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Kristens Last performance

#0Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 9:52am

This was the greatest performance of Wicked I have ever seen!

OK when Kristen came out on her bubble everyone gave her a standing ovation. then she grabbed a tissue from her bra and dryed her tears. Then she changed her words around and said well its good to see you! And its good to see me to that's not retorical. I LOVED IT!

when Idina came out and sang the WIZARD AND I she got a standing ovation.

OK Also when Fiyero came out(also his last performance) he got a big round of applause. And you know when Kristen does the thing with her hair, he did the same thing to you and Kristen was laughing so much. Also when Kristen is supposed to mimmick his moves he started mimmicking her and she couldn't stop laughing.

OK this is the big scene POPULAR
well of course she got a standing ovation for that song but the best part was when she said she wrote a book on how to be POPULAR. You know she wanted to make Idina laugh. there were the top ten things. I can't remember all of them but I'll put the ones that I do remember.
1. Shower everyday nobody likes a stinky witch
2. Deoderant
3. Have clean underclothes that's all I'm gonna say!
4. Have a well coordinated room which we have already done
5. (IDINA WAS SLOUCHING) Don't slouch, stand up straight to be popular
I can't remember 6-9 but
10. ANd the #1 way to be popular is to always keep your beautiful smile.
During this whole routine everyone was cracking up, even Idina.

When Idina was about to leave for the Emerald city instead of saying "come with me to the Emerald city" she said "Stay with me, Oz will never be the same without you" THe gave eachother a big hug and you could see the tears. They could hardly even sing "One short day" it was sooo cute.

Well defy gravity was great and got a standing ovation.

Nothing really happened the second act until "For Good"
When Kristen started to sing she got all choked up at the end of her line and could hardly say for good. Idina kept herself together for her line but when they started singing together you could see the tears rolling off their cheeks. THey could hardly even sing. They shared this hug at the end with tears coming off their faces and they got a standing ovation.

When Glinda or Kristen had to go see the wizard and Madame Morrible at the end she didn't have a tissue with her and she had this snot hanging from her nose which she ficked and it was distgusting but no one cared. It was just so incredible.

Well when they came out for curtain call Kristen jumped into Idinas arms it was sooo sweet. They all took bows and then Joel Grey came out and gave Kristen and Norbert(fiyero) flowers. And then Idina gave Joel flowers too. She announced that it was Kristen, Joel, and Norbert's final performance. Idina also said that she losing Her father, Her lover, and her best friend in one night. Then she said a sweet little speech about everyone.

This was the greatest performance of Wicked anyone could ever see.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#1re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 9:54am

Great review! Thanks for posting... sounds like it was really emotional (rightfully so, of course). re: Kristens Last performance

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#2re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 9:56am

Thnx for the post. Sounds like it was very memorable. :)

NYadgal Profile Photo
#3re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 9:58am

There were hundreds of people with cameras, flashing away at the end and during the curtain calls (myself included).

The atmosphere was electric, emotional and very special.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#4re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 10:02am

oh yea I forgot to mention that I was doing that to no one was gonna stop you.

wickedfan2 Profile Photo
#5re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 10:03am

Thank you so much for your review!

aspiringguy715 Profile Photo
#6re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 10:06am

Wonderful review, really wished I could have gone!
I heard Kristin was really amazing vocally, when I went on Eden's last night of Idina's abscence, Kristin was hitting everything and more. She went a third higher than the crazy high note at the end of "No One Mourns the Wicked" and "Thank Goodness."

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#7re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 11:15am

My review:


Lotto was nuts... apparently there were 1090 entrants. Needless to say, we lost, which meant that Leon and Jess didn’t have tickets. I’m glad they didn’t get on the cancellation line, as only six people who were on the line DID get in. (And I think all of those people had been there since before seven A.M.) Lots of Kristin fans trading seats until literally the last minute. Lots of pink shirts/dresses/doo-rags, etc., some homemade shirts... Not so many pre-show tears as much as excitement and nervousness. Right before the start of the show, Kristin shouts a huge "Wahoo!", to which the fans responded back. Finally, the lights hush.

