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Nicest Broadway Peformers- Page 5

Nicest Broadway Peformers

#100re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/17/04 at 4:39pm

Just thought I'd add that I don't approach actors if I don't already know them. To do that, I think is intrusive.

Like I said, I don't normally do that, and it's honestly something I would never do again. More often than not I'm called out by performers on the street and not the other way around.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#101re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/17/04 at 4:55pm

Michael Cavanaugh is the nicest person ever. He is so down to earth and will sign everyones playbill and pose for pictures. He would never just walk away. He wonders why anyone would want his autograph. juss like lubtheemcee said. I could write a whole page on how great he is!!!!

"[My son]'s really into my music, but one day we were listening to Billy [Joel] in the car and he said, 'Daddy, I think Billy's songs are a little better than yours." (Michael Cavanaugh)

babygiraffeboots Profile Photo
#102re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/17/04 at 7:06pm

I'm suprised no one has said Hugh Jackman yet, I was only close enough to barely stick my playbill out but watching him with the people close enough he was so incredibly sweet. He's a real charmer.

"Without Jews, fags, and gypsies, there is no theatre!" ~Mel Brooks, To be or not to be

Galinda Profile Photo
#103Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 2/17/04 at 8:48pm

i would have to say Sebastian Arcelus. We were waiting out in the cold some time in March, and we came inside, and he kept apoligzing over and over! We was all like, "I should have been out there! I am SOOO sorry!" We were like, "oh, no big deal, it's fine." Haha, he was really nice. And Michael Cavanaugh, Gavin Creel, Sutton Foster, Marissa Jaret Winokur, Corey Reynolds, Harriet Harris, Sherry Lee Ralph. All so nice! Broadway Peformers [Nice!]

break those chains.....with all you posess...

#104re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 2/17/04 at 9:41pm

That is very true, Sebastian Arcelus is incredibly nice.
I recently met Kristen Lee Kelly and Michelle Federer both were so nice.

#105re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 2/18/04 at 4:16pm

Kristin Chenoweth (probably the nicest person I've ever met period.)
Michelle Ferder (soaked up the people waiting at the stage door and good for her, she deserves it)
Matt Caplan
Maggie Benjamin
Idina Menzel (Some people are saying that doesn't really talk. Its b/c she is extremely shy.)

joeyjoe Profile Photo
#106re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 2/24/04 at 12:52pm

Antonio Banderas would spend many many minutes outside the stage door, signing autographs and having photos taken, until the last person left, and smiling the whole time...

#107re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 2/24/04 at 6:12pm

Everyone I've met at the various stage doors has been lovely. But I have to say my hands down best experience was with Daniel Sunjata. Especially when he hugged me and then kissed me! I totally melted.
It's funny cuz I have a friend who did some european tour ten years ago and hasn't worked since and she acts like a total diva and then you have these extremely brilliant broadway performers and they are some of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet.

Anyways...the Hairspray cast is GREAT! I met Marissa, Kathy, Mary Bond, Eric Anthony, Judine Richard, and probably some others, but those stick out the most.
I met a few other people from Take Me Out and they are a sweet bunch of guys.
Sebastian Arcelus is GREAT! I saw Rent when I was in town with my college choir last year and he took pics with a group of us and he was so funny and sweet and just down to earth.

#108re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 2/24/04 at 6:14pm

But I have to say my hands down best experience was with Daniel Sunjata. Especially when he hugged me and then kissed me! I totally melted.


You lucky b*tch! re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

MegGiry Profile Photo
#109re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/22/04 at 2:27pm

Hugh Panaro. Oh, I wanna meet this guy sooooooooooo much, and I will once I see Phantom in NY. Such a cute little thing. *pinches Hugh Panaro's cheek* Jerry Herman Appreciation Society
Updated On: 5/22/04 at 02:27 PM

bwaymargie Profile Photo
#110re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/22/04 at 2:29pm

Donna and Jennifer both come out. Jennifer seemed a little rushed, but she was still very sweet and Donna was so amazing. She has the most awesome speaking voice ever. She sounds so calm and relaxed and was very sweet and looked you right in the eye and smiled......soooo sweet.

#111re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/22/04 at 2:33pm

Okay... VERY nice Broadway (and off-Broadway) people....

most definately the casts of Hairspray and Bare...

on my last trip to NYC, my encounters with them were the highlight most definately. They all remembered me when I returned.. and what we had chatted about and everything.. and numerous ones even took the time to SEEK ME OUT rather than me approaching them again to say hi.

Extra noteworthy ::

Carly Jibson
Brooke Tansley
Jeff Martin
Serge Kushnier
Tracee Beazer
Adam Fleming
John Hill
Jenna Leigh Green
Romelda T Benjamin

But I restate, they were all more than passingly friendly and I look forward to encountering them ALL again!

