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Nicest Broadway Peformers- Page 4

Nicest Broadway Peformers

#75re: re: re: re: Nicest Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 12:45am

Waited for Sally Field one night when she was doing The Goat. She was just the sweetest thing. It was cold, almost snowing. She signed autographs, posed for many pictures. One young guy even handed her a cell phone and asked, "Sally, would you say Hi to my Mom?" She took the phone and said, "Hi, Mom! ....Yep, it's me! How are you?" What a gracious (two-time Oscar winning) lady!

#76re: re: re: re: re: Nicest Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 12:54am

Ooo... Sally *was* sweet when I met her, too. INCREDIBLY. Out of the bigger names that I've met, she was probably the MOST genuine. She had her little body guards with her but she was just talking up a storm with everyone! Such a cute little lady.

Also, I have to give mention to Chita Rivera. When I met her she threw her arms around me, hugged me and told me I was the 'sweetest little thing'. I love people that just have this way of making you feel good about yourself without doing much. I also love really huggy people. Chita is definitely a legend in every way.

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

#77re: re: re: re: re: re: Nicest Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 1:03am

Yes, Emily is VERY nice.

Especially when she's apologizing up the ass after Albertine for groping herself at me. LMAO (yeah, that was the night I was in the hot seat re: re: re: re: re: re: Nicest Broadway Peformers)

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#78re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Nicest Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 10:07am

I've met Roger Rees twice and he is very sweet and gracious.

PennyLou Profile Photo
#79re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Nicest Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 10:24am

The nicest Broadway performers, to me anyway are
Jennifer Gambatese!!
Hollie Howard
Kerry Butler
Rob Bartlett!!
Christian Borle was very nice when I met him the other nite after Millie.

Grace: My love for you is like this scar (points to elbow) ulgy but permanent!
Updated On: 5/22/04 at 10:24 AM

#80re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 10:52am

I saw Linda Eder at a CD signing and she stopped to talk to every fan and patiently took pictures with everyone. She was wonderful!

I missed Michael Ball when he appeared on Broadway but I did see him at Royal Albert Hall and he was so gracious when he met his fans at the stage door after the concert. He even let me give him a kiss! *swoon*

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#81re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 11:07am

Tony Roberts once let me let him go first into an elevator without a word exchanged, what a great guy. Updated On: 2/9/04 at 11:07 AM

Right Said Rick Profile Photo
Right Said Rick
#82re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 11:34am

I often imagine that I would be the nicest Broadway performer. I would be very nice indeed. Not too nice, I don't want no weirdos chasin' after me and pawing at my clothes and my hair. Don't touch the face. Don't touch the face. Yeah, I'd be really nice. For my money, Paul Williams was the nicest Broadway performer ever. He was adorable. So tiny, with those little hands and feet. I would watch him eat, just lettuce and some celery that I left in his cage, and he would chew it all up with those little teeth. He was the nicest. No doubt.

#83re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 2:13pm

Mayumi Ando and Sebastian Arcelus from Rent were both very nice, we talked to them for quite a while; I found out that Sebastian knows the people who run my camp which was interesting.

When I saw Caroline or Change I also waited for the cast there- Tonya Pinkins is really sweet, she seemed genuinely interested in what we thought of the show, and Anika Noni Rose gave me a big hug when I told her I remembered her from when I saw a show in Philly awhile ago.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#84re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/9/04 at 3:11pm

Well I'm on record as being a big fan of Peter Gallagher( tho now he is on The O.C. who knows when Bway will see him again)He has always been sweet as honey to me even singing acappella tho for some reason he thinks my name is Loraine! LOL a very genuine mensch! Updated On: 2/10/04 at 03:11 PM

#85re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/11/04 at 12:21pm

A19 Ben asked: Tony Vincent....anyone else meet him? or even know him?

Indeed. I got a chance to see him backstage after both JCS and WWRY and he was incredibly nice both times!

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#86re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/11/04 at 6:45pm

If any of you ever get a chance to meet Rosemary Harris...the woman is a saint. The most generous, lovely woman.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#87re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/11/04 at 6:59pm

Adam Pascal is definately the top of my list - but i am a little biased :)

The entire cast of Hairspray was amazing - Harvery didnt stay to long to sign autograhs tho!