The Show

"No One Mourns the Wicked"

The girl comes down in the bubble, and the audience stands. Stephen (the conductor) stops, the music stops, and for a solid four or five minutes, there is continued and WILD applause. Kristin burst into tears, pulls a tissue from her dress, and just eats up the applause. A wonderful moment for every person in that theatre, "It’s good to see me, isn’t it? You can respond, that wasn’t rhetorical." Nuts. Norbert’s "follow me down" contraption didn’t work for some reason, so he had to run offstage. I’m not sure if this was a joke or a malfunction, but they did the "Elphie birth scene" backwards, with the green baby popping out towards the audience. Kristin loved it, and kind of laughed through, "So you see, it couldn’t have been easy."

Idina got a HUGE entrance applause, at which point I realized that the theatre was filled with not just Kristin fans but WICKED fans who’d mostly seen the show more than once, and all who had a great respect and admiration for the cast and show.

"The Wizard and I"

Unbelievable. One of Idina’s best, she was able to riff and play on some of the notes. Standing ovation, which she didn’t quite know what to do with.

"What Is This Feeling"

Nothing too different, both Kristin and Idina had a fun time with it.

"Dancing Through Life"

All over the place. Norbert’s entrance was precious - audience goes crazy, though Fiyero is supposed to be asleep in his "cab." Norbert brings up his hand, very slowly, to signal us to hush. When Galinda does her first hair flip in front of Fiyero, Norbert responded by doing the same. Lots of improved dancing, kicking, squealing, etc.


I’d been wondering if Kristin would have something planned, and I wasn’t disappointed. Before showing Elphie how to flip her hair, Kristin pulls out a book from underneath Galinda’s pillow and says, "Elphie, I wrote a book on how to be pop-u-lar!" She goes on:

#1: Shower every day. Maybe some of that green will come off! (Idina loves it)
#2: Deodorant, Elphie! No one likes a stinky witch.
#3: Wear clean undergarments. That's all I'm gonna say.
#4: Keep your bed immaculate. I think we've already done that.
#5: Keep your hair nice. We'll fix that later.
#6: Make sure you are always color-coordinated. (Kristin stares at Idina for a long time and then continues: hilarious.)

And the most important rule to be popular, always keep your beautiful smile. (At which point the whole audience goes "Awwwwww!" and Idina whispers"Thank you", a promptly bursts into tears.)

The end of "Popular" prompts yet another standing ovation, which Kristin holds, in character.

"I’m Not That Girl"

A lot of people were so focused on the show being Kristin’s last, that Norbert’s last got caught in the shuffle. For me, Idina and Norbert’s pre-INTG scene was incredibly powerful, and Elphaba singing about this unattainable love was just perfect.

"One Short Day"

Just before "One Short Day", instead of saying "Come with me" Idina wrapped Kristin in her arms and said "Stay with me." At that point Kristin started sobbing uncontrollably, and took most of the audience with her. Idina pulled her in, tighter saying "I'm going to miss you, Oz isn't going to be the same without you." Both of them were too emotional to keep going on with the scene, so they held for a moment, and then she just said "You know what, let's got to Emerald City." Kristin said something about wanting to go shopping there. I was amazed that they were able to do the 25 second change yesterday, but the rest of the song was great!

"Defying Gravity"

The beginning of subtext. "I hope you’re happy, now that you’re choosing this." "You, too." "I hope it brings you bliss..." Perfect.

I think they made a conscious decision not to ad-lib in Act Two, which works for the show, as Act Two is much darker. Although the subtext of Kristin and Norbert leaving certainly made things different.

"As Long As You’re Mine"

I was in BB5, so I got to watch the whole song through Idina’s reactions, which was interesting. Clearly she has HUGE admiration for Norbert.

"For Good"

One of those theatre moments that no one sitting in the Gershwin will ever forget. Lots of tears, from beginning to end. So much subtext... the most poignant moment, towards the end, where both Kristin and Idina cried up until the "I do believe I have been changed for the better", which they both kind of spoke, in clear voice. "FG" ends with a looooooong hug beteen Kristin and Idina, prompting a standing ovation.

