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Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt

Smaxie Profile Photo
#25Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 11:31am

>The echo-chamber of NY theater is not only disheartening, it's frustrating and sad and makes me have to work that much harder to stay interested and connected to something I love.<

Echo chamber? Funny, I would say LMM's reaction here is called being an empathetic human being, caring about fellow Americans in desperate need... and not just the ones who can line my pockets. So if this reaction makes you so frustrated and sad, I'd say find another interest. 

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#26Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 11:39am

wolfwriter said: "The echo-chamber of NY theater is not only disheartening, it's frustrating and sad and makes me have to work that much harder to stay interested and connected to something I love."

I think our Tweeter in Chief is the one in an echo chamber. Playing golf with his buddies, tweeting out nasty things, firing people left and right, and going to huge campaign rallies in which he manages to offend everyone from NBA players to NFL players to NFL OWNERS. But hey, the crowd roared everytime I said something racist so I must be doing a great job right? 

Rumpelstiltskin Profile Photo
#27Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 11:42am

Please read Lin's plea for help here:  Hollywood Reporter Guest Column

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#28Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 11:47am

Why are there so many rascist Nazi Trump supporters on this board? Last time I checked, Broadway is a place filled with people and things MAGA hat wearers hate.  

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#29Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 11:50am

musikman said: "Smaxie covered everything I wanted to say except for one:

if someone is pleading and begging for help due to the dire situation of their home land andtheir constituents'lives, the last thing you do is taunt, ridicule and attack them. It's not only counterproductive, it lacks all sense of basic human decency, something we know that Trump lacks in spades.

This.  What are teaching the future of our country?  "Oh, those people aren't begging enough...RIDICULE THEM!"

It's disgusting.  What LMM was harsh and true.

Smaxie Profile Photo
#30Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 12:20pm

Musikman's post that Trump's response to Carmen Yulin Cruz lacks all sense of basic human decency made me think of one of the great moments on the floor of the Senate: when Joseph Welch, Chief Consul of the US Army, singlehandedly dismantled Joseph McCarthy's Communist witch hunts with the famous "at long last, have you no sense of decency?" speech. It's relevant, because at McCarthy's side was the loathsome young Roy Cohn, who can be seen in the video below writhing in his seat. Cohn became an early mentor to 45, and taught him everything he knows about taking advantage of the little people, tying up courts in frivolous lawsuits, and trying to belittle, discredit and humiliate your critics. Cohn ended his career disbarred and in disgrace. I hope the same fate awaits the pupil.  


Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

#31Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 12:28pm

Not a trump fan, but these sort of comments by LMM and other celebrities are part of the reason why he won the election, and if they don't dial back their attacks (while still making their differences clear), he will win again. 

Smaxie Profile Photo
#32Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 12:38pm

Because the star of a reality TV show and a gold-plated megalomaniac really takes the interest of the disenfranchised American worker to heart? There are a number of reasons why he won, although we don't know the full story yet, and may never know. In the meantime, 45 has done nothing but shame and discredit the office he holds, and embarrass and isolate the US from the rest of the world. Until he is gone, any public figure should use their platform to hold his hand to the fire. It's the right of free speech to do so, at least until the White House officially becomes the new Reichstag. 

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

#33Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 12:40pm

Itonlytakesajourney said: "Why arethere so many rascist Nazi Trump supporters on this board? Last time I checked, Broadway is a place filled with people and things MAGA hat wearers hate."

Is that your definition of liberal, inclusiveness? Do you personally know the intimate beliefs and thoughts of every person who voted for Trump? Of course you don’t, so in order to compensate, for your own intellectual limitations, and your anger, you preemptively label anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi and a racist. I’m not a Trump supporter, but fair is fair. 

If there isn’t room for all theatre lovers in this board, regardless of their political convictions, then there’s no room for anyone. Stop peddling hatred and slander; it makes you look perilously close to the very person you despise. 

