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Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!

Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#1Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 7:13am

Have a good day.
Watching it on TV here in the UK and it looks cooooooolllld!

jaystarr Profile Photo
#2re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 7:23am

Happy Inauguration to all! Let's celebrate the end of an Error (Bush) and the beginning of a new hope to our country! I am indeed a Proud American today!

Happy Obama-day! re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!


re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!

#2re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 10:59am

Thanks MDF. Happy wishes from across the pond. That's too awesome. :)

I'm so proud today I can't put it into words. Let's just say - America Ba-Rocks! re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#3re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 5:50pm

How awesome for those theatre lovers in Chicago! $44 tickets to shows tonight because Obama is the 44th President.

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#4re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 5:56pm

Thanks, Mama'sDoinFine. I hope this is the beginning of better times for our whole planet!

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#5re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 7:18pm

Today, history was made, lets hope it continues tomorrow.
Updated On: 1/20/09 at 07:18 PM

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#6re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 7:25pm

He's already butting heads with Congress.

I'm afraid many people are going to be dissapointed when he can't follow through with over 50% of his proposed new policies that he's been running his mouth about.

I love Obama and today was a wonderfully historic day for ALL.... but... some people are putting far too much faith in one man. it's disturbing.

#7re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 8:28pm

The support for him is absolutely frightening and needs to calm down.

Best of luck to him. I hope he is as good a president as has been hoped.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

uncageg Profile Photo
#8re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 8:42pm

That support needs to continue because he has asked for our support to help turn things around. The frightening thing may be if people stop supporting him.

Just give the world Love.

#9re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 9:13pm

The frightening thing is people who never question him, cry over their Obama pins because of his beauty, and "love" him.

I am glad he has support...I am not glad that many people seem to think he is an all-knowing leader... He may be amazing, but we need to take everything with a grain of salt. He has not actually done anything yet, so one must wait.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...
Updated On: 1/20/09 at 09:13 PM

matty159 Profile Photo
#10re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 9:17pm

Personally, I think the level of support is amazing. Between what I saw on television today and what I experienced watching it with my colleagues and clients, I got chills many times. People in their 40's and 50's were saying this was the first inauguration they had ever watched and were cheering along right with the masses.

History was definitely made today. It is the fervor that needs to continue, not the cynicism and fortune telling.

#11re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 9:26pm

Please don't miss my point.

Change is needed, but I can't commit to someone from the get-go just because everyone else is. I didn't vote for him, nor did I vote for McCain. I am on no one's side... I am waiting and hoping.

And my comments on support are based on the countless articles, statements, and conversations I have seen personally and on a national level. It is certainly not everyone, but it's a great many people who need to calm down and recognize his humanity and flaws. I am worried because I don't want them to set themselves up for disappointment.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

MadameRoseRules Profile Photo
#12re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 9:44pm

I don't think there's any cause for people to be "frigtened" by the support for Obama. The support is cheerfully over the top, certainly, but a large portion of it is no doubt just coming from relief that after eight years of Bush we've finally got a decent man as President again. Obama has a brain and isn't afraid to use it. I don't know what Bush had between his ears, except perhaps a void, and sayonara to it!

"I'm going to make you A STAR!"

#13re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 10:48pm

Umm, we don't know that he's decent. He hasn't done anything.

He's done nothing as of yet to deserve this level of worship. That's what scares me. The man has a cult of personality and you cannot deny that. What I've seen of his devotees resembles the kind of displays one would find in Pyongyang or Beijing.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 1/20/09 at 10:48 PM

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#14re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:04pm

"Obama has a brain and isn't afraid to use it."

Honey, he tried to use it and Congress thought he was on crack! they said HELL NO and kicked his booty right out of that building.

ThankstoPhantom is speaking the truth. The overhyped cult-following of Obama is just a little strange. Why not wait a few months and see if he actually folows through with all of his policies?

Have you seen the new list? There are some absolutely ridiculous ones...

And while I obviously am a HUGE fan of the arts, I don't understand how he could afford to just give more of America's money to the National Endowment for the Arts supplement when our country is slowly sinking into debt.

That was a mistake

#15re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:11pm

Especially when you consider that, three years ago, most of these people had never even heard of him.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

E.Davis Profile Photo
#16re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:17pm

I agree with all of you...Everyone brings great points to this decision. There is that hype and support by a lot of people who don't know exactly what his campaign is about....All they here is change and don;t listen to what the true message is.

I have never been more proud to be an American than I have been today. When I wasn't at class I was watch NBC all day..It is something I will remember for the rest of my life and to tell my grandchildren some day...We are all truly blessed and i am saddened by the people who fought for this change who can' be with us today. I am also wish Senator Ted Kennedy for a speedy recovery.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#17re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:20pm

eh. try more like 5 years, Spork.