"Kristin’s last monologue and No One Mourns (reprise)"

"Fellow Ozians, friends..." Kristin really took her time, stopping to take in everyone in the theatre. She made it most of the way through the monologue without stopping, until, "I’d like to try to be Glinda the Good." Each of the final syllables filled with emotion.

Norbert had been really solid throughout the show, but when Elphaba says, "We can never come back to Oz, can we?" he had to choke out a tiny "No.", and you could see that he, too, was crying.

Curtain Call

Joel Grey walks out, to present Norbert and Kristin with flowers, and he himself is given flowers by Miss Idina! Idina gave the curtain speech, which was so poignant. "For those of you who haven’t realized..." (Snickers from the audience) "this is their last show. So it’s a special night, and an incredibly sad one for me. I’m losing my father, my lover, and my best friend." She talked about how Joel has been a father and a role model to her and Kristin, how much she loved and admired Norbert, and how "there will never be another Kristin Chenoweth." I’m not sure how much any of it registered, as the whole cast was applauding and crying.

That being said... I have a ticket for Saturday night to see JLT , Joey McIntyre and George Hearn. Oz will never be the same, but hopefully will be just as fun.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

#8re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 11:52am

thanks so much for the reviews! i wish i could have been there.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

#9re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 11:55am

The show was simply amazing and so emotional. Thanks for the review, btw. It was definitely the best performance of Wicked that I have ever sat through.

#10re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 12:50pm

The Kristin snot-flick sounds amazingly amazing.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#11re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 12:52pm

I know that was meant to be sarcastic, but it WAS pretty funny.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

aspiringguy715 Profile Photo
#12re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 12:56pm

hahaha, it actually was very funny, when I saw her at Eden's last show she did the same thing, she was sniffling and stopped mid sentence to fling it off...very off color for Cheno lol Updated On: 7/19/04 at 12:56 PM

#13re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 12:58pm

It sounds fantastic. Thanks for the details. 1090 people at the lotto?! O.O

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#14re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 12:58pm

Ohmygosh... I just read Idina's speech, as posted by TheGaisSilent. It almost made me cry. re: Kristens Last performance

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Karma76 Profile Photo
#15re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 1:25pm

sounds heartbreaking. wonder when pictures will be out.

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#16re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 1:30pm

There are some here:

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

ChristineDaae Profile Photo
#17re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 2:33pm

I didn't know it was Joel Grey's last show either! Whos replacing him?

"Life will be frozen peaches and cream. Baby, dream Your Dream" ~ SC

aspiringguy715 Profile Photo
#18re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 2:34pm

George Hearn, several stories online if you search (playbill/

ChristineDaae Profile Photo
#19re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 2:36pm

hmm don't know who he is...

"Life will be frozen peaches and cream. Baby, dream Your Dream" ~ SC

Kayla426 Profile Photo
#20re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 2:52pm

Wow - TheGaIsSilent,

I'm not going to lie, I got some chills reading your review. I'm not one of the crazy amazing fans of wicked although I have seen both idina and the cheno three times. That sounded like an amazing time. Thank you for the amazing report.


#21re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 2:53pm

Those are nice pictures. I guess too many people were taking them for cameras to be banned for curtain call.

Emutional Profile Photo
#22re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 2:56pm

I went to NY on friday night and saw wicked, and stage doored on friday and saturday night. When I got home i read all of these reviews and bawled my head off. How did you guys keep your composure???

NYadgal Profile Photo
#23re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 3:01pm

It was such an emotional, yet positive and supportive performance.

I was so glad that Joel Grey could be there to share in the festivities of the farewell. I'm sure he's been disappointed about not being able to continue in the role, so I'm glad he was able to have another moment in the spotlight.

It was a very, very special event.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 7/19/04 at 03:01 PM

wickedfan2 Profile Photo
#24re: Kristens Last performance
Posted: 7/19/04 at 3:03pm

Thank you for that link to those pictures...I can't believe I'm teary eyed just looking at them!