Updated On: 10/1/17 at 12:40 PM

#34Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 12:47pm

Theater3232 said: "10,000 federal workers are now on the island. Marines are helping, huge amounts of supplies delivered. Even the Governor of Puerto Rico has thanked President Trump. Who, by the way, will be flying in on Tuesday, to see what more can be done.

Maybe some people should go themselves instead ofdisrespecting others who are trying to help. If you're making millions and millions on a Broadway musical, you can certainly afford to donate some of those millions to the relief effort to supplement what President Trump has been doing.

We're all in this together.


musikman Profile Photo
#35Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 12:54pm

Smaxie: it's interesting you bring up McCarthy (and by proxy Edward R Murrow).  I was just thinking the other day how so many people are crying foul of journalists today who are "critical" of the president or "not letting him do his job." It's their civic duty to call out any leader who proselytizes far beyond normal partisan bickering, precisely what Murrow did and what many journalists are trying to do now  


123musicalfan:  would you prefer that they stay silent or say nothing?  Complacency is just as bad as committing the actual act   If you need any evidence of why celebrities who have a platform SHOULD speak out, I raise you Jimmy Kimmel's fight against the disastrous Graham-Cassidy bill.   



-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#36Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 12:56pm

Lin has done nothing but promote relief causes as publicly as possible since the hurricane, and we have no idea how much he has given. It's disingenuous, but typical, to try to turn this around on him. There's no reason for him to brag about it, unlike our President, who time and again in his life has bragged about philanthropy that didn't actually happen. Our president trolled and insulted hurricane victims because their mayor has not taken sufficient time to flatter him in her begs for help. That's disgusting and inhuman. 

hmph Profile Photo
#37Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 12:58pm

123musicalfan said: "Not atrump fan, but these sort of comments by LMM and other celebrities are part of the reason why he won the election, and if they don't dial back their attacks(while still making their differences clear), he will win again."

Not sure how this at all makes sense. Do you really think the average Trump voter approves of his conduct on Twitter in relation to millions of Americans being at risk? What reason for Trump getting elected would mean his lack of leadership on this issue is a plus for him in a reelection bid? What kind of people would entrench themselves in their support of Trump over this in particular?

I'm just baffled here. There is no leadership or dignity coming from the president. The 16 officially reported deaths are just the beginning, and he's arguing over Twitter with people active on the ground trying to help while he's away for a weekend of golfing. You can't exaggerate how depressing it is that he is POTUS, or how demoralizing it is to the people that need help most that this is how the president responds in their time of need. LMM is righteous in his anger. Good for him and all the people bringing attention to this disaster. 

Smaxie Profile Photo
#38Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 1:03pm


"At 7:19 a.m. on Saturday, my son Lin-Manuel and I were on a plane when President Trump attacked the mayor of San Juan's plea for help and called it political.

Five minutes later, he called the Puerto Rican leadership on the island ineffective since they “are not able to get their workers to help.” Then, three minutes later, he called Puerto Ricans lazy by saying that they “want everything to be done for them.

As Trump was calling our people lazy, Lin-Manuel and I were on our way to increase support for relief efforts. We have been working nonstop to help Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria hit the island more than 10 days ago. It took my son an hour to respond to his insulting tweets, after a long hour of introspection and reflection."

Puerto Ricans aren’t ‘lazy’ and will remember Trump's bad hurricane response, writes father of Lin-Manuel Miranda

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#39Lin-Manuel Kicks Butt
Posted: 10/1/17 at 1:09pm

JIMG3 said: "Itonlytakesajourney said: "Why arethere so many rascist Nazi Trump supporters on this board? Last time I checked, Broadway is a place filled with people and things MAGA hat wearers hate."

Is that your definition of liberal, inclusiveness? Do you personally know the intimate beliefs and thoughts of every person who voted for Trump? Of course you don’t, so in order to compensate, for your own intellectual limitations, and your anger, you preemptively label anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi and a racist. I’m not a Trump supporter, but fair is fair.

If there isn’t room for all theatre lovers in this board, regardless of their political convictions, then there’s no room for anyone. Stop peddling hatred and slander; it makes you look perilously close to the very person you despise.

