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Judy Garland Musical "END OF THE RAINBOW" Headed To Broadway March 2012- Page 4

Judy Garland Musical "END OF THE RAINBOW" Headed To Broadway March 2012

#75Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 1:52pm

I suspect you're the type to slag the Jersey Boys off without seeing the production....the mind boggles

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#76Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 2:14pm

On the contrary, I've seen Jersey Boys three times and loved it.
I suspect your the type that can't understand that I don't want to see this.

Kristie-K2 Profile Photo
#77Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 2:16pm

I just saw Judy in "A Child is Waiting" Wow, she was fabulous. Should have gotten an Oscar Nomination...She was a brilliant actress.

I will get my butt on the Amtrak to see this play if Pal Joey, Carlos and Reginald gives it rave reviews...

#78Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 2:25pm

I guess you're all sore that a Brit dare to play Judy...oh my! God forbid. Bear in mind this is an actress that auditioned, got the role and did her best with it and boy did she do well. And Kristie-K2, Bennett was nominated for an Olivier award for her role as Judy, and yes, she is fabulous in the role.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#79Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 2:33pm

juggles no one's sore because a Brit is playing Judy. Stop picking at straws. Everyone who doesn't care to see this have been clear as to why. Stop stirring the pot and face the facts that some of us on this board just aren't interested. Grow up.

Judy Davis is AUSTRALIAN and I loved her portrayal of Garland in the television mini-series, "Me and My Shadows". So please don't even go there.

#80Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 2:39pm

Well, you've made your mind up before you've even seen it and that's a shame. I so revered Americans before I came on here

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#81Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 2:46pm

A couple of opinions on a Broadway message board is not a representation of ALL AMERICANS, so please just stop right there. Your statement is obnoxious.

beagle Profile Photo
#82Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 3:21pm

I'm an American and I loved the show, as I've mentioned. I do find it frustrating, though, that some people are making up their minds about this without seeing it. I think it's impossible to get an entirely accurate idea of this show from watching a few short clips. The clips are going to inevitably focus on the high-drama moments, but the show is more than that. In my opinion, the show does not portray Garland as a caricature, nor does it portray her as a saint. It portrays her as an extremely talented but flawed human being with many sides to her personality.

#83Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 3:55pm

And when you think that Bennett would only be about eight when Judy died, makes her performance even more commendable!! When I saw the play, I was convinced that I was watching Judy, this was no imitation, it was Judy.

#84Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 5:50pm

does anyone else get a window that comes up on here saying you have a message and that you have one prize unclaimed? It is obviously a scam but points to a virus on my PC!!!

best12bars Profile Photo
#85Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 5:52pm

I personally think you CAN get an idea of whether or not you want to see something from reading a little about it, listening to a few cues, and watching a few clips. Nothing wrong with knowing yourself and making decisions in advance about how and where you spend your time and money.

What I find hypocritical are the posters in this thread who are jumping to an advance judgment who also get all pissy, condescending, and juvenile when other posters "jump to conclusions" in the EXACT SAME WAY about shows they happen to love.

A nice double-standard.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 8/27/11 at 05:52 PM

#86Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 6:32pm

I don't really understand your post but surely people that have seen this show know more about it than those who have not!!!!!!

best12bars Profile Photo
#87Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 6:40pm


"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#88Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 6:41pm

juggles, this is just a discussion board. Until a show opens in New York, we can only discuss it based on what we've heard from poster who have seen it, the few clips available and how the show seems in synopsis. All that may change once the show opens on these shores.

I've said elsewhere that I remember the response "on the street" when it was announced that Prince and Sondheim were presenting a musical about a barber who makes people into meat pies. But we all changed our minds once previews began and people came out of the theater raving about the work.

So don't despair.

#89Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 7:00pm

Gaveston...thanks, at last a sensible post!!

beagle Profile Photo
#90Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/27/11 at 10:52pm

Great post, Gaveston!

I can't speak for other posters on here, but I personally was not judging anyone who simply says "oh, this doesn't look like something I want to see." We all make decisions like that based on whatever evidence we have. What frustrates me, though, is that some posters seem to be putting more weight on a few clips than on the opinions of people who have actually seen the show and say that the clips don't tell the whole story. It's like countless movie trailers I've seen that market the movie based on what the producers think will sell tickets, like hyping up a big "star" performer like they're the main character in the movie when they're not, or highlighting aspects of the plot that turn out to be only a small part of the overall story. There is also a difference between saying you don't want to see it vs. making criticisms of the show based on a few clips. If you don't want to see it, fine, but I don't think you can make serious criticisms about what kind of show it is if you haven't seen it.