It was the 2004 Democratic Convention. he actually made a beautiful speech and REALLY got some attention for it. I remember him getting bigger around that time...

I will take Obama over McCain or Bush any day. absolutely. but I just don't get the whole "rock star" status. People just have such high expectations and they're going to be VERY dissapointed when they realize that Obama isn't going to save this country or make things better in in a span of 4 or 5 years.

#18re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:21pm

Good for you. I'm saving my praise of Obama for when he does something that I think is worth it. However, given that we have opposite political views, that's pretty unlikely to happen.

Charleston: Okay, 5 years. I still think that my point remains valid. re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 1/20/09 at 11:21 PM

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#19re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:23pm

Spork. I think people made the decision based on the fact that McCain chose Palin.

(not actually but I wouldn't blame them)

I voted for neither man. I used to be a big McCain fan and if he had elected Lieberman on as the VP, he would have gotten my vote.

#20re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:28pm

I dunno, I think Palin saved McCain in terms of the conservative vote. But, yeah, I know some people who were going to vote McCain but didn't because of the VP nom.

Truth is, Obama ran a campaign that appealed to more people. He seized the anti-Bush fervor and used it to his advantage. And he is extremely charismatic, if that's the correct word to use.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#21re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:55pm

I feel that the reason why he got the support he did was that there were a vast majority of people out there who were not at all happy with the things Bush did. And, there were also a ton of people who had a lot of trouble telling the difference between Bush and McCain. Yes, I do think that McCain lost a lot of support and potential voters when he picked Palin as his running mate.

You also cannot deny what Obama did in terms of the election process. He got groups of people who had a history of not caring and not voting in ages to care about the process. I am talking about the minorities. It was because of him that they got out and voted in record numbers. And, yes, I will say that some of it has to do with him being black. I also feel that if there was a Jew running for president that the Jewish community would come out in full force to support them regardless of the party they are in.

As for the hype. I feel that the media has a say in this. I feel that they felt that he was getting some and just overplayed it to the point of it going over the top. But, I fell that some of it is well deserved. I think that his supporters aren't stupid at all and I think that they know that he can't do everything but I think that they know that he can at least get us going in the right direction. Today was the first time in 8 years that I was able to say that I am proud to be an American, something that I wasn't able to say for a long time.

As I said earlier, do I think that he can do everything he has promised? No, I don't. But, then again he wouldn't be the first president to have that happen to him. But, I honestly feel that he is the right man for the job and that so many people were sick and tired of what was going on the past 8 years that they just wanted someone, anyone who was different which is why Obama won. I feel, had Clinton gotten the Democratic nom that she would have won.

And, it is far to early to figure out what he can and cannot do etc. The guy hasn't even been in power for 24 hours yet.

Goodbye Sister Disco

EvanK Profile Photo
#22re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/21/09 at 12:00am

No matter what, he will not fix all of America's issues and problems in 4 years, but, he can make significant changes, and implement a structure to the ruins that America is slowly crumbling to. We need to think about what he CAN do, not what he won't be able to. Let's wait until he starts his plan, then let's judge whether it's good or bad..mind you.. it can only go up from here.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#23re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/21/09 at 5:23pm

I'm telling you... your hopes are way too high.

I'm just happy he's gained the control now. but that's about as much as I can be happy with.

see there's this thing called Congress. And they consist of conservative Republicans, moderate Republicans, moderate Democrats, and liberal Democrats. and.. as we've already seen.. many of them aren't big fans of the crazy policies Obama is attempting to put into place with economy, education, healthcare, and so on.

Again - being a native of Chicago, I've always been a huge fan of Obama and his work. But these policies and plans he's trying to throw into the ring are just absurd and now is NOT the time. Instead, he needs to stop whining and just strike a compromise/agreement with Congress regarding our economic situation.

philly03 Profile Photo
#24re: Happy Inauguration Day Broadway!
Posted: 1/21/09 at 7:30pm

Nothing against Obama (whom I did not vote for), but I'm with "The Charleston"...everyone's hopes are too high.

He did virtually nothing in Congress, on a national level, and still has little experience in my book. His "political celebrity" status only added to that, and his whole book tour(s?) and speeches...just made him seem like he was power hungry. In fact, I believe there was an article in the NY Times last spring that talked about how other Dem.s were "disappointed" that he didn't do more...and Biden threw me over for the could-not vote thing. And his wife on Oprah...HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!

I'm sure he'll give it a good run, but agreed with TheCharleston again...his policies shouldn't be going too well in Congress! But then again what do I know...!
