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Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions) w/voice clips- Page 2

Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions) w/voice clips

#25re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 5:43pm

BREATHING! And dont EVER sing A capella. Those two things will be a good start to your pitch problems. DO NOT try to immitate any other singers as you will NEVER sound like them, you are your own voice. Connect with the text you are singing. First write the lyrics out and do the song as a monologue and then when you have the monologue down then and only then add the music. This would be a start.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#26re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 5:58pm

Hmm..well...I'm not very good at playing piano and singing at the same time. Unless I'm doing just simple chord progressions, but Shadowland has some..rythmic stuff going underneath.

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StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#27re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 6:11pm

I used to be a belter only (with a weak soprano) and then my voice teacher told me I was gonna ruin my voice! so my advice to you Aigoo, is to try strenghthen your soprano and lay of the belting for a while. Try to find a voice teacher that will give you some classical soprano training but still understands that you like MT not Opera! and also, watch yourself in the mirror when you belt, if you see any tension in your jaw or neck then you are straining, you should look completely relaxed when you're belting other wise you are gonna mess up your voice. (ie. Idina in a few years!)

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

Aigoo Profile Photo
#28re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 6:18pm

dd- I was doing that thing with the nasal cavity at first and I thought, "Holy cow, that sounds way to nasally." That got me to record this clip using pure chest voice, whereas otherwise, I had the sort of mix you're talking about. My range was also determined by my teacher. Not that I don't WANT to sound like Idina, but I'm not trying to be like her either.

Steph- Tension is one of the biggest thing I have a problem with. Especially my jaw, I feel it tightening up when I've been singing for a while, but I'm trying to fix that.

Thanks for the advice everyone, it really does help. And can we not say scream? I honestly can't scream. I can yell, I can squawk, but I can't scream. DDT, I think what you meant was that I was yelling, so it sort of produced that forced sound.

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Updated On: 5/22/05 at 06:18 PM

Aigoo Profile Photo
#29re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 6:47pm

My head voice is probably stronger than my chest voice. Or equal. The only real problem I have is finding the right mix and the right tone. I'm a soprano, in actuality, but this role just calls for a lower tone, so I'm just working on "belting" and chest voice. It just sounds so...mmm...thin, when I use my mixed voice, but I'm working towards fixing that. Thanks for the advice, keep it coming.

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DefyingGravity2 Profile Photo
#30re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 6:56pm

Hey! That was very gutsy to put yourself out here. I would have to agree w/ everything that DD said. Toally. When your 14, you need to start small, you have not had a great deal of training and therefore, need to work your way up to songs like Defying Gravity. Anothersuggestion would be something more age appropriate too. Not to say that DG isn't age appropriate, but b/c your 14 you might want to choose something younger: As TERRIBLE as this is to hear you should start w/ the very very basic songs Musical Theater standards for younger girls: sheet music stores sell books with titles like, "musical theater songs for young female singers." start there and work your way up. I don't know if this was helpful at all, but I hope so! Have fun!

Il n' y a pas d'amour heureux.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#31re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 7:04pm

My teacher gave me On My Own and Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again. Then she gave me some...weird...Italian song...Alma Del Core, I think.

I've determined that...head voice is stronger than chest voice, but my "comfort range" is that first octave of middle C to high C. Still working on mixing though.

Oh, and to clarify something for the audition, I'm not really sure how it works, but I think you let the auditors know which role you're trying for, but even if you don't get that role, you're almost sure enough to get in the ensemble. Basically how it works anyway, but just to clear things up. I'm not saying that if I don't get a lead I'll leave the production, just saying that Amneris is the role I'm shooting for.

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Updated On: 5/22/05 at 07:04 PM

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#32re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 7:23pm

I know about tension cuz I have it BAD when I do belting...that's why i'm on like parole for belting :)

One more someone else said try not to be influence by other sounds, and try not to correct/listen to your sound. When you listen to the sound and try to make it stylistic or sound like how you want it to sound you will do things in your throat and face and that whole area that can damage your voice. It's ok to do it sometime (say, roles, character voices and stuff) but if you do it everyday for everything it's gonna mess you up.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#33re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 7:30pm

Hey, I know Alma del Core! I almost did it for NYSSMA this year, but I chose Tu Lo Sai instead because it's shorter and I didn't want to blow my voice.
I'm 13 and I've been taking voice lessons for almost two years. I completely agree with what everyone said here. Also, another point: During Defying Gravity, you were breathing in the middle of phrases. NEVER do that. It takes the emotion out of the song and sounds strange. Please in between phrases. I'll use the part you did of Defying Gravity as an example.
So if you care to find me (breathe if you REALLY need to) look to the western sky (breathe)
As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly (breathe)
And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free (breathe)

Get the point? You'll notice a major difference in your tone if you improve the breathing.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#34re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 7:32pm

Okay...better breathing. Check.

