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Mofongo on Broadway!

DAME Profile Photo
#175Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/15/12 at 8:22pm

High tea at 420 is a given! And I have always known it as MOFONGO .


#176Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/15/12 at 9:46pm

That book made me what I am today, ghostlight. Extremely sensitive to the feelings of the disenfranchised, aka the real victims of this thread.

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Jane2 Profile Photo
#177Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/15/12 at 11:04pm

thought I'd add a visual~

Updated On: 3/15/12 at 11:04 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Jane2 Profile Photo
#179Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/15/12 at 11:36pm

That's a mofungo. It looks like the ones I used to get at a restaurant in Chelsea which closed years ago.


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#180Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/15/12 at 11:41pm

I've never had it, but now I want some. Are they selling it at Evita?

Updated On: 3/15/12 at 11:41 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#181Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/15/12 at 11:52pm


Just got back from Bring It On and really enjoyed the show. EXCEPT the little bitch who kept taking out her phone and texting every 2 minutes during the second act. After the third time, the following ensued:

ME: "Please turn off your phone."

HER: "It's not distracting you."

ME: "Yes, it is. Please turn it off now."

HER: "It is NOT distracting you." (what is she, Obi-Wan Kenobi?)

ME: "It's distracting, which is why I said something. Turn it off like they said at the beginning of the show."

Then her mother chimes in: "What's distracting you? Is it the light? She'll cover the light."

The girl then finishes her text in her purse. One minute later, she pulls it out again, this time, in full view and just starts scrolling through the screens, clearly just to be a bitch.

ME: "What is wrong with you? You don't need to do that now."

By this time, my companions are glaring at her.

HER: "Don't make me get all ghetto on your ass!"

So, I completely turn to face her and say, "GO AHEAD!" And just keep staring at her waiting for her to go all ghetto on my ass. She just keeps scrolling through the screens until her mother tell her to put the phone away.

She whips the phone out a couple more times and her mother tells her to put it away each time until she finally stops for the rest of the act.

I was in the 6th row center of the orchestra and the ushers weren't even in the house at all, so getting up and going to find one would have accomplished nothing unless they bothered to stick around and catch her in the act.

Leaving the theatre, about a dozen people came up to me and told me how her phone distracted them as well and were happy that I did something about it. But I was VERY close to full-on Luponing that bitch and stopping the show if I had to. I honestly don't get why people want to PURPOSELY ruin a show for others. She was obviously around college age and knew better.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#182Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 12:10am

"I honestly don't get why people want to PURPOSELY ruin a show for others."

I've never gotten it either, Mr Matt. In this thread we've seen people be offensive out of ignorance, and those going out of their way to be offensive (and most just being silly about being offensive). Those who are deliberate about ruining things or hurting others either get some kind of sick kick out of it, or it gives them a sense of power in an otherwise powerless life. Sad, really.

Sorry some twit tried to ruin your show, and kudos for doing something about it.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#183Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 12:46am

Sadly, it seems that this type of incident is becoming more and more commonplace. Every time I ask another driver to stop using their cell phones while driving, the answer always seems to be 'Fcuk you'.

I think more people need to speak out when it happens. I find it amazing how many people will just sit there and do nothing.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#184Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 5:30am

@ Jane2: It's MOFONGO baby, not Mofungo. Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#185Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 5:50am

Glad you stood up to the distracting audience member, Mr. Matt. I only wish I had been more assertive during my incident. I look back now and almost can't believe how rude she was, and how she ignored me when I politely whispered for her to move a little so that we wouldn't be practically rubbing our legs together. At one point, she turned to her beau and they giggled for like 5 min. very loudly. The second time I said it really upset and actually began to feel harassed. One of the strangest situations I've ever been through. I was incredibly close to grabbing her and shoving her aside. She had plenty of space and simply refused to move. I just will never understand how anyone could just sit there. The couple next to me lost it when they saw her use my knee as a leg rest. I think I was just so stunned, I couldn't think of anything. The guy motioned to me to call one of the ushers and I said no because I didn't want to cause a scene. The heffer was probably mentally unstable.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

tazber Profile Photo
#186Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 7:13am

Just catching up with the last few pages:

1) I'm pretty sure that you all know I was being "silly offensive" in my post on page one. But for those who don't know me well enough, and since there seems to be a lot of misinterpretation going on I'll state unambiguously that I being sarcastic (although apparently according to Whizzer also maybe a bit prescient).

