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Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??

#1Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 8:09am

Looks like Phantom: Love Never Dies May indeed finally be making its way to Broadway sometime in 2019 for a limited engagement... my guess is that School of Rock closes by Labor Day or the end of the year at the latest, and this ends up taking the Winter Garden next spring...

Updated On: 4/17/18 at 08:09 AM

#2Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 8:10am

Lot666 Profile Photo
#3Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 8:25am

I saw LND three times in London and twice on tour, but I would certainly go again to see it on Broadway. I want so badly for this to happen, if only to give the finger to some incredibly nasty, Michael Riedel-like people.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

labellaragazza1 Profile Photo
#4Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 9:01am

I am not a fan in the least of the show, but I’d be vaguely interested to see what they reworked from the Australian production, having seen the London version live and the DVD. But I’m close enough to the city that I’d have to travel far to catch the tour, so the only way I would get to see it is if it comes here. Hopefully with a lotto...

I’m not sure if it coming would be a mark of it’s success or just a sign that ALW will never let LND die. I don’t know the numbers of other productions to know how well it did in other incarnations, but the tour does seem to be selling well, partially because of season ticket packages I assume.

Obviously the selling point is that it’s a sequel to Phantom, but I find the story to still be lacking, which has always been it’s weakest point. It might be a good way to at least get it here for a bit, kind of like an extended tour stop, but I wonder if it would be able to last or sustain longer than a limited engagement. I’d love to see the tour cast though, they seem immensely talented.

Just please no more Ramin and Sierra...

#5Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 9:17am

I'm not a Phan really since I don't ususally go to a show for some little bitty scares. But it won't surprise me if instead of a limited engagement, the Majestic decides to close the original to make room for Love Never Dies. 3 decades is long of a run. Maybe too long

mozgrrl Profile Photo
#6Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 9:18am

I would LOVE if this show came to Broadway!! The new production is amazing. **FINGERS CROSSED**

Lot666 Profile Photo
#7Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 9:18am

labellaragazza1 said: "I wonder if it would be able to last or sustain longer than a limited engagement"

I'm fairly certain that it would only be staged as a limited engagement, because Andrew Lloyd Webber is well aware that people like Michael Riedel and Ben Brantley will trot out the tired "paint never dies" anecdote and do everything in their power to damn the show.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

labellaragazza1 Profile Photo
#8Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 9:51am

BwayLB said: "I'm not a Phan really since I don't ususally go to a show for some little bitty scares. But it won't surprise me if instead of a limited engagement, the Majestic decides to close the original to make room for Love Never Dies. 3 decades is long of a run. Maybe too long"

Uh, if this happened I would be floored. Phantom isn't at the level of Wicked or Lion King in terms of gross of potential, but it still regularly runs at higher capacities than many new shows and will for a long time. It's practically a landmark here. To close it and make room for a show that flopped in London and has garnered only mixed/decent reviews would be silly. 

#9Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 9:57am

^But it would be even more silly if both Phantom shows ran at the same time. It was just my two cents

Updated On: 4/17/18 at 09:57 AM

mozgrrl Profile Photo
#10Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 9:57am

I actually didn't like the show at first, but it has grown on me. I can now even see a 3rd show with the Phantom and his son. I know that's far-fetched, but the story was left open in my opinion. (SPOILER ALERT) Part of me was wondering if Christine even died at the end...I mean a twist like that wouldn't be out of the question...(I'm just talking the musical here, I haven't read a book...if there is one?)

Updated On: 4/17/18 at 09:57 AM

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#11Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 10:13am

BwayLB said: "^But it would be even more silly if both Phantom shows ran atthe same time. It was just my two cents"

Let's face it, any scenario involving LND is going to be silly. cheeky

Lot666 Profile Photo
#12Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 10:17am

mozgrrl said: "(I'm just talking the musical here, I haven't read a book...if there is one?)"

Frederick Forsyth's novel "The Phantom of Manhattan" provided some roots and a few very basic story elements for LND (this is why he gets a credit), but the show's book deviates considerably from the plot of the novel.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

#13Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 10:23am

BwayLB said: "I'm not a Phan really since I don't ususally go to a show for some little bitty scares. But it won't surprise me if instead of a limited engagement, the Majestic decides to close the original to make room for Love Never Dies. 3 decades is long of a run. Maybe too long"

There's no chance that "Phantom" will close at the Majestic. Just last week (a relatively slow one for the rest of Broadway) it grossed over $1 million, and the week before it grossed over 100% of potential. During holidays and spring breaks it regularly plays near capacity, and rarely falls into the 70% range. You may not like it, I may not like it, but it's not going anywhere. And if LND does indeed come in (like a lamb to the critic's slaughter), there will be two Phantom shows playing simultaneously--and they'll probably work to sell them as if they were the two parts to HP or AIA!


Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#14Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 10:28am

No offense to Anastasia, but how great would it be if this took the Broadhurst?

and the producers of LND and Poto could offer two show day tickets

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
Updated On: 4/17/18 at 10:28 AM

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#15Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 10:32am

Yea, phantom at the Majestic isnt going anyplace anytime soon.

Part of me would prefer a proper sitdown version of LND not just another tour stop (as I miss the FOH elements that were cut to make it tour) but thats just me, Im sure they might save face if it comes in as a tour stop and the critics kill it and it just goes back out touring afterwards.

I dont want Anastasia to close either but it would be kind of cool to have that next door in the Broadhurst, lol Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#16Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 10:40am

Having seen this on tour, not surprised at all that ALW is trying to get it on Broadway. The sets and costumes and actors were phenomenal. The book....well, we already know the problems there. But the show has definitely been hyped and I felt like it was a cut above production-wise from many other touring shows I have watched. And as problematic as many of us think the show is, it would sell tickets, particularly to the tourist crowd. I can already picture them doing Phantom/LND ticket packages.

#17Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 10:52am

BwayLB said: "^But it would be even more silly if both Phantom shows ran atthe same time. It was just my two cents"

How would that be silly af all? Love Never Dies and Phantom we’re both showing in London at the same time. By your logic are you suggesting that when Love Never Diea opened in London that the London production should have shut down then too?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#18Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 11:04am

As long as Phantom continues to make a profit, it would make zero sense to close it.  There is no such thing as running "too long" unless the show is losing money (i.e. Spider-Man).  Especially for a show that has, at best, a spotty reputation and mixed-to-negative reviews from everywhere it's (briefly) run.

Why would it be silly to run both shows at the same time?  Sounds like a great way to boost sales for the original for those who wish to attend both shows in succession, which is not unlikely.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#19Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 11:15am

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I hope it doesn't come to Broadway at all. Unless the book and score have had a near-complete overhaul, I can't imagine a version that isn't mediocre at best. The underlying story reads like a gothic fanfiction story written by a teenager who wants to "rescue" the Phantom and in doing so ignores the entire point of its predecessor to suit a preferred romantic pairing. The score is thoroughly unmemorable (at least as of the Australian version that PBS aired a while back), and the only positive thing I can say is that the physical production looks lovely. I'm not a huge fan of the original POTO (saw the current tour and, without the production values, it really showed how thin the story is on its own), but it's a legend - can't we just leave the legend be?

#20Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 11:20am

Islander_fan said: "BwayLB said: "^But it would be even more silly if both Phantom shows ran atthe same time. It was just my two cents"

How would that be silly af all? Love Never Dies and Phantom we’re both showing in London at the same time. By your logic are you suggesting that when Love Never Diea opened in London that the London production should have shut down then too?

Good point there

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#21Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 11:56am

I also enjoyed the show and the audience seemed to feel the same when I saw it in its first engagement in Baltimore. Granted its no PHANTOM but I certainly don't regret going. The scenic design and effects were beautiful to see and the entire cast was first rate. 

R. GreenFinch Profile Photo
R. GreenFinch
#22Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 12:03pm

Oh, I hope not. Paint Never Dries has a few nice songs, but I've read fanfics that worked better.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#23Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 12:54pm

bwayrose7 said: "can't we just leave the legend be?"

This is a silly and tiresome comment, and it's a retread of the argument put forth by some incredibly silly people when LND opened in London. The existence of LND does not change its predecessor; no one is messing with "the legend" (other than Cameron Mackintosh, and that has nothing to do with LND). If you don't like LND, don't buy a ticket.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Lot666 Profile Photo
#24Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 12:54pm

R. GreenFinch said: "Paint Never Dries has..."

That didn't take long.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

adamgreer Profile Photo
#25Love Never Dies Broadway 2019??
Posted: 4/17/18 at 1:06pm

Cameron Mackintosh and ALW would have to be colossally stupid to close the original Phantom on Broadway. They may be many things, but stupid surely isn't one of them. Phantom continues to turn a nice profit, there's absolutely no reason for it to close up shop.

I like Phantom for what it is- it's an enjoyable enough melodrama (and I don't use the term disparagingly here) with a gorgeous physical production.  However, I did not at all enjoy Love Never Dies, save for a great cast that gave it their all to try to make it work and another lovely physical production.  Unfortunately, the problems with the book  are just insurmountable. If it does open on Broadway, Brantley will have a field day with it.
