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Posted: 8/23/03 at 6:15pm

Here's a novel idea kiddies...

Let's set aside 7 SEVEN 7 full days without raising a thread on either GYPSY and MILLIE and HAIRSPRAY and the performers in those shows, or the recordings of them.

This is not a criticism of any of these shows (one of which I admire greatly). Just a suggestion to help raise the conscienciousness of the messages. It might be quite invigorating for this message board to see what other topics would be raised if these shows were verbotin.

Just think of all the comments that would surface once the 7 days are up.

Just think of all the other theatre that could be discussed in the meantime.

Just think of the possibilities for us all.

If you think that idea stinks. Then I revert back to my earilier suggestion that there be a "kiddies thread" separate from the "adult" message board. And no intermingling!

Your loveable Broadyway Bulldog, who's always aiming for a better Broadway! Updated On: 8/23/03 at 06:15 PM

#1re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:03pm

okay frankly, those three shows are some of the hottest shows right now, so if you think you are going to get people to stop talking about them, then you can think again! i understand everyone can voice there opinion, and you obviously are sick of hearing about those show, but if you can voice your opinion then we can voice never says anywhere what shows we are and aren't allowed to talk about, and if you still are sick hearing about these three shows, then go find yourself a different message board and get the hell off of this one:re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY

#2re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:04pm


#3re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:05pm


#5re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:09pm

Thinking along the same lines, BB.

Perhaps, a discussion of some older musicals that many may have missed on stage and have only heard on CDs may be refreshing.

Like Sondheim's A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC --

I've only heard it on CD. Is the movie ( which may still be available on video) worth getting? Of course, its reputation now has more to do with Sondheim's arguably greatest hit, SEND IN THE CLOWNS - and it's now often seen by people as simply a song of a lost relationship, but isn't it much more a statement full of irony ?

I would like to hear what the general impressions are of this musical? The musical score? The plot? The staging on Broadway, if any had seen it? Any revivals? And the movie version ?

jo Updated On: 8/23/03 at 07:09 PM

#6re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:14pm

Verboten is spelled with an e.

"I don't understand. Everything's coming up Roses' WHAT?"-Jerome Robbins to Stephen Sondheim

ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:18pm

It was a good idea while is lasted, Bulldog.....about one minute. re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"

#8re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:21pm

That whole "how old is everyone" post was a really bad idea. Updated On: 8/23/03 at 07:21 PM

magruder Profile Photo
#9re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:48pm

I think I would have been thrilled to find a board like this when I was 15 or 16. If kids of that age want to discuss Gypsy, Hairspray or Millie, rather than the latest r&b sensation, or the new Ashton Kutcher flick, I say let 'em. Broadway needs new fans and new audiences, or it will dry up even further than it already has.

As for the film of A Little Night's pretty ghastly, although the "Weekend in the Country" sequence is pretty good, and it's fun to watch Elizabeth Taylor's weight fluctuate over the course of the picture.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

#10re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 7:50pm

amen magruder!!! exactly my point---five gold stars for you!!:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:)

#11re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 8:17pm

There is no reason why there should be an adult message board and kiddie threads. This is a Broadway message board, which means kids (and adults) are going to talk about shows such as Millie, Hairspray, and Gypsy. Most kids do not know of the older musicals, so why don't you inform us of them?? I would love to learn about them!

CCM '10!

#12re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 8:21pm

ChrisLovesShows, I knew I was throwing water into the hot oil, but I still support my idea. I happen to think both of them are good ones (especially cordoning off the "kiddies").

Magruder, I don't at all disagree with you. I was 15 once too. I happen to applaud interest of the theatre at any age. But I believe people should be willing to expand their horizons at any age as well.

PJ, you are right. I was sadly disappointed to have my impression confirmed that many of the most vociferous and inane posters on this board are under 20.

Bernadette, take pleasure in the fact that your ever increasing annoying personality and disrespectufl attitude on this message board is perhaps one reason GYPSY is beginning to become a thorn to me. No doubt you think you're cute. Fact is you're just a child only to be ignored and tolerated.

Sondheimfreak, yes, I knew I should have verified the spelling.

JO, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC was the first musical I saw after moving to NYC in the summer of 1974. I also went to the closing night performance. I'd be happy to discuss this show with you, if you'd like.

Your for a better Broadway!

