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Liza on new tour

DAME Profile Photo
#1Liza on new tour
Posted: 2/18/14 at 8:23pm

I love her. But you know.. you just never know what your going to get. Someone posted this on that site. This is from her "opening" night of the tour this last weekend. About 2:00 is where it starts getting heart breaking. The very kind and well meaning review on BWW paints a loving picture which I am sure is there. But I believe in truth. Looking forward to her show at Disney Hall. I hope it is a good night. She is endearing to watch.

Ft Lauredale

Updated On: 2/18/14 at 08:23 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 8:29pm

Why doesn't she just lower the keys of these songs? She just can't hit the notes anymore. It's not fun hearing her struggle.

DAME Profile Photo
#2Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 8:34pm

She does fine with her other quieter numbers.


ljay889 Profile Photo
#3Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 8:43pm

But she's been struggling with NY, NY for years. I rather hear her nail the notes in a lower register than hear her struggle.

DAME Profile Photo
#4Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 8:45pm

Liza on new tour.

This evening would be the one to see.

Updated On: 2/18/14 at 08:45 PM

morosco Profile Photo
#5Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 8:57pm

Well that's what comes from too much pills and liquor.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#6Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 9:02pm

That's a beautiful drawing of her on that poster. And I'd kill to see Liza & Coco together!

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#7Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 9:14pm

I think Liza should just go on "conversation" tours to be honest. People would pay a pretty penny to hear her tell stories and show clips. The singing is really not good and she has no stamina. I say that with love-I've seen her about 4 times in the past 3 years and it keeps getting worse and shorter.

I just watched that clip-she's actually dancing in the directors chair. It's very sad. Oh and she's been doing that "let me start over bit" for quite a while now. She's not even singing in that clip, she's screaming and caterwauling.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello
Updated On: 2/18/14 at 09:14 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#8Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 9:21pm

"Oh and she's been doing that "let me start over bit" for quite a while now."

Yes. Elaine Strich did the same thing during every single one of her numbers at her very last concert. Some would argue that she knew when to stop.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#9Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 9:23pm

I just watched that clip. Liza on new tour.

She should really know when to stop before it becomes like Whitney Houston.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#10Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 9:25pm

She has the audience in the palm of her hand and you can hear a pin drop when she tells a story. I truly think she should do an interview tour. The audience is so on her side. There is just so much love for the woman.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

HorseTears Profile Photo
#11Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 10:05pm

I couldn't even bring myself to go to her Hollywood Bowl concert 3 or 4 seasons ago. I'm sure as hell not going to even open that link. I wish she'd just concentrate on acting now. She's such a gifted and-despite her Academy Award-somewhat underrated actress. But, yes, a speaking tour sounds like it could be a great idea.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#12Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 11:41pm

It is easy to be cruel,so won't.I do not know the reason why Liza continues singing or who advises her;does she need money,continuous adulation? I don't know what is medically wrong with her and yes,I don't have to go and look at or listen but I did to this clip-the reason for my post.I remember when,and thrilled that I still do.

#13Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/18/14 at 11:44pm

^^^ You are all kinds of fabulous. I just had to tell you.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#14Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 12:28am

Thinking this might be worth the $250.00?

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

Alan Henry Profile Photo
Alan Henry
#15Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 1:19am

I prefer to remember Liza as she was.

This is amazing:

SweetLips Profile Photo
#16Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 1:27am

Thank you Namo[if you mean me]-a compliment should be acknowledged and is always appreciated.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#17Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 4:29am

That's a beautiful drawing of her on that poster.

That's not a drawing it's a photo, albeit a heavily airbrushed one but a photo nonetheless.

As for the clip, I don't want to watch it and I say this with much respect but I have no interest in seeing someone struggling with what was so easily attainable to them. She's a legend, she's an extremely talented, gifted woman but she doesn't have the voice anymore. She should choose another venue for her artistic expression.

#18Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 6:52am

I actually rather enjoyed that. There so many performers who have stopped singing as their voice has aged/gone/been destroyed etc and as many fans desperate to have them shrug off vanity and keep going. She has the audience totally on her side. It would be tragic to watch a women who still believes she has the notes but she sends herself up. It is now part of her act and people are still paying.

artscallion Profile Photo
#19Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 7:59am

I show this clip to the musical theatre students that work for me as an example of song performance. Letting a song come out from the inside without relying on presentational hand gestures and swaying. If you let the song come out of your soul, your body will make the right moves naturally. While Liza's done her fair share of arm flapping. I think it's clear that, when the song comes from the inside out, you can make even the simplest songs seem important.


Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.
Updated On: 2/19/14 at 07:59 AM

theatregeek6 Profile Photo
#20Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 12:02pm

sad. I was always a fan, but...

Why can I see Tracey Bennett performing this in a new play in a few years?

HorseTears Profile Photo
#21Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 4:38pm

BWAYTO and ARTSCALLION - Yes! Those two clips are such great examples of her range and power as a singer and a storyteller. We're never getting that back, so I'll just continue to enjoy prior performances like the two wonderful ones you highlighted.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#22Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 8:53pm

Thank YOU, Artscallion! "Harvest Moon" is one of my favorite of her recordings, but I've never "seen" her sing it before today.

When I was taking History of Opera at Columbia, composer/professor Jack Beeson devoted an entire lecture to Liza Minnelli and the way she used her instrument. He wasn't suggesting she should sing Aida, of course, just that she knew her own voice like an opera singer does and exactly what sort of music suited her. (Of course, that was in 1981.)


Does anyone know when and why she developed that lisp? False teeth? Medication?

DAME Profile Photo
#23Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 9:41pm

I think it was ager her brain encephalitis. . Liza has had a ton of medical problems.


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#24Liza on new tour.
Posted: 2/19/14 at 11:53pm

She always had a slight lisp, but obviously not like what she's had for a while now.

I saw Liza maybe ten years back at a Vancouver casino. Kinda depressing seeing anyone that talented at a casino--a year or two after I saw Donna Summer there (my fave.) Of course, though I think they're only two years apart, Donna's voice remained stunning till her death. The benefit of the casino setting was the theatre was very small and intimate--and that made the Liza concert worthwhile. Half of it was just her talking to the audience, which was thrilling to see. I have to say her voice still was better then (obviously) than in the above clip.
