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Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt

#50Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 7:24pm

Here is the website of Hispanic Federation, the organization to which Lin-Manuel Miranda is advising people to direct their donations:

They say that 100% of the money donated will go to hurricane relief in Puerto Rico.


Updated On: 10/1/17 at 07:24 PM

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#51Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 7:24pm

What on earth are you talking about?

CorkySt.Clair Profile Photo
#52Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 7:30pm

Donald, is that you?

Smaxie Profile Photo
#53Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:54pm

Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt

"As millions of Puerto Ricans struggle to recover from Hurricane Maria, President Donald Trump attended a golfing event Sunday. And just in case anyone was going to go after him for not paying attention to the disaster, he attempted to pre-empt the criticism: He dedicated the trophy to the victims of the storm. 

“On behalf of all the people in Texas and all of the people of -- if you look today and you see what’s happening, how horrible it is, but we have it under really great control -- Puerto Rico, and the people of Florida who have suffered over this last short period of time with the hurricanes. I want to just remember them,” Trump said.

Trump Dedicates Golf Trophy To Hurricane Victims

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
Updated On: 10/1/17 at 08:54 PM

Back Row
#54Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 9:35pm

Trump has been in the public eye for around forty years. During that time, he has done little to hide the fact that he is an absolute train wreck of a human being. One of the most reprehensible personalities of this or any other generation. Racist, misogynist, narcissist, pathological liar, willfully ignorant on just about anything that matters, and  seemingly incapable of even the slightest bit of empathy. That is who he is. That is who he has always been. The problem faced by the media and by the opposition is that by simply matter of factly reporting on his behavior, even with no commentary, the appearance is that they are over the top and targeting him unfairly. It's a tough line to walk.

Based on my assessment of who this man has been for his entire adult life, I can speculate with some confidence that he ignored Puerto Rico for those critical first few days because he simply didn't care. In his eyes, after all, they are just Puerto Ricans. It's not like they are real Americans, or even real people for that matter. He only pretended to care when it became obvious that he was paying a political price for his indifference. With Katrina, Bush was unprepared and disorganized. Trump's absolute indifference is much worse. Thanks to President Obama, FEMA is much better prepared to respond than they were under Bush. Just as he did with the hurricanes that hit Texas and Florida, Trump is all too eager to take credit for the efforts of a FEMA agency that has been rebuilt, organized and prepared under the previous administration, because he only cares about the politics, not about the people.

Lin-Manuel's reaction was emotional and entirely appropriate. He was responding to a blatantly racist remark by a man who has never demonstrated an ounce of respect toward anyone or anything in his entire life, and consequently does not deserve an ounce of respect. Frankly, I think LMM showed a lot of restraint. 

Updated On: 10/1/17 at 09:35 PM

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#55Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 9:50pm

Smaxie said: "Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt

"As millions of Puerto Ricans struggle to recover from Hurricane Maria, President Donald Trump attended a golfing event Sunday. And just in case anyone was going to go after him for not paying attention to the disaster, he attempted to pre-empt the criticism: He dedicated the trophy to the victims of the storm.

“On behalf of all the people in Texas and all of the people of --if you look today and you see what’s happening,how horrible it is, but we have it under really great control --Puerto Rico, and the people of Florida who have suffered over this last short period of time with the hurricanes. I want to just remember them,” Trump said.

Trump Dedicates Golf Trophy To Hurricane Victims

I feel like nothing is unbelievable anymore, but I had to search different sources just to confirm this was not a joke. He is just garbage. The lowest. 

#56Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 10:13pm

98% of the posts in this thread prove my original point.

And, Smaxie, you and your sanctimonious friends who demean & bully those with whom you disagree, should come down off your high horse. Don't deign to tell me (or anyone else) what interests to have and what to think or feel about them. I would never do that to you.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but, you know nothing about what I believe. I may agree with you, entirely or not at all. You and your brethren never bothered to ask, but the extremes of both sides, never do. They just make a lot of assumptions and that's one of the reasons we are where we are.

I'll leave you to your rants and lament the sad truth of my original comment.


#57Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 10:33pm

It is also worth noting that it worked. News sources are reporting that LMM's twitter rant resulted in a 1.3 million uptick in donations



theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#58Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 10:51pm

wolfwriter said: "98% of the posts in this thread provemy original point.

And, Smaxie, you and your sanctimonious friends who demean &bully those with whom you disagree, should come down off your high horse. Don't deign to tell me (or anyone else) what interests to have and what to think or feel about them. I would never do that to you.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but,you know nothing about what I believe. I may agree with you, entirely or not at all. You and your brethren never bothered to ask, but the extremes of both sides, never do. They just make a lot of assumptions and that's one of the reasons we are where we are.

I'll leave you to your rants and lament the sad truthof my original comment.


The generalizations in these statements are confusing.

“...we are where we are.”

Where are we? What are you referring to?

Also, if you have zero interest in telling anyone what to think or feel, then why did you post on this comment thread? What did you think it would be about? What did you think the response to your post would be? Weren’t you attempting to be provocative in the first place? No one came to you to start a discussion on this topic. You joined in on this one in an attempt to promote your point of view. Now folks on here are sanctimonious bullies because you brought yourself into their public discussion to make a comment intended to irritate and you’re hurt that they’re irritated?

I don’t even disagree with your original comment, but really it’s you who needs to get off of his or her high horse. The self-pity and self-victimization is ridiculous. You knew what you were doing and you had the choice not to click on the link or to ignore the discussion after you discovered what it was.

Chill. Out. Or go lament quietly.


#59Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 10:53pm

Itonlytakesajourney said: "..... Should I remind you that Trump has actively mocked disabledpeople, women, poc, and everyone who is not white, Christian, and a man? ....."


Yes, you are right, he pretty much just goes after the people you say above but please note that christian white men are not excluded, though they are definitely far less often the target. 

Let us not forget John McCain - "He's not a war hero ... I like people who  don't get captured" .. And this was said before McCain cancer was disclosed....

The point is, as the McCarthy/Roy Cohn clip smaxie reminds us of famously said, "Have you no decency?" and I also think, "Have you no shame?"  Sadly, the answer is: No, he does not. He has neither. 

Okay, I'm not going to say anymore. I just wanted to point out that his horribleness knows no bounds (family perhaps? ) and appears to extend everywhere. Though in fairness he does hit on the most vulnerable most.



Updated On: 10/1/17 at 10:53 PM

A Director
#60Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 11:03pm

Mediamaven2 said: "

Okay, I'm not going to say anymore. I just wanted to point out that his horribleness knows no bounds (family perhaps? ) and appears toextendeverywhere. Though in fairness he doe****on the most vulnerable most.

Trump cut off financial aid to a nephew who needed medical help.



A Director
#61Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 11:04pm

I would tell him to take the trophy and shove it where the moon don't shine!

mariel9 Profile Photo
#62Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/2/17 at 8:42am

Is that your definition of liberal, inclusiveness?

My definition of liberal inclusiveness does not include racists and nazis or the people who vote for them, no. "So much for the tolerant left" is the weakest gotcha. If tolerance meant tolerating someone with a long history of racism & misogyny, then our minds would be so open our brains would fall out. Find another way to defend Trump voters, if you can.