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#112re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/22/04 at 3:39pm

I think you can tell how kind a castmember is when he patiently allows obnoxious screeching fans to claw at the doors and jump all over him. And I've really seen this. It's scary.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

#113re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/22/04 at 3:43pm

I've seen that too... it's more than marginally alarming, sometimes!

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

secret-soul Profile Photo
#114re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 12:10am

Hugh Panaro as I've said recently is the nicest performer I've met, yet:
"I saw the show again tonight (5/14/04) because I'm such a sucker for it :) and I'm now a huge fan of hugh panaro. ANyway, so tonight I actually waited at the stage door for him and he was soooo sweet. He came out and I wasn't gonna say anything cuz he was on the phone but he saw me and told the person the phone to hold on. He put the phone under his ARMPIT so he could sign my playbill and i complimented him because his voice is just sooo strong and sooo amazing and he was happy to hear it because apparently he's just now getting over strep throat (but he's not contagious!!!) and you couldn't tell...his voice is just incredible...ok, done ranting now :) "

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#115re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 3:10pm

Sutton Foster
Jennifer Cody
Deven May
Christian Borle
Ann Harada
Carly Jibson
Kerry Butler
Hunter Foster (Ok, I have my doubts)

#116re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 4:12pm

Stephanie J. Block
Bernadette Peters
John Tartaglia & the whole cast of Ave Q
Diana Kaarina
Kevin Kern
Kristin Chenoweth

#117re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 4:51pm

Susan Egan and Linda Eder are the two most friendly and loving and generous people in the whole wide world.

#118re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 4:52pm

I am surprised no one has mentioned the cast of Jekyll and Hyde or Civil War! I have to say the nicest broadway performer is Robert Evan! Also, Matt Bogart, Joe Mahowald, Michael Lanning and Norm Lewis!

on1ystarinthesky Profile Photo
#119re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 5:12pm

I've seen Hunter Foster mentioned many, many times on this thread, and I have to say that when I saw LSOH for the first time, he wasn't too friendly. His only reply to me was a grunt and he looked as happy as someone gnawing on a lightbulb. However, he signed my playbill and another for my friend who could not attend, so I guess maybe he just wasn't having a good day or something.

Or maybe my hyperventilating and bouncing up and down frightened him a little. *shrug*

I do agree with the people that say the cast of Hairspray, Kerry Butler...actually the entire cast of LSOH is a very pleasant group.

DJ Jellyfeltz's Weekly "Don't You Just Hate That?" (courtesy of Scott Cohen)
Walking by the same person you've already walked by in the dairy, produce, and frozen-food sections.
Updated On: 5/23/04 at 05:12 PM

#120re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 5:45pm

Patty Duke when she was doing OKLAHOMA

WestEndBird Profile Photo
#121re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 6:40pm

The sweetest person I have ever met was John Cariani from Fiddler on the Roof. He was quite kind and gracious. We chatted for quite a bit then for a few min after we finally went to see the show later in the week. The show...It was so fun to see him perform after meeting him!! The cast of Little Shop was great too...Rob Bartlett and Douglas Sills were very kind gentlemen. Hunter was quiet but sweet. Harvey Fierstein was quite kind and made a fun comment about the Gypsy program my friend had in his hand from earlier in the

"Even if I could let you see me cry you would never understand what I was feeling inside, you see it and use it but dont believe in it..."

cvapb Profile Photo
#122re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 6:40pm

The whole original cast of nine was amazing! Antonio, Chita, Jane, and Mary Stuart were all so nice. They all stayed until everyone got something signed. It was great! I saw the show twice, and both times they were very gracious to all of their fans.

#123re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 9:13pm

For some reason I get way too embarassed to wait for people at the stage door, and I am not a shy person, I just feel...WEIRD. But, I have a meting a "celebrity' story that happened yesterday that I will tell.
I was having a conversation with some people(apparently loudly) and Rita Moreno's name came up because she is in town. I said something along the lines of "she's so cool" or something and out of nowhere this woman bursts onto the corner and grabs me by the hand and takes me away from the group a little. She goes "I know Rita Moreno, I can take you to meet her." Well it was a little scary but also kind of fun so I go "OK." well it turns out she was Rita's lawyer and she took me to meet her and it was so cool. Rita was really nice...we had like a 20 minute conversation and she kept asking me questions about myself and being very compimentary. Anyway, it was cool cause it turns out she is going to a fundraiser that I am working at and it was time for her to go but she was like "We'll talk then for sure...we haven't finished this converstaion yet!" So then I left and went back to doing whatever it was that I was doing, but more happily. And that is the story. Oh BTW: the woman looks amazing for 70!

you think you know but you have no idea.....

#124re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
Posted: 5/23/04 at 10:11pm

Karen Ziemba is the sweetest human being I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.