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Broadway Style Profile Photo
Broadway Style
#35re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 9:04pm

Wow, I would just like to acknowledge you for being able to put yourself out there like that and listen respectfully to people's opinions. That takes courage.

"Fidelity is more than mere display, it's what a man expects from life. Fidelity, like mine to Desiree and Charlotte my devoted wife..."

#36re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 9:18pm

As far as my comment about never singing a capella, rehearsing with no piano is fine for technique work....unless you have a tape of your voice teacher or a legit piano player who taped the song for you, that would be the best.......however, don't ever perform live a capella.....unless you are doing it as an artistic choice.....but at an audition you MUST be accompanied by piano.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#37re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/22/05 at 9:39pm

Broadway Style - Thanks. I pride myself in the ability to acknowledge what I have to work on and I take criticism on myself very seriously. I'm just glad that we have some really great people on here.

MTRBOI24 - I'm able to play the piano part for Shadowland, but problem is, I don't have software to record my part and layer it with the separate piano part. In my case, the auditors will provide the piano accompanist.

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Updated On: 5/22/05 at 09:39 PM

Aigoo Profile Photo
#38re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 12:50am

Hmm..would it be better to sing "The Life of the Party"? Rather than Shadowlands? I'll try and rerecord things, so you have a better idea of where I am now?

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StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#39re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 12:55am

Yes..GREAT job Aigoo in taking notes! as has come up in other threads, that's part of being a performer!! :)

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

TGIF Profile Photo
#40re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:14am

Regarding not singing a capella/playing the piano while you sing etc...

You said that your not good at doing both at the same time (yet). You obviously know how to record! So record the piano selections and practice your songs with that. Practice makes permenant, so if you practics a capella and are off (and don't know it) it could mess you up in the long run.

I'd say listen to what your voice teacher says. She knows you and your voice more than anyone here does.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#41re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:17am

Yes..listen to your voice teacher...

But in our respect I've been taught everything I've said from MY voice teacher, and I agree with a lot of the things others have we're pretty credible too!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

TGIF Profile Photo
#42re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 2:00am

Also, if you think your voice teacher is making you sing songs that don't fit your range (different from what you WANT your range to be) and is hurting your voice, you might want to shop around so to speak and look for a new one.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

#43re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 11:37am

alot of voice teachers will give you have a "trial lesson" with them. Which means you can have a lesson and see if they are the right teacher for YOU because someone could be a great teacher but the way they teach might not be good for you personally. You should do that with different teachers and then see which one best suits you.

"You won't fight without layers of armor Suit on up and come brace my sword You look back when the pieces are missing Hollowed out hope that no time can restore."

Aigoo Profile Photo
#44re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 4:48pm

Okay. Another Shadowland. It's not much better, but it's slightly better. Some parts hurt my ears. re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions) Ignore the gasping breaths please. re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)

Life of the Party - Okay, first time record. I think I'll just use head voice on the "knees" part, because it sounds so forced. I just can't get that mixed sound you guys are talking about. Everything either sounds like pure head voice or pure chest voice. [Shadowland] [Life]

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TGIF Profile Photo
#45re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 5:56pm

I'd continue practicing Life of the Party. If you are going for Amneris, it would be great to show your personality. You can do more of that with Life of the Party than Shadowland.

I won't give you advice on actually singing, because I'm no professional.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!
Updated On: 5/23/05 at 05:56 PM

ShuQ Profile Photo
#46re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:07pm

Life of the Party is better than the others...and perfect for showing yourself if you want Amneris. But when you get up there higher in your chest voice...just make sure you breath more and it sounds like you have a lot of tension in your jaw...movement and release will get rid of the tension, and while you're singing (not for the audition, but before) massage the muscles right behind your jaw to get rid of that tension.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#47re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:09pm

I agree with everyone about starting in the shallow pool first.

Melissa Errico, who is amazing, said it herself. She said that you should start small.

I like that ideam TGIF - Life of the Party is fun!

Also, maybe follow songs that Sherie has done. I know it isn't out yet, but Nothing is too wonderful to be true...also, Last 5 Years.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#48re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:16pm

You sound best on Life of the Party out of all of those songs. But continue practicing.

#49re: Never Thought I'd Ask This...(Audition Questions)
Posted: 5/23/05 at 7:29pm

I agree with everyone else in saying your best song was Life of the Party!