Um... not every person who voted for Trump is a racist, but voting for him implies that you accept and even condone- shocking!- his behavior. Should I remind you that Trump has actively mocked disabled people, women, poc, and everyone who is not white, Christian, and a man? How are you going to say fair is fair when Trump and his ideals are anything but fair? A Nazi describes someone who does not tolerate diversity. Same goes for racists, although less extreme. So yes, this is liberal inclusiveness. Why should I support and be kind to people who voted for a man who condones people who want me dead? This "let's play fair!" mentality gets no one anywhere, because by enabling that, we are putting racists and sexist in a powerful position.

#40Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 1:09pm

Theater3232 said: "10,000 federal workers are now on the island. Marines are helping, huge amounts of supplies delivered. Even the Governor of Puerto Rico has thanked President Trump. Who, by the way, will be flying in on Tuesday, to see what more can be done.

Maybe some people should go themselves instead ofdisrespecting others who are trying to help. If you're making millions and millions on a Broadway musical, you can certainly afford to donate some of those millions to the relief effort to supplement what President Trump has been doing.

We're all in this together.

we are not in this together. You are defensively speaking without any effort to be empathetic. So, think about what you are saying from the point of view of those directly effected- it's a week later, and I'm hungry and desperate. Where is the encouragement and support from my president to keep me going and give me hope?

..and to suggest people go out there themselves demonstrates the complete lack of thought you've given to the situation. I've had to discourage my fellow Puerto Ricans who are desperately seeking to here find loved ones from going to the island which would exacerbate an already desperate situation .  Those who have ignored me and have tried to go to the island cant find a flight out or when they do it's almost 1k for the ticket. 

i can't even....i feel sorry for you and your shallow emotional depth.


#41Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 1:45pm

Itonlytakesajourney said: "JIMG3 said: "Itonlytakesajourney said: "Why arethere so many rascist Nazi Trump supporters on this board? Last time I checked, Broadway is a place filled with people and things MAGA hat wearers hate."

Is that your definition of liberal, inclusiveness? Do you personally know the intimate beliefs and thoughts of every person who voted for Trump? Of course you don’t, so in order to compensate, for your own intellectual limitations, and your anger, you preemptively label anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi and a racist. I’m not a Trump supporter, but fair is fair.

If there isn’t room for all theatre lovers in this board, regardless of their political convictions, then there’s no room for anyone. Stop peddling hatred and slander; it makes you look perilously close to the very person you despise.

Um... not every person who voted for Trump is a racist, but voting for him implies that you accept and even condone- shocking!- his behavior. Should I remind you that Trump has actively mocked disabledpeople, women, poc, and everyone who is not white, Christian, and a man? How are you going to say fairis fair when Trump and his ideals are anything but fair? A Nazi describes someone who does not tolerate diversity. Same goes for racists, althoughless extreme. So yes, this is liberal inclusiveness. Why should I support and be kind to people who voted for a man whocondones people who want me dead? This "let's play fair!" mentality gets no one anywhere, because by enabling that, we are putting racists and sexist in a powerful position.

I’ve said what I felt needed to be said. Live your life the way you see fit; just let go of the expectation that everyone has to agree with you. It makes for a more attractive, personality. 

Quite frankly, my principal concern at the moment, is helping the victims in Puerto Rico in any way possible; not engaging with a professional victim on a theatre site. 

Updated On: 10/1/17 at 01:45 PM

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#42Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 2:11pm

Thanks for the personality tip, I'll be sure to use it. I didn't known being a victim was a profession though! I'll be focused on raising awareness on Puerto Rico as well, seeing as the current President of the US is too busy updating you on Twitter from his golf resort. Best wishes heart

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#43Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 2:32pm

the fact that there are trump apologists on this board of all places disgusts me. wtf y’all 

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

hmph Profile Photo
#44Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 3:10pm

JIMG3 said: "Itonlytakesajourney said: "JIMG3 said: "Itonlytakesajourney said: "Why arethere so many rascist Nazi Trump supporters on this board? Last time I checked, Broadway is a place filled with people and things MAGA hat wearers hate."

