS to spread by writing about it in their books. He claimed that men who choose to use PrEP rather than condoms are cowards. Those are off the top of my head. He was a very controversial person as much hated as he was loved. That's just fact. He also saved lives. That's also fact.


And then barely a year later he changed his mind and called PrEP "an essential tool", and criticized the manufacturer for excessive pricing.  But let's trash the man before the body is cold.

Non sibi sed patriae

joevitus Profile Photo
#13RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 4:53pm

Highland Guy said: "joevitus said: "Highland Guy said: "joevitus said: "he did terrible things."

What "terrible things" did he do?


He accused people like Edmund White in particular for potentially inspiring people to have careless sex and spreadAIDS to spread by writing about it in their books. He claimed that men who choose to use PrEP rather than condoms are cowards. Those are off the top of my head. He was a very controversial person as much hated as he was loved. That's just fact. He also saved lives. That's also fact.

And then barely a year later he changed his mind and called PrEP "an essential tool", and criticized the manufacturer for excessive pricing. But let's trash the man before the body is cold.

How am I "trashing" someone who I say saved many lives? He did great things and terrible things.

You only point to one offensive thing he did that he changed his mind on. His novel, whose title I probably can't print here, is still hated by TONS of gay men and taken as a slap in the fact. He regularly attacked people. He was part of the ACT-UP demonstration where the eucharist was stomped on. The man is extremely controversial. Sorry you can't deal with that. Don't blame me.

And don't re-write reality just because someone died. You don't honor someone by ignoring a big chunk of their public personality. 

Updated On: 5/27/20 at 04:53 PM

nealb1 Profile Photo
#14RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 5:08pm

Joevitus is not trashing Larry.  He's stating the facts, that are well documented.   Larry was extremely controversial.  

Larry's anger that nothing was being done to fight AIDS, started up ACT UP.  It was that same anger that got him kicked out of his own organization.  

Updated On: 5/27/20 at 05:08 PM

joevitus Profile Photo
#15RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 5:10pm

Thank you. 

nealb1 Profile Photo
#16RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 5:14pm

You're very welcome.  Larry's "Normal Heart" was absolutely gut-wrenching.  I saw it in 2011 and was never so moved in my entire life.  When it was over, I was just sobbing.  Pretty much everyone was.  

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#17RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 5:27pm

The in fighting and the word HATE in a tribute to Mr.Kramer is absolutely despicable. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#18RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 5:32pm

nealb1 said: "You're very welcome. Larry's "Normal Heart" was absolutely gut-wrenching. I saw it in 2011 and was never so moved in my entire life. When it was over, I was just sobbing. Pretty much everyone was."

I was a pure mess after the performance. As I left it only got more intense as he was standing in the lobby handing out flyers. If you were around and knew who he was back then up to now, at least for me, just seeing him left me speechless. He is an icon in our community, warts and all.  I think I thanked him for all he has done in the past regarding the AIDS epidemic as I took a flyer, but emotion was welling up in me so fast that I needed space. I walked across the street from the Golden theater and collapsed on the fence there and just sobbed on the ground for a good five minutes.


Just give the world Love.

nealb1 Profile Photo
#19RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 5:46pm

Uncageg, that was a beautiful memory you just shared with everyone here on the board.  Wow, the fact that he was there the night you saw the play, just made it all the more powerful.

Ellen Barkin's monologue brought cheers of bravos.  As the play progressed, and more names were being shown, the reality of the situation made it all the more real, and more shocking.  The end line of - why didn't I try more, why didn't I picket the White House, was just so raw, and so emotional.  After curtain call and more names where shown, and the play was officially over, I just sat there, sobbing, as was pretty much everyone in the theatre.  A very nice man who was seated to my right, looked at me - with tears in his eyes, and patted me on the leg and shoulder.  We all could relate.  We were one.  