Anthony Rapp is such a nice person! I saw him in "Private..." and we had a 15 minute conversations. He asked my name (when signing the playbill) and even how to spell it -- just to make sure he got the right way. My friend is a huge fan of his and he signed her playbill, her CD, and took a couple pictures w/ us.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

BroadwayBaby3 Profile Photo
#88re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/11/04 at 7:38pm

I forgot one! when my sister and i went to see "noises off", we waited outside the stage door for Peter Gallagher, Patti LuPone, Faith Prince , etc. It was pouring down rain, late at night, and very cold. Peter came out and said "i heard you two kids were waiting out in the rain! come inside!" so we got to go backstage and meet everybody and talk for a while. it was really cool. i was very impressed by his kindness.

Defy Gravity!!

#89 re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/12/04 at 5:38pm

I don't do autograph things BUT

Chita Rivera approached me in a restaurant and we had a long conversation (cuz her dog having a fit to check me out, guess I smelled like my cat)

Tony Vincent invited me to sit at his table for a beer. (cuz we're both sorta from TN)

I wonder if that Michael Corcoran is the one I know? is he recently from Harrisburg PA? are his kids 2 boys? is he around 50? does he bio mention alot of awards for Falsettos?

I'd fire you... if you weren't so g*dd*mn beautiful out there. - Blades of Glory blog

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#90re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/12/04 at 6:05pm

Sutton Foster without a doubt...besides the fact that she gives me a big hug and a kiss every time I see her...She's done the nicest things for me.

She goes beyond just being friendly at the stage door, and being down to earth. Nearly everybody does that.

#91re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/14/04 at 12:29pm

Hmm lets see here- Okay, let's start with Cabaret first...
Micheal O' Donnell coundln't have been sweeter, I miss him already. Vance Avery was great to, but he probably borders on the too nice category.
Susan Egan was extremely kind, and very enchanting.
Adam Pascal-He even tolorated my pick-up line. (Yes, I know he's married, but I just couldn't help myself.)

I love Sutton Foster, she's my icon...
Christian Borle was always fun too...what a cute couple
Michael Cavanaugh is just precious
He may not have been the nicest, but my absolute favorite person to meet was Raul Esparza. That was just surreal.

Anne Marie

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

#92re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/14/04 at 4:40pm

Taylor Dayne during her run as Amneris in Aida. Yes, Taylor Dayne of 80's "Tell It To My Heart" fame. She gave a great performance and was incredibly nice to everyone waiting outside in the rain after the show unlike a certain other Tony winner who played the lead that night, *cough* *cough* Heather. I will never forget how Taylor signed autographs for everyone and happily took pics too, even helping figure out how someone's camera worked. She then made it a point to visit with a group of handicapped fans who were waiting half a block away due to the sidewalk being blocked by some sort of construction equipment left in the way.

Say what you want about her not being "true" Broadway, but she is a class act that has earned my respect. Other more established Bway performers of star caliber could learn a thing or two from her.

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#93re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/14/04 at 4:44pm


BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

Jane2 Profile Photo
#94re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/14/04 at 9:29pm

Raul Esparza


Lorelai Profile Photo
#95re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/17/04 at 1:53am

"Some might respect other people's privacy when living their normal everyday lives. I know there are some people out there that just have to say "hi" to someone they recognize as famous. It's unfortunate."

I must totally agree with the above statement. The one exception MAY be if I have met them before and know that they would remember me and only if it was in the right situation (like a cast party or concert - never at, say, a resturant). I've only considered it when I saw Julianne Moore at a benefit and her being my favorite actress, it was very hard to stay calm since she was 6 feet away from me. And she was GOREGOUS.

Performers who have gone have been wonderful to fans (names with a * next to them have just gone TOTALLY out of their way)

* Megan Mullally - One time I met her was at a CD signing and she spent a minute or so with each person. I had so much to say to her because I admire her so much and she took a good 5 minutes to talk to me about Will and Grace, some Broadway things and music. She's just amazing.

Lindsay Duncan - Great with fans, took time to speak with people and was charming.

Matthew Broderick - Just always great. Always takes the time to talk with fans who leap over each other to talk to him.

Sally Field - Was half surprised she signed autographs, but she did and turned out to be wonderful with fans.