Is that your definition of liberal, inclusiveness? Do you personally know the intimate beliefs and thoughts of every person who voted for Trump? Of course you don’t, so in order to compensate, for your own intellectual limitations, and your anger, you preemptively label anyone who disagrees with you as a Nazi and a racist. I’m not a Trump supporter, but fair is fair.

If there isn’t room for all theatre lovers in this board, regardless of their political convictions, then there’s no room for anyone. Stop peddling hatred and slander; it makes you look perilously close to the very person you despise.

Um... not every person who voted for Trump is a racist, but voting for him implies that you accept and even condone- shocking!- his behavior. Should I remind you that Trump has actively mocked disabledpeople, women, poc, and everyone who is not white, Christian, and a man? How are you going to say fairis fair when Trump and his ideals are anything but fair? A Nazi describes someone who does not tolerate diversity. Same goes for racists, althoughless extreme. So yes, this is liberal inclusiveness. Why should I support and be kind to people who voted for a man whocondones people who want me dead? This "let's play fair!" mentality gets no one anywhere, because by enabling that, we are putting racists and sexist in a powerful position.

I’ve said what I felt needed to besaid. Live your life the way you see fit; just let go of the expectation that everyone has to agree with you. It makes for a more attractive, personality.

Quite frankly, my principal concern at the moment, is helping the victims in Puerto Rico in any way possible; not engaging with a professional victim on a theatre site.

This is such an obnoxious response. Jesus Christ. 

#45Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 6:18pm

I love LMM. He is so smart, along with so so talented. One small small example of how smart he is (unlike other bway celebs who have had threads criticizing their twitter rants) is that LMM has always always taken the high road. He has never gone down to the gutter with anyone on social media. Very intentionally. He purposely steered clear.

So I, for one, was super disappointed in a way that he lost his temper / or alternatively has so had it with this man, our President. I guess there's just so much anyone can take, and for LMM I get it, this is more personal to him. He must know the mayor, and his own extended family, friends, neighbors are all suffering, affected.  It just shows something is so wrong when even LMM loses it. Policies aside, politics aside: I don't understand how any American can favor such a bullying, divisive, negative, lying person as the symbol of our country, our head of state. Even if you like him or agree wtih whatever policies he purports to pursue, you can't deny he is the most bullying, divisive, negative, liar of a president we have seen in our lifetime. LMM losing his cool just underscores it. 

Smaxie Profile Photo
#46Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 6:37pm

>you can't deny he is the most bullying, divisive, negative, liar of a president we have seen in our lifetime.<

I wouldn't say in our lifetime. He is the most bullying, divisive, negative, liar of a president in American history. 

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

CorkySt.Clair Profile Photo
#47Lin-Manuel I tril
Posted: 10/1/17 at 7:01pm

I have consistently noticed LMM's class, kindness, and high-road-taking. He is consistently one of the most positive and enthusiastic celebrities out there, and I've never heard him disparage anyone. He is always acutely aware of the trials and tribulations going on in our country (see: his incredible Tonys speech after Pulse) and is constantly using his platform for good (see: the fact that his Twitter has been plugging charities for upwards of a month). This, I believe, makes the tweets in question all the more impactful. If Lin-Manuel has been pushed to say what he said, something is most definitely wrong. (Not that that's the only indicator, of course.) 

Sorry to basically parrot mediamaven, but I wanted to put it out there as well. 

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#48Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 7:04pm

Mediamaven2 said: " Even if you like him or agree wtih whatever policies he purports to pursue, you can't deny he is the most bullying, divisive, negative, liar of a president we have seen in our lifetime. LMM losing his cool just underscores it."

Donald Trump last week made Stephen Curry, Steve Kerr, and Lebron James also lose it, and they are are not known as really confrontational personalities either. 

#49Lin-Manuel Shows Disrespect
Posted: 10/1/17 at 7:21pm

If Trump goes to hell, I hope he likes LMM mothers cooking, So OVER Rated !!!!!!!!!!!!!
