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Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?- Page 2

Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?

Lot666 Profile Photo
#25Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/30/18 at 1:26pm

devonian.t said: "obviously the design is now rather "classic". But I'd sooner that than the tour mess."

Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?

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"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

#26Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/30/18 at 2:30pm

I can attest to the story regarding the new chandelier. From what I was told there's a new one, sitting in a warehouse in Jersey all ready to go. However, the only thing needed is the green light to install it.

I used to know the associated scenic designer for the Broadway production (as well as the various North American sit down productions that the show had in its early years.) and she told me that story. She also told me that the fall can be done a little faster than it currently is without causing any issues. But for superstitious reasons some of the stage managers don't like that either.

I dont know the proper terminology for this. But, I was also told that the motors for the show recycle energy. The same woman I just mentioned told me that the day of the east coast blackout, she was in the theatre overseeing some lightbulb changes for the chandelier, and everyone inside was altered about the blackout because someone stepped out and came back and alerted everyone.

#27Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/30/18 at 4:10pm

Lot666 said: "RemlapLBC said: "I'm just saying the chandelier crash in the Las Vegas productionwas amazing. They obviously can do things with 30 years of new technology. That said, I hope they don't do too much to it."

I'm not sure if/how this might impact things, but the chandelier in Las Vegas was positioned way out in the middle of the orchestra seating area and only went up and down; it did not swing over onto the stage (directly at several members of the cast) as the London/Broadway chandeliers do.

It's also worth noting that the theatre the Vegas production was housed in at the Venetian was custom built for that production, so they were able to do things that would be impossible pretty much anywhere else (such as having the chandelier disappear completely into the ceiling after the crash)

CallMeAl2 Profile Photo
#28Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/30/18 at 4:48pm

When they do replace the chandelier I hope they send Ruthie II to the Smithsonian. It would be great to have a display there in the Museum of American History about the longest running show on Broadway. Send a few of the costumes over as well.

#29Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/30/18 at 5:44pm

The show doesn't even have to close to get some of the costumes there. I've seen pieces from The Lion King on display there for a number of years now. 

I love any of the costume pieces that are put on display at the Smithsonian. It's fascinating to be able to see some of those iconic pieces close up. One of my favorites is the curtain rod gown Bob Mackie designed for Carol Burnett for the "Went with the Wind" sketch. That is an absolute genius stroke of parody!

faceleg Profile Photo
#30Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/30/18 at 6:04pm

AEA AGMA SM said: It's also worth noting that the theatre the Vegas production was housed in at the Venetian was custom built for that production, so they were able to do things that would be impossible pretty much anywhere else (such as having the chandelier disappear completely into the ceiling after the crash)"

I don't remember it completely disappearing. I was in the balcony seating and could remember still seeing it up there for the rest of the show. But it's also been a while lol


Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#31Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 7:33am

I am also glad that the London production had a spruce up recently as that one was looking terrible. The one time I went back stage (mind you it was in 96) the sets were dusty and alot of the candles were missing in the deck. Last time I was there in 2015 the chandelier was still missing some of its pieces. But from seeing instagram posts, it seems to have all been fixed and they are 'cleaning' things more. Hope to see it later this year. (I also remember part of the proscenium looking bent, not sure if that is fixable though) and when the boxes came on they were very wobbly. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

Lot666 Profile Photo
#32Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 8:23am

CallMeAl2 said: "When they do replace the chandelier I hope they send Ruthie II to the Smithsonian. It would be great to have a display there in the Museum of American History about the longest running show on Broadway. Send a few of the costumes over as well."


==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

#33Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 9:24am

faceleg said: "I don't remember it completely disappearing. I was in the balcony seating and could remember still seeing it up there for the rest of the show. But it's also been a while lol"

Yeah, after the crash, it would get pulled up above the dome of the theater and hang out up there for the rest of the show. I'd love it if they could manage the same here, somehow, but the show would have to be totally reworked and the theater heavily changed.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#34Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 10:07am

ksilver117 said: "after the crash, it would get pulled up above the dome of the theater and hang out up there for the rest of the show. I'd love it if they could manage the same here"

When the London/Broadway chandelier crashes at the end of act one, it returns to the ceiling during the interval to reflect the "To the new chandelier! And may its splendor never fade!" lyrics in Masquerade. If the chandelier was removed from view after the crash, the lyrics would make no sense.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage
Updated On: 1/31/18 at 10:07 AM

#35Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 12:25pm

Lot666 said: "ksilver117 said: "after the crash, it would get pulled up above the dome of the theater and hang out up there for the rest of the show. I'd love it if they could manage the same here"

When the London/Broadway chandelier crashes at the end of act one, it returns to the ceiling during the interval to reflect the "To the new chandelier! And may its splendor never fade!" lyrics in Masquerade. If the chandelier was removed from view after the crash, the lyrics would make no sense.

Those lyrics could easily be altered, as they were for the film and, presumably, the Vegas production.

#36Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 12:27pm

AEA AGMA SM said: "The show doesn't even have to close to get some of the costumes there. I've seen pieces fromThe Lion Kingon display there for a number of years now."

