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James Barbour is in Tale! - Page 5

James Barbour is in Tale!

#100re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 6/29/09 at 12:35am

Having Michael York narrate was a brilliant move. The DVD sounds like it's going to be a very beautiful and romanticly endulging work of art. Brighton is a wonderful backdrop for any filming, and if they also filmed in Paris, there is no question this will be a grand consolation for all us Tale fans re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Releasing it at Christmas is also very well thought out. The DVD or cast Cd will make for a great gift re: James Barbour is in Tale!

As with all in life, the waiting is what is SO difficult...

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#101re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 6/29/09 at 6:04pm

Looks like December it is !!!!!!!!!!!!

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#102re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 6/29/09 at 6:47pm

From the time I saw the show in Florida I felt "Resurrection Man" was a speed bump. A well-performed and well-written speed bump. But a speed bump none the less. I seemed cartoonish in an, otherwise, heavy piece. I understand the desire for some levity but it was, simply, too much. There is great humor spread evenly throughout the show.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

philly03 Profile Photo
#103re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 6/29/09 at 7:26pm

Maybe they kept it to have something that people could name was funny. Otherwise, from what I remember, most of the jokes (like 39 Steps) seemed to poke fun at itself/directing/it's production design -- remember lines like "Where did all those stars come from?" and "Oh ladies I believe the mistletoe is over tht way...!" While funny, it doesn't necessarily scream to be funny (not that it had to), especially since the majority of the songs were very serious. Just a thought!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#104re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 6/29/09 at 10:42pm

Just thinking about lines from the show... my fave definitely

"Oh, its a scarf !!"

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#105re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 6/29/09 at 10:55pm

"They haven't built a church that goes THAT far back."
Updated On: 6/29/09 at 10:55 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#106re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/3/09 at 4:41pm

BUMPING on account of that the other thread turned into a Wildhorn-Eder-Barbour-Brandi Burkhardt-Lauren Kennedy melting pot:

Whoever saw the concert on the other thread said that the DVD was done in 4 20-minute segments .. and was very condensed.

Anyone have any opinions on what you think was actually filmed?

I would assume the following:
(Because they're essentially/not as easily described by words)
The Way It Ought to Be (-Maybe like Madame DeFarge and then talk of Mannette really)
No Honest Way
The Trial

The Marquis Carriage
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Little One
Until Tomorrow

Everything Stays the Same
The Tribunal
The Tale

Let Her Be A Child
The Bluff
The Exchange
Escape from Paris (Madame DeFarge's Death)
Finale - I Can't Recall

And then for song purposes, I can't imagine them leaving out either "I Can't Recall" or "If Dreams Came True," .. and it sounded like "The Promise" was done..

Anyone else have any idea? I would imagine they'd stick more to the Revolution story than the Love story...but not sure what people's opinions/thoughts or what they've heard so far!

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#107re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/3/09 at 5:04pm

I didn't want to start a new thread since this is, relatively, a minor thing but I figured the Tale fans would want to know.

Craig Bennett aka Cruncher is now playing Marine Staff Sgt Thomas Hassinger in South Pacific.

I saw the show for the first time last night and had no idea that he was in it until I saw the cast list posted outside the theatre.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#108re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/3/09 at 5:20pm

Do you think the prologue will end up being cut and narrated? I loved the whole way it worked on stage, especially when they projected "A Tale of Two Cities" up on the scrim.

I also can't imagine "I Can't Recall" being left out.

And I hope, even if they do cut a lot of songs, that we have a more complete cast recording.

#109re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/3/09 at 7:30pm

I think they could easily cut "Let Her Be a Child" also if they wanted to cut songs, but I couldn't imagine cutting "I Can't Recall". I also hope they don't cut the Prologue. And thanks for the update about Craig Bennett, I would love to see him in South Pacific!

philly03 Profile Photo
#110re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/3/09 at 8:08pm

Well they are only 20 minute segments...and there's only FOUR of them, so I would assume there's FOUR big blocks of the show. So you figure it's about 4-5 songs per segment...

