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IATSE Releases COVID Safety Guidelines For Broadway Return- Page 2

IATSE Releases COVID Safety Guidelines For Broadway Return

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#25IATSE Releases COVID Safety Guidelines For Broadway Return
Posted: 7/24/20 at 5:07pm

We now live in a world that will be changed forever, in every aspect of our daily life

The new normal is a very long way off yet so we all have to be patient till this roller coaster finishes its ride.

When we get off that though there is still the merry go round/dodge em cars etc etc to get on--you get my drift.

Life is now a circus, not one to run away to, but away from.

I don't think [at 75] that I will ever sit in a pre Christmas 2019 theatre ever again. A socially distant proposal for an audience is just not feasible.

That hand held electronic gadget glued to ones skin is the future-it will register the state of your health, tell you where you can go and places to avoid, and so on.

Over crowding, lack of basic hygiene, consideration, empathy, self centered, me, me, I--everyone is to blame for this situation because when covid settles, there will be another and a major re-think is imperative NOW as the current band-aid won't hold for long.

My grand children[11-17] are listening and learning, they are the future, we just fuxzed it up.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#26IATSE Releases COVID Safety Guidelines For Broadway Return
Posted: 7/24/20 at 5:29pm

SweetLips22 said: "there will be another and a major re-think is imperative NOW as the current band-aid won't hold for long."

I am curious how you came to that conclusion...

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#27IATSE Releases COVID Safety Guidelines For Broadway Return
Posted: 7/24/20 at 8:48pm

A realistic observation from my own perspective.

Never been a pessimist, just a realist.

The pandemic is running ramped[?] here in one state and encroaching on others and the border guards are as confused as the 'cross overs'. The budget is Billions in debt and generations will be responsible for the reverse.

We both agree on Patience but neither your President or my PM can yet give a realistic forward plan PAST this crisis,

That band-aid has now become a roll of masking tape so heaven help when that has to be ripped off and exposed what is underneath.

NONE of my thoughts are based on anything factual or learned knowledge.

Will the world become a Blade Runner? Eventually I feel sure, but HH I don't have the brain power to debate but now just need to sit and watch and remember and HOPE for the future of all, with necessary life prolonging adjustments.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#28IATSE Releases COVID Safety Guidelines For Broadway Return
Posted: 7/24/20 at 9:32pm

I don't find much to debate in what you said, mostly because (as I have become fond of saying) no one knows anything. What hit me was the seeming assumption that another pandemic was laying in wait behind this one. I don't think that's the case but I am not trying to debate the point.