Personally, I like to reserve judgment on shows until I've seen them, unless it's a subject matter or style that I already know I won't like. I hate vampires, for instance, so I'm not going to see a show about vampires no matter how good the reviews are, but I won't bash the show and say it sucks because I haven't seen it. All I can say is that the subject matter doesn't interest me. Obviously, anyone who hates Judy Garland should not see End of the Rainbow, but the posters on here complaining all seem to be Garland fans who don't want another sensationalistic portrayal of her. The problem is, the primary things that are making them say that are a few very short clips, and the posters on here who have actually seen the show say that the show isn't sensationalistic and the clips only tell a very small part of the story. What I would say is, don't see it if you don't want to see it, but don't presume to make make statements about what kind of show it is if you haven't seen it.

Updated On: 8/27/11 at 10:52 PM

#91Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 2:44am

The whole pint of releasing clips/commercials is to try to sell a product (in this case a show). If what I see in a clip does not convince me that I would line the show then so be it. We judge all sorts of things based on clips, trailers, commercials, and reviews. Just accept the fact that not everybody is going to like and/or want to see this show.

#92Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 11:41am

I understand what you're saying but it's the judging/slagging off of a production before even seeing it, that annoys.
Doubters should watch the clip...i.e. the link below.

best12bars Profile Photo
#93Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 2:50pm

juggles---I'm sure there are things in this world that you know are not for you without having to subject yourself to them and "know more about them."

Do you love basketball, baseball, American football, nuclear science, NASCAR, rattlesnake meat, chocolate-covered insects, weaving with human hair, torture-porn horror movies, acid jazz, and polka music?

If your answer to any one of those is "it's not for me" or "I wouldn't like that," is that merely because you don't know enough about it?

And, consequently, the only reason other people like those things is because they know more about them than you do?

According to your logic that's the only possible reason.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 8/28/11 at 02:50 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#94Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 5:07pm

Juggles--I watched that clip.

Her breathy, melodramatic wheezing of "Over the Rainbow" lets me know right away that I'm in for a tabloid take-down of a dead celebrity.

I know you love it, but you (and the producers) should stop posting clips. They only make it look AWFUL.

#95Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 5:13pm

I see what you're saying but they're not really good analogies, now if you'd have said a play/with music, about Sinatra, I'd have to say...yes I'd go see that even though I may think I'd seen it all before. I'd treat it as a good evening out at the theatre plus a drink or two and a natter with friends; and hopefully that I'd enjoy myself. Afterall, what's to lose in that?
Oh, I like baseball, I don't know about rattle snake meat but I'd give it a go!!

best12bars Profile Photo
#96Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 5:19pm

"I see what you're saying but they're not really good analogies ..."

Yes, they ARE good analogies. You just don't have a good answer for them.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#97Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 5:20pm

@Paljoey...I wouldn't even begin to know how to put clips on Youtube. I suspect the company have put up the one I gave the link to but suspect any others have been recorded [not supposed to do] at a performance. Judy is dead [in the storyline] at the point Over The rainbow is sung, that's when the audience crack up crying. But whatever, I'm just glad I went to see it.
You can't deny all the critics/press on that clip are amazing and the people giving their opinion are well know on TV themselves. I'll shut up now
Updated On: 8/28/11 at 05:20 PM

beagle Profile Photo
#98Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 6:17pm

A few more comments and I'm done, simply because I've said all I have to say and I don't think I have anything else to add.

I don't think the clips do this show justice at all. Some (most) of the songs are done in the context of the concert, some are done as rehearsals in her hotel suite, and one or two are done at the very end as kind of an epilogue. There are up moments, down moments, and in-between moments. 90% of the footage in that clip is from probably about 5% of the show. You see Judy/Tracie in many different moods throughout the show. I wish this clips showed more of those, aside from about 2 seconds of her smiling at the very end of the trailer. She smiles for a lot more than 2 seconds in the show itself.

I saw this show when I was in London because it was the most talked-about show over there at the time. I had heard so many great things about it, but while I admire Judy, I'm not a die-hard fan and I was a little concerned that it might be too over-the-top. I was very impressed with what I saw, and I didn't think it was tabloid sensationalism at all.

It's your right to say you don't want to see this show, but I do think that you're selling it short if you only go by this clip and the few others that are out there. There is a *lot* more to the show than these trailers show, and you really have to see the "Over the Rainbow" part in context for it to make sense. I think they should have put another song on the trailer for that reason.
Updated On: 8/28/11 at 06:17 PM

#99Judy Garland Musical 'END OF THE RAINBOW' Headed To Broadway March 2012
Posted: 8/28/11 at 6:30pm

It's not about smiling or not.

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