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How old is everyone?

#50re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 7:16pm

lol. i was born in an ox year too.

dotmarie Profile Photo
#51re: re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 7:36pm

I'm a snake. :)

Posted: 8/21/03 at 7:49pm

Thought you might find this site interesting:

Woof, Woof!


Seany Profile Photo
Posted: 8/21/03 at 7:55pm

I'm 16. :)

There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life.

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#54re: Age
Posted: 8/21/03 at 9:09pm

Just turned 15 last month...yay...just got my drivers permit last week....yay again re: Age

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#55re: Age
Posted: 8/21/03 at 9:09pm

Just turned 15 last month...yay...just got my drivers permit last week....yay again re: Age

magruder Profile Photo
#56re: re: Age
Posted: 8/21/03 at 9:59pm

Male, and I opened the day A Time for Singing went into previews. Dammit! I could have been there!!

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

#57re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:02pm

17, male.

And yes, that is my picture. (:

#58re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:06pm

And uh... straight and single. Whether or not that matters. (:

#59re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:06pm

You're 17 years old and use a phrase like "bleeding heart liberal" to describe MOR lyrics by Bruce Springsteen? What is happening to the world?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#60re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:17pm

My suspicions have been confirmed. This is a message board comprised most vocally by the under twenty set. So I am not surprised by the gushing and panting of breathe in some quarters. Damn, continued participation on this board is going to be an uphill battle!

I am a male. I live in Manhattan. I don't gush (in public). I was one of those "another hundred people who got offa the bus and the train." I was born in between TOUCH AND GO and LOST IN THE STARS. Quite appropriate actually.

Yours for a better Broadway!

Hello Gorgeous
#61re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:18pm

LIttleDancer, your 15 and you got your permitt already? Not cool! I'm 16 and just got mine!!!

~*Christa*~ "Don't ya wanna be the life of the party?" Idina Menzel, THE WILD PARTY

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#62re: re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:29pm

Aw shucks, Robbiej! You are a sweet patootie to say that!

Magruder, I spent $35 on that WHOOP-UP CD ten years ago! I thought I was being foolish to splurge so much on an out-of-print OC CD. You're the only other person I know that has it!

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#63Next question....
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:38pm

Well, since the majoriity of the posters are under 20, I guess that eliminates the "What's your occupation" thread. We can assume 70% are still in high school...which is not a bad thing.

But it does speak volumes as to the overall 'thought patterns' for lack of better words. Young people= new adventures!

Namo~you're right an OX is strong, just bathe once a week and you'll be fine! I beleive my year is the monkey...Always did have a thing for Davy Jones....oh and that other Jones! Next question.... BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"

BudFrump23 Profile Photo
#64re: re: re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:39pm

Moo! I'm on OX too. oxen moo?

I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!

PennyLou Profile Photo
#65re: re: re: re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:47pm

Yea I'm year of the ox also 1985 :)

Grace: My love for you is like this scar (points to elbow) ulgy but permanent!

#66re: re: re: re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:48pm

Patti, don't TORTURE me if you won't provide salacious details.

Well, if Into the Woods and Annie and Les Miz can do it, RobD might as well just go ahead and rename this place Or maybe he will take pity and start a separate grown-up message board?

Bulldog, ""another hundred people who got offa the bus and the train," that's from Millie, right? re: re: re: re: re: How old is everyone?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 8/21/03 at 10:48 PM

magruder Profile Photo
#67re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:51pm

MasterLcZ, isn't it just the best?

A couple of my favorite moments...

"M R S period. M R S period. Mrs.! Mrs. George Potter! Do I dare dream, that I may be, the M-R-S of a V-I-P?"

"Feel so good, I'll yell it... Yo-da-lay-eee!"

"She wore Caress Me, Possess Me Perfume...Kill Me With Kisses Lipstick...and that I Double You Dare You Grab Me Red Satin Gown..."

"I jump and stomp like a crazy Cree"

"Ha-ee. Ya-hi-yo Ya-haya WHOOP-UP!"

and then to top off everything, you have Connie Francis' cover of "Love Eyes" and Maurice Chevalier's jaw-dropping version of "Nobody Throws Those Bull". It's a camp classic.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#68re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 11:02pm

I am a straight 14 year old male- hehe.

#69re: re: re: How old is everyone?
Posted: 8/21/03 at 11:03pm

Talk to us in four years -- heHE.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Timmerbo Profile Photo
#70My age
Posted: 8/21/03 at 11:32pm

I'm an 18 year old male.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#71re: My age
Posted: 8/21/03 at 11:34pm

Billy Lawlor: Straight and in love with Gavin Creel or whoever that blond boy is. =)

29yo fyi

Updated On: 8/21/03 at 11:34 PM

Phantess Profile Photo
Seany Profile Photo
#73re: My age
Posted: 8/22/03 at 12:09am

Timmerbo, I know you from the What's the Buzz message boards! You gave me compliments on my metal version of Heaven On Their Minds! haha.

There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life.

Amneris Profile Photo
#74re: re: My age
Posted: 8/22/03 at 12:18am

I just turned 20 years old 15 minutes ago WOOOO!!!!!