2) Henrik, since you didn't capitalize Egerman in your screen it could be read as Henrike German.

3) I have always found it odd how often lengthy threads about racism appear on this board. Theater people (those in the industry and those who love it) are generally some of the least racist people I know, and I know a lot of them. It is eye opening how limited my experience apparently is.

....but the world goes 'round

Jane2 Profile Photo
#187Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 8:39am

Thanks Carlos-several spellings came up when I googled-I guess I chose the wrong one!


#188Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 9:17am

Mister Matt, I was at Jersey Boys, Wednesday night in Jacksonville. About ten minutes, into the second act, the lady in front of me (her husband directly, her to the left), began texting. She held up the phone so the light just glared into my eyes. I stated "Can you turn off your phone?". She did immediately. A couple of times during the next ten minutes they whisphered to themselves and then finally got up to leave. As they were passing me since I was on the aisle, the husband leaned in, I thought it might go physical, and then stated to me, "You could have said please!" I was so dumbfounded by his response that I couldn't come up with a response. At least, for the rest of Act 2, I had empty seats in front of me.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#189Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 9:22am

Jersey Boys is the only show on Broadway where I've actually been sassed back at people who I have nicely shushed. (This hasn't happened at JB at any other venue!)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

DAME Profile Photo
#190Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 12:50pm

I don't know how.. but I think the theaters should take more responsibility. Maybe it will happen once they get sued. I have been wondering for years why some women don't get legal about the horrible bathroom waits and situations in some of the older Broadway houses.


doodlenyc Profile Photo
#191Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 1:02pm

One hint for each of you that has helped me many times with someone whose cell is on. I just let them know that they are distracting the actors and it can harm them if they lose focus.
Usually the guilt stops their behavior.

Face it, noone cares about your comfort, but if they think the cast is talking about that ass on the phone, and it might get them in trouble.... It's always worked for me.

Mom taught me to work guilt like a violin. Thanks mom!

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#192Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 1:31pm

Here's another tip I find useful...

Spread your fingers as wide as possible and then hold your hand up in the air, as high as you can reach.

Now, bring it down with all of your strength and just slap the hell out of them.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2
Updated On: 3/16/12 at 01:31 PM

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#193Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 1:35pm

That'll work too!

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

newintown Profile Photo
#194Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 2:13pm

"I have been wondering for years why some women don't get legal about the horrible bathroom waits and situations in some of the older Broadway houses."

Talk about your first-world problems...

What do you propose they do? Tear out the lobbies to extend the ladies room?

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#195Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 2:16pm

I'm guessing Dame's grasp on legal tenets is tenuous at best.

DAME Profile Photo
#196Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 2:20pm

Yep. Just wishful thinking I guess.


TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#197Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 2:50pm

When I was given a tour of the new performing arts center they built in my home town, they couldn't wait to show me the women's restrooms. They were SO EXCITED about it, and I really didn't understand what the big deal was until I went inside.

The place has 10 times the amount of stalls I have ever seen in ANY restroom! Row after row, ailse after aisle! The theatre hold around 600 people and there must have been 100 stalls in the womens restroom!

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#198Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 2:56pm

I have been in a couple of theaters where the women revolted and simply stormed the men's room during intermission. I've often wondered what they thought of the condition in which they found it.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#199Audience behavior at Evita. ( especially with the Latin community)
Posted: 3/16/12 at 3:05pm

Gaveston, having worked as a janitor, I caan tell you Men's Rooms are left much cleaner the the Women's Rooms.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!