They also have one of Idina Menzel's original Elphaba costumes from Wicked. It was on display the last time I was there.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#37Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 12:41pm

Fosse76 said: "Those lyrics could easily be altered"

But what would be the point of doing so? How would this improve the show?

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

#38Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 12:53pm

When I saw it on tour in Philly I was in one of the first few rows (chandelier was coming right at me lol).  As soon as intermission started people started standing to go to the restroom or what have, and an usher came down and said something like "We need to lift the chandelier back to the ceiling and it weighs several tons."  Needless to say, people sat down very quickly until it was safe. 

#39Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 2:50pm

Lot666 said: "ksilver117 said: "after the crash, it would get pulled up above the dome of the theater and hang out up there for the rest of the show. I'd love it if they could manage the same here"

When the London/Broadway chandelier crashes at the end of act one, it returns to the ceiling during the interval to reflect the "To the new chandelier! And may its splendor never fade!" lyrics in Masquerade. If the chandelier was removed from view after the crash, the lyrics would make no sense.

Trust me, I know the lyrics, my S.O. was in it for just under seven years :P

It's why I said it would have to be reworked. The lyrics would be, weirdly, the easiest to re-work. The lines they used in Vegas worked really well. My comment was more about how great it would be to have that effect used in the Broadway production, rather than it actually being a practical thing to do to the Broadway production.

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#40Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 3:19pm

There are not many Vegas effects that can be brought over. but one of the easiest ones would have been the mirror bride. I kind of like the idea but am on the fence about if its tacky or not.

Also the extra drop in Il Muto was nice but I doubt they have the room up in the flies for that, and with the boxes being on stage, there may not be room either. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

#41Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 1/31/18 at 4:46pm

Lot666 said: "Fosse76 said: "Those lyrics could easily be altered"

But what would be the point of doing so? How would this improve the show?

The discussion was about changes in how the chandelier drop is handled. If like Vegas or the movie, the lyrics in Masquerade would need to be changed to make sense. This is not rocket science.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#42Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 2/1/18 at 8:31am

Fosse76 said: "Lot666 said: "Fosse76 said: "Those lyrics could easily be altered"

But what would be the point of doing so? How would this improve the show?

The discussion was about changes in how the chandelier drop is handled. If like Vegas or the movie, the lyrics in Masquerade would need to be changed to make sense. This is not rocket science.

You took my comment out of context so you could make a b*tchy retort.

Of course the lyrics would have to be changed if the chandelier was removed for act two; I was questioning the point of changing the chandelier at all - how would that improve the show?

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#43Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 2/1/18 at 8:50am

^it wouldn’t improve it, but it would shorten it, which was done for the film and Vegas.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#44Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 2/1/18 at 4:27pm

Yes and we all know what a masterwork that film was

RippedMan Profile Photo
#45Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 2/1/18 at 9:59pm

My major issue was with the “scarier” moments. Like when the guy drops down in the noose. That could easily be updated and more life like. But instead it looks like a Party City prop. And the chandelier falling could be a hair faster, but honestly I think it just needs some more effects. More fireworks or maybe fire. It was just too little. But the beginning is still pretty incredible!

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#46Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 2/2/18 at 8:57am

Which does also remind me about part of the vegas one I kinda liked where you saw a shadown of the phantom and buquet fighting before he was hung. This almost could be done now by bringing forward the travelator behind the glade backdrop, except that they would need to reposition the shadow light and when all this is going on, there is a huge trapdoor open in the stage floor that goes right across the stage. So it is probably best to leave it as is. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

#47Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 2/2/18 at 1:02pm

And in Vegas they also had a stuntman doing the drop so it looked more realistic. When I saw Phantom with my mother in the 90s she didn't know if the dummy was supposed to be real within the context of the show. Doesn't help that the audience might have forgotten who he was. I've seen a couple performances where some ballerinas have ad libbed "BUQUET!"One thing that really bothers me about Broadway is that they don't model the wedding dress doll on the actual actress anymore. It's super creepy to see the Phantom throwing around a likeness of the actual actress. And of course the ensemble member playing her in the music of the night wears a generic mask.Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?

Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?

Look at that! Super creepy! First picture is from The Phantom of the Opera, the First Year Backstage (a must read for hardcore Phantom fans, lots of cool pictures taken by Steve Barton's dresser in London). Second picture of course shows Rebecca Luker in her Broadway debut (with Sarah Brightman on the floor).

#48Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 11:57am

Lot666 said:

"You took my comment out of context so you could make a b*tchy retort."

Do you just copy and paste this phrase anytime someone points out when you say something stupid? 


#49Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 2:10pm

Lot666 said: "You took my comment out of context so you could make a b*tchy retort."

Of course the lyrics would have to be changed if the chandelier was removed for act two; I was questioning the point of changing the chandelier at all - how would that improve the show?

Wrong. The relevant part of your original comment was "[i]f the chandelier was removed from view after the crash, the lyrics would make no sense."

To which I replied: "Those lyrics could easily be altered"

Exactly what did I take out of context?