I saw the show on a Sunday evening.  I sobbed leaving the theatre, and walked back to my hotel and checked my email.  I was uplifted by the piece and depressed about the bad memories.  When I logged online, that's when I saw on Yahoo news that Osama Bin Laden and been killed.  I remember walking out of the theatre and hearing cheering and loud noises from Times Square.  I didn't think too much of it, and now it made sense.  After reading that online, I walked back to Times Square and saw President Obama announce that he was killed.  Everyone was so joyful, that it made the evening even more special, and meaningful.  Out of tragedy, something good can come of it.  Of course it's two very different situations.  

From there, I went to Junior's for dinner, and had a great rest of the evening.  Everyone was so happy, myself included.  

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#20RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 6:11pm

Larry Kramer made a positive difference for the people of Planet Earth.  That is what is important.  That is what I will remember.  Thank you, Larry.  You fought the good fight.  Ta Ta For Now.

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 5/27/20 at 06:11 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#21RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 6:19pm

nealb1, what I do remember from that afternoon, I attended a matinee, is that he was just quietly standing there. Bringing no attention to himself. And I remember briefly thinking "Oh my God, it's him" as I watched people walk past him having no clue who he was.

Just give the world Love.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#22RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 8:10pm

Alex Kulak2 said: "WhenThe Normal Heartpremiered, the New York Times publishedmore information about AIDS in Frank Rich's review of the play than they had in the past 4 years of the crisis.

Every playwright dreams of their writing changing the world. Larry Kramer was one of the few that did.


So well said, Alex! I think the NYT obit is excellent and proves your statement precisely!


joevitus Profile Photo
#23RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 8:15pm

uncageg said: "nealb1 said: "You're very welcome. Larry's "Normal Heart" was absolutely gut-wrenching. I saw it in 2011 and was never so moved in my entire life. When it was over, I was just sobbing. Pretty much everyone was."

I was a pure mess after the performance. As I left it only got more intense as he was standing in the lobby handing out flyers. If you were around and knew who he was back then up to now, at least for me, just seeing him left me speechless. He is an icon in our community, warts and all. I think I thanked him for all he has done in the past regarding the AIDS epidemic as I took a flyer, but emotion was welling up in me so fast that I needed space. I walked across the street from the Golden theater and collapsed on the fence there and just sobbed on the ground for a good five minutes.


This is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

uncageg Profile Photo
#24RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/27/20 at 9:20pm

joevitus said: "uncageg said: "nealb1 said: "You're very welcome. Larry's "Normal Heart" was absolutely gut-wrenching. I saw it in 2011 and was never so moved in my entire life. When it was over, I was just sobbing. Pretty much everyone was."

I was a pure mess after the performance. As I left it only got more intense as he was standing in the lobby handing out flyers. If you were around and knew who he was back then up to now, at least for me, just seeing him left me speechless. He is an icon in our community, warts and all. I think I thanked him for all he has done in the past regarding the AIDS epidemic as I took a flyer, but emotion was welling up in me so fast that I needed space. I walked across the street from the Golden theater and collapsed on the fence there and just sobbed on the ground for a good five minutes.


This is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


Most welcome. I think I shared it back when the show was running also. I kinda felt bad for the people around me and walking past! I wasn't sobbing quietly! But there are times you just don't worry about what others are thinking. That play ripped me apart for the rest of the day. I cried again. But it felt good to get it out. I lived through all of that in the 80's and lost a lot of friends. It was a release that was a long time coming. And with him just standing there silently in the outside lobby and knowing who he was and what he did just brought it all home for me I think.


Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 5/28/20 at 09:20 PM

joevitus Profile Photo
#25RIP Larry Kramer
Posted: 5/28/20 at 12:18am

I can imagine. I'm I guess a little younger than you. I don't know many who died, but I was constantly being told when I was first coming out "So and so would be such a good role model for you." "Well, I'd like to meet him." "He died." It's the first thing you seemed to learn. "He died." Over and over and over. I can't imagine what it was like to experience that in real time.

And that Kramer could capture the time so effectively demonstrates what a great artist he was. 
