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Performers you "don't get"- Page 2

Performers you "don't get"

#25re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 9:43pm

Auggie27 I agree with you 100%. Even if he seems like a very nice man!

little_sally Profile Photo
#26re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 9:46pm

Kristin Chenoweth. A good friend of mine adores her and always raves about her but I just don't understand what is so great about her.

Carol Channing
Barbara Cook

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.
Updated On: 8/6/04 at 09:46 PM

#27re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 10:01pm

Matthew Broderick
Hunter Foster

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

TheAudrey3 Profile Photo
#28re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 10:16pm

Don't flame me but, Ellen Greene

"It does what a musical's supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue."

#29re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 10:22pm

I'm ashamed to say it, but I have to admit that one performer I never "got" was Dorothy Loudon. Obviously she was extremely talented and deeply admired, even revered, by many. Yet somehow I was never really on her wave length. My fault, not hers, I'm sure. Updated On: 8/6/04 at 10:22 PM

#30re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 10:30pm

- Megan McGinnis (I dont see how she gets so many musical roles...her acting is fine, but her voice doesn't impress me)

- Kristin Chenoweth (not a fan of her voice at all- sorry!)

- Bernadette Peters (ugggggh!)~ the only part I enjoyed her in was the role of "Lilly" in the '82 film ANNIE

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#31re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 10:45pm

Kristin Chenoweth
Carol Channing
Mandy Gonzalez
Laura Benanti
Kerry Butler Updated On: 8/6/04 at 10:45 PM

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#32re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:18pm

I'll get slammed for this, but...

Patti LuPone

KMF_NYC Profile Photo
#33re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:22pm'll get crumbled, not slammed! :)
My vote goes for Carol Channing

"Sir K, the Viscount of Uppity-shire...." -- kissmycookie

Qfan Profile Photo
#34re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:23pm

Kerry Butler
Carol Channing(the woman can't sing anything except "HELLOOOO DOLLY!" **she was very funny in the tonys though)
Karen Ziemba(all my friends love her)

"Look on the Bright Side Not on the Blackside get off your backside shine those shoes! This is your golden opportunity: Your the lightning and the news!" -Assassins

#35re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:27pm

I never got Barbara Cook.
I also never got Laura Benedetti (I know I missed that up).

But I love those that should be more well known...
Judy McLane comes to mind. SO UNDERRATED! And I LOVE her!

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#36re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:30pm

I think what it is about CHanning isnt anything literal, ie voice, dancing, acting but simply her presence. She just seems to bring such life to the stage.

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

#37re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:42pm

Ellen Greene, definately. Judged by LSOH only. I really don't think her voice matches the part of Audrey, but I guess its just me lol

#38re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:57pm

Linda Eder (honestly, her voice totally bugs me)
Carolee Carmello
Ruthie Henshall
Marissa Janet Winokur
Patti LuPone

CaTheatreGirl Profile Photo
#39re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:08am

Hugh Jackman
Kerry Butler

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#40re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:10am

Carol Channing - I can't stand her voice

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 8/7/04 at 12:10 AM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#41re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:27am

I agree with Patti Lupone, Kerry Butler, and Linda Eder (though I think she's really good...some seem to think she's THE greatest thing out there)...I don't get it.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#42re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:32am

Who don't I get................Let's see............

I am SO going to be flogged for this, but BERNADETTE PETERS. While she is a great actress, her voice is whiney and it bugs me (Altough I LOVE her in INTO THE WOODS) Her voice DID fit that part. FORGIVE ME!!!!!

Mandy Patinkin........CAN'T SING. PERIOD!!!!
Barbara Streisand.......TOO DIVA
Ute Lemper............NOPE!!!!
and there are others, but I can't think right now.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#43re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:40am

this is me--skipping to the end of this thread because I CAN NOT bear to read anymore of this!! I am AMAZED at the bizarre disregard for people who are beyond argument--GREATS IN THE THEATRE. So WHAT if you don't "get them"--LEARN. Because it is just as asinine as if I said, "I just don't get that Shakespeare dude--what is up with that weird language?" or "George Bernard Shaw--who does he think he is--yawn. He so wasn't important in theatre."

LEARN, folks--especially if you want to BE in this business!

*steps off of the soap box

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#44re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:53am

jrb...maybe you're missing what we're talking about here, but the original question was who do we admire but we just...well...don't get them. In other words (or at least in my case) we recognize and acknowledge their talent, but maybe these performers are just not our thing, or we think there are equally, if not more talented people out there...or we personally feel that there are more worthy people of all the hoopla that some of these people have gotten. I can't imagine how you could be telling us to LEARN when this is really just a matter of opinion.

And just because they are the legends or the "greats" of theatre doesn't make them the most talented. Look at any part of show business, the most talented aren't necessarily the biggest stars.

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#45re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:57am

Mandy Patinkin

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#46re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:59am

Idina Menzel. Bernadette Peters.
Bernadette Peters I can sort of see, if I'm in a very generous mood and it's nothing Gypsy related. But Menzel, I can't really wrap my mind around.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#47re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 12:59am

as i have mentioned before, many of the broadway legends had they come onto the scene now would probobly never get cast in a show, since shows now are written for tremendous ranges that many of them just didn't have

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#48re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 1:02am

::spots chasing_rainbows43 in scope of rifle::

Take it back, biatch!

(just kidding.)

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#49re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 1:06am

Nathan Lane
Karen Ziemba
Kristin Chenoweth
Idina Menzel
Adam Pascal

And hang on, when did you win the discus?
