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Our Guilty Pleasures...

#50re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 8/19/04 at 9:51am

I LOVE YAGMCB, but i dont think it is a guilty pleasure cause it was good.
i have another Godspell- i love singing all the songs i dont like watching it as much as just runnign around and singing all the songs

#51re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/18/04 at 9:44am

I am such a dork, but Michael Ball's "Love Changes Everything"! It's SO corny, but I LOVE it!!!

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

sndtrklvr Profile Photo
#52re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/18/04 at 10:32am

Applause. Cause I can hit almost all of Bacall's "notes". And I love to yell "margo" during But Alive

So my dear you think you can get to Broadway. Well, let me tell you something. Broadway has no room for people like you. Not the Broadway I know. My Broadway takes people like you and eats them up and spits them out. My Broadway is the Broadway of Merman, and Martin, and Fontaine, and if you think you can build yourself up by knocking other people down... ...GOOD LUCK... Seinfeld

#53re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/18/04 at 12:20pm

I happen to love Once Upon A Mattress (the Sarah Jessica Parker version). I was recently caught at a red light singing Shy at the top of my lungs (windows open mind you) and I was beyond embarrassed. As far as musical films go, nothing beats Grease 2 as a guilty pleasure. Who doesn't love Cool Rider?...

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#54re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/18/04 at 12:24pm

'Sound of Music' (Only the movie... Julie Andrews is worth it re: Our Guilty Pleasures...)
Updated On: 10/18/04 at 12:24 PM

dotmarie Profile Photo
#55re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/18/04 at 12:25pm

I looove Seussical...great cast and the score is too fun. I love YAGMCB as well, although I wouldn't have considered that a guilty pleasure.

#56re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 2:52am

I come clean...

The Scarlet Pimpernel
First Impressions
Flahooley (Yma Sumac cracks me up with that those odd coloratura showpieces)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (OLC)
High Society (OBC)

#57re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 3:30am


...........and BG2.

hahahaha. re: Our Guilty Pleasures...

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]
Updated On: 10/20/04 at 03:30 AM

fae Profile Photo
#58re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 3:56am

oh my goodness... shame, SHAME on all of you who feel guilty for loving The Sound Of Music. tsk, tsk, tsk. nothing at all to feel guilty about. although i would absolutely never feel guilty for subjecting my friends to a good old Sound Of Music sing-a-long, i do keep one musical tucked away in the back of my shoe closet... only to be brought out in strict privacy. that musical is "The One And Only Genuine, Original Family Band". i adore it (and trust me, i'm riddled with embarrasment).

Ocean Breeze soap. It's just like taking an ocean cruise only there's no boat and you don't go anywhere.

MadeofGold Profile Photo
#59re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 3:59am


Oh my God Andrew, what am I going to do with you? LOL

"... Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's going on..." Damien Rice

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#60re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 10:27am

I don't think I feel guilty for any show that I love.

Maybe it's just because I love them so much that I don't notice how embarrassing they are...

Wait, wait.
Thought of one.
I feel a little guilty about loving "Once More with Feeling"
(the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode... I sing it a lot... The duet reprise of Stay/Under Your Spell is just incredible. I don't care what anyone else says. It's brilliant, I say. BRILLIANT! And I'm not even a Buffy fan...)

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

#61re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 10:44am

Hahahaha ~FF~ I can't believe you watch Buffy! God what a loser...

...that reprise IS brilliant.
*lowers head*


Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

#62re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 10:49am

Interesting thread...I'm so glad to know I'm not alone on some of these!

Here's just a couple of mine:

By Jeeves

...And they're three of my favourite shows...

"Well, obviously Company is about the Kennedy family. Bobby is played by Raul, and JFK is played by Harvey Fierstein." -vfd88

#63re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 10:57am

I personally LOVE "Once More With Feeling"...But I also think that Buffy was one of the best TV series that there ever was.It was not about slaying vampires...It was about Buffy...A teenager,growing up and all the problems they have.She wanted to be like any other teenage girl in high school...It was about trust,friends,love,acceptance,forgiveness,fitting in,being the "dweeb" that did NOT fit in.Doing what was right,Messing up.
Joss Whedon so had his finger on the pulse of what it is like to be growing up in todays world.
The fact that He wrote almost the entire thing is pretty amazing.I think that the songs in "Once More With Feeling" are VERY good.So for someone who does not write musicals...he did GREAT!!!
Wrote the music,lyrics,dialogue,...Just about everything.Since he did not have the luxury of hiring the best talent for a musical...I think that he did an incredible job.He got the absolute most that he could get out of all the actors involved.
Like when my daughters do a JR. production of something...You have 40 kids of vastly different ages and experience and talent...EVERYBODY has to get a part.You have 2 or 3 weeks to put it together...Can not be so critical.
So I do not feel guilty for LOVING once more with feeling...It was Great!

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#64re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 10:58am

andyf, welcome to my club of buffy-musical lovers

(btw, i do not watch buffy. i just happened to be at my best friend's house when he was watching the episode BEFORE the musical one, and then saw the previews, so i HAD to watch it, and i knew a little of the back story. and the musical is effing brill.)

(and i vow that someday i WILL work my range down enough so that i can sing along with "Sweet's Song" and have my voice be audible and sound halfway decent.)

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

#65re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 11:12am

Also had Hinton Battle as Our Guilty Pleasures...

#66re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 11:18am

Some of the shows I find myself listening to on more then one occation during the month:

And I am going to be SO SHAMED:

Thou Shalt Not (Ain't It Sweet)
Best Little Whorehouse Goes Public (I'm Leaving Texas)
Starmites (Hard to be the Diva)

mint0621 Profile Photo
#67re: Our Guilty Pleasures...
Posted: 10/20/04 at 1:56pm

I love "Joseph" and "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". =)