Rebecca Luker - Was wonderful when I met her, had a really interesting conversation (some stuff about The Music Man and, surprisingly, she ended up comparing and contrasting her and Laura Benanti since Ms. Benanti's name came up.

* Kate Burton - Met her after The Elephant Man one night and she signed my Playbill. I asked if I brought my Hedda Gabler poster by...would she mind signing it? She was nice enough to she said yes. So while I was waiting for her at this hallway where the Golden Theater, Royal Theater and The Majestic (I think?) are connected. So I was the only one there and while I was waiting I was reading a play. She finally came by, remembered me and was absolutely amazing. We ended up speaking for a few minutes about the play I was reading because it turns out she liked it as well. I saw her at the celebrity table at the last bc/efa flea market, it was more than a year later but she remembered me and was wonderful. I think she needs to get back on Broadway, I thought her performance in Hedda Gabler was brilliant.

Bebe Neuwirth - I have heard she has a reputation for not always being into meeting with fans, but when I met her I spoke with her for a few mins. and she was very nice.

Bernadette Peters - Always have seen her signing autographs, seems she tries to get to everyone who waits for her...and it's usually a huge crowd.

*Sherie Rene Scott - I had told her what a huge fan my mother is of her and I talked to her at a bar at a benefit....I told her my mom was there and she was nice enough to come over to say hi. My mom was sooooo happy. I saw Sherie a month later and thanked her again for doing that and she was nice as ever.

*Sutton Foster - Too many reasons to list.

Hunter Foster - Just always very nice when I've met her

Ann Reinking - wanted to meet her since I first saw Annie when I was very young and she was charming.

cast of Little Shop - they are all wonderful

(formerly bronte604) "You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back." "Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."

#96 re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/17/04 at 2:56am

*gasp* I can't believe I forgot Ann Reinking!!!!

We have mutual friends and this one friend (who is very good friends with Ann) always teased that one day she was just gonna bring her to work to see what my reaction was to Ann walking in. She also told me that if I didn't meet her in due time through Chicago, that she'd introduce us, but should I meet her in the meantime, please tell her that my friend said hi.

Anyway, so almost 3 years ago I'm walking down 8th after a matinee with another friend, and there on the opposite street corner are Ann Reinking and Walter Bobbie talking to someone else. So of course, my dumbass stops RIGHT in the middle of the street and can't move... I waited (after crossing, finally) for them to be done speaking and finally approached her. For as long as I can remember I wanted to be her -- when i was little I used to watch All That Jazz, Annie and ACL and dance around the house pretending to be Ann Reinking and Vicki Frederick -- clearly I was nervous. And I've NEVER been nervous meeting anyone, but my knees were SHAKING. I approached her and apologized for approaching her, telling her I usually don't do this, but if I let myself walk right past her without telling her what an inspiration she's been to me, I'd never forgive myself.

She was so sweet and so accomodating to stand there for 10 minutes talking to me about theatre and what did I do, and how long have I been acting/dancing... then I remembered the message from my friend to give to her. Once I told Ann, it was like we were old friends and she began telling me these little stories about her and my friend... and then she gave me a message to pass back to my friend when I saw her the following day.

When I ran into Ann again a few months later at Chicago, she remembered me from that day on the street, told me how great it was to see me, asked about my friend and then posed for a picture with me. When she left she told me she hoped she'd see me soon.

If I hadn't already been a huge fan of hers, she would have made a fan for life, right there :)

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

Updated On: 2/17/04 at 02:56 AM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#97re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/17/04 at 10:38am

Just thought I'd add that I don't approach actors if I don't already know them. To do that, I think is intrusive.


secret-soul Profile Photo
#98re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/17/04 at 12:06pm

- Susan Egan
- Stephanie J. Block!!!!
- Phineas Newborn Jr.
- Frances Jue
- Sutton Foster
- Russel Arden Koplin
- Carolee Carmello!!!!
- Roger Rees!!!
- Christopher Mark Peterson
- Bernadette Peters

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

#99re: re: re: re: Broadway Peformers
Posted: 2/17/04 at 2:12pm

Adam Pascal. will talk to you like you are the only one at the stage door, love that man!

Jeffrey Carlson, he is so sweet and so down to earth and he will be a huge star leading his own broadway show so everyone look out.

Kristin Chenoweth. my goddess

Sebastian Arcelus. is so sweet and kind and really cares about the fans.
