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Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!

Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!

Corine2 Profile Photo
#0Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/14/04 at 11:44pm

CJR is right. Mario Cantone really is hysterical in his new one man show- he has come a long way from the OLIVE TREE COMEDY CLUB.
I was very impressed.
This show can not be missed, especially if you are over 21, love theater and want to laugh.
I have always loved Mario, ever since the first time I saw him at the Olive Tree Comedy club.
Mario is really full of energy.(he needs to drink less caffeine, but really he is adorable and so talented)
You go girl. I loved his Carol Channing, Cher, his family especially the chain smoker sister, Sammy Davis and many more.
Mario is a ball breaker but I love him.

His Stritch was priceless.
Bravo, Mario!
(He does need to shorten the Liza number, it was a bit to long)
And the Julia Child impersonation was hysterical! Updated On: 10/15/04 at 11:44 PM

Amy Archer
#1re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/14/04 at 11:47pm

Aw hell. And I JUST TURNED 51.

SweetCarolineFan Profile Photo
#2re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/14/04 at 11:49pm

and also he is mad funny meetin him live met him at one of Caroline Rhea's Gigs


Corine2 Profile Photo
#3re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/14/04 at 11:50pm

Really Amy! I thought you were somewhere between menopause and death.
We'll always be bosom buddies. Updated On: 10/14/04 at 11:50 PM

Amy Archer
#4re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/14/04 at 11:59pm

Well, I AM aghast that I will have to miss Mario. I just need to share some fondue with my lover, and all will be right with the world again.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#5re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 12:02am

I am thinking of Mario's Cats number.

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#6re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 12:08am

Corine, explain why you chose 50 as the cut off age?

Corine2 Profile Photo
#7re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 12:13am

I think people over 50 will like it just as much. But if you are a little old lady in the South, you might not find the show as appealing.
This show is not for the timid or meek. It will appeal to open minded, liberal democrats.
Not for the stuffed shirts of the world.
But if you are open minded and not offended easily it is very funny.
Gay men MUST SEE IT!
I really had fun. I have a terrible cold, chills, fever and I still went. It was painful to laugh but it was one of the best one man shows I have ever seen.
The man next to me told me in intermission he got a kick out of my laughter. It is contagious too. Hope he did not catch my cold. Updated On: 10/15/04 at 12:13 AM

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#8re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 12:19am

Okay, count me out

Amy Archer
#9re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 6:16am

And your little dog too.

mint0621 Profile Photo
#10re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 7:22am

are his shows sold out?

Anyone see Mario Cantone on "Molto Mario", the cooking show with Mario the chef on Food Network? I was surprised to see Mario Cantone sitting as a guest, eating Chef Mario's food. hehe.

Does Mario Cantone have any student tickets?


#11re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:11am

Corine, I don't understand you. How can you love Mario's show so much and criticize the over 50 set (nice editing of your original message) when you have been so EASILY offended by so much this past season. Seems a bit hypocritical, no?

Amy Archer
#12re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:16am

Cuz she's Corine, dammit! Logic need not be applied.

#13re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:18am

I *heart* Amy.

"This show is not for the timid or meek. It will appeal to open minded, liberal democrats. Not for the stuffed shirts of the world."

That's my favorite part!

Amy Archer
#14re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:19am

Jeff, can I interest you in some fondue?

#15re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:23am

I thought we would go for spicy tuna rolls and then for some wine at Spice Market. Then we can share some fondue! Would we have time for all that AND make curtain for Forbidden Broadway?

Amy Archer
#16re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:30am

Did you know that the wine at Spice Market makes an excellent diuretic?
Yes, after I've purged my system, I'd love to join you at Forbidden Broadway.
It will be my 479th time, and I'm trying to make it an even 500 before the end of the year.
Then, fondue by the fire, and we can listen to my advance copy of Sutton Foster Sings the Jeanine Tesori Songbook.
Sutton's cover of "Lot's Wife" is to die for. Updated On: 10/15/04 at 11:30 AM

#17re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:33am

My heart is all a flutter. You have me beat on Forbidden Broadway. I spent too much money going to The Normal Heart over and over to try and save it from closing. Sutton's new album sound exciting. It does not suck to be her! Does she sing any duets with Brent Barrett, Harvey Fierstein or Dame Edna?

Amy Archer
#18re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:40am

Oh yes! Brent wails on "I Got Four Kids," with Sutton as the dryer. He makes me melt! And Sutton followed the idea I gave her to have Dame Edna and Edna Turnblad duet on "How the Other Half Lives".

#19re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 11:41am

Genius. That means the wine at Spice Market, Forbidden Broadway and Sutton's new album will all have something in common!

Corine2 Profile Photo
#20re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 12:58pm

Cute, very cute.
re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!

SamIAm Profile Photo
#21re: Mario Cantone- A Divalicious Whore!
Posted: 10/15/04 at 4:48pm

Actually, though you say that Gay Men will love it and must see it, I know a lot of gay men who happen to find Mario an embarrassment and really are not fond of him.

He is a taste that we all do not share, that's for sure. And whether you are under or over 21 or 51...or from the South or the heart of NYC, it has more to do with what you find 'adorable' and 'humorous' than your age, geographic location or sexual orientation.

He ain't my cup of tea, my dear! I prefer my humor to be more intelligent, more insightful about human nature and more subtle and creative.

"Life is a lesson in humility"
