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Letter from Susan Egan...- Page 4

Letter from Susan Egan...

#75re: Letter from Susan Egan...
Posted: 11/12/08 at 7:49pm

Re. Prop8, I was talking to someone about it, and they said something like, "If only the gay community would call it something other than 'marriage' -- if they cloaked it some other way, maybe called it 'gay-riage,' then maybe it would be more acceptable." And I asked them why should gay people have to call their marriages by some other name? That's not right.

An adult couple, gay or straight, should be able to get married if they wish. Some day -- I truly believe this -- this will not be a big deal to most people. Same with gay people having kids. Children need loving, stable homes, period, and a gay couple is every bit as likely to fit that bill as a straight couple is.

JRybka Profile Photo
#76re: Letter from Susan Egan...
Posted: 11/12/08 at 9:14pm

Scott Eckern has announced his resignation as artistic director of California Musical Theatre following public turmoil in response to his financial support of California's Proposition 8.

In a statement released Nov. 12, Eckern said, "I am leaving California Musical Theatre after prayerful consideration to protect the organization and to help the healing in the local theatre-going and creative community. California Musical Theatre will continue to welcome with open arms all staff, artists and audiences who collaborate in the experience that live theatre does best – to lift the human spirit. I will continue to be in the audience to cheer on all the good work. It has been an honor to serve alongside those I love and respect in this noble profession. I am disappointed that my personal convictions have cost me the opportunity to do what I love the most which is to continue enriching the Sacramento arts and theatre community."

In his letter of resignation, Eckern also said that while he helped fund Proposition 8, his sister is a lesbian in a committed domestic partnership, adding, "I am loving and supportive of her and her family, and she is loving and supportive of me and my family. I definitely do not support any message or treatment of others that is hateful or instills fear. This is a highly emotional issue and the accusations that have been made against me are simply not true. I have now had many conversations with friends and colleagues, and I am deeply saddened that my personal beliefs and convictions have offended others. My choice to support the Proposition was personal, and does not represent the views and opinions of California Musical Theatre or the many people associated with the organization. I was required by law to identify my employer and occupation at the time of my donation."

California Musical Theatre has not issued a statement on a replacement for Eckern.

This was from


I worked for this company for three years and my parents have been subscribers for years and years. Some of the very first shows I ever saw where at this theater. My family and I are very disappointed and saddened about the whole thing.

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."
Updated On: 11/12/08 at 09:14 PM

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#77re: Letter from Susan Egan...
Posted: 11/12/08 at 10:03pm

It's really a shame about Mr. Eckern. I'm certainly not happy that he had to lose his job over this. However, I think he should have known better. Yes, he is allowed to support whatever he wants, it's a free country, etc., but he is at the head of a well known theatre company, and the theatre community is primarily gay-friendly. Of course his donation was going to piss off the theatre community or at least create some kind of drama. I'm not saying that he had no right to do what he did, but he just should have known that it would hurt and upset many people with whom he works and associates. I wish Mr. Eckern all the best, but in the end, actions have consequences.


Patash Profile Photo
#78re: Letter from Susan Egan...
Posted: 11/13/08 at 9:01am

In the NY Times he was also quoted as saying, “I understand that my choice of supporting Proposition 8 has been the cause of many hurt feelings, maybe even betrayal,” Mr. Eckern said. “It was not my intent. I honestly had no idea that this would be the reaction.”

Huh? What reaction did he THINK it would get? Or did he think at all? My guess is that he didn't.

#79re: Letter from Susan Egan...
Posted: 11/13/08 at 9:31am

"I'm not saying that he had no right to do what he did, but he just should have known that it would hurt and upset many people with whom he works and associates. I wish Mr. Eckern all the best, but in the end, actions have consequences."

I mean, yeah--he totally had every right to make that donation. It gets sticky when you realize, though, that his salary is coming from the blood and sweat of the very people who's rights he was fighting to take away.

AND just like he has the right to make that donation, all of us would have had the right to not support California Music Theatre, which is probably why he was asked to resign.

krispy kreme
#80re: Letter from Susan Egan...
Posted: 11/13/08 at 10:21am

Put it this way: He has a right to vote the way he wants (even if I don't agree with it AT ALL), but when it comes to donations, they are public record. He should have realized that and not donated at all and kept his vote private. He would still have his job today if he hadn't made that donation. That $1000 cost him a whole lot more, especially in this economy.

You have to be smart about your convictions and actions. I work in the media for a company. I have to be smart about my political affiliations and I have to even be smart about what photos I choose to put up on my FaceBook profile. It is a public era with the internet. All actions have consequences and Scott's story is a classic tale of that.

JRybka Profile Photo
#81re: Letter from Susan Egan...
Posted: 11/13/08 at 10:47am

Look... He may have had the right to donate to whomever he chose but he represents the California Music Theater as Artistic Director. The bottom line is when word like this gets out people will refuse to work with him and his company and the whole theater could and wold suffer.
It is one thing if you are just a schmo in the company but you are the head and you represent the whole theater.
Yes it is a free world and he can do whatever he wants with his money but there are always consequences for actions taken.

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

#82re: Letter from Susan Egan...
Posted: 11/13/08 at 12:13pm

Yeah, it's amazing how much all those good people who voted for Proposition 8 really love gay and lesbian people, even their brothers and sisters who are in domestic partnerships or civil unions. If all those supporters of Proposition 8 were really in favor of civil unions, then one would expect there to be civil unions in Utah, where Mormons predominate. Or that the Roman Catholic Church was busy lobbying in favor of civil unions in the 40-odd states that do not have them. But alas no, the Mormons and the Catholics and the Evangelicals have fought tooth and nail against any attempt to establish civil unions, and even to repeal them as they did in Oregon and Washington. Don't believe the hype: people who voted against marriage equality would also vote against civil unions if they had the chance.
