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Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen- Page 2

Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen

#25re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 4:30pm

"All of you hate the musicals that run forever but really like the one's that no one has heard of!"

It doesn't matter how long a show has been running--it's the quality that counts. Maybe some people don't like Wicked because it's bad. That's their opinion.

"I think you just dont want to like the bg musicals because everyone else does. and you want to be all artsy fartsy"

Maybe some people don't want to see the big musicals. And, it's probably not that we want to be "all artsy fartsy".

"Come on people you just say that to be different and to get attention"

Well, can't someone be different. We all don't have to like the same thing. It's certainly not for attention, either.

What the puck?!

#26re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 4:34pm


I remember sitting there thinking "WTF is this?!?"

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#27re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 4:39pm

Nine and Wonderful Town

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#28re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 4:40pm

I remember being so disapointed with Phantom when I saw it as a kid and it was the first show I saw in a broadway house. I remember my dad saying to me as we left "Well??" cause I had been asking to go since it opened and I looked up at him at 10 years old and said "Honestly I was disapointed" and he looked at me and with perfect timing said "Don't worry, I didn't care for it much either". This is one of my favorite moments in my life as my Father, with his MFA in directing, and I walked down Time Square discussing why we didn't like the show.

Oh and Orangeskittles, Are you out of your mind? The big deal about Williams? I'm speechless.

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

musicaltheater1 Profile Photo
#29re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 4:51pm

Most disappointing: "Streetcar Named Desire - The Opera", oy, that was painful and comical to watch.
Second - at 200 a pop, "The Producers." I guess I'm not a fan of slapstick comedy or maybe Steven Weber was just not right for that role. I almost left during the intermission. "Titanic" is next. At least I stayed until the end. "Dracula" at 150 a pop was visually stunning and same as "Jane Eyre" but both of these plays were just missing the "umph" or that certain melody that needed to keep me interested. "Oliver!", a non-equity play at 60 a pop was more interesting than the plays above. I also wasn't impressed with "Hairspray" and the tour shows of "Sunset Blvd." and "Evita." "Evita" was just boring, and "Sunset", although the music and actress were great, it was nothing like the LA or Broadway production. It had the cheapest looking cardboard set I have ever seen. Did they borrow the set from a high school play? It just ruined the play. "Lion King" and "Cats" come next. Julie Taymor just focused too much on the wonderful costume and staging which overpowered the story. And, the seats at the theater (NYC) were just too uncomfortable.

"I love acting. It is so much more real than life." Oscar Wilde
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley
Updated On: 11/16/05 at 04:51 PM

manders Profile Photo
#30re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 4:52pm

Yeah, in my junior year of high school I was so excited to finally see Phantom because it was the first Broadway musical I would have seen, though on tour. I got a pedicure, made reservations to eat at a fancy restaurant after the show, bought a pretty dress just for the occasion, and, yeah, talk about disappointment.

But the secret ingredient is love. Dammit.

#31re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 5:01pm

I really wanted to like Naked Girl cuz I love Matthew, but the play is sooo awkward and unmanagable with the "let's be pretentious with our thesaurus-like language so that no one understands our jokes" and the incest and lesbianism.

Question: Will Esparza win for The Homecoming? BobbyBubby: I hope so. If only for the mental health of many people on this board.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#32re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 5:09pm

Carl, I just haven't like any of his plays that I've read or seen. I feel like it would have been better had he just gone to therapy and gotten this stuff out of his system instead of generations later people are told they HAVE to like something because it's classic.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Composer9 Profile Photo
#33re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 5:15pm

Cats in London...I thought I would like it, but I was so bored and honestly what was that?!?!

The key to the mystery of a great artist is that for reasons unknown, he will give away his energies and his life just to make sure that one note follows another... and leaves us with the feeling that something is right in the world. ~Leonard Bernstein~

MusicAndPassion Profile Photo
#34re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 5:18pm

The Phantom of the Opera.

I was so excited, and I saw Rent, Little Shop of Horrors and Phantom in a matter of three weeks, in that order. I was so pumped, and my best friend and I saw all three together. For him, he dreams about starring in each show.

I did not like it. I had the worst headache, and feel almost asleep. I did like the first 15 minutes, and "All I Ask of You" and the chandeler. That was all. And the sets.

ellenoshalom Profile Photo
#35re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 5:20pm

CRASH the movie. HORRIBLE.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#36re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 5:34pm

i dont think we're asking about movies, but its always nice to know

I think THE PRODUCERS was a bit dissappointing, I wasnt very into it

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#37re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 6:37pm

South Pacific
Avenue Q
Movin' Out

La_Becca Profile Photo
#38re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 6:43pm

SPAMALOT. I don't even like admitting I was disappointed because I wanted to love it so much...I even saw it twice.

"Love is a many splendid thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love!"

Corine2 Profile Photo
#39re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 6:43pm

2. In My Life
3. Prymate
4. Suzanne Somers
5. Imaginary Friends
6. The most recent Jackie Mason show and his horrid musical.
7. Jewtopia
8. Cats
9. See What I Want To See
10. Vincent The Musical

Updated On: 11/12/05 at 06:43 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#40re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 6:51pm


Poster Emeritus

ALWrules Profile Photo
#41re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 6:57pm

1) Caroline or Change; worst score ever
2) Wicked: bad score, didn't live up to hype
3) Hairspray: The most repititious score ever

Keep your morals, I don't have time. Keep your lovers, I'm changing mine! -The Likes of Us

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#42re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 7:17pm

the producers.

i'm not saying i hated it, i just built it up in my mind to be different than it was.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#43re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 11:18pm

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I have so many friends that love it and have seen it so many times, but I thought it was just okay to bad. I was bored.

Also, Phantom of the Opera. The movie was okay, but the stage show - it just didn't do it for me. And so many people love that show.

#44re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 11:30pm

Sweet Charity

I wanted to love this revival so much

#45re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/12/05 at 11:45pm

The Phantom of the Opera

#46re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/13/05 at 12:58am

Lion King.

#47re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/13/05 at 1:41am

Lion King - Julie shoulda focused on the book and the music of the show, the visual was amazing, but my other senses were left out.

What's Prymate about? I've heard this as being "Horrible"

Unmasked05 Profile Photo
#48re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/13/05 at 2:14am

GREASE........the tour was horrible..not the actors though..but I loathed the set.

anything by Jason Robert Brown.

Facebook...ME !!!

#49re: Most Disappointing Show You've Ever Seen
Posted: 11/13/05 at 7:06am

NOTRE DAME DE PARIS. So not worth the time or money.

Of the Broadway shows I've seen it is either THE PRODUCERS (yes, it's funny but not worth all the Tonys and didn't live up to all the hype!) or MISS SAIGON (the best part of the show was the curtain coming down at the end of Act II).
