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Mofongo on Broadway!

#200Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 3:13pm

^^^Yikes! What a scary thought! But come to think of it, the same is often true of college dorm rooms.

As for a college-age girl threatening to "go ghetto" on the "ass" of someone she was disturbing, the decline of decorum in American public behavior is rather shocking.

I realize I am dating myself, but if I had ever spoken to a stranger like that, my grandmother would have "snatched me bald-headed", as the saying used to go. At the very least, she would have left immediately and I would have gone with her or walked home.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#201Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 3:14pm

I work in a school and saw The Color Purple at least 5 times on Broadway because of field trips. I NEVER experienced any of the behavior mentioned here except enthusiastic applause. Could it be that people's expectations color their perception?

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#202Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 3:57pm

No. It was because there were some very vocal, black women at both shows that I watched who didn't mind yelling things at the actors on stage.

"Oh no she didn't!"
"Oh hell to the NO!"
"You go girl!"
"That's what I'm talking about!"

And during the scene where Mr. asks Celie back... We won't even go there.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Rudy2 Profile Photo
#203Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 4:18pm

Not that it matters ten pages in, but I understand TheatreNut's original post perfectly.

The fact is that Ricky Martin will draw a heavily Latino crowd.

For economic reasons, among others, Latino crowds don't attend the theatre heavily unless there is a big Latino star in the show. For that, many of them will leave their television sets and hotfoot it to Broadway.

There, because of a lack of experience with attending the theatre, they will talk loudly, unwrap things loudly and maybe even talk back at the stage - like they are watching their television sets.

This has nothing to do with their race. This has to do with the fact that Ricky Martin will draw a large crowd of Latino theatregoers, and that a great many of them will be coming to see a theatre show for the first time.

Three such people in the audience is easy to not pay attention to. 100 such people in the audience can make for a very distracting evening of theatre for those who are experienced theatregoers and behave as such.

That's all. Similar could be said of the hundreds of pre-teen girls who would surely come out to see Taylor Lautner in a play - not that that will ever happen, thank goodness.


Feb. 28 - Looped, Feb. 28 - Next to Normal, March 4 - Hair, March 11 - A Little Night Music, March 24 - Time Stands Still, April 6 - La Cage Aux Folles, April 10 - Anyone Can Whistle (City Center), April 10 - Looped, May 9 - Enron, May 15 - A Little Night Music, May 15 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Little Night Music, June 20 - A Little Night Music, June 23 - Red, June 23 - Sondheim on Sondheim, July 13 - A Little Night Music, July 18 - The Grand Manner (Lincoln Center)

newintown Profile Photo
#204Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 4:21pm

A friend of mine (from PR) used to talk about how he loved to go see Shirley Bassey sing at Carnegie Hall in the 80s, adding that you could barely hear her over the clanking of the jewelery on the other Puerto Rican hairdressers in the audience.

He, of course, could say it; I (as an Asian lesbian) could not. But I could enjoy it.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#205Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 4:26pm

""This has nothing to do with their race"

?? but according to your post, it has everything to do with their race. everything.


Rudy2 Profile Photo
#206Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 5:05pm

No, not really. Only in the fact that, for some reason, that group of people doesn't attend the theatre in large numbers. That just so happens to be the case.


Feb. 28 - Looped, Feb. 28 - Next to Normal, March 4 - Hair, March 11 - A Little Night Music, March 24 - Time Stands Still, April 6 - La Cage Aux Folles, April 10 - Anyone Can Whistle (City Center), April 10 - Looped, May 9 - Enron, May 15 - A Little Night Music, May 15 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Little Night Music, June 20 - A Little Night Music, June 23 - Red, June 23 - Sondheim on Sondheim, July 13 - A Little Night Music, July 18 - The Grand Manner (Lincoln Center)

Jane2 Profile Photo
#207Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 5:39pm

Rudy, but you said "Latino crowds don't attend the theatre heavily unless there is a big Latino star in the show."

You're talking about Latinos.

"There, because of a lack of experience with attending the theatre, they will talk loudly, unwrap things loudly and maybe even talk back at the stage - like they are watching their television sets."

Above, you're talking about Latinos.

"This has nothing to do with their race. This has to do with the fact that Ricky Martin will draw a large crowd of Latino theatregoers, and that a great many of them will be coming to see a theatre show for the first time."

Latino theatregoers, you said.

Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but you worded it that way.


DAME Profile Photo
#208Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 5:42pm

But you knew what he meant.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#209Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 6:27pm

NO, Dame, I did not. You are incorrect. I still do not know what he meant and that's fine. I've moved on from it.

Updated On: 3/16/12 at 06:27 PM

blaxx Profile Photo
#210Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 6:39pm

The fact that this awful thread just keeps going on circles is so upsetting.