I don't see them leaving out the FINALE/why Carton even did what he did (Let Her Be a Child) maybe this will be merged with "Everything Stays the Same" (and maybe they will keep all the fancy stunt work they put into this on Broadway for - remember the guy that free-fell from the top of the scaffolding?!!) and "The Tale"/Tribunal scene. I would also assume "The Bluff" would have to be in there and of course the exchange itself. And who wouldn't want to know Madame DeFarge's .. ending.
So that's obviously the LAST one (assuming I'm right? / James Barbour really knows that there will be 4 20-min segments)

Another I can't see leaving out:
The Marquis Carriage scene (where Gaspard's son gets run over) -- although I could see them adding something like "It Won't Be Long" right before this..., "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" (the death of the Marquis), and then "Little One" provides enough of a transition into "Until Tomorrow," obviously the revolution.

Then I would guess for .. "popularity" song-wise purposes they'd have a:
-Narrated Prologue -- let's face it, the prologue could honestly be narrated and they throw a whole lot more into it: Not only the Mannette/Lucie aspect, but also the Marquis stance in France and the arguement which drove Charles away anyway. I could see them meeting on the boat to England (which was said / not really done on Broadway though!) with Lucie singing "You'll Never Be Alone," and then quickly followed by "The Way It Ought To Be - Sydney/London" with "No Honest Way" and the "Trial"'d be a stretch, but maybe they'd even throw in the mini "Round & Round" and "Reflection" in here too...This might even be too long!

which lead into the next (& final one), which would be the whole 6 Months later thing with "The Promise," "I Can't Recall," "Round & Round - Christmas Reprise," "Now At Last" and "If Dreams Came True." (It cut after Broadway to France after this, if you recall)

Obviously out of order!

"I Can't Recall" is no where near as important on the list if they are trying to make it more resemble the book / revolution purposes - which is what MOST people think of 'A Tale of Two Cities' when you mention it -- not necessarily the love story aspect to it (which in my opinion it's equal .. but they only have os much time!).

That's probably the 3 most essential, with the love story / argueably two of the best songs in the show being in the fourth one, ways I could think of.

And I thought it was said that the Cast Recording was going to be .. complete. I HIGHLY doubt they'd cut "I Can't Recall" from the OCR / that'd just be dumb.

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#111re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/3/09 at 8:37pm

I can see "Without a Word" being cut from the actual DVD, but it better be on the CD.

If anything, I would want them to get rid of "Everything Stays the Same," it worked in the show but I don't think it would translate nicely onto the screen, especially the effect with the reflection of the guillotine.

This is really frustrating to try and figure out, because I liked the Charles/Lucie scenes, but can feel the DVD pulling more towards the revolution, like you said Philly. Maybe one of the 20-minute pods will be designated to the love story? I really do like "The Promise," and then ending that segment with "I Can't Recall"

philly03 Profile Photo
#112re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/3/09 at 8:41pm

Cyco...this is what I thought would be maybe #2 of #4:
"which lead into the next (& final one), which would be the whole 6 Months later thing with "The Promise," "I Can't Recall," "Round & Round - Christmas Reprise," "Now At Last" and "If Dreams Came True." (It cut after Broadway to France after this, if you recall)"

"Everything Stays the Same" could be cut .. and then dialogue introducing the Tribunal. I don't see why "Without a Word" is even needed for the DVD. It's a beautiful song - and Brandi better have gotten to record it with that CRAZY note at the end.

I really feel that they probably recorded the ENTIRE show. Or all the songs to say the least - maybe not the reprises, but I don't see them not recording songs that have been in the show for years. I really don't think we have anything to worry about the CD being would almost be a waste to not have acompleted one.

philly03 Profile Photo
#113re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/3/09 at 8:43pm

You know -- they did say they scaled down the set and brought some stuff over - so I would pretty certain they wouldnt bring over the scaffolds / even the Reflection chair over for two weeks...I'm sure we'll be surprised with whatever happens re: James Barbour is in Tale!.

Where's Jill to fill us in re: James Barbour is in Tale!??????

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#114re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/5/09 at 8:07pm

I can't wait for a new recording of "Out of Sight, Out of Mind." I was disappointed when it was the same version on the concept album that was on Natalie Toro's solo CD (even though I LOVE it).

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#115re: James Barbour is in Tale!
Posted: 7/5/09 at 8:45pm

I'm excited to hear Brandi! I have heard some of her other work (i.e. demo's) and I really like her voice!