#13re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 8:25pm

well said!!!! even though i am only 15 i have been in the theatre business since i was 6 and have performed in many of those old shows!! so see....i younger "KIDS"(as you like to call us) still have lots of Broadway Gypsy is an older show....this is its fourth run!! but you see....some of those older classics (basically most of them Rodgers/Hammerstein things are just not appealing to many people these day) i think are wonderful but no one seems to want to talk about them...but i also think everyone should be able to voice there opinion(as i do A LOT) so lets just talk about everything and you can choose what YOU want to read and what you don't want to....whateva floats your boat!!:re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY:re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY

#14re: re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 8:28pm

Bway Bulldog, I am 15 and metioned I want to learn more about older musicals. Also, that is the great thing about this board bringing "kiddies" (which is no name for us, are titles are teenagers or young adults, thanks) and adults together.

CCM '10!

#15re: re: re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 8:30pm

yea i would really appreciate it if we weren't considered "kiddies" unless you want us "kiddies" to call you OLD FARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#16 Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 9:17pm

Bulldog, it seems to me that answer to the problem is obvious. Instead of an attack format, why didn’t you start a thread along the lines of, Ok I’ve heard enough about THESE shows, I’m starting a thread about THIS. I believe you would find that would work much better.

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know very much about some shows. One of the reasons I enjoy posting on a board about Broadway is to LEARN. You can’t do that if you don’t ask questions and I think it is very commendable for the young people of the board to do so.

Instead of complaining about the ages of those posting on the board, why not see yourself as a role model for them and explain about what you are interested in. I have spoken to many of the youngsters on this board–by PM, by chat room and by the board itself. I’ve learned a great many things from them and I hope they have learned a little something from me. And not always about Broadway itself. I had to explain to one young man that I didn’t consider it respectful for him to call me “Hon”, he understood and we have had many nice chats since then.

They usually only turn mean and disrespectful when they feel that they are being talked down to or are being disrespected by an adult.

I’m sure you will find that if given the chance, the younger crowd would enjoy reading your posts on those subjects that interest you. While not all will be up to your level, there are many who can post with great insights beyond their years.

Why not give it a try?

In the mean time, tell me about “A Little Night Music”? I’ve heard the title but other than that, I know nothing about it. And I'm no teen. What’s it about?


#17re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 9:19pm


#18re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 9:21pm

See everyone, I totally respect DofB5 now! Thanks DofB5 for understanding us! re:   Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY

CCM '10!

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#19re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 11:02pm

It's funny, I'm not really crazy about Faith Prince anymore because of this annoying kid from the old board... And now it seems someone else is making me think the same way about Bernadette. I think what BB should have said is "Why doesn't everyone post about a show they haven't posted on in a while?", because some of the other younger posters are perfectly capable of intelligent conversation.

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

#20re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 11:20pm

Cope and darling DoB, you both make quite valid points. There's no doubt I could have stated my point in a better way. There's no question that it's wonderful to share one's interest in theatre. Unfortunately there appears to be less of an appetite to actually discuss a variety of theatre. Instead the same tired subjects/people or ridiculous polls continue to be raised, and all dominated by posters with not much life experience or breadth of knowledge (as demonstrated by their postings) but certainly plenty of time on their hands. This sameness creates a pall over the board in general, in my opinion, and it is starting to lose its appeal. I stand by the courage of my conviction to state my opinion, not directed to offend anyone personally but rather to say let's begin adding some variety to the topics and give the ubiquitious ones a rest.

Yours for a better Broadway!

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#21re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 11:35pm

I totally agree. I've done my share of posting about Karen Mason and Mamma Mia!, but I also try to post on topics that I may also know alot or nothing about. I think we all should just try to post creative, thoughtful and informative posts (With the occasinal OT, random or fan post) and make this board as great as it can be.

PS-BWayguy can still post his hormonal rants, or he might explode! :)

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

#22re: re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 11:50pm

I do NOT appreciate the notion that people who are younger only appreciate the newer musicals and cannot appreciate or possess a similar or maybe even greater knowledge of classical and older musicals. I can personally say that many of my favorite shows opened before I was even alive to see them.

#23re: re: re: re: re: re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/23/03 at 11:55pm

so stop writing about how you hate kids so much and write something for god's people can be very hard to understand sometimes!! golly me!!

alterego Profile Photo
#24re: Let's Side Line GYPSY & MILLIE & HAIRSPRAY
Posted: 8/24/03 at 9:04am

Hear, Hear, Broadway Bulldog! While I enjoy reading the observations about the current shows/actors I'm also very interested in Broadway's past. I'm always glad to read about what some may refer to as Broadway's golden age. For me I guess that is anything that predates Cats!