Just look at the failed syllogism:

"There, because of a lack of experience with attending the theatre, they will talk loudly, unwrap things loudly and maybe even talk back at the stage - like they are watching their television sets.

Latinos will attend the performance.
Latinos have no experience with attending the theater.
Therefore, Latinos will behave like crap throughout the show...

I would even be more supportive if the OP and followers would have pointed out that a specific group of Latinos was misbehaving. But, no, if you're Latino, be prepared to act like a monkey at the circus. After all, you have no experience attending the theater...

For economic reasons, among others, Latino crowds don't attend the theatre heavily unless there is a big Latino star in the show.

Also, as a Latino, you cannot afford theater, so save your pesos if you want to see Ricky at the boring white-people oriented show.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Jane2 Profile Photo
#211Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 6:42pm

Thank you Blaxx. That's what I inferred from that post, regardless of what Kreskin believes.


SNAFU Profile Photo
#212Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 6:43pm

I want a churro.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#213Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 6:47pm

Never knew the derivation of a churro. I've only had them at Costco.


DAME Profile Photo
#214Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 6:52pm

That is cool Jane. I've moved on from it as well. Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)                                       It seems most have taken lemon and made lemonade. Except for Blaxx. But that is her/his prerogative. To me ( my opinion.. not anyone else's) the post was not offensive at all till others made it offensive.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#215Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:04pm

I see your point in a way, Dame. I admit to being literal to a fault so I took Rudy's post on face value.

This thread has outlived its relevance, I shouldn't have joined it again. Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)


SNAFU Profile Photo
#216Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:06pm

Ah if you had never had a churro and chocolate on a spring evening, you haven't lived!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#217Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:14pm

...To me ( my opinion.. not anyone else's) the post was not offensive at all till others made it offensive....

And yet, there are those words "especially" and "Latin community" still in the title.

Just yesterday, the Kansas State pep squad chanted "GET A GREEN CARD!" at a Puerto Rican player for the opposing basketball team. Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich calls Obama the "food stamps president" and a Fox News commentator says the President looks "like a skinny, crackhead."

With such incidents on the rise, I don't think this is an apt time to tell people of color they are "too sensitive" or "too quick to take offense".

DAME Profile Photo
#218Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:21pm

I took it to be that Ricky Martins presence would attract a large Hispanic (maybe a better word? ) audience. But...we go in circles.


#219Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:35pm

Yes, DAME, and the implication was that the show would be unwatchable because of Latino behavior in the audience. Or at least that seemed to be the point of the OP.

We don't have to go in circles and I'm not accusing you (or the OP) of being bad people. But broad statements about any minority group will attract attention.

And speaking for myself as a blond, blue-eyed, fair-skinned person, I assume that blaxx and I have at times faced varied sorts of treatment in life. In this case, I agreed with his understanding of the original post. But if I had not, I would still be very reluctant to judge him too easily offended.

Because I allow for the possibility that he has had a different experience of the world than I.

DAME Profile Photo
#220Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:41pm

Oh I mean no judgement on anyone. I really didn't.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#221Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:45pm

ok well I'm going off on a related but pleasant tangent of this topic.

Where I work, we once had a show about Celia Cruz, performed in Spanish for most of the shows. The patrons who came were almost all Hispanic. The difference between these patrons and the ones we see most of the time was........ They were DRESSED UP!!!!!

I know it dates me, but I'm from the era when going to the theater was a special occasion and we dressed up for it. Also, in those days, you were ready to be seated with a dollar in your hand, for the usher. It was automatic-the usher pointed to your seat, you handed them the dollar.

oy, ok, that's all.


#222Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:48pm

And I don't mean to pick on you or your posts, DAME, and nothing that follows refers to you.

I've just seen a lot of posts (at this board and others) telling people of color they have no right to take offense at remarks that seem racist to them, all the while remarks that seem racist (to little ol' Caucasian me!) are more common than ever before.

Maybe it's just the general coarsening of American behavior we were discussing up thread, but it seems a clear (and to me, shocking) trend.

DAME Profile Photo
#223Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:53pm

Really? I must not be reading those threads. Rude audience behavior sucks no matter what . And I think it comes from all races and backgrounds.


henrikegerman Profile Photo
#224Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 8:00pm

"A friend of mine (from PR) used to talk about how he loved to go see Shirley Bassey sing at Carnegie Hall in the 80s, adding that you could barely hear her over the clanking of the jewelery on the other Puerto Rican hairdressers in the audience."

You said a mouthful Newintown!

NOTHING beats a Carnegie Hall Shirley Bassey audience for sheer fanaticism. They are fierce!

What is it Mendy says in The Lisbon Traviata about Tebaldi fans? Multiply that by ten and you can picture a throng of Shirley's acolytes at Carnegie! And not just the Borqua hairdressers, not by a longshot!
